March 14, 201410 yr By the way, can we get bbqqq's ingenious timesaver trick for transparent parts in the index? It's hugely helped the renders I've been doing.
March 19, 201410 yr I tried playing with lights earlier, and I never understood, why the coordinates are wrong even though I copied the exact numbers! Because the light was at the corner! All I need now is a database with the size of the most common pieces that can be used as light sources. Yeah, that's because LDD defines the coordinates of the brick based on the corner. You have to adjust the numbers a little bit (usually by less than 1) until you get the light where you want it--it will take a few renders, but you can easily stop the render after 1 or 2 passes if it doesn't look right.
March 21, 201410 yr So, I read you can rerender a portion of a model. How does one do this without sending the thing through LDD2Povray again, thus erasing the INI?
March 21, 201410 yr Is there a file somewhere that controls which bricks get part materials and which don't? There's a lot of slopes that end up with the "sandpaper" texture that have no business with it. Just found this out, add this line to the top of the .pov file. #declare ldd_normal_roughPlastic_255 = normal { bumps .005 scale 1 turbulence 0 }
March 21, 201410 yr Just found this out, add this line to the top of the .pov file. #declare ldd_normal_roughPlastic_255 = normal { bumps .005 scale 1 turbulence 0 } Thanks, but not really what I'm looking for. As far as I can tell, that just controls whether or not any bricks in the scene get the texture, not which ones do or don't. For example, I wanna be able to render the this, but have only the full slope be textured.
March 21, 201410 yr Try contacting the guy that made LDD2POV... He's quite helpful.
April 16, 201410 yr Thanks, but not really what I'm looking for. As far as I can tell, that just controls whether or not any bricks in the scene get the texture, not which ones do or don't. For example, I wanna be able to render the this, but have only the full slope be textured. Includes directory contains file At the end this file contains items in array named ldd_part_slope_materials. For example: #declare ldd_part_slope_materials[2449] = ldd_part_material_roughPlastic + ldd_slope_inverted; #declare ldd_part_slope_materials[2875] = ldd_part_material_roughPlastic; means that part 2449 has sand paper slope on the bottom (that's why ldd_slope_inverted). 2875 has slope on the top. Remove line #declare ldd_part_slope_materials[92946] = ldd_part_material_roughPlastic; and the problematic part will not have the sand paper look.
April 17, 201410 yr Does it work the other way round ? I mean, it is possible to give a "sandpaper" texture to regular, smooth parts ? Could be fun.
April 17, 201410 yr Does it work the other way round ? I mean, it is possible to give a "sandpaper" texture to regular, smooth parts ? Could be fun. Yes. The same file contains lines like: #declare ldd_part_materials[2335] = .....; If you put there: #declare ldd_part_materials[2335] = ldd_part_material_roughPlastic; Part 2335 will be rendered with sandpaper texture. Do it for all parts from 1 to 99999 and all parts will be like that. Excel may help you to generate needed lines.
April 17, 201410 yr Thanks for the tip, hrontos, but it does'nt seem to work for me... x/ I tried to give some basic bricks (1x1, 1x2, 2x2, 2x3, 2x4) the textile texture, but they are rendered with their usual texture.
