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I don't think Bane ever got a Tumbler? I mean maybe he hijacks one but I have not heard anything about that. Nonetheless it would make for a pretty sweet set!

He has a couple Tumblers under his command as shown in the trailers.


A closer look at Doom, he actually looks great in an evil way ! :wink:

Though with those eyes he reminds me of......Doctor_Doom.png

Does anyone know if white suit Batman will be in a set or a promotional like White Boba Fett?

They don't advertise future promotional minifigures at Comic-Con, only ones that will be released worldwide. So all of us will be able to get a White Batman pretty easily next year. :classic:

I'm still waiting on the sets and the rest of the minifigures. As with last year's SDCC I expected more will be revealed later on in the year. I need a Green Lantern minifigure which I won't have to pay hundreds for.

As much as I want the TDKR set or sets out already since the movie is just along the corner, I have a feeling we might have to wait until next year or at least until TRU gets them, but those prices :ugh: .Either way awesome and spectacular minifigs, but most of the marvel wave is based on The Ultimate Spider-Man, but that venom, finally after so long we have one and in my opinion it was worth it...but where the H is that tongue that is so infamous to him :damn: either way at least Lego got one or more years of the superheroes line.

Sorry for the rant :sceptic:

Edited by Zachattacx

Oh my word, these are awesome! :grin: 2013 can't come quick enough, the Venom fig is PERFECT IMO. And it's nice to see a Beetle, he's always been a favourite of mine but I never actually thought I would see a minifig of him, especially not so soon!

I've seen a trend so far;

DC: all batman sets, one/two new dc hero

2012: batman, superman, WW

2013: batman, aquaman

marvel: all sets from one franchise but many characters, maybe one other franchise

2012: all Avengers, x men

2013: Ultimate spider man

Must haves: Doc Doom, J. Jonah Jameson and Venom :laugh:

I can now finally get my Aquaman and Doctor Doom. :wub:

That white suit Batman is amazing. I'm guessing he'll be in a set with Mr. Freeze as its an anti-freeze suit. :classic:

These figures all look amazing. Why Lego, why must you torture us with these great mini figures which will cause me to become broke?

The hell, I thought they said that they aren't making TDKR sets?

The hell, I thought they said that they aren't making TDKR sets?

Nah, that was just one of those false internet rumors. :snicker:

Any other comic con Lego superheroes news?

I've seen a trend so far;

DC: all batman sets, one/two new dc hero

2012: batman, superman, WW

2013: batman, aquaman

marvel: all sets from one franchise but many characters, maybe one other franchise

2012: all Avengers, x men

2013: Ultimate spider man

I don't think we really have enough to go on to call it a trend yet. We still haven't seen all the other figures. As far as we know all those Spidey figs could just make up 2 sets. Maybe a lot of the X-men figs were not ready to be shown off yet and Lego legally cannot show of anything from Iron man 3 or Thor 2. Also Lego won't want to show off everything in one go. They will want to keep surprises for us later. It looks like we will get an increased amount of sets in 2013. So I'm guessing the field will eventually appear pretty even.

I'm ridiculously excited for Lego Aquaman. My Justice League will start growing, slowly but surely, and Aquaman is one of my favorite members.

Here's hoping that these are just the winter wave figures for Marvel, and that the summer wave will bring Iron Man 3 sets!

The hell, I thought they said that they aren't making TDKR sets?

In (almost) the words of River Song: "I They lied."

Edited by LEGOman273

Dr. Doom is from the Ultimate SM cartoon so I don't think FF are coming, not yet atleast! Hopefully in another year or so!

I haven't watched the Ultimate SM cartoon. Didn't know DD was in it. Never thought of him as a SM villan, but, then again. I haven't read a comic in years, do they fight in the comics?

Darn, I was hoping for a FF set. Reed, Sue, Johnny, and Ben would be great to have, IMO.


Yay! It's great we're going to actually get Venom. I was worried he was going to be the exclusive.

This looks like a good opportunity to get some of the older figures; Scarecrow, the Penguin and Mr. Freeze. I hope Scarecrow has an alternate face or head, because he looks a bit sedated.

The others are all great. On a side note, Nova's helmet looks like it could be a good Easterling (Lord of the Rings) helmet if you added the spiked things.

Spidey and Doom fight in quite a bit of comic. In Spectacular, Amazing, and in some Avengers Spider-Man fights Doom. He is obviously more of a FF villain but he does appear against Spidey, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, and Daredevil.

:cry_happy: I couldn't be happier with the Batman releases here.

Scarecrow: I think the face is a great improvement. The old one was good from what I saw, but there's something really creepy and haunting about that smile. Plus I was desperate to get one :classic:

Robin isn't a big change, but the hood is a nice little addition for those who might not have him. I would have preferred a new Nightwing but that's fine, I can wait.

