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Thanks for posting the pictures, Kez.

I can't say that I'm terribly excited by the set, but it seems like it's not a bad set, and it looks like it would go well with the Echo 'Base' set from 2010. It's good to see the Tauntaun in another set. On the other hand, I'm still waiting for TLG to redo their Snowspeeder design.

Thanks for the pics prideprice :thumbup: I didn't expect them so early.

The set is pretty much what I expected, and the fact that it comes with two Hoth rebel soldiers rather than one is nice. The heads looks like those of 9489; at least one of them has that "open mouth grin" expression. They removed a bit of colour and replaced it by grey (snow speeder, tauntaun saddle), which I like as well. I hope the snowtroopers will finally get closed visors, but I don't believe that will happen. The design of the imperial speeder was changed again slightly; I think they've done that in order to tease StoutFiles :classic:

I think for "Hoth starters", this is a great set.

Basically, this isn't a bad set. All is there (except an AT-AT) to fight a mini Hoth battle. Soldiers from both factions, cannons, trenches, a tauntaun, a snowspeeder.. So a nice Hoth starter pack.

Problem is, rather recently we already had quiet a lot of Hoth sets with rebels, snowtroopers, snowspeeders and even tauntauns in them. We even had 2 battlepacks for those who needed more footsoldiers.. (you sometimes still find them on sale over here; seems back in 2010/2011 the shops stocked containerloads of them..)

So unless you started with Lego SW just recently, this set doesnt bring anything new. Besides maybe a recoloring of the snowspeeder (design seems the same) and Lego's favourite decoy: a new minifig: the rebel general.

One could of course just buy this set for that new minifig, and see the rest as a kind of upgraded battlepack, and I guess a lot will do so, especially in countries where licensed Lego still has normal prices. But looking at the size of this set it seems to be a typical +/- 40 euro (aprox 55US$) box over here.. A bit to much for a battlepack imho.

Now, if they had decided to give us something realy new, and use the bricks for the snowspeeder to build a power generator or ion cannon, then I wouldnt doubt..

Edited by J.V.D.

I think this new Hoth set will be a great companion to the latest Echo Base. Combining the two will give you a great cast of characters, a snowspeeder, trenches, TWO Tauntauns, and the base itself! While this all sounds great, I believe LEGO is giving us this as an appetizer for something later next year that rhymes with AT-AT.

As for the winter wave, I am excited for the A-Wing, Rancor Pit and ATOC Battle pack- just not an EU fan, which is fine, since it will save me some cash. Besides, 2012 was a great year for OT fans, so I'm pretty satisfied.

I have an issue with the new Hoth set.....why is Luke on his own in the snowspeeder ? :look:

Apart from that it seems to be an extension of the Echo Base set and then throw in the 2011 and 2007 Hoth Base sets plus a few battle packs, etc., all round good set.....especially for those starting out to collect Star Wars sets. :classic:

LOVING the Hoth set, if I see it I'm sure to buy it! :thumbup::classic:

Th snowspeeder could have used some colour though :sceptic:

To bad they didn't get the snowspeeder right, but it still looks like a nice set, so its a go for me. :)

This looks very much like a combination of 7749 and the snowspeeder of the wampa-cave set

Just like superpack 66366

I love it! I am an avid collector of all LEGO Hoth sets (one of the most awesome segments in SW, now if only we had the Petranaki Arena...), and it is about time they made a Rieekan, the one who is actually in charge at Hoth. Yay!

I really do hope this is a January release... Save the summer wave for AotC please! :wink:

This set disappoints. Why is TLC still sticking to the 4500 design of a Snowspeeder? Also, there are just too many mistakes and just nothing new we haven't seen in the past years. As this is probably gonna sell for 50€, it's a pass for me. Mistakes are so several: Luke's SS Rogue 3 had orange markings on it - the probe droid encuntered Chewie and Han, no one else - Tauntauns were not part of the battle - where is Dack? . . . etc etc.

This is a lazy excuse of a set, thrown together in a hurry, and it's topped by one exclusive figure. TLCs selling strategy is so obvious that it hurts. This set and many more Hoth sets before, mainly the dull repetition of the 4500 model, now that's one of the reasons I personally don't find much joy anymore in collecting LSW.

:sceptic: I don't know, it needs more material, there's not much, probably going to be overpriced.

Edited by GandalfofHoth

This set disappoints. Why is TLC still sticking to the 4500 design of a Snowspeeder? Also, there are just too many mistakes and just nothing new we haven't seen in the past years. As this is probably gonna sell for 50€, it's a pass for me. Mistakes are so several: Luke's SS Rogue 3 had orange markings on it - the probe droid encuntered Chewie and Han, no one else - Tauntauns were not part of the battle - where is Dack? . . . etc etc.

This is a lazy excuse of a set, thrown together in a hurry, and it's topped by one exclusive figure. TLCs selling strategy is so obvious that it hurts. This set and many more Hoth sets before, mainly the dull repetition of the 4500 model, now that's one of the reasons I personally don't find much joy anymore in collecting LSW.

