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Has anyone else thought that the Droidekas in the CW Battlepack will replace the useless build this time? Maybe we could get 3 or 4 phase 2 clones instead of just 2? Maybe they could even be 501st! :wub: Too much to ask for? :grin:

Regarding the first two questions, yes, I think that's very likely, although they will probably still throw in a little turret or something for the clones so that they can include flick-fire missiles. :tongue: As for the other questions, we'll have to wait and see.

"Republic Assault Striker" could refer to a ToR set, as I believe the Republic fighter is called the "Striker"? It'd be odd for them to waste a Planets set on ToR but not unheard of, given we're getting a battle pack.

No, I'm pretty sure they mean a Republic Acclamator-class Assault Ship.

Not too excited with the list. No interesting minifigs in the planet sets and the rest sounds rather boring.

I believe the AT-RT is a CW set, so no new Yoda. And it might be - again - way too big for the minifigs, as the first version. My dream would be an AT-RT in right size, new Yoda, new Camo Clone Scout, 2 x E III troops but this is not gonna happen.

The Z-95 is also CW, is a lame ship and not interesting to me.

I am a bit shocked though about the Battle Packs, that was where all my hope was in. I don't need a TOR BP, cause the whole sub-series is a bit lame as it cannot be connected to the rest. And the other BP sounds pretty much like a CW BP, which means more strange specialized troops. No OT or PT BPs is really a let down. I thought all the E III sets from the past years given, we should get a decent E III BP sooner or later, but again TLC doesn't want to give us clones from the movies anymore. I hope this is over soon, as I cannot stand this. I need phase II.

The A-Wing will be 30€ with 3 old figs and an old unimpressive starfighter. Can't see me right now spending my money here.

Only little hope now lies within the exclusives, and that at least these have some movie clones or are movie related. Still I hope for a 50€ E II arena set with the heroes, some droids, Jango and one of the creatures. Keeping on dreaming..

Ooh, information. I haven't been following this too closely.

Yay for the A-Wing and AT-RT! I've missed all of the incarnations of those, so it'd be nice to get them. :classic:

The battle packs seem interesting. Unfortunately, with the Clone one, it'll probably contain some sort of variant I've never seen before in my life. I'd gladly swap out those Droidekas for some standard Clones.

The planet sets also seem a little weaker this time around. An asteroid? Really? :tongue: I can always do with more Astromechs, but it's hardly relevant to Kamino unless if it was Obi-Wan's Astromech, whose name slips my mind...

Yaay, the list is here :sweet:

Here's what I think of it:

Planet Sets:

Kamino: I don't have any of the planet sets, so far. Mainly because they don't contain interesting minifigs for me, so I'm gonna wait till I know what kind of astromech droid comes with this one.

Coruscant: Also depends on the fig. I'm hoping (and assuming) it will be Phase II pilot, in which case I'll probably buy it.

Asteroid: Not gonna buy this but I wonder what they do with the shape. Wether they'll actually make it a chunk, or a regular, perfectly round, planet.

Regular sets:

TOR Battlepack: Definitely will buy this one. And it would be very cool if Kieldaman's suggestion of what figures it would contain becomes true.

Clone Troopers vs. Droidekas battlepack: Will probably buy this one as well. Depends on whether the clones are Phase I or II and if they are Phase I, if they have a new variety of printing (maybe some 212th Sky Batallion troops or something).

A-Wing: Not sure yet. I've never been much of a fan of OT-vehicles, so...

AT-RT: Also not sure. I have a feeling this may be a EpIII set as well, if not for the Assassin droid. So I guess this one depends mainly on what kind of clone trooper it comes with as well :grin:

Z-95 Headhunter: Depends on the size and again the type of clones.

Rancor Pit: The rancor is very cool indeed and it has some use besides the particular scene it's supposed to represent, but the entire set is too big and therefore too expensive to buy just for the rancor :sceptic:

Like several other people, I do hope there will be some EpII-sets as well, in a later wave.



The republic assault striker could possibly be an Acclamator I-class assault ship. They are also referred to as republic assault ships. They appear in episode 2 on coruscant loading up clones at the end of the movie. That could mean the set has a phase 1 clone pilot which would be disappointing.

Wow, super stoked for the Old Republic battle pack. Will be buying multiples of this for sure. I would love to see it include a generic Jedi Knight in heavy armour (see my custom sigfig for reference), but I'd be happy with Republic Troopers too.

Excellent news.

Wow, super stoked for the Old Republic battle pack. Will be buying multiples of this for sure. I would love to see it include a generic Jedi Knight in heavy armour (see my custom sigfig for reference), but I'd be happy with Republic Troopers too.

Excellent news.

Battle packs tend to avoid Jedi, using generic characters instead. There is a chance they'll be looking to re-use the Malgus armour, since it's actually really generic (EVERY Sith Warrior's worn that mask at some point) but I think more likely it'll be 2 Republic troopers against 2 Sith troopers.

I'm personally holding out hope for HK droids, but it is only that - hope.