April 17, 201410 yr Try to render this: #version 3.6; #declare ldd_level_of_detail = 3; #declare ldd_light_color = <255/255,255/255,255/255>; #declare ldd_color_variance = 2.00; #include "" #include "" #include "" #declare ldd_part_materials[3001] = ldd_part_material_textile; #declare ldd_part_materials[3003] = ldd_part_material_textile; #include "" #include "" #include "ldd_main.bin" #declare ldd_camera_transformation = transform { matrix <-0.68896549940109253,0,0.72479408979415894,0.42540118098258972,0.80963975191116333,0.40437242388725281,-0.58682221174240112,0.58692699670791626,-0.55781394243240356,-49.589126586914063,20.251148223876953,-49.191844940185547>} #declare ldd_camera_location = ldd_vtransform(<0, 0, 0>, ldd_camera_transformation); #declare ldd_camera_distance = 33.925437927246094; #declare ldd_camera_look_at = ldd_vtransform(<0, 0, -ldd_camera_distance>, ldd_camera_transformation); #declare ldd_camera_angle = ldd_default_camera_angle; #declare ldd_model_transformation = transform { translate <0,0,0> } #include "ldd_3001.bin" #include "ldd_3003.bin" global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.4 max_trace_level 50 adc_bailout 0.01/2 radiosity { pretrace_start 0.08 pretrace_end 0.005 count 450 nearest_count 4 error_bound 0.05 recursion_limit 1 low_error_factor 0.3 gray_threshold 0.0 minimum_reuse 0.005 //maximum_reuse 0.2 brightness 1 adc_bailout 0.005 normal on media off } } background { color rgbft <255/255, 255/255, 255/255, 1, 1> } light_source { <100,100,0> color 40/100*ldd_light_color area_light 5, 5, 10, 10 adaptive 1 jitter circular orient transform { ldd_camera_transformation } } light_source { <-100,100,0> color 40/100*ldd_light_color area_light 5, 5, 10, 10 adaptive 1 jitter circular orient transform { ldd_camera_transformation } } light_source { <0,100,0> color 40/100*ldd_light_color area_light 5, 5, 10, 10 adaptive 1 jitter circular orient transform { ldd_camera_transformation } } camera { right -(image_width/image_height)*x location ldd_camera_location look_at ldd_camera_look_at angle ldd_camera_angle } #declare ldd_model = union { ldd_3001(array[1]{23},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0.9999997615814209,0,0,0,0.9999997615814209,0,0,0,0.99999988079071045,-32.399997711181641,0,-27.599998474121094}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{21},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0,0,0.99999988079071045,0,0.9999997615814209,0,-0.9999997615814209,0,0,-31.599996566772461,0.95999687910079956,-30.799999237060547}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{23},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0,0,-0.99999988079071045,0,0.9999997615814209,0,0.9999997615814209,0,0,-31.599996566772461,0,-29.19999885559082}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{24},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0,0,-0.99999988079071045,0,0.99999988079071045,0,0.9999997615814209,0,0,-29.999998092651367,1.9199975728988647,-29.200000762939453}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{21},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0.9999997615814209,0,0,0,0.99999988079071045,0,0,0,0.99999988079071045,-31.599996566772461,0.95999705791473389,-31.600002288818359}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{23},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{-0.9999997615814209,0,0,0,0.9999997615814209,0,0,0,-0.99999988079071045,-29.999998092651367,0,-33.200000762939453}}) ldd_3003(array[3]{26,0,0},array[2]{0,0},array[1][12]{{0,0,-0.99999988079071045,0,0.99999988079071045,0,0.9999997615814209,0,0,-29.19999885559082,2.8799974918365479,-30.000001907348633}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{21},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0,0,-0.99999988079071045,0,0.99999988079071045,0,0.9999997615814209,0,0,-27.599996566772461,0.95999747514724731,-29.999998092651367}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{23},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0.9999997615814209,0,0,0,0.99999988079071045,0,0,0,0.99999988079071045,-29.199996948242188,0,-32.400001525878906}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{23},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0,0,-0.99999988079071045,0,1,0,0.9999997615814209,0,0,-26.799997329711914,0,-29.19999885559082}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{24},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0,0,-0.99999988079071045,0,0.99999988079071045,0,0.9999997615814209,0,0,-28.399997711181641,1.9199975728988647,-29.19999885559082}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{21},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0.9999997615814209,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0.99999988079071045,-29.999998092651367,0.96000140905380249,-28.399997711181641}}) ldd_3001(array[1]{23},array[1]{0},array[1][12]{{0.9999997615814209,0,0,0,0.9999997615814209,0,0,0,0.99999988079071045,-29.199996948242188,0,-27.600002288818359}}) } ldd_model ldd_statistics() plane { y, min_extent(ldd_model).y texture { pigment { color ldd_colors[1] } } } Note the two lines: #declare ldd_part_materials[3001] = ldd_part_material_textile; #declare ldd_part_materials[3003] = ldd_part_material_textile; It should give you "textile" pyramid. Modifying material file should give the same result.
