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I love this "super battlepack". I'm going to get two of these and even build them. I only have about eight of the older BPs, and just yesterday I ordered some more snowtroopers and two of the older Echo Base 7749. I only got into LSW after the hoth sets were out and over, so these are kind of new to me. I don't understand all the badmouthing this new Hoth set. Don't you guys WANT more battle packs? I think it's just terrific, thanks, LEGO! :D

Edited by Only Sinner




I like the use of the white fezzes on the Tantive IV


Thanks for the pictures! All of those planets look really cool, they're so detailed compared to some of the past ones! And with those figures and minis I think I'll be getting all 3 of these.

Thanks For the Pictures CM4S! This wave of planet sets is pretty disappointing in my opinion. Its really to bad that lego didn't have the Heart to included a New Rebel Pilot Minifig in the Hoth set and Captain Antilles in the Aldeeran set. I do like the Endor set though as everything has pretty good detail. I'm still suprised about the helmet of the B-Wing Pilot though, I thought lego would have tried to use the new helmet from the new A-Wing more.

3 things I hate about the new Hoth Set that nobody has mentioned.

(1) Horrible depiction of the trenches.

(2) Rieekan never engaged in any outdoor battle scenes nor was he ever shown with an assault rifle. He feels more out of place than Ackbar in the A-Wing set

(3) The Rebel Snowtrooper with the biker moustache isn't in it.

Seriously, I didn't think TLG coud have produced a Hoth set worse than 7879. How wrong I was.

Edited by Another Brick In The Wall

3 things I hate about the new Hoth Set that nobody has mentioned.

(1) Horrible depiction of the trenches.

(2) Rieekan was never engaged in any outdoor battle scenes nor was he ever shown with an assault rifle. He feels more out of place than Ackbar in the A-Wing set

(3) The Rebel Snowtrooper with the biker moustache isn't in it.

Seriously, I didn't think they coud have produced a Hoth set worse than 7879. How wrong I was.

I agree, Rieeken was never seen actually on the front lines and would feel a little bit more fitting in the Echo Base from the Summer. (at least it somewhat depicted and indoors scene)

The battle of Hoth set isn't really that bad. While it may not be movie accurate it does have a whole lot of play features. I can't help but be reminded of the Jedi interceptor. It has a big vehicle and than some extra scenery and character that's all somewhat tied to each other. It sort of summarizes the events of Hoth without going into great detail.

This is definitely a nice companion set to last years Hoth. I'll buy it if its in the $40-50 range. Anything over that and I'll wait for a sale. I don't have any idea what the price of this thing will be. I mean it looks like the piece count of a set in the $30-40 range, but the tauntan and minifigures makes me think it will be much more expensive than that.

Thanks For the Pictures CM4S! This wave of planet sets is pretty disappointing in my opinion. Its really to bad that lego didn't have the Heart to included a New Rebel Pilot Minifig in the Hoth set and Captain Antilles in the Aldeeran set. I do like the Endor set though as everything has pretty good detail. I'm still suprised about the helmet of the B-Wing Pilot though, I thought lego would have tried to use the new helmet from the new A-Wing more.

The Rebel Pilot is new. The one that came with Yavin IV is the X-Wing variant. This one is the new Snowspeeder version. Not to mention although he's unnamed in this set, the design of the helmet indicates the Snowspeeder Pilot is supposed to be Dack Ralter, Luke's gunner in the ESB who happens to be missing from the new Battle of Hoth set.

3 things I hate about the new Hoth Set that nobody has mentioned.

(1) Horrible depiction of the trenches.

(2) Rieekan never engaged in any outdoor battle scenes nor was he ever shown with an assault rifle. He feels more out of place than Ackbar in the A-Wing set

(3) The Rebel Snowtrooper with the biker moustache isn't in it.

Seriously, I didn't think TLG coud have produced a Hoth set worse than 7879. How wrong I was.

Does that really matter? Its still a Hoth themed set and we're lucky to even be getting a Rieekan minifigure. And correction - he has a small blaster, not an assault rifle. :tongue:

By the way the Hoth Rebel Soldiers' uniforms are wrong since the Battle Pack, those looks like more the Hangar Personnel instead the trench soldiers.

LEGO designers needs to watch Empire Strikes Back one more time.


The new Hoth set isn't ideal, but it might add some to Hoth collectors. I don't have much Hoth stuff, but it might be interesting. All depends on the price. Now those new Planet sets are more worthwhile. I will definitely pick those up. The other 3 are iffy, but these 3 are looking good.

Hoth super battlepack is pointless IMO - a single, relatively one sided battle with hyperspecific troops on both sides. I'd say go for Endor instead, but that's not great either...the Old Republic one would have been epic as a large battlepack, those troops are more interesting a novel than an umpteenth clone or stormtrooper.

Loving the OR battlepack but that's probably all I'll grab this wave.

Interesting set but... meh. I don't know, I expected more in the set. Variation of the hoth speeder though! :sweet:

3 things I hate about the new Hoth Set that nobody has mentioned.

(1) Horrible depiction of the trenches.

(2) Rieekan never engaged in any outdoor battle scenes nor was he ever shown with an assault rifle. He feels more out of place than Ackbar in the A-Wing set

(3) The Rebel Snowtrooper with the biker moustache isn't in it.

