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Round Three of the Spawner Skirmish

>Mizuki VS Pupa A (front): Miss

>Daxus VS Pupa B (back): Damage (6/2 = 3 damage)

>Erik VS Pupa B (front): Critical Hit (9x3=27+8=35-2=33 damage)

>Pretzel VS Spawner (back): Special Damage (Six-Hand Swipe)

The battle rages on. Mizuki attempts to impale the Pupa on her dagger, only for the nimble monster to dodge. Daxus has grown careless, and gets whacked across the upper torso by the other Pupa, sending him sprawling backwards. Erik cuts Pupa B's fit of gleeful guffhawing with a mighty jab from his spear, shishekebabbing the Progg. Pretzel prepares to mount as the Spawner progg vents her frustration - hell hath no fury like female progg scorned!

2u6a0.png "That was for my child, you PUNKS!"

Spawner Progg, Level 8 Nocturnal Beast

HP: 130/150

SP: 4


Six-Hand Swipe: The spawner Progg slashes every hero for 6 damage regardless of row, stealing 8 gold from each hero in the process.

Lay: Lays 2 eggs.

Specials alternate.

Drops: 60 gold, Door Key 4

3vGRL.png "No...!? How could I let that...?!"

Progg Pupa A, Level 6 Nocturnal Beast *Poisoned!*

HP: 26/60

SP: 2


Brutal Bludgeon: Hits a hero for 8 damage, causing the hero to drop their weapon. The hero will have to spend a turn retrieving it.

Drops: Remedy, 10 gold

The Pupa's level and SP go up by 2 when the Spawner is defeated.

The Party:


Monk Pretzel, Level 9 Cleric. 463-year-old male "hermit". (Played by Palathadric)*Party Leader!*

Power: 14

Health: 13/19(+1,+1)

Ether: 8/13

Gold: 84

Inventory: Cross (=Nimbus Broomstick) (WP: 5), Viking Helmet (+1 HP), Arm-Mounted Shield (+1 HP), Potion (x1), Tonic (x1), Remedy, Shovel, Bedroll, Yellow Essence, Green Essence, Grand Tonic, Scroll of Sealing, Blue Essence, Cannonball, Holy Bomb, Brewer's Book


Erik Tyrvarr, Level 8 Barbarian. Male Human, 18 years old. (Played by Myrrdn)

Power: 17

Health: 9/15

Gold: 72

Inventory: Spear (WP9), Axe (WP3), Potion x2, Mead, Remedy, Yellow Essence, Fire bomb, Green Essence, Grand potion, Smoke Bomb, Green essence, Cannonball

HUfbM.jpgKnocked Out!

Daxus Octavian, Level 9 Rogue. Male Human, 23 years old. (Played by LEGOman273)

Power: 17

Health: 0/15

Gold: 195

Inventory: Combrys *envenomed* (WP: 8, WP goes up by 1 for each suscessful attack, drops to base WP when attack fails or the battle ends) Draken's Fire (WP: 7), Raider Crossbow (WP: 5)(Ice), Belt, Bedroll, Shovel, Potion (2x), Venom (1x), Grand Potion (1x), Mead (1x), Blue Essence (1x), Green Essence (1x) (Quest Items), Smelling Salts, Yellow Essence, Phoenix Essence


Mizuki Kimura, Level 9 Rogue. 21 years old female human. (Played by Zakura)

Power: 18

Health: 3/15

Gold: 287

Inventory: Dagger (WP: 9), Venom, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Grand Potion, Shovel, Pick, Nostrum, Blue Essence, Green Essence, Potion x2, Green Essence,

qi64g.png "No...! Daxus!!"

Punii, 2 weeks old Progg Runt (NPC)

Stockpile: Holy Bomb x3, Fire bomb x1

"Uhhh. Not again! Pretzel. . .heal Mizuki. Erik,. . Spawner; . . .Ugh. . .Mizuki, Pupa."

