March 26, 20168 yr It's an overall mess, nothing better to describe BvS. After all the massive hype this movie has gotten, it heavily fell flat on its face and the negative reviews it has been getting are more than justified. Incoherent plot/storylines, cringe-worthy amateurish slow mo scenes (ugh), out-of-place musical score, oversaturates CGI making the overall visuals look unnatural and fake ala-300, and don't even get me started with the annoying Lex. I feel the movie tries too hard to copy the dark tone of the successful Nolan Batman movies and tries even harder to separate itself from the lighter tone of the MCU, which deflates the whole movie experience of one key element - FUN. If ever you're going to watch try to come to the cinema with very very low expectations.
March 26, 20168 yr On 3/25/2016 at 8:11 PM, Zilcho said: Suicide squad looks like it'll be a fun, light-hearted though with a twisted crazy side too. Overall I'm really looking forward to the rest of the DCEU. I'm not convinced by that. To me, the Suicide Squad trailers convey a very conflicted tone as if they can't describe if they want it to be serious or fun.
March 26, 20168 yr On 3/26/2016 at 2:29 AM, Sir Gareth said: My friends and I collectively agree that this film deserves higher than 29% on Rotten Tomatoes, closer to 70%. Wow, did it actually get as low as 29%? I've seen it waver slightly as new reviews came in, but the last few times I've looked at RT it was vacillating between 30% and 31%. I hadn't seen it get as low as 29%. As of a few minutes ago, it's at 30%. I'm not sure why you'd say it deserves "closer to 70%." The percentage rating doesn't describe individual critics' ratings of how good it is, like somebody giving it 70% to mean the same thing as a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10; it means the actual percentage of critics who think it's good - 70% means 7 out of every 10 critics think it's good, without any indication of how good they think it is.
March 26, 20168 yr I'm sorry, but why has this got such low ratings? I absolutely loved this film, definitely the best to come from DC.
March 26, 20168 yr On 3/26/2016 at 5:41 AM, CallMePie said: Well, yeah. That's because Marvel took their time over several movies to develop all their characters first. On 3/26/2016 at 6:03 AM, Ultron said: That literally makes no sense. Marvel took their time, DC so obviously rushed EVERYTHING. This had more contrived future set up than Age of Ultron did. DC didn't have to take their time introducing everyone to Superman's and Batman's backstory with their own origin films. These are characters who have had a huge role in pop culture for over 70 years. Before their films came out, the average person probably didn't know Iron Man's backstory. Or Cap's or Thor's. DC has the benefit of huge characters so that they can jump right in without having to explain a ton beforehand.
March 26, 20168 yr On 3/26/2016 at 2:55 PM, K-Nut said: DC didn't have to take their time introducing everyone to Superman's and Batman's backstory with their own origin films. These are characters who have had a huge role in pop culture for over 70 years. Before their films came out, the average person probably didn't know Iron Man's backstory. Or Cap's or Thor's. DC has the benefit of huge characters so that they can jump right in without having to explain a ton beforehand. Yet something tells me that is not why they chose to omit origin stories...which also isn't even true because MoS was certainly an origin movie and WW will also be. Aquaman doesn't need to be one, but I'm sure Flash will have some sort of origin in his movie. Point being: they did it to skip ahead and it's painfully obvious because BvS was overstuffed with poorly executed cameos.
March 26, 20168 yr I don't know. I think it's just a different approach to uniting the superheroes. I also don't understand how the 6-8mins of cameos could feel overstuffed but whatever. And as a movie it just felt it was of better quality. Maybe it's because I like movies of this style, but the soundtrack, and how everything was shot I thought was awesome. I'm not saying its 10/10 best movie ever but honestly it's one of the better superhero movies we've had.
March 26, 20168 yr The problem isn't the fact that the cameos were in there, it's just that they were shoehorned in so badly. Spoilers: The 2 minute scene where Wonder Woman is just watching videos of the other Leaguers just felt so out of place, like they paused the movie to say "Hey, look at these heroes too!" The first flash cameo I was ok with though.
