April 27, 201410 yr Did you close ldd2pov and povray before deleting, also any .pov and .inc files that are related to the error.
April 27, 201410 yr Are you running the .ini or .pov in povray? That error happens when running the .pov, if so then load the .ini and run that.
April 27, 201410 yr I tried to run the .ini, but the problem persists. I might have found why it doesn't work. Perhaps it isn't related at all, but the 163rd line of the the ldd_default_colors.inc file is different from the others, and is shown in green in POV-Ray (while the others are purple / black / teal / red). It approximately looks like this, in POV-Ray : #declare ldd_colors[283] = rgb <255/255, 190/255, 145/255>; #declare ldd_colors[284] = rgb <230/255, 209/255, 230/255>; //#declare ldd_colors[294] = rgb <213/255, 220/255, 138/255>; #declare ldd_colors[294] = rgb <215/255, 250/255, 148/255>; #declare ldd_colors[296] = rgb <160/255, 160/255, 160/255>; And when I try to edit and save it, POV-Ray says that it "Failed to rename original file to .bak", and when I click on the OK button, another message appears, which says "Failed to save file 'ldd_default_colors.inc'" ; and when I edit it outside POV-Ray and I try to render, an error message appears which basically tells me that POV-Ray crashed. EDIT : O.O I'm currently rendering. I don't know why, but I tried to render a file different from the one I try to render since the beginning, and it works,I really don't know how, though. Actually, I think I know. It must have something to do with the folder where I save my .pov and .ini files, since I saved my last .pov / .ini files in a different folder, and now it works perfectly. Well, anyways, thanks for your help, JM1971. Edited April 27, 201410 yr by Leewan
April 28, 201410 yr Editing the ldd_default_colors.inc will crash ldd2pov if it is not the exact same size as is it by default, you can add/remove spaces to do that. After editing an include file, restart the converter or edit it without converter running. Windows caches filesystem data and when editing while virtual file system is active, it results in invalid filesize info and therefore some crashes.
May 7, 201410 yr I need some help please. I installed LDD and additionally LDD2Povray. It works: I can generate a model, I can transfer it to povray and I can render it. So far so good. But rendering a friend's pov-file povray reports an error. For which reason ever, I am not able to render this file. Povray stops where the parts-definition begins. see here So are the files which were generated by LDD2povray specific? Can these files only be rendered on the computer they were generated? Has anything else to be fixed? Thanks for advice! regards papacharly Edit: I just found, that this problem is due to the fact that my inc-folder is more or less empty. So I think, I just have to "fill it up" with parts .... Edited May 8, 201410 yr by papacharly
May 31, 201410 yr I am building a large scene involving some of my classic space models in LDD and quickly got to the point where changing the decorations on the torsos to the classic space logo became a laborious task. Add to this a multitude of base plates and the task becomes off putting, especially for simply testing some things. After loading an alternative file the other day I forgot to change the decorations on the figs and they still rendered with the classic logo and so I did a test. Firstly I made a simple scene using single parts that required the decorations to be swapped multiple times in LDD to POVRay and allocated the new decorations. Secondly I did a test render. Then I loaded my complex file into LDD to POVRay and without re entering the decorations tab did a render and every instance of the base plates and torsos decorations were swapped to my own. It seems that LDD to POVRay doesn't compute which instance of the decoration change to apply and so does them all (don't fix this please) Can anyone verify that this isn't a silly occurrence on my machine, I would hate to rely on it in my workflow only to have it not function later on. Cheers. Edited June 1, 201410 yr by Superkalle Changed font size, edited title
June 1, 201410 yr If I followed this right, you made several files with the same piece but with different textures with LDD, then merged them so several textures were applied to the same piece, I'll have a play around and see if I can do it. My brother had a space collection back in the 80's, are those the ones you mean because they were neat.
June 1, 201410 yr It is really a picture for picture replacement. This means, that if you define, that decoration with number N should use your custom picture, it will apply to all bricks with that decoration, no matter how many times it is used. Moreover, the replacement is clearly visible on the to of the POV file and that means, you can copy it from one file to other. It is not necessary to do it again and again for each of your files. Of course,it works only if the replacements should be the same for all files. Preserve the decorations replacements from the pov file also in cases when you make only minor changes between renders in the lxf file (like change of the camera view or minor brick changes).