Battle Order and Actions:

1. Pretzel: Heal Mizuki

2. Erik: Spawner from Front Row

3. Mizuki: Pupa from Front Row

"I should go before Sir Pretzel just on the off chance I get injured and he gets a miracle."

Erik stabs at the Spawner Progg from the front row.

"Hey, miss, I offered a peaceful solution earlier. But no, apparently the chance of getting laid is more important to you than your kids."

  • Author


"Wha-? How DARE you...?! You've killed my brother AND my nephews! In case you didn't realize, everyone in this clan is related in one way or another. The only one who doesn't seem to have any connection is the Death Progg... the mystery only adds yet another layer to my craving... :wub:

Okay, you know what? I'm starting to see your point. I'm still killing you anyway."

"I should go before Sir Pretzel just on the off chance I get injured and he gets a miracle."

OOC: Good point.

Battle Order and Actions:

1. Erik: Spawner from Front Row

2. Pretzel: Heal Mizuki

3. Mizuki: Pupa from Front Row

"Fight, team, Fight. Follow the instruction given by the knocked out, but still speaking, Daxus. Perhaps his being succumbed to a knocked out state enables him to be a channel of the power of the other world.

All that to say, though, I am sure that God is not smiling down upon Daxus. His mind must be leading him astray. Perhaps it's that sword of us. I've noticed an unhealthy gleam in his eye ever since he received it. God forgive him and help him to come to a knowledge of you."

The spawner will lay eggs if Erik gets special damage, right?

  • Author

Round Four of the Spawner Skirmish

>Erik VS Spawner Progg: Critical hit (9x3=27+8=35-4=31 damage)

>Pretzel attempts healing Mizuki: Heal More (5x2=10+9=19 damage healed)

>Mizuki VS Pupa: Miss

The battle rages on. Still jarred by his previous comment, erik scores an outstanding hit on the Spawner Progg. Pretzel heals mizuki back into her prime. Mizuki then takes a swing at the Pupa, only for the nimble creature to dodge her blade.

2u6a0.png "...I'm hating you more and more, barbarian..."

Spawner Progg, Level 8 Nocturnal Beast

HP: 99/150

SP: 4


Six-Hand Swipe: The spawner Progg slashes every hero for 6 damage regardless of row, stealing 8 gold from each hero in the process.

Lay: Lays 2 eggs.

Specials alternate.

Drops: 60 gold, Door Key 4

3vGRL.png "Missed me, missed me!"

Progg Pupa A, Level 6 Nocturnal Beast *Poisoned!*

HP: 25/60

SP: 2


Brutal Bludgeon: Hits a hero for 8 damage, causing the hero to drop their weapon. The hero will have to spend a turn retrieving it.

Drops: Remedy, 10 gold

The Pupa's level and SP go up by 2 when the Spawner is defeated.

The Party:


Monk Pretzel, Level 9 Cleric. 463-year-old male "hermit". (Played by Palathadric)*Party Leader!*

Power: 14

Health: 13/19(+1,+1)

Ether: 7/13

Gold: 84

Inventory: Cross (=Nimbus Broomstick) (WP: 5), Viking Helmet (+1 HP), Arm-Mounted Shield (+1 HP), Potion (x1), Tonic (x1), Remedy, Shovel, Bedroll, Yellow Essence, Green Essence, Grand Tonic, Scroll of Sealing, Blue Essence, Cannonball, Holy Bomb, Brewer's Book


Erik Tyrvarr, Level 8 Barbarian. Male Human, 18 years old. (Played by Myrrdn)

Power: 17

Health: 9/15

Gold: 72

Inventory: Spear (WP9), Axe (WP3), Potion x2, Mead, Remedy, Yellow Essence, Fire bomb, Green Essence, Grand potion, Smoke Bomb, Green essence, Cannonball

HUfbM.jpgKnocked Out!

