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It seems that a lot of people are disappointed with this line-up, and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure why. There are a lot of great things to be had from this:

The SWTOR battle pack may or may not contain figures we've seen before, but it should make very interesting figures rather inexpensive.

The A-wing was released more recently, yes, but this one does provide a cheap Mon Calamari for those who want more.

The Z-95 Headhunter is a great ship, and a great surprise. Personally, I have needed one of these for my film, so it's good to hear that it's now a set.

As for the planet sets:

As previously stated, having to make a new head mold for a Kaminoan probably turned LEGO off to the idea, since I can't think of any other good sets that would feature Kaminoans anyway. And as to the Astromech droid, it's more than likely an updated print of R4-P17. Don't see much of a reason to complain there.

The asteroid may not be a planet, but we've seen a lot of non-planets already. And besides, I'm sure that a lot of MOCers could use it as a large boulder or something of the sort; it doesn't have to remain in its original context.

Been really looking forward to Coruscant; need it for my film as well...

This is all assuming that the rumor is true, of course.

Well that list seems interesting. I do hope that TOR battle pack is true. But I'm gonna go with a 50/50 on this rumor list. I'll believe pictures a lot better than this.

I am disappointed that there is no ewok village. Besides the rancor pit and the battle pack the rest of the sets are a let down.

I was also quite disappointed with this list. Hopefully its not the full list and their are some exclusives.

Ugh. Hugely disappointing list!

I really wish we were getting more support for the Jabba's Palace theme. I love what we've gotten so far, but you know at least Ree-Yees was planned at some point. I was hoping to see an add-on alcove or three with more aliens!

As much as I didn't care for Episode II, I'd still rather have it than this EU stuff. I don't mind Clone Wars, but this video game stuff does nothing for me.

And the planets are very disappointing, so at least I'll be saving more money to spend on LOTR.

I was also quite disappointed with this list. Hopefully its not the full list and their are some exclusives.

There should be two more exclusive sets that we won't know about for a little while. But I agree, I'm somewhat disappointed. I was expecting at least one AotC set (one more substantial than a planet set), and at least a few new PT/OT figures. Again, I'm somewhat biased because I have no interest the CW and EU sets, but so far the Rancor Pit is the only one that I'm likely to buy.

Should have asked this earlier, I actually do want to know: why is everyone so disappointed with this list? Is it missing something you were expecting?

The SWTOR battle pack may or may not contain figures we've seen before, but it should make very interesting figures rather inexpensive.

My bet would be:


2 x Republic Troopers (with helmet) vs. a Sith Warrior + a Sith Trooper (from The Fury set). The accompanying mini-build might be a Sith War Droid. The set would only require a new helmet mold for the Republic Trooper, while the rest of the elements are readily made from existing parts or will only require new torso/leg prints.

All of these were also prominently in action in the Hope Cinematic Trailer:

Kamino: Missed opportunity not including a Kaminoan.

Coruscant: More Clone Pilots are always nice.

Asteroid: Wait and see how the planet itself looks, but another TIE Pilot seems a waste since we already got one in the first wave. Would've preferred a mini Falcon with one of the main characters, or a Star Destroyer with a Stormtrooper, Captain Needa or Admiral Piett.

Old Republic Battlepack: Not interested in the source material. Wait and see what the figures and parts are like.

Clone Troopers vs Droidekas: Hopefully the destroyer droids will have a new design and is better scaled than the last attempts.

A-Wing: Missed opportunity for an all new Home One Leia in her general uniform. Maybe next time in a B-Wing set? Hopefully Han will at least have his Endor trenchcoat.

AT-RT: Looking forward to an all new Yoda. I've said this a dozen times now but I really hope the head is made of soft plastic (like the original Yoda) and not rubber like the CW version. But do we really need another Assassin Droid?

Z-95 Headhunter: This was in the Zygarian episodes of the Clone Wars right? Seems like a waste to have more clones and no characters.

Overall I think its a pretty average line up. The lack of AOTC sets is the biggest disapointment as is the minifigure selection. A lot of missed opportunities for new characters. That said I'm sure there's at least 2 exclusive sets we don't know about for the first wave if this year is anything to go by (Y-Wing/Jedi Interceptor)

Should have asked this earlier, I actually do want to know: why is everyone so disappointed with this list? Is it missing something you were expecting?

Well I for one feel that the wave is overall lacking.

