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This should be a guessing game, not a "wanted list", this is why people keep on suggesting these things, because they are highly probable.

What's the statue of liberty if not a statue? Nevertherless they did it.

Yeah, now that I've thought about it, a terracotta statue minifigure would be just as good as a regular ancient Chinese soldier. You've got a good point, they did do an actual statue before.

Edited by Lightning Dragon

Female elf? Yes please! :D I really want to army-build woodland elves, and even though I'm still saving up to buy a couple of the Series 3 elves off eBay (I want to buy a bunch at once :wink: ), I think even if I give each one a different head they'll still look repetitive, so female elves would be very appreciated! :sweet:

Friar Tuck type with bald patch on head similar to one of the new Hobbit molds. Maybe a mug as an accessory because those friars loved to drink.

You mean a tonsure? I don't think Bombur from "The Hobbit" has his hair that way on purpose; I suspect it's male pattern baldness.

Nice idea, by the way. Not one I had thought of but it would be cool.

Here are some of my ideas :classic:

1.Chicken suit guy


3.Female Genie(with long black ponytale)




7.Basketball player

8.Uncle Sam

9.Golfer(with the Bagpipers hat in new color)

10.Male Doctor

11.Female Angel(with new white wings mold)


Thats all i got so far. :laugh:

Well, I may as well jump on the bandwagon before it starts...

1) Medusa (with snake hairpiece)

2) Violinist

3) Dog-Trainer (with dog, bone)

4) Mailperson

5) African Tribesman

6) Fisherman (with new fish mold)

7) Child with lolipop

8) Female diver

9) Trashman

10) Cat-suit woman

11) Flutist

12) Basketball player (with longer legs, actual ball)

13) Movie Director

14) Waiter

15) Bicyclist

16) Female Salsa dancer

Well, that's my two cents.

Edited by GeluNumber1

1. Groom

2. Guy in panda suit

3. Hypnotist

4. Grandma

5. Basketball player

6. Magician

7. Chef

8. Golfer

9. Female robot

10. Zulu warrior

11. Female Frankenstein

12. Cave boy

13. Rower

14. Bouncer

15. Schoolgirl

16. Female Pilot

I only read some posts before posting this. :grin:

What are you forum police? It's a guessing GAME - the clue is in the thread's title - people are guessing what might appear, TLG haven't agreed to make whatever 16 figs get mentioned most in this thread. Lighten up.

Chinese soldiers and the building is very charming !!

Sounds fun, here is my guess based on what I find possible Lego could/would make for series 9 (this is my guess list not wish list :wink: )

1) Groom - With a ring to fit with the bride

2) Ancient Greek - This one is bound to happen any time now :wink:

3) Golfer - something from the world of sport

4) Baker - with a rolling pin and the pie

5) Silent movie comedian - My old idea for the black bowler hat use, but I'll keep the figure idea still.

6) Wolf - Re-use (Lego likes that) of the Monster wolfhead in new version for use with the little grandma visitor

7) Ballerina something for the girls... in pink :laugh:

8) Hippie girl with a normal looking guitar

9) Athletic "throw"er - discos/hammer etc. and a medal

10) Jungle girl - something to fit with the jungle boy and with a new bird or fruit piece

11) Professor - with the professor hat and a book or something like that

12) Canadian Mountie - forest police hat in dark seems a bit to perfect not to use for this for Lego

13) Mexican bandit - A chance to re-use the ever popular sombrero in a perhaps more normal color.

14) Plumber - plunger and re-use of the toolbox

15) Evil or cyborg Dark version of the spacemarine parts

16) Queen - from older times with scepter and ruff

Edited by Dane

I really think TLG will do an Ancient Chinese soldier, which is why I put that in my list. TLG does a lot of historical, and they already have done a few from the Far East, including the Samurai and Kimono girl. Also, they have done these minifigures from these Ancient cultures: Roman (legionnaire), Greek (Spartan), Japanese (samurai), French (musketeer), British (Redcoat), and Spanish (conquistador) China was also one of the important Ancient civilizations, so I realy believe TLG will do something from China sooner or later.

Edited by Lightning Dragon

Here's a list of what I think would be good.

