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"Hmmm. Perhaps the black cabinet could help refine the Essences? If you blow out the wall (after we finish searching this room), we will handle the Larva."


"You'd have to handle the larvae first - they're the one with the bomb components. I've used my entire stockpile trying to dent this thing, *cough*, and it isn't working. I don't think the larvae *wheeze* realize what powerful bomb components they're holding on to."

Edited by Endgame


"You'd have to handle the larvae first - they're the one with the bomb components. I've used my entire stockpile trying to dent this thing, *cough*, and it isn't working. I don't think the larvae *wheeze* realize what powerful bomb components they're holding on to."

"I think that we may need to use our bombs to destroy the wall. Punii, how can we blow out the wall?"

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"I think that we may need to use our bombs to destroy the wall. Punii, how can we blow out the wall?"


"I've been using the same bombs you have been, and it's not working. Like I said, I'd need the bomb components. Unless you want to waste all your bombs *cough*."

I try to break the wall with my pickaxe.

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Mizuki takes out her trusty pickaxe and tries to demolish the wall - and fails. it's far too thick and sturdy - whatever mason made this deserves a raise!

*I use my shovel. If that does not work, I use the Combrys*

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Daxus attempts to shovel out the rock, only to fail. Unsheathing Combrys, he unleashes a barrage of strikes. However, he is not strong enough, hardly making a dent.


"I've *wheeze* told you. if you want to bust the wall, we need the bomb components."

Daxus attempts to shovel out the rock, only to fail. Unsheathing Combrys, he unleashes a barrage of strikes. However, he is not strong enough, hardly making a dent.


"I've *wheeze* told you. if you want to bust the wall, we need the bomb components."

"But the components are on the other side of the wall." :wacko: "Is there any other way to get to the other side of that wall?"

*I search the room for anything useful*

Edited by LEGOman273

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"But the components are on the other side of the wall." :wacko: "Is there any other way to get to the other side of that wall?"

*I search the room for anything useful*


"When did I say that? *wheeze* I'm pretty sure they're being stored in the room across from here. it's locked, though."

Daxus starts by looking in the desk and the safe on top of it. The safe contains 20 gold, while the desk contains a Brewer's Book. The treasure chest in the bottom left corner contains a Pheonix Essence. The boxes in the bottom right corner hold 40 more gold.

Party Leader, How will the Loot be divided?

QFXab.jpgPhoenix Essence

5ZGvd.jpg60 gold

Brewer's Book - A guide to brewing various beverages and consumables.

Edited by Endgame

Loot Division:

15 Gold to each Hero, Brewer's Book to Pretzel, and the Phoenix Essence to Daxus, please.

"Pretzel, try your key in the door to which Punii refers. As he said before, Punii will need to come with us. I'm sure you have some extra room in your cart." :devil_laugh:

The runt turns to the sound of Daxus's voice, takes a few steps back - and releases a terrified shirek as he sees the party. He rolls up into a ball, blubbering and wheezing.

"Eeek! Please don't eat me!!"

How will the party respond?

QM Note: Going to wait until the conversation with the runt is done to let you explore the room.

"Why would you, groveling piece of slime! You must taste gross, although I wouldn't doubt some fellows in Heroica would love to have you for breakfast, but I think I can safely say that none of us here are that kind of person that we would eat such disgusting-looking insect-like beasts. Admit it, you are gross and that blubbering and wheezing helps nothing!"

"Don't worry, we don't eat sentient life-forms."

OOC: It is a good thing that Flipz isn't here. :laugh:

"You're calling this thing a sentient life-form? Really?!? Pah! Demon! I don't eat demons. If someone foolhardily eats a demon the spirit of the demon is passed from dead to the living. No, eating demons is not the way to go, but this...progg...is by no means a sentient life-form, a possessed life-form no doubt."

*wheeze* *cough* *sniff* "R-really...? I'm P-punii. *cough* I came outta my egg too early, and now I'm *wheeze* stuck like this. Everyone I've met has tried to eat me so far, except that nice lady who nearly got eaten... it's a good thing I was there."

"Too bad they didn't kill you. We'd be one unnecessary progg down. Thanks for coming up with that fantastic sob story. Frankly, I don't much care for your "excuse-me-for-living," tales. Trying to get us to sympathize with you, are you? It won't work, I tell you."