March 27, 20168 yr So, my thoughts on BvS: DoJ. (Placed in the spoiler tab to both save room and eliminate spoilers) Reveal hidden contents What, the, heck? The film felt so mish-mashed with plot points strewn all over the place. No I didn't like Zack Snyder going into this, but after? One of the best parts of the film wasn't even real: in my opinion, I thought the apocalyptic future vision of Batman's was pretty awesome. Otherwise, the only part that I enjoyed was the Kryptonite Interception scene and the Doomsday fight scene, the latter I mainly only enjoyed the Wonder Woman part. The Batman v Superman fight was not the "gladiator fight" we were promised; rather it felt very one-sided. Now, I've heard the film reviewed as "heavy and humorless," which it undoubtedly is, and feels like it just keeps dragging on through. What should be major plot points and motivations are glazed over such as: Reveal hidden contents The explosion at Captiol Hill (um, that was Captiol Hill, right?) and (that "what the flubber" moment) Jimmy Olsen's death? Come on, shooting someone point blank in the head is not "having fun with a character," Mr. Snyder!) There was some good action, and despite what some people may think I think Jesse Eisenburg acted well his part, but I cannot say I wouldn't have enjoyed Tom Hanks as Lex Luthor. One last thing I didn't like was the end of the film, the final shot felt a little too much like X-3: The Kast Stand. Reveal hidden contents (obvious heartbeat in coffin begs to differ with the world's mourning.) You couldn't have just played it off as him staying dead? Now there is seriously even less of a surprise when he's in the Justice League film. Because we all know he's in that film. Much like our Marvel heroes, no one stays dead forever. I felt it was distasteful to kill off Superman, only to include that final heartbeat/ levitating dirt spiel. As I said, it felt too much like in X-3 when Professor X dies, only to inhabit a coma patient in the end credits scene. All in all, I can't even say for sure that this would please a general audience, fans or not. The plot seems too loose, and continuously jumps into scenes here, there, and everywhere. As a fan, I was displeased with the film, and I throughly hope this was Zack Snyder's last DC film.
March 27, 20168 yr Reveal hidden contents The heartbeat was a reference to The Dark Knight Returns. What's everyone's opinion on the idea of George Miller ( Mad Max: Fury Road ) being promoted from producer to co-director of Justice League: Part One, alongside Zack Snyder? With filming starting next month, it's too late to replace Snyder altogether. Edited March 27, 20168 yr by Sir Gareth
March 27, 20168 yr Happy Easter everybody! Ok so I saw it yesterday with some friends and we all had the same reaction. It was good, it was. But a lot of questionable choices were made. Some redeeming qualities. The Batman parts of the movie are VERY heavily inspired by The Dark Knight Returns, he's throwing people into walls, branding the worst of the worst and ah well if you've seen it I'm sure you know. There were at least 5 scenes I can think of that where just about ripped straight from the comic. Ecspecily the whole "I believe you" scene. Wonderwoman was super cool and BA, Lois was her usual beautiful talented self, all the supporting cast was petty good. And the whole Batman and Superman fighting didn't feel contrived, it wasn't an excuse. You could legitimately see Bruce's decent into this helpless defenseless frame of mind. And of course the whole thing is orchestrated by Luthor. Speaking of, ho boy he is not right in the head. It's very deferent from most people's idea of what Lex Luthor should act like but you can see that he's VERY psychotic, very smart and obsessive. The part with the senator when she chokes out because she reilizes she's made a very very dangerous enemy? Ouch. Alright, here comes the weird megablocks parts. The whole apocalypse batman nightmare was in retrospect to long and almost unnessacary, surely they could have conveyed it in a better way? The fight against Doomsday at the end, man it's just almost to much. You've been there for over 2 hours already and there's all this energy stuff spewing everywhere.. Oh, and here is somthing I want to make VERY clear there is a part (this could be consider a spoiler but it's so stupid I ain't tagging it) were Bruce is in the cave and allofasuden he has a were it looks like the flash (maybe from the future) is trying to tell him somthing and he screams " Lois is the key!!!!" And Bruce's expression the whole time is the same as the audience, what is happening?! He wakes up, and I kid you not folks it's not addressed in any way for the rest of the movie. So that's my thoughts, there are more. Many many more but I've boarded you all enough!