June 2, 201410 yr It is really a picture for picture replacement. This means, that if you define, that decoration with number N should use your custom picture, it will apply to all bricks with that decoration, no matter how many times it is used. Moreover, the replacement is clearly visible on the to of the POV file and that means, you can copy it from one file to other. It is not necessary to do it again and again for each of your files. Of course,it works only if the replacements should be the same for all files. Preserve the decorations replacements from the pov file also in cases when you make only minor changes between renders in the lxf file (like change of the camera view or minor brick changes). Thanks hrontos that saves a lot of time for me as it is. My brother had a space collection back in the 80's, are those the ones you mean because they were neat. That's the ones see my Flickr for some renders.
July 15, 201410 yr I recently downloaded pov ray and the LDD2PovRay converter but get this error message all the time when converting: Can anyone help me? Does anyone know what the problem is? Thanks in advance! Edited July 15, 201410 yr by ScotNick
July 15, 201410 yr Paths containing % sign need to be "expanded". Windows Explorer will expand it for you. Go to Start click on Run and enter there %appdata%. It will open for you proper folder, so you can copy the path. Do not forget to add the rest of the path (the portion after the %appdata% from your screenshot).
July 15, 201410 yr Thanks, I did that, but here comes the next problem: First of all I didn't have the Folder "LDDIncludes" so I created it, but of course it didn't have anything in it, any idea how to get it? Edited July 15, 201410 yr by ScotNick
July 15, 201410 yr LDDIncludes subfolder cannot be in Program files. Writing into PF folder requires admin rights and LDD2POV is not running in admin context. Create this folder somewhere else (I personaly have the LDDInc subfolder in the same folder as db.lif file).
July 19, 201410 yr I keep getting the error message in POV-Ray "Parse Error: Cannot Open Include File LDD_Default Colors" Anyone know what to do??
July 20, 201410 yr Open POV-Ray, click on Tools menu, click on edit master POVRAY.INI and look for Library_Path="\\.\LDDIncludes" If you don't see it, go to the bottom, copy and paste Library_Path="\\.\LDDIncludes" on the bottom, save and quit POV-Ray and try again. If it still doesn't work, something between POV-Ray and LDD2POV got broken, maybe you re-installed something?
July 20, 201410 yr I should expand on rancorbait's problem a bit (we've been having a lengthy conversation to try and pinpoint the problem). His problem only seems to occur whenever he stops a render in POV-Ray and attempts to restart it on his computer (normally necessary to be able to follow tutorials for glowing parts etc). He can otherwise render with no problems. I'll let rancorbait elaborate more on this if he needs to.
July 20, 201410 yr Alright, I need help getting the LDD>POV thing to work. Can someone give me a detailed step by step walkthrough, or link me to one? I'm going to start fresh and unistall the LDD>POV converter.
July 21, 201410 yr Got some problems with converter during generating includes. Does anyone know how to fix this?
July 21, 201410 yr Got some problems with converter during generating includes. Does anyone know how to fix this? If it is true, that you have some model, with a part that is not available in your current LDD installation, open the model in the LDD. The mentioned part will removed from the LXF file and LDD2POV will not complain. Alright, I need help getting the LDD>POV thing to work. Can someone give me a detailed step by step walkthrough, or link me to one? I'm going to start fresh and unistall the LDD>POV converter. Could you, please, be more specific? Where did the standard instructions failed? I should expand on rancorbait's problem a bit (we've been having a lengthy conversation to try and pinpoint the problem). His problem only seems to occur whenever he stops a render in POV-Ray and attempts to restart it on his computer (normally necessary to be able to follow tutorials for glowing parts etc). He can otherwise render with no problems. I'll let rancorbait elaborate more on this if he needs to. Is it possible, that LDD2POV is no longer running after the restart on the render?
July 21, 201410 yr If it is true, that you have some model, with a part that is not available in your current LDD installation, open the model in the LDD. The mentioned part will removed from the LXF file and LDD2POV will not complain. It was the first thing I've done, but it gives no result. There is even no such a part in LXF file.
July 21, 201410 yr Is it possible, that LDD2POV is no longer running after the restart on the render? I don't think so. Rancorbait's running it under the same conditions as I am, with LDD2POV-Ray open throughout the process, and it works for me upon restarting the render but not for him. From further chat with rancorbait, it may very well be a problem with the computer he's using, but we can't be sure until he tries to run it on a new computer. I'll let him elaborate for you if he needs to.
July 21, 201410 yr It was the first thing I've done, but it gives no result. There is even no such a part in LXF file. Delete the content of the LDDIncludes directory. It is possible that the include for this part is there and the LDD2POV is trying to generate a new version of it.
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