Daxus Octavian, Level 9 Rogue. Male Human, 23 years old. (Played by LEGOman273)

Power: 17

Health: 0/15

Gold: 195

Inventory: Combrys *envenomed* (WP: 8, WP goes up by 1 for each suscessful attack, drops to base WP when attack fails or the battle ends) Draken's Fire (WP: 7), Raider Crossbow (WP: 5)(Ice), Belt, Bedroll, Shovel, Potion (2x), Venom (1x), Grand Potion (1x), Mead (1x), Blue Essence (1x), Green Essence (1x) (Quest Items), Smelling Salts, Yellow Essence, Phoenix Essence


Mizuki Kimura, Level 9 Rogue. 21 years old female human. (Played by Zakura)

Power: 18

Health: 15/15

Gold: 287

Inventory: Dagger (WP: 9), Venom, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Grand Potion, Shovel, Pick, Nostrum, Blue Essence, Green Essence, Potion x2, Green Essence,

qi64g.png "I *wheeze* think you're making her mad, Erik..."

Punii, 2 weeks old Progg Runt (NPC)

Stockpile: Holy Bomb x3, Fire bomb x1

"Erik, if you don't mind. You will fight the Spawner alone. If you fight the pupa, you will have a chance of receiving damage from both of them and getting knocked out. Mizuki and I will go for the Pupa."

Battle Order:

Erik: Spawner (Front Row)

Mizuki: Pupa (Front Row)

Pretzel: Pupa (Back Row)

"If you would prefer me to heal you, just let me know. It can be arranged. Any suggestions are welcome, but I think this is the best plan for the moment."

"Yeah, I'm not feeling great, but I'll live. 'Specially if you two bring down that Progg."

"C'mon, miss, just let the fight end peacefully and you can go somewhere else, one of your kids will be alive still, you'll be alive still, and you won't ever have to see me again."

Just on the off chance she doen't accept Erik's generous offer, (:sarcasm:) follow actions below:

{Erik attacks Spawner Progg from the front row.

"If you're sad about losing your kid," Here Erik lowers his voice and waits till his duel with the Spawner Progg has taken him a long distance from Pretzel, "That guy in the brown robes? He's pretty mysterious. And he isn't related to anyone here. I'm sure a ...replacement... could be arranged. Just sayin'."}

Edited by Myrddyn

"I'll fight the pupa now, so we have more chance of defeating him this round. I put you first so that if you go into one of your battle frenzies, you will deal maximum damage. Mizuki will not get as much gold then, but I think defeating these devils is more important than Mizuki getting a hoard of gold. If God grants me a miracle, you will both be fully healed." :classic:

"Erik, if you don't mind. You will fight the Spawner alone. If you fight the pupa, you will have a chance of receiving damage from both of them and getting knocked out. Mizuki and I will go for the Pupa."

Battle Order:

Erik: Spawner (Front Row)

Mizuki: Pupa (Front Row)

Pretzel: Pupa (Back Row)

"If you would prefer me to heal you, just let me know. It can be arranged. Any suggestions are welcome, but I think this is the best plan for the moment."

OOC: Sounds good. :thumbup:

  • Author

Round Five of the Spawner Skirmish

>Erik VS Spawner Progg: Miss

>Monk pretzel VS Pupa: Miss

>Mizuki VS Pupa: Critical hit (9x2=18+9=27-2=25)

Apparently miffed by his offer, the spawner progg swiftly dodges Erik's spear. Monk Pretzel mounts his broomstick, but whizzes right over the small menace's head. Mizuki however has had enough of the small blue fiend, ending it with a powerful slice to the beast's midsection. The Spawner progg gasps as she watches the last (liked) child drops dead.

2u6a0.png "Enough off this!"

Spawner Progg, Level 8 Nocturnal Beast

HP: 99/150

SP: 4


Six-Hand Swipe: The spawner Progg slashes every hero for 6 damage regardless of row, stealing 8 gold from each hero in the process.