"15 gold to all here. I don't see why you should take the Phoenix Essence, Daxus, I think you've already had more loot than anyone, but I will grant it to you for now. Just because I'm such a nice party leader." :hmpf:

"My eyes fail me yet again. Is there two doors in this room, one on the left behind the trunk and one straight forward, or just one?" I try my key in the lock to see if it opens.

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The Party:


Monk Pretzel, Level 9 Cleric. 463-year-old male "hermit". (Played by Palathadric)*Party Leader!*

Power: 14

Health: 19/19(+1,+1)

Ether: 8/13

Gold: 92

Inventory: Cross (=Nimbus Broomstick) (WP: 5), Viking Helmet (+1 HP), Arm-Mounted Shield (+1 HP), Potion (x1), Tonic (x1), Remedy, Shovel, Bedroll, Yellow Essence, Green Essence, Grand Tonic, Scroll of Sealing, Blue Essence, Cannonball, Holy Bomb, Key 3, Brewer's Book


Erik Tyrvarr, Level 8 Barbarian. Male Human, 18 years old. (Played by Myrrdn)

Power: 17

Health: 15/15

Gold: 80

Inventory: Spear (WP9), Axe (WP3), Potion x2, Mead, Remedy, Yellow Essence, Fire bomb, Green Essence, Grand potion, Smoke Bomb, Green essence, Cannonball


Daxus Octavian, Level 9 Rogue. Male Human, 23 years old. (Played by LEGOman273)

Power: 17

Health: 15/15

Gold: 164

Inventory: Combrys (WP: 8, WP goes up by 1 for each suscessful attack, drops to base WP when attack fails or the battle ends) Draken's Fire (WP: 7), Raider Crossbow (WP: 5)(Ice), Belt, Bedroll, Shovel, Potion (2x), Venom (2x), Grand Potion (1x), Mead (1x), Fire Bomb (1x), Holy Bomb (2x), Blue Essence (1x), Green Essence (1x) (Quest Items), Smelling Salts, Yellow Essence, Phoenix Essence


Mizuki Kimura, Level 9 Rogue. 21 years old female human. (Played by Zakura)

Power: 18

Health: 15/15

Gold: 295

Inventory: Dagger (WP: 9), Venom, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Grand Potion, Shovel, Pick, Nostrum, Blue Essence, Green Essence, Holy Bomb, Potion x2, Green Essence,



"Waaaah.... I was born with *wheeze* half a lung, okay?! It doesn't help, I was just afraid you'd try to gobble me up like everyone else I've already talked to!

...And whats a "demon?""

The only two doors in this room are the ones you came in from and the one blocked by the rock.

Edited by Endgame

OOC: Combrys should be at 8 WP, not 10.

"Let's go back out the way we came."

*To Pretzel*

"I'm glad that you don't have a problem with carrying Punii; I thought that you might. You are becoming more open-minded as we go." :poke:

  • Author

The party finds themselves once again in the grand foyer. With 3 doors unchecked, where will they go?


Edited by Endgame

OOC: We went Back-Left before?

*We try the Back-Right door*

  • Author

QM Note: Correct.

Daxus attempts the bottom right door. it creaks and moans, but does not open - it is locked. The sound of giggling can be heard behind the door.


"T-that's them...! They're the ones with the *wheeze* components."

Edited by Endgame

Due to a lot of this post being interaction with the rest of the party, I'll bold everything where Erik's doing stuff with Punii or the environment. (Lines 3&4. Everything else Endgame doesn't need to worry about.)

"Hey Sir, does your key work here? If not, I guess we'll just have to try a different door. Forward right sounds good, but I'm not fussed."

He turns/bends down/leans over into Pretzels cart(If he does the later, it's with his hands in the air so Pretzel can clearly see he isn't stealing anything) to speak to Punii "Don't worry mate, We'll give them a good talking to, and if they don't listen, we'll spread 'em everywhere. Do you know how many of them there are?"

"Guys, why don't we give all our bombs to this Punii chap? He can use them to more effect than us, and it will mean we can still attack while he's using them."

"As for the loot distribution, I've been making a list - it includes Sir and Daxus' trading of items, as well as trading with pedestals and stuff for items, but does not factor in Mugs, the essences, or items that have been used. I believe that scroll of yours, Sir, is worth 50 gold, but it's a rare item, so I left the value blank."

Erik passes around a list. Everything down the bottom is underlined, as it appears to be a total:


Stuff in green was traded with another member of the party.

Stuff in (Brackets) are item values.

Mizuki: - Nostrum(35 gold), holy bomb(10 gold).

Erik: - fire bomb(10 gold), Smoke bomb(5 gold), Grand potion(10 gold).