Green=buy, Blue=Mabey, Red=Pass

Kamino: Don't need another astro droid. Should have been a Kaminion with the flying animal, Obi-Wan with starfighter, or Jango Fett and Slave 1

Coruscant: I have enough clones. Should have been royal starship with guard

Asteroid: I don't need another TIE pilot. MF FTW!

Old Republic Battlepack: I don't know much about the game, I'll wait for pictures.

Clone Troopers vs Droidekas: I'll wait for pictures.

A-Wing: I don't se e the need for another one. But if there is more to it then MABEY.

AT-RT: The only draw is the possibility of a new Yoda. Don't need another Assassin Droid.

Z-95 Headhunter: Not a fan of the ship.

Rancor Pit: The only set with substance.

Hopefully the SH sets have more to them than these. :hmpf_bad:

Edited by CBMM1

Should have asked this earlier, I actually do want to know: why is everyone so disappointed with this list? Is it missing something you were expecting?

Maybe just not enough new stuff, lots of smallish sets, etc.

I would wait until the summer '013 wave to raise my expectations, usually a lot more "flagship" type sets.


Man I don't know what you guys are complaining about. The lack of EP2 sets is a sad thing, but the sets we are getting are still very nice and fit very nicely with some of the previously released sets!

LEGO Old Republic Battle Pack
: Sounds very promising! Probably 2 Republic Troopers, War Droid, and Sith Trooper

LEGO Clone Troopers vs Droidekas Battle Pack: I really hope for the best out of this. Phase 2 Regulars would be great, but if they throw in a Commander Cody, Commander Wolffe, or Captain Rex... this will be just like the last battle pack!

LEGO A-Wing: Stupid, Would have rather had the Yoda's hut or an EP2 set.. theres no need for it unless you want it by the new UCS B-wIng

LEGO AT-RT: Brilliant! I've been wanting a new version since the 2005 one! For the Clone included, I really want that pilot/ARF trooper mix from the Clone Wars Umbara series in it! (Crosses fingers!)

LEGO Z-95 Headhunter: Another Brillant set! If Krell is included then that would be great! This ship goes perfectly next the gunship! And its going to something very major in the 5th season of the Clone Wars!

LEGO Rancor Pit: Another great set.. little over due but great overall!

LEGO Planet Kamino: Planet is great, figure and ship is a huge mistake! (should have Kaminoian and Gunship)

LEGO Planet Coruscant: Sounds good, lots of ideas come to mind on this, I'll have to wait for pics!

LEGO Asteroid: Interesting... Another TIE piolet is useless though!

Overal this sounds very promising and I look forward to pics and getting my hands on these!

Just a quick comment. that's not the list, there is 5-7 set missing. Cause we now get 3 Planet Sets, 6 System Sets, 2 Exclusive Sets and 2 Battle Packs and so far we have only scene 3 Planet, 2 Battle pack and 4 system.

Just a quick comment. that's not the list, there is 5-7 set missing. Cause we now get 3 Planet Sets, 6 System Sets, 2 Exclusive Sets and 2 Battle Packs and so far we have only scene 3 Planet, 2 Battle pack and 4 system.

I believe for it to be correct. Can't say that the list is correct but sets wise it is. Plus the 2 exclusives that are not mentioned.

For the AotC sets, not really bothered by the lack of them. We have been getting a lot of the AotC vehicles in the form of CW sets. Only sets I can think of for AotC are Padme's ship, Jango Fett's Slave 1(which I can't really see happening, due to how often we get Boba's), Zam Wessel's speeder, and a few play-sets(droid factory, cloning facility, arena, etc).

Do you think the Droidekas will have a new shield mold to go around them? I wouldn't be surprised if they did and it would definitely make the set more worth it. I'm guessing we'll get Krell in the Headhunter after it was mentioned that he was seen in the retail catalogue. While I do think it's disappointing that we didn't get a Kaminoan in the Kamino planet set, I'm a sucker for astromechs so I'll still buy it. :wink: And I can't wait to see the printing on the Coruscant planet set, I bet it'll look great. :thumbup:

Has anyone else thought that the Droidekas in the CW Battlepack will replace the useless build this time? Maybe we could get 3 or 4 phase 2 clones instead of just 2? Maybe they could even be 501st! :wub: Too much to ask for? :grin:

The AT-RT set also sounds odd. Aside from the fact that Yoda has never fought commando or assassin droids, an AT-RT doesn't seem like enough substance for a set, so either there's something else included in this set that we don't know about, or it's a ridiculously oversized AT-RT like 7250. :sceptic:

I agree in part and differ in part. The only scene I can think off that connects Yoda and an AT-RT is at the end of episode 3: the battle of Kashyyk. So I don't think it'll be an assassin droid. Even for a TCW set that'd make no sense. I wouldn't be surprise if we'd get a new Kashyyk trooper.

