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It's War Machine repainted! The new look was inspired by Iron Patriot, but it's War Machine! How Many times do I have to explain this to people?!

Manners, please.

Lego is about imagination. It looks like Iron Patriot. Those that are more into the comics could very well use it as such.

It's War Machine repainted! The new look was inspired by Iron Patriot, but it's War Machine! How Many times do I have to explain this to people?!

Well, what do you want us to call him then? War Patriot? Sure, he's not the "real" Iron Patriot, but I think it's a nice nickname to distinguish him from regular War Machine.

I really hope we get War Machine. He's the third most interesting character in the Iron Man trilogy (after Stark and Mandarin), so it would be stupid of TLG not to make him. I would prefer the classic gray IM2 variant, but I wont complain if we get the patriotic version.

There is absolutely no chance LEGO makes 10 rings for the Mandarin. I mean what would he even do being surrounded by 10 way out of scale rings :laugh:

I dunno, interchange them? :tongue: It's a play feature that they can include, albeit a rather lame one. I'm not saying this is what's gonna happen, just that if TLG should decide to include the rings somehow, this is the only way I can see them doing it.

Kids, I hate to break it to you but I really doubt that any of the sets will feature the Mandarin's rings. As far as I understand. the movie doesn't portray Mandarin's powers as coming from the 10 rings, like in the comic. They are more there for symbolism rather than as a weapon. The Iron Man movies have always focused on realism over fantasy much like the Dark Knight trilogy, so no magic rings.sad face.

Who ya calling a kid? :tongue:

I don't think so. From what I've heard, the rings will be some sort of highly advanced technology, much like in the Iron Man: Armored Adventures cartoon. I would prefer that because otherwise he would be a pretty lame villain.

And as far as Pepper Potts being in any sets, I highly doubt that as well. Lego doesn't put too many females in sets, especially if they are lacking any special powers or fighting skills ie. Black Widow or Superwoman.

When did they ever make Superwoman? :wacko:

I agree with the others. I don't see why they couldn't include Pepper as a damsel in distress. With movie based sets, they have to stay at least somewhat true to the scene they're portraying, and Pepper seems to be playing a big role in this one. It's the same reason why we're getting JJJ in the Spider-Man set.

By the way,

It is said that Firepower will be in the movie too, so do you think we can expect a minifig of him? I think we could if he appears in his armor in a significant scene.

And as far as Pepper Potts being in any sets, I highly doubt that as well. Lego doesn't put too many females in sets, especially if they are lacking any special powers or fighting skills ie. Black Widow or Superwoman.

I don't think that's the case. I believe the only reason that the superheroes theme doesn't have any civillian females is mainly because of its age. The themes only be around for a year, and LEGO is trying to attract as many people to this theme as possible. The way they are doing that is by putting as many heroes and villains into sets as possible. Just look at some of the other Licenced themes like Harry Potter. The amount of female and even male secondary characters as minifigures is incredible. The same could be said for Star Wars. In Harry Potter we go Proffessor Sprout, Mrs Weasley and Lots of other characters who wasn't massively important in a lot of the films.

With Pepper Pots I can't see LEGO not releasing her as a figure especially after watching the trailler. From the looks of it she will be right in the action with Tony and Rhodey.

2 arm printing is very rare and expensive for Lego to do.

This would be an issue if Lego wasn't making more money than ever and STILL raising prices. Lego has always been expensive but now it's at an all time high of ridiculousness.

This would be an issue if Lego wasn't making more money than ever and STILL raising prices. Lego has always been expensive but now it's at an all time high of ridiculousness.

I don't think its really gotten any mroe expensive, generaly everything is getting more expensive across the board lego is jsut keeping up. isn't it still generaly 10cent per piece + -

Who ya calling a kid? :tongue:

I don't think so. From what I've heard, the rings will be some sort of highly advanced technology, much like in the Iron Man: Armored Adventures cartoon. I would prefer that because otherwise he would be a pretty lame villain.

When did they ever make Superwoman? :wacko:


I guess you and I have heard differing information about the 10 rings. If you look at the trailer, at one point the Mandarin is using a gun. I doubt if the rings had the alien technology like the comics the Mandarin would be packing a glock. But I digress because I fear that this is getting dangerously off topic. My main point was that the idea of having 10 small plastic rings seems unrealistic.

