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I always look at LEGO's in my computer freetime, and my teachers get mad. I once got busted for posting on this forum. ;-)

Why? Thats a bit harsh isn't it?

I suck at most sport.

I suck at every sport :-D .

AFOL & proud of it!

Hear hear.

As for girls, all the girls I know are only friends. So Lego has never been a problem there. A lot of other people seem to believe that I talk about Lego all the time. I don't. I might if I had someone to talk to.

My parents still buy me Lego for Christmas and Birthdays, and I buy the rest.

And if your parents complain, just tell them its better than being into sex drugs and rock-n-roll...

Heh, made me think of something my dad once said after I bought a Sandcrawler. "It's a waste of money, but I'd rather have him spend it on this then on drugs" :-D

Heh, made me think of something my dad once said after I bought a Sandcrawler. "It's a waste of money, but I'd rather have him spend it on this then on drugs" :-D

LEGO is absolutly NOT A WASTE OF MONEY!!!!!!! >:-( >:-( >:-(

lol. I'm quite quiet about it. My family have no real problem, and my girlfriend thinks it's kind of sweet. I might need to clear some of my models soon, otherwise I'll have no room for anything in my bedroom.

Tiber I second that emotion!

Tiber I second that emotion!

MR Tiber!!!

girlfriends and Lego..; hm... here's a tricky relationship... my current GF doesn't mind, in fact, she's been going through the collection in the last couple of weeks and she actually built one of the sets :-$ ..; but talent? nope, not in that field anyway... :-P *sweet* ;-)

GF of the past? it's never been an issue, contrary to CM's situation, but if you know what quantities that guy buys,... hm... no wonder she's leaving him... :-P he's paying more attention to Lego Vader than to her! :-P X-O

little-er people: KOOL!!! *y*

bigger people: stupid; grow up *n*

Being 36 years old I really don't care what people think of my hobby...wait I've always felt that way, I've never considered changing any of my habits for anyone else. In fact I've even converted some non-believers to the dark side and they've started back on the LEGO fix. My wife tolerates it, and finds its a better hobby than getting a girlfriend as a hobby, and my two boys (aged 5 and 7 ) love it. From my boys point of view its very easy to get daddy to buy you LEGO cause theres bound to be a piece or two that daddy needs!

My parrets don't mind at all. They buy me lego's for Christmas and my birtthday without questioning why I want them, and they enjoy seeing the MOC's I make. They even bought me a cabinet to store my legos in years ago, and my dad gave me some old shelves that he had to display my sets and creations on! *y*

My younger brothers don't mind a bit, either, and my youngest one (2 and a half) really enjoys playing with my sets and pieces. I really see a future lego fan in him... ;-)

Girlfriends? I'm too young to have one (family rules, which are no problem to me), and I don't really care about getting one until my adulthood. So, that is not a problem for me at all. ;-)

And, since I'm homeschooled now, I don't have to worry about school kids teasing me, althought they never did in the past. The fact that most kids had no clue about my hobbies probably had something to do with it. X-D

Overall, my lego life is pretty darn great, and I couldn't ask for better treatment concerning my hobby. ;-)

My parrets don't mind at all.

Ah, the old 'raised by animals' story I see X-D X-D X-D

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Ah, the old 'raised by animals' story I see X-D X-D X-D

Yes, I noticed that too. It made my friend laugh too.

I've just been back in to the hobby since last summer. At first my girlfriend rolled with her eyes. Because she thought it was a fling that would pass in a couple of weeks. (I'm always spending money on silly things...) But now for sinterklaas she bought me a little set. She was even complaining about the fact there are no more sets like the Paradiso ones and that the city sets are all cold and distant. Sadly her mom gave all her legos away many years ago.

Most of my friends don't mind, they know I'm always in too funky stuff (e.g. I use a Mac and buy vynl instead of cd's etc etc..)

My mother thinks it's cute (it's thanks to her I still have most of my original boxes)

  • Eurobricks Emperor

I never asked what they think of my hobby....