Sir Pretzel: - tonic(15 gold), holy bomb(10 gold), scroll of sealing, grand tonic(30 gold), smoke bomb(5 gold).

Daxus: - potion(5 gold), Smelling salts(25 gold), holy bomb(10 gold), fire bomb(10 gold), pheonix essence(50 gold).

- Everyone except Daxus also got a cannonball; Daxus got Combris.

Sir Pretzel lost or traded away: phoenix essence(50 gold), potion(5 gold), and a fire bomb(10 gold).

Mizuki lost a potion(5 gold).

Erik lost a potion(5 gold).

Daxus traded a smoke bomb(5 gold) and 5 gold with Sir..

71 gold Mizuki and Daxus/ 73 gold Sir Pretzel & Erik.

Pretzel also has +5 gold from a trade he made with Daxus.

Total value of stuff gained and lost (excluding stuff with unknown value).

Mizuki: 111 (+cannonball).

Erik: 93 (+cannonball).

Sir Pretzel: 73 (+ cannonball, scroll of sealing).

Daxus: 161 (+ Combrys).


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"Th-three. I'm afraid that they may use the components as bargaining *wheeze* chips though. Although an individual component could never destroy the *cough* wall, it'd still be enough to do some damage.

...That monk is scary, by the way..."

"Oh, don't worry about him mate." He drops his voice to a VERY quiet whisper, so only the Progg can hear. "He's completely insane, but he's good at healing, so we pretend he's not."

Edited by Myrddyn

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What room will the party go in now?

"Let's try the Front-Left door."

  • Author

Monk Pretzel tries the key given to him by the Toxiproggs. It shatters into pieces as it was inserted into the lock - opening the door a creak. They have found the lair of the Spawner Progg. Would anyone like to make preparations before heading in? Punii's bomb stockpile is oddly empty...

The Party:


Monk Pretzel, Level 9 Cleric. 463-year-old male "hermit". (Played by Palathadric)*Party Leader!*

Power: 14

Health: 19/19(+1,+1)

Ether: 8/13

Gold: 92

Inventory: Cross (=Nimbus Broomstick) (WP: 5), Viking Helmet (+1 HP), Arm-Mounted Shield (+1 HP), Potion (x1), Tonic (x1), Remedy, Shovel, Bedroll, Yellow Essence, Green Essence, Grand Tonic, Scroll of Sealing, Blue Essence, Cannonball, Holy Bomb, Brewer's Book


Erik Tyrvarr, Level 8 Barbarian. Male Human, 18 years old. (Played by Myrrdn)

Power: 17

Health: 15/15

Gold: 80

Inventory: Spear (WP9), Axe (WP3), Potion x2, Mead, Remedy, Yellow Essence, Fire bomb, Green Essence, Grand potion, Smoke Bomb, Green essence, Cannonball


Daxus Octavian, Level 9 Rogue. Male Human, 23 years old. (Played by LEGOman273)

Power: 17

Health: 15/15

Gold: 164

Inventory: Combrys (WP: 8, WP goes up by 1 for each suscessful attack, drops to base WP when attack fails or the battle ends) Draken's Fire (WP: 7), Raider Crossbow (WP: 5)(Ice), Belt, Bedroll, Shovel, Potion (2x), Venom (2x), Grand Potion (1x), Mead (1x), Fire Bomb (1x), Holy Bomb (2x), Blue Essence (1x), Green Essence (1x) (Quest Items), Smelling Salts, Yellow Essence, Phoenix Essence


Mizuki Kimura, Level 9 Rogue. 21 years old female human. (Played by Zakura)

Power: 18

Health: 15/15

Gold: 295

Inventory: Dagger (WP: 9), Venom, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Grand Potion, Shovel, Pick, Nostrum, Blue Essence, Green Essence, Holy Bomb, Potion x2, Green Essence,

*I apply Venom to the Combrys*

OOC: Question: Can Punii use our Bombs, or only his?

Edited by LEGOman273

  • Author

*I apply Venom to the Combrys*

OOC: Question: Can Punii use our Bombs, or only his?

QM Note: Punii currently has no bombs - you have to give them to him so he can put them in his stockpile.

QM Note: Punii currently has no bombs - you have to give them to him so he can put them in his stockpile.

OOC: That's what I meant.

"Why don't we give Punii our Bombs? He can make them more powerful than if we had used them ourselves."

OOC: Does Punii have stats?

Edited by LEGOman273

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