You never got that set with Superwoman in it? Sad, cause I did. :laugh: What I meant to say was Wonder woman.

I don't think that's the case. I believe the only reason that the superheroes theme doesn't have any civillian females is mainly because of its age. The themes only be around for a year, and LEGO is trying to attract as many people to this theme as possible. The way they are doing that is by putting as many heroes and villains into sets as possible. Just look at some of the other Licenced themes like Harry Potter. The amount of female and even male secondary characters as minifigures is incredible. The same could be said for Star Wars. In Harry Potter we go Proffessor Sprout, Mrs Weasley and Lots of other characters who wasn't massively important in a lot of the films.

With Pepper Pots I can't see LEGO not releasing her as a figure especially after watching the trailler. From the looks of it she will be right in the action with Tony and Rhodey.

Sure. You have very valid points there. Perhaps I worded my explanation poorly. What I was trying to say was that in the Superheros line, female civilians are rare. Would I like a Pepper Potts figure? Sure, but at this point I don't think we will get one. Feel free to disagree with me all you want. It won't hurt my feelings.

Kids, I hate to break it to you but I really doubt that any of the sets will feature the Mandarin's rings. As far as I understand. the movie doesn't portray Mandarin's powers as coming from the 10 rings, like in the comic. They are more there for symbolism rather than as a weapon. The Iron Man movies have always focused on realism over fantasy much like the Dark Knight trilogy, so no magic rings.sad face.

I think that the Iron Man films' realism is gone now with the Avengers, I mean, gods from Asgard, a magical cube, a portal through worlds, an invading alien army, the Hulk, does any of that sound realistic to you?

It is said that Firepower will be in the movie too, so do you think we can expect a minifig of him? I think we could if he appears in his armor in a significant scene.

FirePower!? Well, that will be cool. If I remember FirePower is a giant weapon covered robot/mech, so

that could be are mystery set, nouthing brings in the sales like a gaint robot!As for the Mandrain the

rings are not magic but alien devices that powered a space ship!

Below is a list of powers that each of The Mandarin's rings have. I copied from http://en.wikipedia....ndarin_(comics) because I am lazy and can't remember everything from the comics. This is only a reference into how much power The Mandarin's rings are supposed to wield. I know that a screenplay can't get into this much detail on 'ring power' but it would be great it the movie dug into it.

1) Little finger, Left Hand - Ice Blast

The ring emits waves of cold which can be used to stun an opponent. The ring usually causes the air in the path of its blast to turn to ice, and can lower an object's temperature to nearly absolute zero.

2) Ring Finger, Left Hand - Mento-Intensifier

The ring magnifies the wearer's own psionic energy, allowing him to place one or more people under his mental control and to transmit orders to them mentally. Most frequently used to create illusions.

3) Middle Finger, Left Hand - Electro-Blast

The ring emits electricity in amounts at intensities mentally determined by the wearer. The maximum current attainable is not known.

4) Index Finger, Left Hand - Flame Blast

The ring emits infrared radiation, or heat, at intensities mentally determined by the wearer. Usually the heat produces flame through incandescing the molecules in the air in the path of the blast. The heat beam can be used to trigger chemical explosions. The maximum amount of heat it can generate is not known.

5) Thumb, Left Hand - White Light

This ring can emit various forms of energy along the electromagnetic spectrum. Has been used to create gravity powerful enough to make Iron Man bury himself by trying to walk forward.

6) Thumb, Right Hand - Matter Rearranger

This ring can rearrange the atoms and molecules of a substance, or speed up or slow down their movement, so as to produce various effects. The ring has been used to condense water vapor in the air to liquid water, to solidify gasses, to create lethal poison gas from the air, to turn a group of men to stone, to turn a man into a beetle, to turn a mountain into a rock-monster, and to make a stone hand large enough to engulf Iron Man's body erupt from the floor. The ring cannot transmute elements or rearrange the atoms and molecules of Iron Man's magnetic-beam reinforced armor.