But they don't like that I spend so much time on this forum :-D

I'm 31 and I never worried myself about the though of other people about my hobbies. And my Wife is very comprehensive, she even buys me some set from time to time, I guess it's love *wub* .

My older daughter (4) is very happy about my lego passion , she just loves minifigs.

The funny stuff is that she has her lego sets and me I have mine (those in my collection), of course she can play with my sets but since I'm maniac I always pass behind her to put everything in it's right place X-D

As i say to her : "Every lego of Dady is yours, you can play with it as long as you try not to lose some pieces".

Her sets I don't mind, she can play like she wants.

The problem is that she likes Playmobil too :-X but since some month I tend o make a blocus on the buying of Playmobil. Sure it's sorta more "unpack and play directly" butit misses all the imagination and fun of building of Lego, but that's and other (looooooooooooooooong) debate ;-)

As for my friends they think it's kind of cool for a hobby, the fact is that I love video games too so I have always good subjects of conversations :-P

I'm 26 and an Engineering major @ UW-Platteville. Most ppl i talk to at college about legos really like the idea of getting their old sets and come out of the dark ages. I tell them where all the lego websites are and show them that they can get missing pieces for their old sets on BL.

My wife just tolerates lego and is thankful i don't have an expensive hobby like some of her friend's husbands where they easily spend thousands.

The inlaws haven't bought me any new sets for X-mas or B-day since i got the UCS ISD. I think they think i have too many legos. Now that's just not true!! X-O (it'll never be true he he he >:-) )

My family has long tolerated my hobby since i've been legoing for almost 20 years (minus 2 years of the dark ages in high school). One of my brothers is also into lego pirates as much as i am so that's always fun.

My wife just tolerates lego and is thankful i don't have an expensive hobby like some of her friend's husbands where they easily spend thousands.

Well, LEGO isn't very cheap is it?

Well, LEGO isn't very cheap is it?

hm... compared to ... let's say... scuba diving in the mediterranean? :-P

I [...] buy vynl instead of cd's

*CODE ORANGE. To all stations, i've found another one. I repeat, i've found another one. Over and out.*

Well, LEGO isn't very cheap is it?

Compared to the thousands my wife's friend's husbands regularly spend on their hobbies, legos are cheap. es.

Even if lego makes a new system pirates ( *wub* *wub* *wub* *wub* ), i know i won't be spending more than a thousand dollars a year on legos. I get along with these guys just fine, I just can't see spening all that money on hobbies unless you can afford it and one of them definetely can't.

I know it is possible to spend thousands on lego, i just chose not to. I know i might get sent to the gallows for this X-D but there are other things to do and see rather than spend all your extra money into legos

hm... compared to ... let's say... scuba diving in the mediterranean?:-P

Is that expensive?

Compared to the thousands my wife's friend's husbands regularly spend on their hobbies, legos are cheap. es.

What do they do then? They build wooden model ships? (can also get very expensive)

I'm 25, not my family dosen't have a problem with it at all. My girlfrined loves to by me sets too. She just bought me the new techinc tow truck for xmas. For my B-day last year she bought me a 8884(i think thats the number) The red techinc truck with the crane on the back.

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My parents bought me the Star Wars A-Wing/Jedi Starfighter Double pack for Christmas. Obviously that shows some support of my hobby. I prefer to choose my own lego anyway.

I'm only ten and I still get abuse from schoolmates but some of them like it. Oh yeah, I'm rubbish at sports as well.

P.S I never knew this was an adult forum. Please don't ban me :'-(

You have very nice writing skills for a 10 (Ooo, you even spelled out t-e-n, impressive) year old and as long as you behave, it's all good. ;-)

(I'm not that old either)

So, Welcome.

As for my hobby, my younger brother (also 10) is obsessed and my parents think it's interesting. As for my friends, some think it's dumb and childish, some don't care and yet others think it's fun and neat.

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