Personally, I like the design of the Snowspeeder. It looks rather "snowspeederish" to me :classic: (The X-Wing, on the other hand, is of much greater concern for me, but that is a different issue). As for the probe droid: since it wasn't included in 7879, I find it quite nice that it was included now. As for the tauntaun, it's correct that it was not part of the battle; nevertheless, I'm glad that they included one. That brings me to your statement that the set doesn't come up with anything new. What's new about this set, and what I like about it, is that I can get a snowspeeder and a tauntaun in one official set (plus a few minifigs). You may not find that important; I do. And that's one of the reasons I'll buy this set. The inclusion of a new minifig, which, I assume, is what you suggest to be the "obvious selling strategy", is not a factor at all. In other words: I'd buy this set even if no new figure was included.

This is a lazy excuse of a set, thrown together in a hurry, and it's topped by one exclusive figure. TLCs selling strategy is so obvious that it hurts. This set and many more Hoth sets before, mainly the dull repetition of the 4500 model, now that's one of the reasons I personally don't find much joy anymore in collecting LSW.

I completly agree.

I think their selling strategy is starting to backfire on a lot of collectors, at least in Europe.

I would also forecast the set price of 49.99 USD (equal to 7666 Rebel Base, or to Wampa Cave + Hoth battlepack of 2009).

Of course, comparing the new set to 7666, it should be a bit cheaper based on things included... But the general TLC price increase + new minifigure would bring it back to 50 usd level.

And I'm really worried on European prices. :(

lego-star-wars-75002-at-rt-600x545.jpgHere is a pic I found on the web, sorry if its over the pixel amount. :blush:

I just thought it looked cool.

Edited by Im a brickmaster.

I would also forecast the set price of 49.99 USD (equal to 7666 Rebel Base, or to Wampa Cave + Hoth battlepack of 2009).

Of course, comparing the new set to 7666, it should be a bit cheaper based on things included... But the general TLC price increase + new minifigure would bring it back to 50 usd level.

And I'm really worried on European prices. :(

Well, I'd estimate the piece count between 300 and 400, plus 6 minifigs and the tauntaun, I think the will be either EUR 54,99, or EUR 69,99, or, worst case, EUR 89,99.

Huh. The new Hoth set seems like a giant battle pack. Kind of disappointed with it, but only because I was around when the last Hoth Battle Packs came out. But that being said, this set will be great for kids who weren't old enough for or into LEGO yet (or for AFOLs just coming back into the hobby). But for us collectors who've already got all the previous Hoth sets the last few years...meh.

That being said, I might pick it up if it's a fair price (which it won't be, because it'll probably be a TRU exclusive) or if it's on sale or clearance. Even though I'm starting to get tired of Hoth sets due to the overkill, I can never say no to adding a few more figures and elements to my ever-growing Hoth battle display.

Hopefully this'll be LEGO's last Hoth set for a few years and they can start focusing on other battles/movies/loactions. Fingers crossed.

Also, does this mean we'll start seeing THREE exclusives per wave in the Star Wars line? I thought the pattern was always six normal sets (not counting planet sets) and two exclusives per wave, but it looks like this year for the winter wave it'll be six normal. Personally, I don't mind more sets a year (even if my wallet might).

If it is really over 50€ then i will just wait for a price drop or sale. Many websites in Belgium and the Netherlands give great sales.

Just picked up the 3 in 1 superpack witht the "N-1 Naboo", "droid troopcarrier" and "bombtrooper BB" for just 49,99€ And got an extra Tri-Fighter for free. (Though i already own one.) I love the Xmas sales. :)

Jabba's Palace is on sale to for little more then 110€ wich is the right price for this set i think. The normal price is 169,99€, so great sale. :)

Edited by Cyberbricker

If it is really over 50€ then i will just wait for a price drop or sale.

Yes. I'm not concerned about the price; I'm concerned whether or not it will be a "Limited Edition"- or a "Special Edition" set. In this case, the price reduction usually won't be more than 20 %, at least in Germany. Well, time will tell.

What websites do you mean? Have never seen a site here in Belgium with those kinda sales :tongue:

Thanks for the photos Kez!

Personally I think that this is a cracking set, it's an up-sized battle pack with some decent extras that don't look like they've been added as an after-thought (you know who you are, 8083 & 8084 *ahem*!) :wink:

I'll be buying several of these to expand my Hoth collection....it will be interesting to see what the RRP will be. I just need to get 7879 now; I'm hoping that it will be on sale soon at Lego S @ H as I'm having real issues with the full RRP!

I love the new AT-RT set; sure, it's a little oversized, but so are alot of vehicles throughout various LEGO themes. If it means more detail or functionality, I'm fine with it.

I have to agree with those remarking on the patchwork colorization of the Rancor Pit. It's a bit of an eyesore, but the Rancor itself is lovely. I'm curious to see what it looks like with Jabba's Palace placed atop.

The Hoth set is nice as either an addition or a starter set. Like others, I wish they'd made an Ion Cannon, or even an escape shuttle, even if greatly reduced in size. Perhaps for summer or fall, TLG will release a new AT-AT, hopefully much better than 8129, which I call the "anorexic AT-AT". It'd be nice to see TLG upgrade 4483, which was an excellent set, but not without its flaws. I'd gladly pay $150-200 for a larger scaled AT-AT that can seat 2 pilots with room in the head for the AT-AT commander as well.

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