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Space the final frontier... These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise


Hi everyone.

I've been into Star Trek since I was a kid. When I was around 8 I tried to build my favorite version of the Enterprise, the Refit Constitution Class that appeared in the original movies, there was just something about the design that caught me, she was so graceful and beautiful. The problem I had at that point was a lack of proper parts. 20 or so years later with Bricklink and a good dose of inspiration provided by the amazing USS Reliant posted a while ago by Myko I set off to finally build my Starship and here is the result. She measures in at just over 4 feet long and a little over 2 feet wide. I'm not sure how many bricks I used because I never count :blush:

Sorry if the quality of my pictures isn't that great. My camera is old and I don't have a lot of room to shoot the pics in. One of the features that doesn't show well is the lights. In the Saucer section the windows along the edges, Red and Green Port and Starboard lights, Observation Lounge behind the Bridge as well as the Dome and Impulse Engines and lower dome on the underside of the saucer all light up and in the Secondary Hull the Main Deflector, Cargo Bays and Shuttlebay are lit as well as 2 accent lights that illuminate the nacelle pylons.

The Saucer Section, measuring at just over 26 inches wide


The Main Deflector Dish and Secondary Hull


A slightly different angle


A front shot


Close up of the Nacelle Pylon. If you look closely you can see one of the accent lights


The Photon Torpedo Launchers


Under the Saucer again. The plastic tube isn't really needed for support but I wasn't taking any chances


View from the stern. The Transparent red area lights up as well


The Shuttlebay doors are removable and inside is a fully detailed bay with lights and 2 shuttlecraft


Close up of one of the shuttles out of the bay, the white area on the forward piece is thin strips of white electrical tape


From the tip of the Nacelle you can kinda see the light in the Observation Lounge window


The side of the ship. Note how the plastic tube made a cool effect with the camera flash


The ships "Neck" between the Saucer and secondary hull.


A view of the side of the ship that shows off the nacelles and shuttlebay enterprise_8_copy.jpg

A Bow on shot of the ship, I had to use fishing line to keep the Nacelles where they need to be


Hope you all like my creation as much as I do. Live Long and Prosper


Edited by Mr Misty

This is just amazing, well done. Very good work.

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Thanks. I'm very proud of it :classic:

You, Sir deserve the Christopher Pike Needle of Valor! That thing is unbelievably awesome! Building the constitution class in that scale with all the thin nacelle pylons, a round saucer section and a working main shuttlebay.... that needs to be frontpaged in my humble opinion (I might be a little biased as I'm a huge trekkie, but that is still pretty awesome from an AFOL point of view)

Well done, you should be very proud!

Beautiful work! The size alone is impressive and all the detailing is stunning :thumbup:

CopMike just frontpaged this, congratulations!

Very impressive!

AWESOME creation in UCS style 'Mr Misty' and congrats on being front paged with this as well ! :excited:

The best thing of all is the shuttles in the shuttle bay ! :excited:

Brick On where no brick has been bricked before ! :wink:

This is brilliant! :thumbup: Great work.

Super great work getting this built up to this size and capturing the actual ship look and feel! :thumbup: :thumbup:

Any idea how heavy it is?

Such stunning work! The accuracy is pretty accurate and the sheer size of it is jaw-dropping. :wub:

Absolutely fantastic, I absolutely love the ship and the little Type 5 shuttle there.


I love the little shuttle bay :tongue:

The saucer is really well done. Brilliant job... (even though Enterprise D was cooler :laugh: )


I love the little shuttle bay :tongue:

The saucer is really well done. Brilliant job... (even though Enterprise D was cooler :laugh: )

I am ambivalent on that one. The Enterprise D was really cool and TNG was a better series in general - but the Enterprise A is so elegant! The sleek lines, the clean hull... it really is majestic

Very impressive. Highlight is the cargo bay with the little shuttles; great work!

Really nice ship, I am a big Star Trek fan and it always seems so hard to find good examples in LEGO.