1) Man in the Iron Mask fig (to compliment Musketeer)

2) Queen Elizabeth (to compliment the Thespian)

3) Zulu Warrior (with Gungan style shield and iklwa short spear)

4) Xenobiologist (with tranq gun and chupacabra creature)

5) Benjamin Franklin (with kite and key)

6) Female Clown (green pig-tails hair and toy gun with 'BANG' flag)

7) Rom Lady (with crystal ball and headdress with peacock feather)

8) Classic Olymplian (discus or javelin with wreath of olive leaves)

9) Astrologer (with sextant and star-map globe)

10) Angry Villager (with silver pitchfork and torch, to compliment Frankenstien's Monster)

11) TV Monster (think Muppets or Sessame Street)

12) Awards Presenting Actress (with gold envelope tile and Emmy like trophy)

13) Western Lady (bonnet and white fan)

14) Goucho (with bolas and llama pelt)

15) Pagent Princess (short legs with skirt and tiara headress)

16) Druid (with white cloak/hood combo and rune-staff)

Edited by gedren_y

All right, I analyzed the previous series for probably over an hour, to determine what kinds of figures there's a good chance of seeing, how many unique figures we get per series, how many city-compatible figures, how many females, and even how many figures are clearly based on a movie, TV, or historical character. And here is my guess list, with several ideas reappearing from my S8 guesses.

1. Beekeeper - There are on average four unique (never-before-done) City figures in each series. A Beekeeper is a very unique idea and one that I'm sure LEGO will tackle eventually in this series.

2. Teacher - From a quick glance at other people's lists, this one seems to be popular. I expect we'll get one, and if so it will be a female since a male might look too much like the S7 Computer Programmer.

3. Horseback Rider - With the new helmet mold they made for the Team GB figure, I fully expect to see an international release of a similar figure using the same mold. Possibly a recreational horseback rider, but maybe a jockey.

4. Scarecrow - Just a standard scarecrow that could be used on any LEGO farm.

5. Female Elf - We get on average two Castle figures per series. And the S8 Manbat has shown us that LEGO isn't against releasing figures extremely similar to those available in sets at the time. Therefore that means this figure could very well be in S9, despite the fact that we're very likely to get at least one of the female elves in the upcoming Hobbit wave or the next LotR wave. And I really want that Legolas hairpiece or a similar one done with yellow ears, so that there can be more yellow-skinned elf customizing possibilities.

6. Golem - With this idea being featured prominently in the Heroica games, I'm surprised we haven't seen a minifigure version yet.

7. Snake Charmer - We get on average one figure per series that can be easily attributed to a specific culture (i.e. Royal Guard, Bagpiper, Bavarian Guy, Geisha, etc.). I think it's about time we get an Indian Snake Charmer.

8. Golfer - We also get on average one sports figure per series, and now that we have an American Football Player, the sports figure that arguably moves to the top of the list is the Golfer.

9. Groom - I was surprised we didn't get one in S8 to go with the S7 Bride. So I am expecting him to show up in this release.

10. Kid Surfer - We generally get an “extreme sports” figure in every series - skateboarders, skiers, etc. LEGO seems to love throwing these guys in. So my pick for this series’ edition is a kid surfer. I chose a surfer because we got a skier in S8, a skateboarder in S6, a snowboarder in S5, but we haven’t had a surfer since S4. To provide some variation with the figure, LEGO might do a young kid surfer.

11. Red Spaceman - Space is one of the most common sub-themes featured in the CMF. I looked at the figures they’ve released previously, and decided there is need of another good guy to match the five bad guys. So they’ll probably do another Spaceman, possibly red, but maybe blue or green.

12. Pumpkinhead - While a horror figure might be unlikely considering S9 will be out much earlier than Halloween, I decided to throw this one in anyway. I don’t think a female zombie is likely in the CMF yet (although I may be wrong), so I chose a pumpkinhead. We’ve had, by my count, three Jack-O-Lantern minifig heads, yet we still don’t have an actual pumpkinhead figure. It’s easy enough to customize one, but we are really in need of an official one. Whether Monster Fighters gets another wave or not, I fully expect to see a Pumpkinhead figure within the next year, one way or another.

13. Ancient Shepherd - A unique figure that would be very cool to see.

14. Medusa - This seems to be another very popular request, and with Toth’s Medusa design, I’m hoping this figure will be released soon.