March 27, 20168 yr On 3/27/2016 at 2:00 PM, Sir Gareth said: Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents The heartbeat was a reference to The Dark Knight Returns. What's everyone's opinion on the idea of George Miller ( Mad Max: Fury Road ) being promoted from producer to co-director of Justice League: Part One, alongside Zack Snyder? With filming starting next month, it's too late to replace Snyder altogether. Yes, yes, ANYTHING! I can't say I didn't enjoy Batman/Superman, but everything is so rushed together and even though I loved Batfleck, I can't get over the fact he kills and brands. If Justice League is anything like BvS, I am done with the DC Movie Universe. Well except Suicide Squad. It looks amazing. That's probably because Zach Snyder isn't involved
March 27, 20168 yr Spoilers inbound. Reveal hidden contents I just don't understand how some people had a hard time following this movie. I went with my parents and girlfriend, who know next to nothing about anything DC apart from events in Man of Steel (which they liked a lot), and they had no problems with any of the scenes people describe as 'jarring' or 'messy' and they completely understood the relevance of each scene. It was a fantastic film. We had no problems with the pacing, and the editing was not sloppy at all. It was an intense movie, and not made for people who like slower movies. It felt like a living comic book, and that was awesome. The message Batman gets is clearly foreshadowing the choices he will have to make later in the film and the vision shows the consequences if he makes the wrong one. Beyond that, you're not supposed to fully understand it, because it's a set-up for later in the film and the Justice League (and shows how much is at stake). Same for the AMAZING way the other JL members are introduced. I was losing my mind, with many others. DC's ballsy plan of not making stand alone films before the big team up meant this was always going to be the way they'd introduce these characters. If people don't understand who they are, it won't matter because it will be explained in the next film. At least a lot of the scenes some people are having trouble with, like the JL introductions, can be easily read up on using the internet, and if they don't it doesn't matter because it will be answered (and then some) in the next film(s). There is no harm waiting... no one seems to have issues with films like Marvel's (which I adore too) and their huge set-up and foreshadow scenes, which have been done just as poorly. Same goes for SW... I don't understand how people can love Episode 7, which had so many more plotholes that were even acknowledged by the characters and the writers, which won't be answered. People saying this movie lacks depth can't have been looking at the screen, there were so many of those moments in this movie. Lex's disturbing creation of Doomsday while being chastised by the Kryptonian robot aides about effectively playing God (maybe he wants to level Superman in Godliness, anyone?), Doomsday crushing Superman under the memorial which has the names of everyone who died because of him in the last film, Batman losing his sense of what is just or cruel, the continuously very well done (and realistic) representation of how the world would react to an alien 'God', the mirroring with the painting and 'myths', Lois and Clark's relationship (some of their scenes were fantastic)... the list goes on. After my second viewing I'll be able to name even more. The trinity were fantastic, the actors really nailed it. Gadot and Affleck were just perfectly suited and directed for this iteration of their characters, and Cavill has really grown into his role - that moment when he is stood hopelessly in the burning husk of the Capitol was a tearjerker, and that whole sequence was one of the best in the film. Lex was a chillingly creepy and dangerous villain (he was frikkin' scary level of insane), Lois' scenes were some of the heaviest, and Perry was just hilarious. There was humour in this film, I think it just helps if you don't go in expecting/wanting the film to be rubbish, and have the right sense of humour (no offence). Some of Alfred's pars were very funny, and obviously Ma Kent's line to Batman was great. It's silly to go into a DC movie after seeing their other recent media and films expecting it to be a jokey 'let's save the day' movie. That's not how the real world works, and DC is definitely going down that route. The high stake situations the characters are in don't allow for humour, and the fact they were not being jokey in those circumstances made them better characters. I think these high stakes also explains how ruthless Batman is. He doesn't take prisoners when the human race is on the line, and that is more realistic than 'you are getting in the way of me obtaining something that could protect all life on Earth, but I can't kill you so I'll just wait a bit for a better opportunity while more innocents die'. In the real world, Joker would have