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I say no.

The point in promotions is them being exclusive. Not everyone can get them, and Lego has been doing this for years on end. Just have to suck it up and deal with it.


So if you don't want them, why not just ignore them? It doesn't do anything to you if a bunch of other people are able to get them.

I kinda agree with everyone here a little bit. It's funny how Lego has been doing exclusives for years, then Super Heroes comes along, and suddenly it's a big deal. I can understand the issue though. With Star Wars it has always been fine since it was usually just color variations of figs that are widely available, whereas in these Super Heroes exclusives, they're either popular, canon variations of certain characters, or completely new characters that aren't available anywhere else. While I would love to have the SDCC figs and am annoyed that I will never have a complete collection of Super Heroes figs, I have accepted this fate and can understand the people who have them and don't want them to loose their exclusivity.

On the other hand, no one should have to pay hundreds of dollars for a little plastic figure. TLG doesn't really profit from these SDCC exclusives (other than promoting the theme, which is hardly necessary considering all the hype it already has), so I don't really see why they would need to have these exclusives at all. Seeing how people are willing to spend that kind of money on them, it should be in their best interest to sell them in sets. But perhaps there's something I'm not seeing here, and I would appreciate if someone could enlighten me on this matter.

I think it would be best if they did what some have been suggesting, to only give out preview-style figs like they did with Superman. That way the people who get these figs will still have an exclusive fig (at least for a while) along with the exclusive packaging, which will make the figs forever exclusive, but will still allow others to get the figs. Everyone is happy.

As for people getting these things just because of their monetary value, I must agree with Super Goblin that it seems wrong. It's not about collecting rare items (that's what collecting in general is all about after all), but about getting something so rare and high in demand just to have it sit on a shelf simply because it's worth X amount of money, whereas somebody who wants it for what it is (a toy of their favorite character) and could do something useful with it instead, such as completing their collection, playing with it, or creating art such as MOCs, brickfilms, and photography, will never be able to get it. It's a similar issue as with people who hoard rare sets just to sell them for ridiculous prizes on the secondary market, but at least those people don't keep the sets for themselves. And if you think that TLG means these exclusives as an insult to you and that they owe you something, you are on the completely wrong path. That's just my opinion anyway.

That said, I wont sign this petition and think we should deal with not getting these SDCC figs and just pray that TLG listens to their fans and doesn't give out new, exclusive characters at future events. As some have said, we might still get Shazam, Phoenix, Bizzaro, and Green Lantern in future sets, although they will probably be different from the SDCC ones, which would be a shame in the case of Jean and Cpt. Marvel since those are their most iconic looks, but we'll see.

I'm not going to sit here and cry about not being able to get the exclusives, but I do wish they were made available to everyone else. I do not feel the need to "catch them all" with other LEGO themes, but the Super Hero theme is my favorite and I would like to be able to get all the different characters produced without spending $500-600 for 4 figures.

I understand that exclusives have been around for a long time but, as was previously mentioned, they usually consisted of a color variation of an existing character. Other companies offer exclusive characters at conventions, but normally they are produced in much larger quantities than the LEGO figures and are generally available to the public after the show.

If LEGO sees enough demand for these characters, maybe eventually they will produce the same/ similar versions of these characters. For that reason, I'm willing to sign the petition. No, I'm not going to die without them, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want them.

Here's the deal, people. I don't want to lock this thread. The original poster posted a link to a petition. If you want to sign it, do so.

I think we, as a forum, have been pretty good at discussing the hot-button issue of these exclusives. Let's not start flame wars now. Let's keep overly strong language and name calling out of it.

If I see more of the that in this thread or elsewhere in this forum, I will not hesitate to chamber people and/or lock threads. So tread carefully.

I'll just say this, I agree with all of what Omicron has said.

I don't understand this fit over exclusives all of a sudden... How about we get a petition going to TLG pertaining to airline exclusives. I really want 4442, but since I'm not in any condition to fly anywhere, I don't think they should sell that set. Or how about the Sun Times promos. Sure, they're just polybags, but not everyone has a store nearby that sells them. Even still, it's very hit or miss. Should the Sun quit doing that promo?

The sooner people come to the realization that you won't get everything you want TLG releases, the better you'll feel. Like someone else said, TLG doesn't owe the masses anything...

I'll just say this, I agree with all of what Omicron has said.

I don't understand this fit over exclusives all of a sudden... How about we get a petition going to TLG pertaining to airline exclusives. I really want 4442, but since I'm not in any condition to fly anywhere, I don't think they should sell that set. Or how about the Sun Times promos. Sure, they're just polybags, but not everyone has a store nearby that sells them. Even still, it's very hit or miss. Should the Sun quit doing that promo?