15. Female Hippie - Another figure I expect to see eventually, maybe not in this series, but eventually. Hopefully she’ll come with a new acoustic guitar mold.

16. Scientist - There are often figures than can be easily associated with certain characters or people (Jungle Boy - Tarzan; Detective - Sherlock Holmes; etc.). They should release a scientist who resembles Einstein (which I believe is another one of Toth’s designs).


This new series strikes me as being a bit lame except for 3 or 4 figures, so I'm posting my ideas of what the next minifigures should be!

Please let me know you're opinion and whichever more minifigs you would find interesting to join this wish list.

- big bad wolf (wolf's head prof. Lupin brown or gray)

(body fuzzy brown or gray)

(legs fuzzy brown or gray)

- judge (white wig)

(head with glasses)

(torso - judge's robe)

(legs - Judge's robe)

- sad clown (white pointy cone hat)

(head - sad face with a tear)

(torso - white with black pompom buttons and a flower)

(legs - white)


- pegasus knight(white shining armour) (light gray helmet)

(light gray visor)

(white lateral winged feathers)

(head - normal smile)

(torso - regular knight with pegasus emblem)

(brown hands as gloves)

(armor - pegasus emblem)


(pegasus shield)

- Canadian mountain trooper (typical hat)

(head with sunglasses)

(torso - red jacket uniform)

(legs - black legs)

- Sherazade (female wig)

(long eyelasshes head)

(belly dancer body - sort of like princess leia in 1st Jabba's palace)

(pink or purple trousers)

(veil conecting hands behind torso)

- Sultan (White Turbant with diamond)

(White torso with shirt)

(white legs)

(curved knife)

- Mongol Warrior (mogol helmet)

( head with mongol features- long moustache and beard)

( torso - mongol armour)

(legs - mongol armour)

(quiver and great bow)

- Discoverer (tricorner dark blue hat)

(normal head smile)

(torso dark blue shirt with collar and white arms)

(dark blue jacket - like the college student in previou series)

(Legs - dark blue)


- Napoleon (Captain's hat with red feather)

(angry face)

(shoulder pads golden)

(torso - french dark blue uniform)

(legs - white)

- Chinese fisherman (chinese ponty hat)


(normal head)

(torso - robe)

(legs - same colour as robe)

(fishing pole qith fish)

- headless knight (pumpkin orange head)

(dracula cape)

(torso - dark colour - similar to dracula but more knightly)

(legs - same colour as torso)

- Secretary/executive (blonde wig)

(red lips head)

(torso - Black blazer over white shirt with small cleavage)

(fabric mini-skirt)

(yellow legs with painted black shoes)


- Grafitti artist (wig or cap)

(painted face)

(torso - cool sleevless shirt)


(legs - jeans)

- Ghost (normal ghost with chain ball)

- Kendo fighter (kendo mask)

(samurai face)

(Kendo robe)

(black gloves/hands)

(brown katana)

(slope instead of legs)

- Aboriginal native (curly wig)

(brown head)

(brown torso with necklace)

(brown legs)


- Angel (blonde wig with slot for halo)


(normal female head - smile)


(white torso)

(white slope instead of legs)

- Devil (black wig with horns)

(Red smirking face)

(red torso)

(black and red legs)

(Red tail - aplly between torso and legs)

(black trident)

- Groom (magician's hat)

(normal and desperate sweaty face)

(torso - groom suit)

(legs - black suit)


- Monk (wigh with bald)

(normal head)

(brown robe)

(brown slope instead of legs)


- Jet pilot (jet pilot helmet)

(oxygen mask)

(torso - air force jacket)

(legs - flight suit)

- greek philosopher (bald head)

(white beard)

(normal head)

(torso - toga)

(legs - slope or normal legs - toga - and sandals)

- roman centurion (red feathered golden roman helmet)

(normal head)

(torso - roman armour design)

(sheath and gladium)

(legs - roman armour and sandals)

(red cape)

- spy (black wig)

(smiling and nervous faces)

(torso - bow tie and black suit)

(legs - black suit)

(gun and letter/document)

- Tourist (wig)

(happy face)

(torso - flower shirt)

(legs - shorts and tennis)


- Maid (wig)

(smile and angry face)

(torso - maid uniform)

(legs - maid uniform)

(feather duster)

- Chef (chef's hat)

(happy face)

(torso - chef's uniform(?))