Lay: Lays 2 eggs.

Specials alternate.

Drops: 60 gold, Door Key 4

The Party:


Monk Pretzel, Level 9 Cleric. 463-year-old male "hermit". (Played by Palathadric)*Party Leader!*

Power: 14

Health: 13/19(+1,+1)

Ether: 7/13

Gold: 84

Inventory: Cross (=Nimbus Broomstick) (WP: 5), Viking Helmet (+1 HP), Arm-Mounted Shield (+1 HP), Potion (x1), Tonic (x1), Remedy, Shovel, Bedroll, Yellow Essence, Green Essence, Grand Tonic, Scroll of Sealing, Blue Essence, Cannonball, Holy Bomb, Brewer's Book


Erik Tyrvarr, Level 8 Barbarian. Male Human, 18 years old. (Played by Myrrdn)

Power: 17

Health: 9/15

Gold: 72

Inventory: Spear (WP9), Axe (WP3), Potion x2, Mead, Remedy, Yellow Essence, Fire bomb, Green Essence, Grand potion, Smoke Bomb, Green essence, Cannonball

HUfbM.jpgKnocked Out!

Daxus Octavian, Level 9 Rogue. Male Human, 23 years old. (Played by LEGOman273)

Power: 17

Health: 0/15

Gold: 195

Inventory: Combrys *envenomed* (WP: 8, WP goes up by 1 for each suscessful attack, drops to base WP when attack fails or the battle ends) Draken's Fire (WP: 7), Raider Crossbow (WP: 5)(Ice), Belt, Bedroll, Shovel, Potion (2x), Venom (1x), Grand Potion (1x), Mead (1x), Blue Essence (1x), Green Essence (1x) (Quest Items), Smelling Salts, Yellow Essence, Phoenix Essence


Mizuki Kimura, Level 9 Rogue. 21 years old female human. (Played by Zakura)

Power: 18

Health: 15/15

Gold: 287

Inventory: Dagger (WP: 9), Venom, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Grand Potion, Shovel, Pick, Nostrum, Blue Essence, Green Essence, Potion x2, Green Essence,

qi64g.png "I *wheeze* think you're making her mad, Erik..."

Punii, 2 weeks old Progg Runt (NPC)

Stockpile: Holy Bomb x3, Fire bomb x1

OOC: Repeat the Battle Order and Actions:

Edit: Nevermind. :blush:

Edited by LEGOman273

"Great! Another miss. Ah, well, no damage done. I will try sealing the Spawner and you two deal the damage. Front row if you please. Ha, ha, devil. We have slain all your devilings. Now you too will die."

Battle Order:

Pretzel: Seals Progg (Back Row, don't know if this matters)

Mizuki: Spawner (Front Row)

Erik: Spawner (Front Row)

"It's plain sailing from here, guys. Just keep chipping away at her until she topples or we need healing. Wouldn't have thought sealing would be neccesary, Sir."

Erik stabs at Spawner Progg from the front row.

Finished editing that other post. The one I posted same time as Pathaldric. Implied some ...stuff... The Pretzident might wanna read it.

Edited by Myrddyn

"I don't know. Sealing it was the original plan, but now I'm not sure. What does our unconcious friend think? I think if we don't seal him there is too much chance of her slashing us with all six of her legs." *oh2*

Oh, darn it. Just realized that this is post #666. What bad luck! :grin:

Edited by Palathadric

OOC: Sealing is the best choice. You will then have two rounds that you can all attack.

"Yeah, it wouldn't hurt, I just thought it might be a waste of ether. I guess we don't want her laying those eggs, though the implications of 'sealing' to prevent reproduction..."

  • Author

Round Six of the Spawner Skirmish

>Monk pretzel seals Spawner Progg (front): Suscess!