7) Index Finger, Right Hand - Impact Beam

This ring can project various forms of energy, most frequently that of fast neutrons with great concussive force. The ring has also been used to project intense sonic vibrations and to create magnetic waves to attract or repel objects. The ring may be capable of emitting other forms of energy as well, and has been used to send Iron Man slamming through a mountain.

8) Middle Finger, Right Hand - Vortex Beam

The ring causes the air to move about at high speed in a vortex. The vortex can be used as an offensive weapon, as a means of levitating objects, or as a means of propelling the ring's wearer through the air.

9) Ring Finger, Right Hand - Disintegration Beam

The ring emits a beam of energy that destroys all bonds between the atoms and molecules of the object it strikes. This ring needs twenty minutes to recharge after use.

10) Little finger, Right Hand - Black Light

The ring can create an area of absolute blackness that seems to absorb all light used within it. Although "black light" is a term used to refer to ultraviolet radiation, the darkness created by the ring is probably a form of the "darkforce" used by Cloak, Darkstar, and the Shroud.

All that said, The Mandarin's rings are a significant source of his power and it would be ideal if there was some way TLG could reflect that in a Mandarin minifig. I am still holding hope that it would look like a modified part#: 33170 Currycomb/Comb:


basically a handle with shapes as the rings. Not looking for an argument, just stating my thoughts...

And for the record, yes, I am THAT nerdy, but I did not write the Wiki article. :wink:

Edited by Crissmonster

This would be an issue if Lego wasn't making more money than ever and STILL raising prices. Lego has always been expensive but now it's at an all time high of ridiculousness.

It's not all LEGOs fault that the prices keep increasing. Oil is becoming rarer which driving up the transport costs and the cost of materials. I know LEGO made a lot of money last quarter but even with all that money it would be incredibly expensive to buy the amount of new printing machines to produce them on such a large scale. Each machine is tens of thousands of dollars. It would cost a huge amount to replace there current printing machines.

I can live without the printing on Wonder Woman and even without the rings for Mandarin.

I think before we start on the arms LEGO need tos to perfect 360' head printing.

I don't think that's the case. I believe the only reason that the superheroes theme doesn't have any civillian females is mainly because of its age. The themes only be around for a year, and LEGO is trying to attract as many people to this theme as possible. The way they are doing that is by putting as many heroes and villains into sets as possible. Just look at some of the other Licenced themes like Harry Potter. The amount of female and even male secondary characters as minifigures is incredible. The same could be said for Star Wars. In Harry Potter we go Proffessor Sprout, Mrs Weasley and Lots of other characters who wasn't massively important in a lot of the films.

With Pepper Pots I can't see LEGO not releasing her as a figure especially after watching the trailler. From the looks of it she will be right in the action with Tony and Rhodey.

While I mostly agree with where you are going, Lego Star Wars is probably the wrong subject to bring up to show it. HP had a reasonably wide assortment of female main and supporting cast Minifigs (to a point). Star Wars, up until very recently had almost none. A handful of Leia types. 1 Padme. Not many other women. It wasn't until the clone wars line or more recent PT sets that we really started seeing a surge in female figs. Even some of the standout main characters such as Amidala were neglected until this year.

I'm fearful that the Super Heroes line will be much the same. They are so focused on getting the heroes in, that we will not see a lot of supporting cast, and no civilian women minifigs. Maybe a Lois Lane in a Superman set but not much more. At least not until they start rolling out some costumed females in the movies. Unfortunately the only one shown or announced so far is Gamorra over in the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Ms. Marvel is rumored to be in the Avengers 2 and Wasp maybe in the Ant-Man movie.

The ring to control people may have to do with the armors having a mind of their own/.

Edited by Neville longbottem

I'd be willing to bet money that the Mandarin of Iron Man 3 is without super powers of any kind.

HOWEVER, it wouldn't shock me if he survived and got some real magic rings from Loki or Thanos by the time Avengers 2 rolls around.

But in the upcoming movie? Nah.

Edited by Hobbestimus

I'm thinking the same thing,if he had super powers,why would he need helicopters with missles?

I'm thinking the same thing,if he had super powers,why would he need helicopters with missles?

Maybe he didn't destroy the Mansion, maybe he has goons and he was in the helicopter but he didn't destroy it himself. Probably wrong but maybe that's the reason for a helicopter.

