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Please do not use the MCW to promote your eBay sales. Thanks.

I apologize for that, I figured since this is where people have looked and know about the designs, it made more sense, in case there were people who were interested. I won't do that next time. I'll post it in the Selling, Trading forum next time, is that right?

I apologize for that, I figured since this is where people have looked and know about the designs, it made more sense, in case there were people who were interested. I won't do that next time. I'll post it in the Selling, Trading forum next time, is that right?

Yes, the BSTF Forum is the right area for that sort of promotions. Please make sure to read the rules carefully before posting there, too. :wink:

  • 2 weeks later...
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I just sent in some "mockup" pics (where I overlay the designs on pictures of the blank pieces) to help the printers see how the final look should turn out, so cross your fingers they can print them as needed at the right cost :thumbup: As such, thought I'd share a few of the pics, mostly updates of the ones I've previously posted, with pics of the how Officer Blake might turn out, and the Bruce Wayne (recluse version from TDKR).

Once I have confirmation on the printing of some of them, I'll post the rest of the pics to help show what's coming. Hopefully it all will work out and I'll have some custom printed Dark Knight figs available in the near future!

Coming soon: Pics of Bane, Batman, Catwoman, Talia al Ghul, Commissioner Gordon (trenchcoat version & new custom SWAT version - TDK), Lucius Fox, Alfred, Ra's al Ghul - black suit (end of Batman Begins), Ra's al Ghul - gray suit (beginning of BB), and Scarecrow/Dr. Crane.

Officer Blake (mockup)


Bruce Wayne - Recluse TDKR (mockup)


Looks great!

I think Bruce Wayne Recluse needs darker facial hair to match his hair piece :classic:

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Looks great!

I think Bruce Wayne Recluse needs darker facial hair to match his hair piece :classic:

Thanks, Ceroknight! I too agree about the hair and was debating how to go about this. The issue is that the Bruce Wayne minig that this was based on (click Here) has black hair, but as you can see from the movie, actually has dark brown hair. I decided on the brown to be more accurate, but don't have that hair piece yet in my own collection to take a pic of for the "mock-up." Will be sure to use the brown piece I printed, for sure!

Those are definitely neat customs. I have yet to get into custom decals or making my own figures, but it seems like a neat idea. Especially with figures we will never see in Lego form.

Keep up the good work.

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Appreciate the comments, TheLegoDr! I too was never really into the custom side of Lego and just enjoyed all the new themes that would come out...hoping my daughter would get into Legos and we could enjoy building and creating together. Then, as we were playing last Spring, she said "wouldn't it be cool if I could play as me as a Lego?" So, I started looking into it and low and behold, was led to Eurobricks, a great forum for learning about everything Lego. With all the great help forums and ideas here, and the support of several members, I started doing decals, learning what worked and didn't. After a few months, I finally got the hang of it (I think I do, at least) and am enjoying how I can, as you say, create what Lego doesn't. I like filling the gaps where my imagination goes.

That's where this Dark Knight Rises theme came from. While I like the new cowl design and the throw back designs of Batman figures, I really think the Dark Knight-based figures aren't on the same par as the Avenger, Star Wars, or even LOTR figures, design-wise. I was fairly dissappointed by the Bane design and the lack of other figures from the series. So, here I am, hoping to get that print deal to go through and see it realized.

Thanks for the comments, and if you do get "the itch" to try designing and get into the custom Lego design, please share on here, as it would be fun to see what you come up with.

I really like your customs. The only one I think could be improved is Blake who, although bearing striking resemblance to JGL, seems a little too un-legoish. But that's just my opinion! :classic:

Awesome customs!

Appreciate the comments, TheLegoDr! I too was never really into the custom side of Lego and just enjoyed all the new themes that would come out...hoping my daughter would get into Legos and we could enjoy building and creating together. Then, as we were playing last Spring, she said "wouldn't it be cool if I could play as me as a Lego?" So, I started looking into it and low and behold, was led to Eurobricks, a great forum for learning about everything Lego.

Out of curiosity, did you ever succeed in making your daughter a LEGO fig of herself?

The only one I think could be improved is Blake who, although bearing striking resemblance to JGL, seems a little too un-legoish.

I agree...I think it's the lack of white dots (pupils) in his eyes. Without them, it doesn't really fit. :shrug_oh_well:

Anyway, great work! I've been keeping an eagle-eye on this topic so I don't miss any of your awesome minifigs. :sweet:

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Out of curiosity, did you ever succeed in making your daughter a LEGO fig of herself?