The sooner people come to the realization that you won't get everything you want TLG releases, the better you'll feel. Like someone else said, TLG doesn't owe the masses anything...

The sun promotions are a bit different than exculsive figures, as the polybags are available for purchase in other countries and even if there isn't a TRU near you or a WHSmith you can post the coupon inside the paper to The Sun HQ to get them. I kind off see your point with the airline exclusives but again they are available for a long time and also don't gernerate the crazy price increase on the secondary market.

I don't feel that I am owed figures because I'm a fan but I believe that LEGO should level the playing field a little bit. I don't mind a couple of exculsives but unlike with other themes the superheroes ones are incredibly hard to obtain. For those outside the USA it's even harder and incredibly expensive. Also it's frustrating when so many people who obtain these figures at these events are not even fans of Lego and are just trying to get as many freebies as possible. These exculsives also seem to allow many none LEGO fans the ability to make a lot of money from AFOLs who cannot attend these events for whatever reason whether that be money, location, other commitments or even a combination of these plus others. I believe it would be much more beneficial to everyone If Lego did a 'May the forth' type event every year for superheroes. Say spend over a certain amount on superheroes and pick between two figures. LEGO already showed this worked with the Hulk fig.

To me this petition is a lot more than what it seems. I doubt that Lego will make previous exculsives available but it may prevent them from continuing it in the future.

I'll just say this, I agree with all of what Omicron has said.

I don't understand this fit over exclusives all of a sudden... How about we get a petition going to TLG pertaining to airline exclusives. I really want 4442, but since I'm not in any condition to fly anywhere, I don't think they should sell that set. Or how about the Sun Times promos. Sure, they're just polybags, but not everyone has a store nearby that sells them. Even still, it's very hit or miss. Should the Sun quit doing that promo?

The sooner people come to the realization that you won't get everything you want TLG releases, the better you'll feel. Like someone else said, TLG doesn't owe the masses anything...

My two cents is this - I'd love all the figs I can get and managed to snag some on ebay for inflated prices. Given that TLG has already bought out Superman who was previously an exclusive then surely it's really own the package that is exclusive anyways. I don't see the harm in bringing out the exclusive figures in this way - If they aren't on the backing card then they aren't exlcusives.

That said Promo items are cool. Without travelling to the states I doubt I will ever get to own one without shelling out $100+, so in all honesty I probably won't be getting any more.

As other people have said there are more important things than having a complete set - I can however understand purists wanting these items. Being geogrpahically cursed is very annoying... :)

So if you don't want them, why not just ignore them? It doesn't do anything to you if a bunch of other people are able to get them.

I want them, but I wouldn't if they aren't exclusive.

Besides I can make my own if I really wanted one. :P


I usually have no problem with exclusive figs, mostly because they are secondary characters, alternate versions (like black spiderman) or chrome, gold and whatnot versions of others. So I don't really want or need them.

But I did feel really pissed when they chose a really popular character like Phoenix, in one of her most beloved and popular outfits, as a exclusive. Because a lot of people want the character, and now it is reduced to the few lucky people who either have enough money to buy one, or had the luck to recieve the fig.

I don't feel like they are better of, because they get a fig, and that it is totally unfair to release exclusive figs.

I just wish Lego would keep in mind the popularity of a chosen character before they make it exclusive like this. They must have realised only a small percentage would be able to get that fig, and the massive fanbase for that character.

So yeah, Lego, go ahead and make as many exclusive collectable figs as you want, I'm fine with it, and I'm really happy if some collector has a more complete collection because he or she made it to the event. But please Lego, chose wisely in you Character choice.

My two cents... I also find it rather annoying that there are characters given away at events I couldn't possibly attend that I can't get elsewhere.

Notice I said "characters" and not minifigures - w.r.t. superheroes, I'd like a complete collection of the characters - but I don't need every variation ever made. If I could get a Green Lantern from a production set that was different than the one they gave away, it wouldn't bother me. But I've seen (supposed) pictures of next years figures, and there's no Green Lantern.

If someone wants to be a true collector of something (every variation of every figure) then it stands to reason they may have to pay a lot for it, but otherwise it seems silly to alienate a number of your customers for whom it would be unreasonable to travel to these events or pay secondary market prices for some artificially restricted figure.

That said, I'll say things on those LEGO surveys and I'll make comments about it, but I wouldn't go so far as to start a petition (especially when I don't know why they'd make an exclusive out of the only version primary character they are going to release). I also will join in a discussion like this about it - but I'm not so infuriated that I'd start one on my own. The way I feel sometimes is "Hey, TLG, here's my money... if you don't want it, that's your prerogative."

but otherwise it seems silly to alienate a number of your customers for whom it would be unreasonable to travel to these events or pay secondary market prices for some artificially restricted figure.