>Erik VS Spawner Progg (front): Special Damage (nothing happens)

>Mizuki VS Spawner Progg (front): Damage (8 damage)

Monk pretzel unravels his scroll once again, chanting the inscription. The Spawner progg has been suscessfully sealed! erik prepares to jab the spawner Progg, only causing the Spawner progg to attempt to lay eggs. Due to Pretzel's sealing, however, it doesn't work. Enraged, the spawner claws Mizuki

2u6a0.png "This isn't how you treat a lady!"

Spawner Progg, Level 8 Nocturnal Beast Sealed - 2 turns remaining!

HP: 99/150

SP: 4


Six-Hand Swipe: The spawner Progg slashes every hero for 6 damage regardless of row, stealing 8 gold from each hero in the process.

Lay: Lays 2 eggs.

Specials alternate.

Drops: 60 gold, Door Key 4

The Party:


Monk Pretzel, Level 9 Cleric. 463-year-old male "hermit". (Played by Palathadric)*Party Leader!*

Power: 14

Health: 13/19(+1,+1)

Ether: 6/13

Gold: 84

Inventory: Cross (=Nimbus Broomstick) (WP: 5), Viking Helmet (+1 HP), Arm-Mounted Shield (+1 HP), Potion (x1), Tonic (x1), Remedy, Shovel, Bedroll, Yellow Essence, Green Essence, Grand Tonic, Scroll of Sealing, Blue Essence, Cannonball, Holy Bomb, Brewer's Book


Erik Tyrvarr, Level 8 Barbarian. Male Human, 18 years old. (Played by Myrrdn)

Power: 17

Health: 9/15

Gold: 72

Inventory: Spear (WP9), Axe (WP3), Potion x2, Mead, Remedy, Yellow Essence, Fire bomb, Green Essence, Grand potion, Smoke Bomb, Green essence, Cannonball

HUfbM.jpgKnocked Out!

Daxus Octavian, Level 9 Rogue. Male Human, 23 years old. (Played by LEGOman273)

Power: 17

Health: 0/15

Gold: 195

Inventory: Combrys *envenomed* (WP: 8, WP goes up by 1 for each suscessful attack, drops to base WP when attack fails or the battle ends) Draken's Fire (WP: 7), Raider Crossbow (WP: 5)(Ice), Belt, Bedroll, Shovel, Potion (2x), Venom (1x), Grand Potion (1x), Mead (1x), Blue Essence (1x), Green Essence (1x) (Quest Items), Smelling Salts, Yellow Essence, Phoenix Essence


Mizuki Kimura, Level 9 Rogue. 21 years old female human. (Played by Zakura)

Power: 18

Health: 7/15

Gold: 287

Inventory: Dagger (WP: 9), Venom, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Grand Potion, Shovel, Pick, Nostrum, Blue Essence, Green Essence, Potion x2, Green Essence,

qi64g.png "What did you offer her, Erik?"

Punii, 2 weeks old Progg Runt (NPC)

Stockpile: Holy Bomb x3, Fire bomb x1

"I have done my part, why couldn't you do yours?"

Battle Order:

Erik: Spawner (Front Row)

Pretzel: Spawner (Back Row)

Mizuki: Spawner (Front Row?)

"Not sure if Mizuki should strike from the front or continue from the back. She only has one out of six chances of receiving damage, but that would be enough to floor her if she is not in the back row."

"What did I offer her? Ahem. Nothing except the chance to give in." Erik looks up at the Spawner Progg. "And, yeah, the... replacment. If you wants to take either of those offers, they're still open as far as I'm concerned." "Otherwise, I'll just whack her with this wonderful spear. From the front row."

"Stick to the back, Mizuki. There's no hurry to bring her down."

"What did I offer her? Ahem. Nothing except the chance to give in." Erik looks up at the Spawner Progg. "And, yeah, the... replacment. If you wants to take either of those offers, they're still open as far as I'm concerned." "Otherwise, I'll just whack her with this wonderful spear. From the front row."

