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Krulis, i canĀ“t see the diffrence between your and CM4S pictures. *huh*

Krulis, i canĀ“t see the diffrence between your and CM4S pictures. *huh*

As I said in edit he beat me. We had to post at the same time.

Oooo... :sweet: I havenĀ“t understood... But what do you think about series 4?

Edited by hench

Oooo... :sweet: I havenĀ“t understood... But what do you think about series 4?

Tantive IV looks OK but the Rebel solider is the same as in this year Advent Calendar :sceptic: so I think I won't buy it. As for B-wing and snowspeeder I'll hold my judgement untill final pics.

In my opinion, that "asteroid field" is a huge let down. But we all knew it was coming..


The asteroids should have been larger on that black globe. I can understand if they were trying to make them look to scale with the planets, but you can barely see them! Can't wait to see final pics of Coruscant. :sweet:

Something about the box art doesn't seem quite right on the new sets - if you look at the AT-RT box the ground is completely out of perspective with the walker. I doubt lego would let this through as nothing has evey looked that bad before, so i expect the presentation of the sets on the final box art will differ slightly

With that in mind, here's hoping they do put holes in the phase 2 clone helmets...

Also we still have not had any info about the early March-April exclusive sets yet.

Wow I really like this new Clone Trooper,he is very good done to suit the AotC version. Even if I expected the planet minifigure to be AotC version pilot,I'm happy with the plain AotC clone trooper.

I hope my eye's deceive me, but is that a Luke Skywalker mini-figure in the Hoth planet set?

I hope my eye's deceive me, but is that a Luke Skywalker mini-figure in the Hoth planet set?

It is definitely Luke's helmet, but it's the generic face and has a generic name, so the helmet's probably there because it's a prelim image. (just as the prelim Coruscant has a CW clone with a pilot's helmet and the prelim Kamino has an R5 astromech)

Coruscant looks a little... off to me. I think it needs more printing on it to represent more lights. That AOTC clone is growing on me though. I think it's cool that they're in more than one set, but I still probably won't get that battlepack. Also, did anyone else notice the 1 by 1 circular flat plate with the printed Republic symbol on the jedi starfighter in the Kamino planet set? I thought that was a nice touch.

Edited by DarthPotato

These new planets sets look okay. I haven't gotten any planets sets, but these look better than previous waves. Save the "asteroid belt", which looks like a black background with stars. :hmpf: Where's our "potato blob"!! :laugh:

Well, I'm pretty disappointed in the way the Planet Sets turned out...

Coruscant Planet Set- This planet set had so much potential, but I guess lego just decided to go the easy way out. I think main thing that gets me about this set is the Clone Trooper. Were already getting one in the Battle Pack so why through it in here. I think it would have been better if we got a Clone Commander or maybe even a Phase II Clone Pilot. It a shame how tis set ended up in my opinion.

Kamino Planet Set- This one is probally the best out of Series 3, the Planet itself looks pretty nice and the ship ins't bad, but the R4-P17 is what make this set a buy for me.

Asteriod Field Set- I really hope this planet set is as bad as they come because this one is terrible. Lego really couldn't just make an astroid looking thing and package that instead of putting brown dots all over a black ball. The TIE Bomber is actually pretty good, but why are we getting so many TIE Pilots? I think the worst part about this set is that there actually a TIE Bomber Pilot, but no I guess lego just loves those TIE Pilots.

Alderaan Planet Set- This again is a bad set in my opinion because of the minifig selection. The Planet and the Tantive IV are great just the Rebel Trooper in the set. Lego really have included Captain Antilles in this set and it would have made it an easy purchase for many people. I guess lego took the easy way out here too though, its a shame.

Planet Endor Set- The B-Wing and B-Wing Pilot in this set don't look bad so far actually its just way are we getting the Planet Endor. I would have perfered a Sullust, but I may end up picking this one up anyway.

Hoth Planet Set- The Planet itself looks pretty good as well as the Snowspeeder, I just hope we get a Wes Jackson in this set. It seems like lego is pulling away from placeing more important or well known minifigs in the planet sets this year and I think if they included him in this set, it would make it a buy for me.

I think the main problem for the planet sets this coming year are again the minifig placement, sad because this year lego had great minifig placement I thought.