Seriously, I didn't think TLG coud have produced a Hoth set worse than 7879. How wrong I was.

I agree, Rieeken was never seen actually on the front lines and would feel a little bit more fitting in the Echo Base from the Summer. (at least it somewhat depicted and indoors scene)

I don't find the depiction "horrible". To me, it's better than in 7749, basically because it is meant to be a trench and not a wall.

The scene that comes closest to the two builds is this one:


I agree that Rieekan would have fit better into 7879. But the point is that Lego didn't include it, leaving everyone with two options: (1) waiting for another Hoth base to include him then, which may take some time, (2) include him in another Hoth set. I'm fine with (2). I cannot see why anyone would "hate" this set because Lego included Rieekan. Snowtroopers weren't seen in the trench scenes as well; so if anyone "hates" the set because Rieekan was included, he should equally "hate" this set because snowtroopers were included, and the e-web, and the imperial speeder bike, which actually wasn't seen in the film. To me, "the battle of Hoth" includes action inside the base as well (it's "the battle of Hoth", not "the trenches of Hoth"), which doesn't make it unplausible to include Rieekan and snowtroopers.

As for your last point, I already said previously that at least one head from 9489 is included, which, at least to me, makes is plausible to assume that both rebel soldiers in 75014 will feature the heads of both rebels in 9489. So I find it hard to see the point of your last point :classic: I'm fine with getting some variation of the printed faces for otherwise uniform soldiers without having to bricklink other heads.

As for your conclusion, I find it much better than 7879. To me, it's not worse, but different, and contains more stuff I'd like to have.


This set disappoints... Mistakes are so several: Luke's SS Rogue 3 had orange markings on it - the probe droid encuntered Chewie and Han, no one else - Tauntauns were not part of the battle - where is Dack? . . . etc etc.

The snowspeeder's colour is correct.

Luke's speeder and his wingman's:


Luke's is the one in front, while his wingman is the one with the orange markings. That it isn't Lukes that has the orange markings can be seen in start sequence:


(There are small discrepancies in the two models which apparantly stem from the different models (huge/small) that were used for filming and meant to represent the same speeder.)

Edited by Brickadeer

So the colour IS correst...whoa :/

I still think that they could have used some colored pieces in the set (apart from the snowspeeder) to attract the eye...but thats still okay I guess...

What websites do you mean? Have never seen a site here in Belgium with those kinda sales :tongue:

Brickshop.Be and Brickshop.NL ;)

I love the new printing on pilot Luke. It's about time lego added a visor to him and the leg printing is nice. However there isn't really a lot of appeal to me other than that.

Though the snowspeed is still not accurate. I do like the fact that i will be able to collect more vehicles of the same type with exactly the same look. So that is a BIG + for me. I will definitely pick this up. :thumbup:

What number snowspeeder is this? I've lost count...

This is the fifth set with a snowspeeder. At least four of the variations are different, though. None of them ever got the canopy right and that's really too bad. I still want the set because I don't have much Hoth stuff, provided it's not fifty dollars. :facepalm:

Edited by Only Sinner

Not a huge fan of the Hoth set, but I'd think it would be a must-have for those who don't have any Hoth Sets yet.

I don't find the depiction "horrible". To me, it's better than in 7749, basically because it is meant to be a trench and not a wall.

As for your conclusion, I find it much better than 7879. To me, it's not worse, but different, and contains more stuff I'd like to have.

trenches need lots of pieces to be done properly so I'm prepared to overlook that.

7879 redeemed itself because it contained 4 new minifigs (new Solo, Leia w/ kiss face, Bacta Luke, and Medical android.) And the Medical Bay was both new and accurate, and very iconic to the fim.

My major gripe against this set is that it doesn't aspire to recreate anything unique or remarkable from the battte of hoth. Even if threw in a AT-ST or something similar to give it a more unique feel.

Anyway just my toughts.

I have to say i really like Hoth sets the more the better as ESB is my favourite SW movie. So i am pretty keen for this new Battle of Hoth set as I could really use the another Snowspeeder for my wip MOC. Ok so most of the figs are remakes oh well I don't mind. At last a General Rieekan i don't know how long i have been waiting for him to be made, can't wait to see some better quality and closer up pictures of the set and it's figs. I don't under stand why there is two Luke's in the picture i can see one has a visor and the other on doesn't but why put two in the picture it is just confusing. Shame their is new Wedge, Hobbie, Janson or any other rouge's but i guess i can't always get what I want. I have seen are few people complain about the speeder bike and it not being in the movie ok I can see why it may upset people but it's LEGO it's almost never going to be 100% movie accurate.

BTW does any know where to get a few of 8083, 8084 and 8129 other than bricklink and somewhere that ships to Australia would be awesome?

I can't say I'm thrilled about the Hoth set, but it is a Hoth set so I can't get to mad. But only 1 new fig :wacko: I'm slightly confused on that part. But on the other hand it comes with a surveillance droid :thumbup: I've waited for a new one, but is that enough for me to get it, only the price can decide that. Having the 2011 Hoth Echo base and the Wampa cave set makes this decision allot harder, it's a throw up. :shrug_oh_well:

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