Yes, actually, it was my first official custom, as my daughter would wait and wait and ask how it was coming. Here's how it turned out (if you can't tell...she's definitely been putting it to use in her Lego play!):


Here's how it looked pre-crazy play:


I thought for the most part, it turned out really well and made me realize how when you try to emulate real human characters in Lego, the simpler the idea and design, the better it will turn out. The more I added little details, the worse it looked.

I agree...I think it's the lack of white dots (pupils) in his eyes. Without them, it doesn't really fit. :shrug_oh_well:

Anyway, great work! I've been keeping an eagle-eye on this topic so I don't miss any of your awesome minifigs. :sweet:

Yeah, I was wondering what you guys thought of this. I am a traditionalist as well, so i made a sparkle version and it is found on the first page of this thread, but I always thought the other version was more reflective of what the character looked like. I've edited it to include the "sparkle" classic Lego look. Is this better, if it were to go to print?


Thanks again for the feedback guys, love it!

With your great feedback, I have been debating the look of the new Joker I've designed...and can't decide which look I should go with...perhaps I'll post it here and see what YOU guys think looks best to go to print. Hmmm.

Yes, actually, it was my first official custom, as my daughter would wait and wait and ask how it was coming. Here's how it turned out (if you can't tell...she's definitely been putting it to use in her Lego play!)

Man...I sure wish my dad had made a custom figure of me when I was small! :laugh: It looks great - I'm sure she loves it.

Yeah, I was wondering what you guys thought of this. I am a traditionalist as well, so i made a sparkle version and it is found on the first page of this thread, but I always thought the other version was more reflective of what the character looked like. I've edited it to include the "sparkle" classic Lego look. Is this better, if it were to go to print?

This version is a hundred times better. :sweet: If you print it, I'd buy one with the sparkle. 

If you choose to go without the sparkle, I'll probably pass on the fig. :shrug_oh_well:

With your great feedback, I have been debating the look of the new Joker I've designed...and can't decide which look I should go with...perhaps I'll post it here and see what YOU guys think looks best to go to print. Hmmm.

Absolutely post it here! I'd love to take a look. :classic:

  • 2 weeks later...

Is there an update on the machine printing of these figures?

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Is there an update on the machine printing of these figures?

Yes actually, at the moment, I have sent some blank minifigs to the printer to evaluate and decide on how to do the leg prints, as several of the designs have this, and decide on exact measurements of how far the Bane head can print on back and front, as that is literally impossible to print completely around the head using the Pad Printing process. For printing costs to stay low, we are deciding on the most efficient and effective methods to print. Hopefully, the news comes back with no issues and we can figure out the leg printing, as the Catwoman (mockup below), my revised and improved Joker, and Talia al Ghul, for instance, will look MUCH better with the leg prints! My hope is that they will be able to go to print and be out in about a month. I will release information here when that happens. If I was only to print the Batman, Officer Blake, Alfred, Lucius Fox, and Commissioner Gordon figs, as they have no head or leg printing issues, they could be printing now, but not sure I have the funding to get ALL those printed. So, after the initial evaluation, the first prints may be available by the end of the month. At this time, I am for sure going to print Batman, Catwoman, and Bane, as that is where I have funding. One idea I was starting to have to solve this is to post a Kickstarter project, and list each of the minifigs at a bit lower cost than I would sell them ($5 off of something) and once the printing costs for three designs is met, I could go to print. Then, as any of the other minifig designs makes the minimum number to go to print, then I would print that design, and so on it would go. What would you all think of this?

Otherwise, I have to focus on just a few of the most obviously demanded figs (Batman, Catwoman, Bane) which I can afford to go to print, and then if profits are high enough, I can begin other prints. But, it all depends on the print estimate after the pieces and leg printing are evaluated and finalized with the printer. So, the process is slow, but proceeding.

Once printing is set up, I will post my mockups to get some feedback before I send them in to print. I figure you all will have some good feedback on any necessary tweaks.

That's where its at for now...stay tuned for further updates.

Edited by DarkKnight7

I love these figs, there brilliant and thanks for investing so much time into the process of printing for figs.

If you do end up finding a cost effective price would you be interested in making replicas of the comicon exclusives? I know that I would definitely be interested, and would be happy to pay a fair price for such gems.

My goodness, they're amazing...

WOW!!! What can I say?

Bane is perfect and the Joker is awesome too! :wub_drool:

Superb work!