I love the little shuttle bay :tongue:

The saucer is really well done. Brilliant job... (even though Enterprise D was cooler :laugh: )

I am ambivalent on that one. The Enterprise D was really cool and TNG was a better series in general - but the Enterprise A is so elegant! The sleek lines, the clean hull... it really is majestic

Why do the Enterprise B and C get so little love? :cry_sad: The Ent-C, especially, that whole episode was REALLY good.

Anyway, on the subject of this model...it's fantastic! It certainly blows all of my previous Trek ships out of the water!

(even though Enterprise D was cooler :laugh: )

Blasphemy *oh2*, the C and E where so much better.

Great Job! I'm speechless! *huh*

This must have taken some time to build...

Edited by Puck

Blasphemy *oh2*, the C and E where so much better.

Future Enterprise it must be! Admiral Rikers refitted Enterprise beats all lowly 2 nacell ships out there!

You know the Future Enterprise is also a refitted Enterprise. So it would kinda fit to this NCC-1701-A. Of course it wuld have to be in scale to this one :laugh:

I don't see a lot of Star Trek stuff so I'm happy to see one that is AMAZING!!! :cry3:


What an amazing replica of the Enterprise, and as stated above its so hard to find Star Trek MOCs. Them shuttles are perfect. I myself am a massive fan of Star Trek, and watch at least one a day. To add my fuel to the fire, I prefer the good old original Enterprise, followed by the E and D. Of course, if you had to say any ship it would be the Defiant that would come second. Again, an amazing ship, and with your skill I would try your hand at another, if you so wish. I think a Klingon Bird of Prey would look amazing fireing a volly of torpedos at her, but thats just me.

Edited by Dr Leg O Brick

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Thanks for all your awesome comments everyone. It's such an honor to be frontpaged too. I'm truly bowled over by how much everyone likes the old girl.

Though I seem to have started a small little war about which Enterprise is the best. :wink:

Just for the record I love them all and I agree about the Next Gen Episode "Yesterday's Enterprise" where the C made her first and only appearance. She's a real beauty who never got enough love though the recent re-release of her model kit was quite welcome. I think I have every kit and figure of the C that was released.

I actually began to formulate plans to build the other Enterprises when I was in the middle of constructing this one but the sheer size of the A would mean I would need to build them all out of scale. A scale version of the D for example would need to be bigger than my bed but if I ever have the space I'd love to tackle the rest of the fleet someday

Plus the fact that I am now almost totally out of room in here. Between my collection of Legos and Anime and Sci-fi goods I'm lucky I can still move in my room. :laugh:

As for the ships weight, I'd have to say over 20 pounds. I actually built her in sections on the floor and then after final assembly I had to lift her up onto the table where I took the pictures, then from that table to the one where she lives now across from my Imperial Star Destroyer. :vader:

She's actually easier to pick up than I had thought she would be. The nacelle pylons and connection from the Saucer to the "Neck" Made me very nervous about lifting her at all but I guess I built a stronger ship than I gave myself credit for.

Just a small note her size makes the Star Destroyer look puny. :yoda:

Not that I was trying to make fun of Star Wars or the ISD she's still my favorite official set and I love Star Wars too. I've just always been a way bigger Trekkie.

Wow! What a great MOC of my absolute favorite starship of all time! I think the 1701-A is the most realistic Star Trek ship they have done. While I like all versions of the Enterprise, some of the more recent ones seem a little far-fetched in their capabilities (I've always had a hard time swallowing the Holodeck concept)

Thank you for giving us so many great "movie" angles- I swear I heard Jerry Goldsmith's Enterprise theme playing. Your shuttlebay is great- none of the official model kits had one. Using line to support the nacelles is a great idea. I've tried building the A many years ago and the biggest roadblock was always the pylons.

Just wondering- Do you have any plans to do the lettering on the hull? I don't know if I would do it in bricks as it might come out a little blocky. Plus I really like the font they use on starfleet vessels during the film series. It's called Star Fleet Bold Extended. Yes, "Get a life" Trekkie here!

Again, beautiful job and I agree a Klingon Bird of Prey or Cruiser would look fantastic trying to get in a lucky shot!

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