No customers are alienated because the figs are not for sale at these events. Nor are they barring anyone from attendance.


No customers are alienated because the figs are not for sale at these events. Nor are they barring anyone from attendance.

There is still an extremely high price to pay in order to get one, whether you are paying TLG directly or not.

The point is it's economically impossible for many fans who may then feel alienated by the company.

Now I have been watching this topic for a while and have finally decided to speak out...

Now I don't mean to offend anyone, but everyone in support of this petition obviously doesn't understand the point of San Diego Comic-Con Exclusives...

When exclusives of any sort are brought to Comic-Con by a company it is generally because...

A. The company is well known (In the case of LEGO or DST) and is providing exclusives for the die-hard fans in attendence.

B. The company is mildly known (In the case of a secondary retailer such as AFX) and is providing exclusives produced by brand retailers such as DST's minimate line.

C. The company is not well known (just starting up) and is providing exclusives to introduce anttendees to their products.

As I said, LEGO is well known and brings exclusives for die-hard fans in attendence. I know many of you feel that it is unfair that LEGO does give out these exclusives. That these well known and popular characters are distributed in limited edition in their most popular outfits to only those attending Comic-Con. But let's all take a step back and look at the big picture...

If it weren't for Comic-Con and these exclusives, you would NEVER get these figures EVER! LEGO has previously stated that the exclusive figures distributed at the 2012 Comic-Con are never going to be in ANY future line-up. So instead of complaining about the rarety of these figures, you should be celebrating that they are even in exisistence! That you even get the slightest of chances to obtain one of these figures. Sure you may not get a variation of some of the figures as it was said a possibility, but like I said, be happy they even exist!

That is why I am against this petition. Please leave your thoughts about my arguement! :classic:

Edited by CBMM1

My thoughts on your "argument"? I'm thinking about giving you a warning. Earlier in this thread I discouraged people from making posts like yours that are condescending and unnecessarily argumentative.

Now I don't mean to offend anyone, but

If anyone finds themselves typing this sentence, it's best that you stop and really think about what you're posting. Odds are if you think it will offend anyone, you shouldn't post it. Also, let's keep away from insinuating other members are stupid and from underlining words that are already bolded and in all caps.

As I said, this is a warning. This thread is for discussion not arguing. There's a difference.

My thoughts on your "argument"? I'm thinking about giving you a warning. Earlier in this thread I discouraged people from making posts like yours that are condescending and unnecessarily argumentative.

If anyone finds themselves typing this sentence, it's best that you stop and really think about what you're posting. Odds are if you think it will offend anyone, you shouldn't post it. Also, let's keep away from insinuating other members are stupid and from underlining words that are already bolded and in all caps.

As I said, this is a warning. This thread is for discussion not arguing. There's a difference.

Perhaps I mispoke about my reply being an "argument". It was not ment to be the type of argument that condescends, it was ment to explain my feelings on the topic with logic and facts. When I wrote "Now I don't mean to offend anyone, but" it was simply my way of saying that I am not trying to be argumentive. There are overly-sensitive people in the world (I am not pointing fingers nor naming names, and I am not saying that anyone on here is) and myself being one of them would like that extra insurance of the replier's feelings. I also dont see where I was "insinuating other members are stupid". Was it the facts I pointed out? Please tell me so I can improve my post if necessary. Also, my "underlining words that are already bolded and in all caps" is simply my writing style and my way of putting emphasis on words with a lot of relevance to my point.

Edited by CorneliusMurdock

As I said, LEGO is well known and brings exclusives for die-hard fans in attendence.

I sure hope that those who get their hands with these exclusive Comic-Con minifigs are indeed "die-hard fans" of either LEGO or the comic world, and not some cheap-a** greedy toy seller who wants to make a profit out of these exclusives. I have no problems with these exclusive figs, as long as they go to passionate toy collectors.

With regards to this petition, I've never been a fan since rarely do these petitions succeed. Heck even the "mos prominent petition program of LEGO" - the CUUSOO concept, hasn't even proven anything. The point is we should just trust TLG with what they're doing. For all we know, they might have plans of releasing these characters (in another variant) in future sets (remember that they plan things waaay ahead, as in years, before they release sets/minifigs). I say as Adult FOLs we should practice patience, since petitions like this somehow make the FOL community look like a bunch of impatient brats. Sure we could still voice out our wants/wishes in online forums like here in Eurobricks, but to go all-out with an aggressive "Here we've gathered a gazillion signatures so give us what we want or else" petition, I don't think that would sit well with TLG since it implies that they're not doing their job and that they need to be "reminded". Again, as overused cliché it is, patience is a virtue. Just look at how us SW FOLs have to wait for a long dozen years to finally get a Queen Amidala fig! :laugh:

I sure hope that those who get their hands with these exclusive Comic-Con minifigs are indeed "die-hard fans" of either LEGO or the comic world, and not some cheap-a** greedy toy seller who wants to make a profit out of these exclusives. I have no problems with these exclusive figs, as long as they go to passionate toy collectors.