I love the customs. I think the new Blake with the sparkle eye is more LEGOfied, but I do agree without the sparkle does look more like the character. I really like the catwoman with her mask (not the goggles). If only there was a mold with the goggles flipped up so it looked like the cat ears. And the revised Joker is awesome.

Keep us posted on how things go. I will definitely be interested in some purchases if it is affordable for both of us.

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I love the customs. I think the new Blake with the sparkle eye is more LEGOfied, but I do agree without the sparkle does look more like the character. I really like the catwoman with her mask (not the goggles). If only there was a mold with the goggles flipped up so it looked like the cat ears. And the revised Joker is awesome.

Keep us posted on how things go. I will definitely be interested in some purchases if it is affordable for both of us.

Thanks everyone for the comments! I agree, it would be great if there was a more appropriate hair piece for Catwoman (Selina Kyle) with retractable goggles, but for now, the hairpiece shown works pretty well! Also, appreciate the comments on Joker, but I have actually redone Joker from scratch, as the one I've posted here was a revision of someone else's work. The new one is more "LEGOfied" than that, IMO. I can't wait to show all my designs to everyone, just have to confirm the prints before I do...looking forward to your thoughts!

I haven't seen the movie but I could still tell that Blake decal was Joseph Gordon Levitt who fyi is my favourite actor! :tongue:

Edit: Lol I hadn't seen that photo before writing this!

Edited by TeardropTrashcan

These customizations are amazing, as are your graphic skills. :wink:

Seeing these did bring up some questions for me, though.

For those of us just getting into the customization of LEGO figures, do you still find that stickers are easier to apply to torsos than decals? I know that decals seem to be a bit more troublesome to apply, but is it worth it in the end? And if stickers would be an easier place to start, would you mind sharing the brand of sticker paper you used? Walking into the paper isle of an office supply store is still a bit overwhelming. :blush:

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These customizations are amazing, as are your graphic skills. :wink:

Seeing these did bring up some questions for me, though.

For those of us just getting into the customization of LEGO figures, do you still find that stickers are easier to apply to torsos than decals? I know that decals seem to be a bit more troublesome to apply, but is it worth it in the end? And if stickers would be an easier place to start, would you mind sharing the brand of sticker paper you used? Walking into the paper isle of an office supply store is still a bit overwhelming. :blush:

Thanks, Miles, appreciate it!

I would say this, if you have the patience and don't plan on playing with the Lego's, decals are the way to go. There are some limitations to them, such as the fact the the clear ones are miles better than the white paper decals, but the clear ones don't work for dark colored pieces. Along with this, not only are decals tedious, if you make a mistake (which is commonplace) while trying to apply them, they are very touchy and can nick up a bit when you apply them. It takes LOADS of practice, but yet can look really good on Legos. Also, decals cost a bit more and you may have to wait a bit longer to get them, as I have to order mine online. (Example comparison, a pack of 5 decal sheets from MicroMark cost about $10 with shipping, whereas I can get 25 sheets of good glossy sticker paper from OfficeMax or Staples for the same price). Really, I can't tell, though, for some of my designs which one is the decal vs sticker unless I get close and see the sticker edge. One last point, glossy stickers sometimes produce better color for the prints, than decal paper, if you are using your own printer or FedEx laser printing. If you go to a good, professional printer, it won't matter. Anyway, that's my two cents...decals are better, but take a lot of patience, practice, and cost more, stickers are pretty close, are more economical, but you can see the edges.

Hope that helps, and good luck with your customization work, can't wait to see it!

  • 5 months later...

I love the Bruce Wayne recluse design.

I was wondering where did you get the legs, torso and hair piece from?? I have looked every for the legs with the same colour shade but I can't seem to find it.


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Thanks, Brickboy 15, I liked that design too, just not sure of how well it would sell. Once I finish getting this project up and running (would be faster without a doctorate in the way!), I'll be able to assess what will sell. But, LuxorV has it quite right above. I used the Bruce Wayne fig (found here) as the base, with the dark hair. Then I just got some plain dark tan legs, flesh head, and dark tan torso to apply the decal to. The legs design was applied via GIMP "touchup" as I've found the decals don't handle so nicely on legs.

Maybe I'll sell this fig too, if it all goes well. I have a lot of Dark Knight type characters on deck waiting to be printed, as with a few other design "lines," just have to get all my ducks in a row, business wise! Appreciate the feedback!

Stunning work ...catwoman is absolutely lovely! :wub::thumbup:

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