Of course, what would be REALLY great would be four companion characters. Say, Vette, Talos, Qyzen and Doc maybe.

Edited by Bobsy

A-Wing: Missed opportunity for an all new Home One Leia in her general uniform. Maybe next time in a B-Wing set? Hopefully Han will at least have his Endor trenchcoat.

Of course it'll be the camo trenchcoat Han, because putting him in the Endor Bunker set would just make too much sense. I have all three previous A-Wing incarnations and wouldn't even blink at another and TLG knows it, so they throw in som fig just to force the collectors' hands. Just like the Ceremonial Leia, Porkins and the new Death Star Trooper... TLG is banking on at least a significant portion of these OT-rehash sets to come just because of a new figure design.

Love the Rancor set, but I must say I'm just about done with LSW.

My first thought was "hugely dissapointing list" but after reading 5 pages of comments, I'm thinking it's not so bad...

Planet sets

Kamino - I don't think a Kamino headmold is feasible because there necks are too thin, plus we never see a Kaminoan drive a vehicle or ship, so it wouldn't follow the Planets trend. If it's a new astromech mold (like Y-Wing,TIE from this year) I will pick one up.

Coruscant - no thanks

Asteroid - this is the only place we see the tie bomber in action, so it does make sense, but I don't need another TIE pilot.

Main Sets

A-Wing - Meh... If it comes with cloak Han, I wll definitely pick one up (or Bricklink Han)

TOR battlepack - this could definitely be cool, but it's a novelty set as I will almost never get to use these in my mainly OT builds.

Droideka battlepack. This has some mild appeal depending on the Droideka and clone designs, but I probably won't be picking up more than two, and it's a prequel set.

AT-RT - don't care for another one

Z-95 Headhunter - this could be an appealing set depending on the design and price, and it would be cool to get a new head mold (even though it looks to be a lame Basilisk fig)

Rancor Pit - AWESOME!!! I think if this had not been revealed earlier, I would be jumping for joy at this set list.

So my excitement about this set list:

Rancor Pit: must buy

Maybe we get General Solo

Overall - disappointing.

Well it's nice to see some rumors! :laugh: Defiently going to get the Droideka battle pack and a new AT-RT would be cool.

Not sure about the OR battle pack, but if it looks cool I might get it. Rancor pit is a must! :tongue: I never thought Lego

would actuly make a Z-93 Headhunter.


Images of 2013 Clone Troopers

Just found them in flickr. I don't know they are from 2013 Lego Product Catalog or just custom Mini Figures.

Custom, there is some bad photoshopping going on there. BP's don't have 4 of the same faction in anymore :sadnew:.

What would be really cool is if there were four studs at an odd angle with a few pieces to attach a build-able space slug.

This! When I first read "Asteroid" that's exactly what I THOUGHT it would be.. a mini slug attached(even to the top) with a SUPER mini MF on a clear stick flying out of it's mouth. Toss in a Han with breathing mask print and a molded mynock and you have the best set of the year.

Also don't get why TLC wouldn't toss a new mold into a planet set, there's a ton of SW sets with a new mold exclusive to one set, and a ton of collectible MFs have new molds that may or may not return in the future. A Kaminoan with a buildable manta ray creature! Perfect.

I'm not really that excited with any of these sets I may buy a couple but I would have to see what they look like first it's kind of a letdown.

If the Z-95 Headhunter is indeed based on the Umbara arc, then that's a major mistake by Lego when they could have done a much more interesting ship based on Umbara - The Umbaran Starfighter.

And it makes more sense too since Fives and the others did pilot them.

Hopefully we'll see pics soon and then I can decide. :classic:

Edited by nex

Is the Z-95 Headhunter another X-wing clone?

If memory serves me correct, the Z-95 is the forerunner of the X-wing.

Now that list is so-so, need images to truly see the value in them apart of course from the rancor pit. :wink:

The TOR BP might be interesting....but we shall see. :wink:

Well the two planet sets could be ep 2 themed , so we have 2 Ep II sets next year.. (or not)

The SWTOR battle pack has 2 clones and 2 sith troopers, with a small speeder, and looks quite good, and the asteroid is actually asteroidS, and is black from the pic i have seen.

The SWTOR battle pack has 2 clones and 2 sith troopers, with a small speeder, and looks quite good, and the asteroid is actually asteroidS, and is black from the pic i have seen.

Well they won't be clones. It's long before the clone wars.

Also, where did you see this? What's your source?

The SWTOR battle pack has 2 clones and 2 sith troopers, with a small speeder, and looks quite good.

Yes!!!! :cry_happy::grin: My life is complete now. :sweet:

I did think it weird there being clones in it, but it could be preliminary, and the person who owns my local toy shop were I buy all my lego from showed me the catalogue

I did think it weird there being clones in it, but it could be preliminary, and the person who owns my local toy shop were I buy all my lego from showed me the catalogue

I think that they are Old Republic troopers (who wear armour similliar to clone one). And if they had clone helmets it's definitely preliminary.

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