been killed a long time ago... probably by Batman himself. The whole 'no kill' notion did not work as well as people make out in the other films, as so many times he has killed criminals as a consequence of his actions, directly or not. I liked the fact they were straight up about it, and that made him more formidable. His fighting was some of the best I've seen in a Superhero movie and was everything I'd expect from the character. Synder definitely played the Arkham games The grapple-pull-punch and the arm-breaker were almost identical to the moves in the video games, and that action was incredible to see regardless. Everyone in my screening loved this movie, several adults even cried at the sacrifice scene. R.E. Superman's death and people complaining that he's not dead... of course he's not. What matters is that he made THE ultimate sacrifice, and now the world and his fellow heroes knows he is worthy to protect the human race. Still didn't stop people in the theatre believing it though, and there was an audible gasp and cheer when the soil shifted. This movie was not made for 'Critics', it was made for the fans and general audience, and most of these people won't have even heard of the film rating sites (and won't care, because a movie is what you make of it). The visuals were just mind-blowing, and the score was just Wonder Woman's reveal and her musical theme kicking in made everyone in the theatre shuffle and woop in excitement. Can't believe how good the music was... DAMN! The girlfriend (a Marvel freak) said she was more invested in this film than the first Avengers, and my parents (60+) want to go and see it again - which never happens!!! To hell with the Critics. I never was sure about their opinions and the score justifications, and this only confirms that they aren't for me. Rotten Tomatoes and Collider are now off my saved tabs! Giving average films high scores and awful excuses for movies like Sharknado over 80% was always laughable! Can't wait to see what Snyder does next, but I'm sure we're in for a treat! The best showing I've been to as the audience goes too, I will always remember it fondly Looking forward to the extended cut! Hopefully Batman says the famous line in that, as it was the only thing I would have added to the movie. Edited March 27, 20168 yr by Jammiedodger
March 27, 20168 yr Also guys, I am aware that Batman does kill in some comics, and probably brands, I just find it unfaithful to the mainstream DC Batman
March 27, 20168 yr On 3/27/2016 at 4:41 PM, Jammiedodger said: Spoilers inbound. Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents I just don't understand how some people had a hard time following this movie. I went with my parents and girlfriend, who know next to nothing about anything DC apart from events in Man of Steel (which they liked a lot), and they had no problems with any of the scenes people describe as 'jarring' or 'messy' and they completely understood the relevance of each scene. It was a fantastic film. We had no problems with the pacing, and the editing was not sloppy at all. It was an intense movie, and not made for people who like slower movies. It felt like a living comic book, and that was awesome. The message Batman gets is clearly foreshadowing the choices he will have to make later in the film and the vision shows the consequences if he makes the wrong one. Beyond that, you're not supposed to fully understand it, because it's a set-up for later in the film and the Justice League (and shows how much is at stake). Same for the AMAZING way the other JL members are introduced. I was losing my mind, with many others. DC's ballsy plan of not making stand alone films before the big team up meant this was always going to be the way they'd introduce these characters. If people don't understand who they are, it won't matter because it will be explained in the next film. At least a lot of the scenes some people are having trouble with, like the JL introductions, can be easily read up on using the internet, and if they don't it doesn't matter because it will be answered (and then some) in the next film(s). There is no harm waiting... no one seems to have issues with films like Marvel's (which I adore too) and their huge set-up and foreshadow scenes, which have been done just as poorly. Same goes for SW... I don't understand how people can love Episode 7, which had so many more plotholes that were even acknowledged by the characters and the writers, which won't be answered. People saying this movie lacks depth can't have been looking at the screen, there were so many of those moments in this movie. Lex's disturbing creation of Doomsday while being chastised by the Kryptonian robot aides about effectively playing God (maybe he wants to level Superman in Godliness, anyone?), Doomsday crushing Superman under the memorial which has the names of everyone who died because of him in the last film, Batman losing his sense of what is just or cruel, the continuously very well done (and