Liking the suit and pants on Penguin. Not sure if I'm fully sold on the face but it's a pretty decent representation of the guy.

Freeze looks cool. Liking the whole look of him, I'm really hoping he's wearing goggles in a reverse face though, just cause it'll give a bit of an Arkham City vibe to him.

Asylum Joker we saw yesterday, but he still looks cool. Ivy doesn't seem to have changed, nor the cop. But that Harley is brilliant. I'm wondering if she's meant to be hiding her identity (with the red black costume underneath the clothes) or if it's just meant to be foreshadowing her transformation. Either way it's cool.

I wonder if that Gordon will be in the Dark Knight Rises set? It looks like it's the Gary Oldman style, but by the same measure it might just be a comic Gordon for the Arkham set or something. Won't matter, I'm just curious.

Cool we're getting the Bat-wings in black, and the Dark Knight Rises Bat is great. The new cowl looks great with the white stripe in the right place.

Bane is.... :cry_happy: I'm in love. I'm totally digging the Nolan Bane look, and the fact we're getting him at some point makes me giddy with joy. They even got his one glove!

And White Batman (I assume that'll be released with Freeze) is just sweet as.

I'm going to be spending way too much money on Batman lego next year, and I can't wait!

Doom and Venom look great. Can the Fantastic Four be too far behind...

Whereas I'm not normally a DC guy, I do like the Batman stuff and that White Lantern Batman looks great.

That sure is a nice lineup of minifigs. Venom looks great! However, I'm also a bit disappointed by some of the minifig choices, like choosing "Buckethead" Nova (whose helmet looks even more bucket-like in Lego) over Power Man or White Tiger or, you know, a Marvel hero who is actually popular. And Aquaman is one of the last JL members I would have wanted. :hmpf_bad: Oh well, there's always the next wave. Also, I count five sets, so there's still the possibility of some exclusive sets. The way it looks to me from the FBTB pics, these are the sets:

  1. Arctic Batman and Aquaman vs. Mr. Freeze
  2. TDK Batman and Commissioner Gordon vs. Bane
  3. Arkham Asylum: Winged Batman, Robin, Guard, Scarecrow, Penguin, Joker, Harleen Quinzel, and Poison Ivy
  4. Spider-man and Nick Fury vs. Venom
  5. Nova (and Spider-Man?) save Jonah Jameson from Dr. Doom and Beetle

I agree about Fury. He is not Avengers or Ultimate SM, so I don't know what they based their design off of?

Actually, that's pretty much what he looks like in USM without his trenchcoat, except that TLG took some creative freedom in changing the dark grey of his shirt to the more iconic dark blue (which I am thankful for). Sure, he is not as detailed as the one in the Lego-fied Avengers poster, but at least it's better than the plain black shirt he had in the movie. Some leg printing would have been nice, I guess, but any Nick Fury fig is welcome in my book! :thumbup:

The hell, I thought they said that they aren't making TDKR sets?

They (supposedly) said they wouldn't be making "Dark Night Rises sets". They never said anything about Dark Knight Rises sets. :wink:

I can't be the only one thinking that Robin in his Freeze Suit would be better because they can cash off of the videogame.

If it's Aquaman and Batman vs. Mr Freeze, perhaps we can get a surprise Captain Cold? Wouldn't make much sense, but 2 villains vs. 2 good guys is fine by me.

Edited by ScaryScarecrow

*oh2* Oh my God! :sing:

Gordon! Harleen Quinzel! Venom! Mr. Freeze! TDKR Bane! So many amazing figures! :oh3:

Except Penguin just isn't cutting it for me, he looks like a mouse. :hmpf_bad::angry:

Finaly Batman sets from movie! Must have!!! :wub:

Is anyone else getting the feeling that they are holding back a ton of Marvel figs?

The DC figs make sense. You can see how they lay out into a group of sets. Arkham Asylum, a Mr. Freeze based set, etc.

The Marvel figures seem like they are missing pieces. I mean do you really think they would put a Dr.Doom fig in without one or two FF members? And nothing shown so far really seems to go along with Nova? (does he show up in that Ultimate Spiderman cartoon?) the figs shown seem to be lacking a certain equivalency or balance. So hopefully there is more coming. :sweet:

I have to say it because nobody else did


NOVA & Bettle

Over Making X-Men or Ms Marvel?

Really - they need to make

Sentinel vs X-Men Set

But to release Bettle & Nova before Gambit or Ms Marvel - really?

Not impressed

As far as DC Goes

We need Green Arrow & Cyborg some more bad guys for JLA to fight at least DC got the stuff right - except for ANOTHER Poison Ivy instead of a different villian like let's say the Ventriloquist (imagine doing him in lego)

I would love to see - Super Girl

Villian Wise - Doomsday, metallio, BRIANIAC would be a great bad guy to bring to the table


Teen Titans with Titan Tower vs Slade

Edited by Muddy

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