Only things I'm really interested in is the A-Wing and the Old Republic BP...

I missed the Home One Mon Calimari Star Cruiser so it would be my chance to get Ackbar :classic:

The OR BP sounds awesome though I wanted an OT one again...

Which era is the Headhunter associated with? :blush:

Depending if the Clones will be new, I might get the other BP..

Can't wait pictures :sweet:

Nice list! I'll be getting a few of those clone pilot planets. Now, for the photos!

Which era is the Headhunter associated with? :blush:

Officially, Clone Wars. But it remained in use all the way through the OT era, though you might need to make some small alterations, as the CW version has slightly different wings.

As for the other sets...

Kamino with Astromech Droid and Jedi Starfighter - Pass. Don't need or want another Astro droid. Or a Jedi fighter for that matter.

Coruscant with Clone Pilot and Republic Assault Striker - What exactly is a Republic Assault Striker? The Old Republic Fighter? An ARC-170? The latter might be worth a look at least.

Asteroid with TIE Bomber and TIE Pilot - Yaaaay. A plastic potato to put on your shelf.

The Old Republic Battle Pack - Yes, yes, YES. Fingers crossed it will have HK droids in there somewhere, but either way, this is a guaranteed purchase for me. Maybe more than once. We'll see.

Clone Troopers vs Droidekas Battle Pack - I suppose that - done right - this will be a decent army builder. But I wouldn't be so sure, based on the wild and wacky clone characters that have become the norm recently. Personally I don't care about this set. But we'll see.

A-Wing including Admiral Ackbar, Han Solo and an A-Wing Pilot - Surprised to see Han Solo included here. I guess he may have looked at an A-Wing once?

AT-RT including Yoda, Clone Trooper and Assassin Droid - Uh-oh. Alarm bells are ringing to see three figs in what should be a small, affordable set. I have a feeling there's a bit of the Geonosian Cannon going on here, where the piece count crept up so high they had to include more figs to make the set seem worth the price.

Z-95 Headhunter including three Clone Troopers - As I mentioned in some thread or other, the Z-95 is the joke of the fighter squadron. Weaker in every way to an X-Wing, despite looking a bit like one. I may just snap one up, provided the set actually looks good. Gotta love them underdogs.

The Rancor Pit (as revealed at Comic Con) - Pass. It's still just a box with four walls missing.

Meh..... I'm not overly impressed by the list. I was hoping fore several Episode II sets a decent non-CW Yoda. I don't expect that the A-wing will be that different from the one in 7754, so it could be a cheap year for me.

Ah, some 'sourced' rumors - at last... :classic:

Regarding the sets themselves, i am not too thrilled. CW and planet sets are easy passes for me. I just comment on what is interesting to me:

A Wing: A nice addition to the re-released starfighter complements. Getting a second (new?) Ackbar makes me curious as does Han with some new garment. Hopefully the set will be scaled and priced reasonably. AFAIK the previous starfighters did only skyrocket in sales numbers after being seriously reduced in prices. Really looking forward to it and i might 'need' ( :laugh: ) at least two.

The Rancor Pit: As mentioned above, price is the key. The Rancor has been a highly anticipated figure over the years. Getting more henchmen and aliens gets me intrigued. Still, this remains some 'optional' set, not having experienced too much of a screen time.

Old Republic Battle Pack: If it contained what previous posters have guessed, i would be in for at least one for sure. Some built unit (war droid) and a Sith Warrior would be mandatory, then.

I expect some more of course. An TIE Interceptor should be in. Maybe exclusive? I remember the Y-Wing which isn't available everywhere but is a great and affordable set, IMHO. Hopefully we get a medium sized set (location). How about Mos Eisley Cantina or an Imperial Inspection?! :wink: Too bad TLG does not release anything big in the winter wave.

I'm happy with the list - it means I won't be spending any money on Lego next year!

I will wait for pics though.....

"Republic Assault Striker" could refer to a ToR set, as I believe the Republic fighter is called the "Striker"? It'd be odd for them to waste a Planets set on ToR but not unheard of, given we're getting a battle pack.

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