April 21, 201410 yr Hi Im having some trouble with LDD to Pov Ray... when i try to render pov ray shows me this message : Possible Parse Error: Cannot find file ´C:\Useres\Jo´, even after trying to append file type extension Parse Error: Cannot open input file both pov ray and ldd-to-pov ray are 64x bits the directory of LDDIncludes its ok and my O.S is windows 8 i think that pov ray is no able to access the file directory wich is : C:\Useres\João\Desktop Edited April 21, 201410 yr by miroskes
April 22, 201410 yr Hm, that's strange that even when running as admin they don't work. Instead of using a file from the desktop, try runnung the file from the "my Documents" folder. And make sure all the settings in LDD2POV-ray have the correct paths to all the necessary things.
April 22, 201410 yr got it, my folder as a "~" on the "a" of "João" and pov ray does not recognize chareters like "~" xD Edited April 22, 201410 yr by miroskes
April 23, 201410 yr I have a question regarding decorations custom decorations. It seems that they are rendered darker than they should leading to colour mismatch between brick and decoration. Here is an example of standard decoration. It renders in almost correct dark red colour, but it is way to bright in LDD. So basically to have a good cloud match one have to brighten custom decorations. Is there a way to increase their brightness when rendered. Maybe there is some kind of statement to add to pov file? Or maybe there is a pallet of RGB values that are used in LDD to POV Ray that can be used for colour matching? Edited April 23, 201410 yr by NickAb
April 25, 201410 yr Is there a way to increase their brightness when rendered. Maybe there is some kind of statement to add to pov file? Or maybe there is a pallet of RGB values that are used in LDD to POV Ray that can be used for colour matching? My suggestion is to use transparent PNG. This means, make the area of decoration that is supposed to match brick color transparent. And it will work for any brick color. Edited April 25, 201410 yr by hrontos
April 26, 201410 yr My suggestion is to use transparent PNG. This means, make the area of decoration that is supposed to match brick color transparent. And it will work for any brick color. Yes, I use transparent PNG files where it is possible, but how to be in case such as shown above or similar. The legs itself is yellow, "dress" is supposed to be dark red, if colour is mismatched it easily seen, as there is a dark red hip part right next to texture. It looks like for some reason TLG considered this problem in some of decorations. Some of dark red decorations are actually brighter than dark red colour itself, but others not. Same goes for some other colours. I guess I'll need to experiment more with colours to match them. But I was wondering if there is a way to change brightness of all textures used in scene with some pov-ray statement? Edited April 26, 201410 yr by NickAb
April 26, 201410 yr I have a question regarding decorations custom decorations. It seems that they are rendered darker than they should leading to colour mismatch between brick and decoration. Here is an example of standard decoration. It renders in almost correct dark red colour, but it is way to bright in LDD. So basically to have a good cloud match one have to brighten custom decorations. Is there a way to increase their brightness when rendered. Maybe there is some kind of statement to add to pov file? Or maybe there is a pallet of RGB values that are used in LDD to POV Ray that can be used for colour matching? Editing the will crash ldd2pov if it is not the exact same size as is it by default, you can add/remove spaces to do that. But a better way is press on the object in ldd to reveal the colour number in the bottom left of the screen, then add a colour declaration just after.. #include "" In the .pov file. Colour declaration... #declare ldd_colors[47] = rgb <255/255, 255/255, 255/255>; Example: colour 47 set to white. Edited April 26, 201410 yr by JM1971
April 27, 201410 yr @hrontos : Thanks, I'll render it as soon as possible, but first I need some help. Last week, I modified the file to try to give the parts alternative materials, but it didn't work, so I erased my modifications. Unfortunately, right after that, when I tried to render, I had this message : "\\.\LDDIncludes\" line 20: Parse Error: Illegal character in input file, value is 80., with the #include "ldd_colors_declarations.bin" line highlighted. I reinstalled both POV-Ray and LDD2PovRay, I set up the correct paths, but the problem remains. x/ Edited April 27, 201410 yr by Leewan
April 27, 201410 yr @hrontos : Thanks, I'll render it as soon as possible, but first I need some help. Last week, I modified the file to try to give the parts alternative materials, but it didn't work, so I erased my modifications. Unfortunately, right after that, when I tried to render, I had this message : "\\.\LDDIncludes\" line 20: Parse Error: Illegal character in input file, value is 80., with the #include "ldd_colors_declarations.bin" line highlighted. I reinstalled both POV-Ray and LDD2PovRay, I set up the correct paths, but the problem remains. x/ Delete the whole LDD2POV folder which the files was in and when you convert a ldd file it all gets replaced.
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