(legs - black)

(pot or book)

- caribbean governor (wig)

(scared and confident face)

(torso - governor's jacket)

(legs - bermudas with white stockings and black shoes painted)


- Mayflower Pilgrim (pilgrim hat)

(happy and scared face)

(torso - pilgrim jacket)

(black legs)


- Fez guy (Fez)

(turkish moustache in face)

(white suit)

(legs white)

- OIl rig worker (working hat)

(greasy face design)

(blue suit for torso)

(blue legs)

- bikini beach girl (wig)

(head with and without sunglasses)

(torso - bikini)


(sun lotion)

- Shaolin monk - (bald head)

(orange torso)

(orange legs)


Edited by Reekardoo



This new series strikes me as being a bit lame.




The new series may not be as great or overall strong as Series 1 or 7, but it has TONS of new pieces that will be useful for many MOCs or custom minifigures, like the man-bat's wings and head, the Bavarian's pretzel, or the DJ headphones. The conquistador is very nice, along with the Santa. Many CMF collectors who missed out on the earlier

series (not me :grin: ) now have a cheerleader and a robot very similar to the early ones. I mean, it can be described as average, but lame just equals horrible :cry_sad:

Well, to me, the new series is amazing, but as I have mentioned above, not as nice as only as few other Series :sweet::wink:

Edited by Lightning Dragon

How about a 16 "ZOMBIE" variety pack for Halloween? You can take some of the more popular minifigures from the first 8 series and come up with a cool holiday collectible set.

1. a Rock N Roll guy (Elvis look a like)

2. a male Basketball player

3. a Native American Woman

4. a female Aviator

5. a groom

6. a shaolin monk

7. a Zorro-esque Masked Bandit

8. a Japanese school girl

9. a male movie director

10. a ballerina

11. a police officer (not the traffic cop from series 2)

12. a good knight (not the evil one)

13. a Music conductor

14. a princess

15. a Drill Sergeant

16. a Rocketeer with a jetpack

Edited by JeagerEX

  • 2 weeks later...



Omne Datum Optimum ;)


2.evil queen





7.lion suit guy


9.basketball player

10.army general



13.female elf

14.repair men


16.invisible men


Mongol Warrior

Roman Emperor




Maori Warrior


Female Movie Star


Civil War General

Indian Woman





- Golfer

- 18th century noble woman / "Marie Antoinette"

- Judge

- Medusa

- British policeman

- Saxophonist

- Rollerskater

- Sorceress

- Roman emperor

- Flight attendant

- Shepherd

- Gardener

- Medieval minstrel with a lute

- Canadian mountie

- Fencer

- Sea captain

Edited by Haltiamieli

Edit: the game has no prizes, however I've created a new entry below!

I haven't read the whole topic - and not sure if we'll se the ninth series until the month of the release (new LEGO policies, eh...) But I'm a fan of collectible minifigs, so let it be:

1. Man\fisherman in traditional Chinese\Asian suit - re-use of Sensei Wu's headgear.

2. The Pig Suit Guy!!

3. Good Knight - a classic one, maybe with new helmet\armor

4. Medieval scientist - another use for Shakesperean Actor's collar, black suit and some tools. Maybe we'll get another figure with that piece, the Beefeater, for example.

5. Basketball player - we need a new one at last.

6. Ancient Greek\Roman civilian

7. Realistic Astronaut

8. Robinson Crusoe-like character

9. A classic Good Wizard

10. A judge with a wig

11. Woman in an old-style dress

12. SWAT soldier with a shield

13. A pop-singer (male)

14. Green monster (abstract one))

15. A skeleton

16. Russian Man with Bofur's new headgear (ushanka) :classic:

Edited by -GZ-

4. Medieval scientist - another use for Shakesperean Actor's collar, black suit and some tools. Maybe we'll get another figure with that piece, the Beefeater, for example.

9. A classic Good Wizard

15. A skeleton

I'd like to see these ones.

15. A skeleton

I'd like to see these ones.

how do you propose this being any different from the classic lego skeleton that warrants its inclusion in the CMF series?

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