realistic) representation of how the world would react to an alien 'God', the mirroring with the painting and 'myths', Lois and Clark's relationship (some of their scenes were fantastic)... the list goes on. After my second viewing I'll be able to name even more. The trinity were fantastic, the actors really nailed it. Gadot and Affleck were just perfectly suited and directed for this iteration of their characters, and Cavill has really grown into his role - that moment when he is stood hopelessly in the burning husk of the Capitol was a tearjerker, and that whole sequence was one of the best in the film. Lex was a chillingly creepy and dangerous villain (he was frikkin' scary level of insane), Lois' scenes were some of the heaviest, and Perry was just hilarious. There was humour in this film, I think it just helps if you don't go in expecting/wanting the film to be rubbish, and have the right sense of humour (no offence). Some of Alfred's pars were very funny, and obviously Ma Kent's line to Batman was great. It's silly to go into a DC movie after seeing their other recent media and films expecting it to be a jokey 'let's save the day' movie. That's not how the real world works, and DC is definitely going down that route. The high stake situations the characters are in don't allow for humour, and the fact they were not being jokey in those circumstances made them better characters. I think these high stakes also explains how ruthless Batman is. He doesn't take prisoners when the human race is on the line, and that is more realistic than 'you are getting in the way of me obtaining something that could protect all life on Earth, but I can't kill you so I'll just wait a bit for a better opportunity while more innocents die'. In the real world, Joker would have been killed a long time ago... probably by Batman himself. The whole 'no kill' notion did not work as well as people make out in the other films, as so many times he has killed criminals as a consequence of his actions, directly or not. I liked the fact they were straight up about it, and that made him more formidable. His fighting was some of the best I've seen in a Superhero movie and was everything I'd expect from the character. Synder definitely played the Arkham games The grapple-pull-punch and the arm-breaker were almost identical to the moves in the video games, and that action was incredible to see regardless. Everyone in my screening loved this movie, several adults even cried at the sacrifice scene. R.E. Superman's death and people complaining that he's not dead... of course he's not. What matters is that he made THE ultimate sacrifice, and now the world and his fellow heroes knows he is worthy to protect the human race. Still didn't stop people in the theatre believing it though, and there was an audible gasp and cheer when the soil shifted. This movie was not made for 'Critics', it was made for the fans and general audience, and most of these people won't have even heard of the film rating sites (and won't care, because a movie is what you make of it). The visuals were just mind-blowing, and the score was just Wonder Woman's reveal and her musical theme kicking in made everyone in the theatre shuffle and woop in excitement. Can't believe how good the music was... DAMN! The girlfriend (a Marvel freak) said she was more invested in this film than the first Avengers, and my parents (60+) want to go and see it again - which never happens!!! To hell with the Critics. I never was sure about their opinions and the score justifications, and this only confirms that they aren't for me. Rotten Tomatoes and Collider are now off my saved tabs! Giving average films high scores and awful excuses for movies like Sharknado over 80% was always laughable! Can't wait to see what Snyder does next, but I'm sure we're in for a treat! The best showing I've been to as the audience goes too, I will always remember it fondly Looking forward to the extended cut! Hopefully Batman says the famous line in that, as it was the only thing I would have added to the movie. See? This here is a good thoughtful review
March 27, 20168 yr Also I want to reiterate my love for the score of this movie. The music that plays during the death of Bruce's parents was very very emotional, especially when it was done again during the Martha scene. The original Man of Steel motifs are great. The Wonder Woman music gives me chills it's so badass. Oh and I love Lex's theme which is a dark twist on the original MoS motif. Edited March 27, 20168 yr by Zilcho
March 28, 20168 yr On 3/27/2016 at 7:40 PM, Zilcho said: Also I want to reiterate my love for the score of this movie. The music that plays during the death of Bruce's parents was very very emotional, especially when it was done again during the Martha scene. The original Man of Steel motifs are great. The Wonder Woman music gives me chills it's so badass. Oh and I love Lex's theme which is a dark twist on the original MoS motif. If have to agree with this, I loved the film's music score!