I'm thinking the same thing,if he had super powers,why would he need helicopters with missles?

If he didn't have super powers, Tony could just beat him up easily, plus the rings could be within the realm of realism, though with

Asgard and GOTG being established the rings could have their true origin.

The Mandarin is supposed to be a cross of Asian ,communism,Osama Bin Ladan and violence in this version. Fiege said Manadrin would use weapons, like a real current terrorist, in addition to HIS RINGS! He just out to introduce anarchy and take over the world. Maybe Mandarin has a lot of Stark weapons and decides to destroy Tony with them?

I think Lego will give him the rings, pretty important to the character. It would be a stupid move on Lego's part if they didn't give him at least some thing to resemble the rings,

Edited by Neville longbottem

How do you think they will give him rings then? I mean I don't see a way that LEGO could possibly do it, even if it is a big part to his character. I think it will just come down to having to use your imagination, unless you think LEGO will start printing on minifig hands? :laugh:

We've had Loki, I'm sure we can get a Mandarin with magical powers in the movie.

On topic though, I hope they print the rings on his hands as it's the most iconic part of the character.

They could reuse the LOTR ring and recolor it 10 different colors, chose the two you want him to use and keep the rest in a chest or something.

They could reuse the LOTR ring and recolor it 10 different colors, chose the two you want him to use and keep the rest in a chest or something.

Do you really think they are going to do 10 recolors of a single piece of very, very limited usefulness in future sets? I don't think so. I imagine this will just be a case of him just having two rings, a single piece made to resemble them, or (much, much more likely) nothing at all. Developing a new mold for the piece would be a hugely expensive way to add an incredibly small detail, which would ultimately incredibly limit the playability of the fig, because they can do nothing while holding it. I just don't see it happening...

I cant wait to see if we get shane blacks character in lego form!!

Thinking about it a bit more I hope LEGO doesn't include the rings. I think that it will ruin the figure. Maybe if there printed on but if they are just the LOTR piece then I will most likely consider them as spare parts. The Mandarin is a lot different from the LOTR theme, I can see the Mandarin working without being given the rings. That way he has a lot more freedom and most people will just pretend he's sheering rings anyway. It worked for Green Lantern and Wonder woman. With LOTR the ring is the most important part and it would have never worked without it. Plus the ring although big was about as good as LEGO could ever get it. The piece can't be to small as it will be easy to use. Also I has to fit with the minifigure ( LEGO can't just add fingers for one character). But it also can't make the figure look stupid. So far LEGO has done pretty well in terms of size and detail with Superhero accessories. Some of the best minifigure parts have to be Magneto's helmet, Cap's Shield, Wolverines Claws and Two-face's coin.

With the Mandarin I wouldn't want the large LOTR ring as it is just would look right. The only good alternative would be a printed hand.

Actually maybe the best way would be like Two-Face's coin. A 1x1 round tile with 5 rings printed on to it include three in the box ( two to hold in both hands and a spare).

Do you really think they are going to do 10 recolors of a single piece of very, very limited usefulness in future sets? I don't think so. I imagine this will just be a case of him just having two rings, a single piece made to resemble them, or (much, much more likely) nothing at all. Developing a new mold for the piece would be a hugely expensive way to add an incredibly small detail, which would ultimately incredibly limit the playability of the fig, because they can do nothing while holding it. I just don't see it happening...

Well they could use the different colored rings for if they ever make Green Lantern based sets, gren for Lantern and yellow for Sinestro.

Well they could use the different colored rings for if they ever make Green Lantern based sets, gren for Lantern and yellow for Sinestro.

Great. Now they only have to find 8 other uses for the rings. At the end of the day, like Sam 892 said, they didn't do it for green Lantern, who only has one ring. Why the heck would they do it for a character who has 10 haha?!

Great. Now they only have to find 8 other uses for the rings. At the end of the day, like Sam 892 said, they didn't do it for green Lantern, who only has one ring. Why the heck would they do it for a character who has 10 haha?!

Well there like 8 other Lantern colors so there's other uses. That figure was made before the ring piece was, but I think he'll get in the future.

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