"Stick to the back, Mizuki. There's no hurry to bring her down."

"I guess so. Yes, Mizuki will attack from the back row. Unless the "Dead man talking" has something to say.

"In that case, our battle order will be:"

Erik: Spawner (Front Row)

Mizuki: Spawner (Back Row)

Pretzel: Spawner (Back Row)

Edited by Palathadric

  • Author

Round Seven of the Spawner Skirmish

>Erik VS Spawner Progg (front): Miss

>Mizuki VS Spawner Progg (back): Damage (8/2=4 damage)

>Monk Pretzel VS Spawner (back): Critical hit (5x2+9=19 damage)

Erik lunges at the scarlet beast, only to miss. Mizuki once again tries to land a hit on the spawner progg, only to get bashed in the head with her blunt tail. Monk pretzel swoops in, ramming in and severing one of the Spawner's several hands.

The battle continues, with one incredibly defiant Progg left standing.

2u6a0.png "Diediediediediediediediediealready!"

Spawner Progg, Level 8 Nocturnal Beast Sealed - 1 turns remaining!

HP: 80/150

SP: 4


Six-Hand Swipe: The spawner Progg slashes every hero for 6 damage regardless of row, stealing 8 gold from each hero in the process.

Lay: Lays 2 eggs.

Specials alternate.

Drops: 60 gold, Door Key 4

The Party:


Monk Pretzel, Level 9 Cleric. 463-year-old male "hermit". (Played by Palathadric)*Party Leader!*

Power: 14

Health: 13/19(+1,+1)

Ether: 6/13

Gold: 84

Inventory: Cross (=Nimbus Broomstick) (WP: 5), Viking Helmet (+1 HP), Arm-Mounted Shield (+1 HP), Potion (x1), Tonic (x1), Remedy, Shovel, Bedroll, Yellow Essence, Green Essence, Grand Tonic, Scroll of Sealing, Blue Essence, Cannonball, Holy Bomb, Brewer's Book


Erik Tyrvarr, Level 8 Barbarian. Male Human, 18 years old. (Played by Myrrdn)

Power: 17

Health: 9/15

Gold: 72

Inventory: Spear (WP9), Axe (WP3), Potion x2, Mead, Remedy, Yellow Essence, Fire bomb, Green Essence, Grand potion, Smoke Bomb, Green essence, Cannonball

HUfbM.jpgKnocked Out!

Daxus Octavian, Level 9 Rogue. Male Human, 23 years old. (Played by LEGOman273)

Power: 17

Health: 0/15

Gold: 195

Inventory: Combrys *envenomed* (WP: 8, WP goes up by 1 for each suscessful attack, drops to base WP when attack fails or the battle ends) Draken's Fire (WP: 7), Raider Crossbow (WP: 5)(Ice), Belt, Bedroll, Shovel, Potion (2x), Venom (1x), Grand Potion (1x), Mead (1x), Blue Essence (1x), Green Essence (1x) (Quest Items), Smelling Salts, Yellow Essence, Phoenix Essence


Mizuki Kimura, Level 9 Rogue. 21 years old female human. (Played by Zakura)

Power: 18

Health: 3/15

Gold: 287

Inventory: Dagger (WP: 9), Venom, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Grand Potion, Shovel, Pick, Nostrum, Blue Essence, Green Essence, Potion x2, Green Essence,

qi64g.png "I haven't seen her this mad since she saw me hatch..."

Punii, 2 weeks old Progg Runt (NPC)

Stockpile: Holy Bomb x3, Fire bomb x1

Edited by Endgame

Battle Order:

Erik: Spawner (Front Row)

Pretzel: Heal Mizuki (Back Row)

Mizuki: Spawner (Front Row)

"Alternatively, Mizuki could down a potion. This may be better as I'm low on ether and out of tonics besides my Grand Tonic."

I'll down a potion

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