Thanks For Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

Rancor Pit and A-wing are two I will pick up if I can afford them. I'm not a fan of Planet sets, but I like the look of R4 from this wave.

Is that a new jacket on Han?

I absolutely love the fact that it is the AOTC Clone Trooper that is included in the planet set. I have never got any planet sets before, but I may get about four or six of these, plus two of the AOTC BPs to make a decent AOTC Clone Army. That new Clone is just fantastic! I cannot wait to see more AOTC sets in the future!

I absolutely love the fact that it is the AOTC Clone Trooper that is included in the planet set. I have never got any planet sets before, but I may get about four or six of these, plus two of the AOTC BPs to make a decent AOTC Clone Army. That new Clone is just fantastic! I cannot wait to see more AOTC sets in the future!

Hi Fives,I just wanted to tell you : Isn't it cheaper if you buy 5-6 battle packs,and then sell the droideka and command post and voila you have 6 regular and 6 sergeant clones and it turns out cheaper than buying planet sets,planet sets are not for army building : 12 dollars or any currency for a figure? Nah. If you really don't want to buy BP and sell the other stuff and keep the clones,bricklink the clones,simple.

On Series 4 Hoth Planet, the minifigure looks like Jek Porkins (not possible because he was killed in action during Battle of Yavin) but I remember Series 2 Yavin Planet, the preliminar picture shows the same photograph of the minifigure.

I really hope for Janson, Hobbie or another Hoth Rebel Pilot, instead the generic pilot like Yavin Planet but if LEGO is repeating figures like Tie Fighter Pilot, I think we will have the same figure as Yavin Planet.

Is that a new jacket on Han?

Ya his jacket is new, you can also see what other minifigs are new on the boxes because they will have a bright green label next to them.

I think its going to be a busy couple of months on bricklink. :tongue:

Edited by Cyberbricker

Hmm... the asteroid field looks horrible, as expected, but I actually quite like Coruscant and Kamino. The mini-vehicles are nice too.

I think I've figured out why the AotC Clone Troopers look a bit weird. It uses the same helmet as the CW one, but because of the narrower visor, the frown starts higher-up.

Edited by Delta 38

Ah, I love the day when the first pictures surface! :wub:

Well, here's my two cents:

Clone BP: I love the non-cw Episode II clones! Very good, indeed! The olive green clone is a great addition, and I won't mind having an army of him! Still not crazy about the droidekas though... I'll have to get a better look at them. Command station is alright, but really small. Still worth getting for the parts.

Old Republic BP: Looks cool. I don't follow the Old Republic, so I wount be getting these. Those Republic troopers look really sweet though!

AT-RT: Way to big! TLG has stepped backward to the scale of 7250. In the end, 501st clones are always welcome! :thumbup: I will have to BL an army of them!

A-Wing: I think it looks pretty good. I didn't get Ackbar when he first came out, so I'll be glad to get him now! and the A-Wing pilot's helmet is just as it should be! A big win! Not crazy about the amount of stickers I'll have to apply...

Z-95 Headhunter: This is great! I love the use of SNOT on the sides and the middle section! The minifigures make this one of the best sets this year, in my opinion. Who doesn't want a 501st clone and pilot? :wub_drool: :wub_drool: :wub_drool:

Jabba's Palace: As sead earlier in this thread: SCORE! :grin_wub:

BARC Speeder: Pretty cool! I like the new torso for Obi-Wan, and combined with the head used in 9494, this fig will be perfect! Rex also looks pretty cool. Ill probably buy this set.

Umbaran Mobile Heavy cannon: Lego captured the vehicle pretty spot on, anthough they missed the mark on the Umbarans. Aren't their helmets supposed to be almost all glass? I'll Bricklink commander Cody and Ahsoka though. Not worth army building an Umbaran tank, IMO.

Well, it overall looks like a pretty good wave! I'm very happy about the amount of 501st clones we get! :sweet:



Hmm... the asteroid field looks horrible, as expected, but I actually quite like Coruscant and Kamino. The mini-vehicles are nice too.

I think I've figured out why the AotC Clone Troopers look a bit weird. It uses the same helmet as the CW one, but because of the narrower visor, the frown starts higher-up.

I like them, but actually they remind me a bit of the centurions from the original Battlestar Galactica series.

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