March 28, 20168 yr Finally saw it and it's dissapointing as people said. It had it's good scenes and scenes that were pointless. Batman was great, loved all of his scenes. Superman didn't have enough scenes in my opinion. Wonder woman was used poorly, she needed more scenes. Lex didn't seem like Lex, wasn't a big fan of Eissenburg's take on him. Lois was alright, she had a lot of scenes that could have been replaced with other characters. Doomsday wasn't used correctly, he need to be saved for a later movie. Reveal hidden contents Supermans death didn't feel right, I didn't feel impacted by that. They also should have saved that for later. Everything felt rushed and I wasn't a fan of the scene jumping. It just felt like a big mess. They really rushed setting up justice league. They're really trying to catch up to Marvel and that's a huge mistake. Maybe seeing it a second time will help, but for right now, not a great movie. I do look forward to suicide squad. Edited March 28, 20168 yr by amazingbricks
March 29, 20168 yr ^I agree, the movie was very rushed, DC is trying to cut corners to catch up with Marvel, and it doesn't look very good for them. I agree though that Batman's scenes were masterfully done, and I cannot wait for his standalone movie. (Sorry, next standalone movie.) Doomsday's inclusion was badly timed, and I too, found little to no impact by the film's ending, aforementioned in the spoiler tab. I look forward to Suicide Squad, very original, but I do hope after this film that Zack Snyder's attachment to Justice League Parts I and II will not happen. I have to disagree, I did (for the most part) enjoy Lex Luthor, I felt Jesse Eisenberg was a breath of fresh air, especially for the character they were attempting to put across.
March 30, 20168 yr I loved it. I quite enjoyed the fight scenes. I was grinning from ear to ear during the Bats/Supes ones. That entrance by Wonder Woman(and the accompanying music) was fantastic! I loved Eisenberg's portrayal, it really showed his brilliance & craziness. Reveal hidden contents I was skeptical of how were they going to cram in all those introductions. I thought they handled them well & it made sense, although it wasn't really clear-to me at least- why Lex was spying on them. Bats & Wonder Woman definitely stole the show for me. Excited for her solo movie more so now. Affleck & Gadot were great portrayals. Reveal hidden contents I really enjoyed when Perry told Clark it wasn't 1938. Ha.
April 2, 20168 yr Saw BvS. I liked it, I mean I don't get the hate. Little long and some unnecessary slo-mo. But I didn't not like it. Reveal hidden contents Seeing the JL was so cool! What was with Flash's (was that Flash?) weird future message thing?
April 2, 20168 yr On 4/2/2016 at 2:00 AM, CM4Sci said: Saw BvS. I liked it, I mean I don't get the hate. Little long and some unnecessary slo-mo. But I didn't not like it. Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Seeing the JL was so cool! What was with Flash's (was that Flash?) weird future message thing? Reveal hidden contents That was Flash, and I think its like an Injustice reference. Superman goes bad because Lex kills Martha or something. I saw some article that explains it, but I'm as confused as you
April 2, 20168 yr On 4/2/2016 at 2:11 AM, Quicksilver838 said: Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents That was Flash, and I think its like an Injustice reference. Superman goes bad because Lex kills Martha or something. I saw some article that explains it, but I'm as confused as you Reveal hidden contents Did you just spoil JL for me? A year in advance?
April 2, 20168 yr On 4/2/2016 at 2:27 AM, CM4Sci said: Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents Did you just spoil JL for me? A year in advance? Reveal hidden contents I think he was talking about protecting Lois? In the Injustice video game Superman goes crazy and becomes a dictator because Lois gets killed, which is where the comparison comes from. As for how it plays out in the DCEU, I have no idea.
April 2, 20168 yr On 4/2/2016 at 2:32 AM, K-Nut said: Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents I think he was talking about protecting Lois? In the Injustice video game Superman goes crazy and becomes a dictator because Lois gets killed, which is where the comparison comes from. As for how it plays out in the DCEU, I have no idea. Ohhh, ok. I just watch the movies, I don't read comics or play the games. : )
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