Well of course there will be a few greedy toy-sellers, but there is really nothing anyone can do about that. On the bright side must of them would more than likely pass by the LEGO booth and focus on the rarer exclusives.

The point is it's economically impossible for many fans who may then feel alienated by the company.

Well you can't please them all.


Perhaps I mispoke about my reply being an "argument".

No, you were right about that point.

If you can't see how you were insinuating that other members were stupid you "obviously don't understand the meaning of the word" condescending. Should I quote Webster to you? How would it make you feel if I did? Your post was full of condescension.

The phrase "I don't mean to offend anyone" is used as an excuse to offend people every time anyone has ever said it. Just a fact. You don't apologize to people before committing the offense or you're not truly sorry.

But this is beside the point. I gave you a warning. That's it. Now back to the topic.

Well you can't please them all.

Actually, they could... TLG is choosing not to. Like I said, I will not go so far as to support this petition because we're not in a position to "demand" a damn thing - if TLG chooses not to sell these figures, I can assume they think it's better for some reason.

But, at the same time, I understand where the argument about disappointing and alienating fans is coming from, and I don't think it's entirely wrong.

Ultimately, it's TLG's prerogative to do whatever the heck they want to do... but as members of this community, we should voice our opinions on the subject if we think they should change.

I don't mind if TLC make other variants but it's highly unlikely. I can't see any of this years being mass produced in sets. I understand that with DC exclusives Shazam isn't well known and neither is Bizzaro really but, with the Marvel side Black suit Spidey and Phionix and major plot points and huge characters that are iconic to there series. Promotions should promote obtainable figures not limited edition figures that cost huge amounts of money to buy. So far only 1 exculsive figure has been obtainable and that's superman. However he wasn't given away at comic con so I don't really count him for this and the fact he was previewed with the other normal figures at the con. All 6 figures are really just in my opinion LEGZo showing off. It's like there saying "look at what we could do, we won't but look". It's unlikely we will get these characters ever again.

Movie Green Lantern- very doubtful at the moment no word on any sets and WB is thinking about rebooting the series

Movie Batman- although we are getting a TDKR Batman he's dark grey and not black plus the difference in cowl and it will be most likely a slightly changed print.

Shazam- not very well known so I don't think there will ever be another fig.

Bizzaro- same as above.

Black suit Spider-man- at the moment TLC only has the licence to create sets around the new show. In the show Spidey doesn't ever have the suit it makes Harry the black Spidey and about 5 minuites later turns him into Venom.

Phoenix - this variant is her most iconic so although it's possible we will get a Jean Grey fig in her X-men diggs it's unlikely as Lego will probably want to include other X-men like Cyclops and storm or whatever.

The argument has been made that at least the characters got made, but is it really it wouldn't make any difference if someone created these at home I still can't get them and play with them. It might as well just be a photo because thats all it will ever be.

On the other hand, no one should have to pay hundreds of dollars for a little plastic figure. TLG doesn't really profit from these SDCC exclusives (other than promoting the theme, which is hardly necessary considering all the hype it already has), so I don't really see why they would need to have these exclusives at all. Seeing how people are willing to spend that kind of money on them, it should be in their best interest to sell them in sets. But perhaps there's something I'm not seeing here, and I would appreciate if someone could enlighten me on this matter.

I imagine a portion (though I hesitate to speculate how big a portion) of the SDCC attendees aren't AFOLs at all. From that point of view, I think it makes perfect sense to have exclusive minifigures that will appeal to them. The Superheroes line is still relatively new, and despite the hype around the theme, you wouldn't necessarily know that they existed if you weren't a part of the AFOL community. The existence of the exclusives is to draw prospective AFOLs to the LEGO booth as much as it is to reward AFOL attendees. Does TLG offer many exclusives for LEGO events? That's a genuine question, I've never had the pleasure of attending one. This isn't intended to be cynical by the way; it probably makes more business sense to spend money developing exclusives to attract prospective AFOLs than for those of us who already love and are loyal to LEGO.

That said, I wont sign this petition and think we should deal with not getting these SDCC figs and just pray that TLG listens to their fans and doesn't give out new, exclusive characters at future events. As some have said, we might still get Shazam, Phoenix, Bizzaro, and Green Lantern in future sets, although they will probably be different from the SDCC ones, which would be a shame in the case of Jean and Cpt. Marvel since those are their most iconic looks, but we'll see.

I agree. I think the aim of the petition is a little unrealistic, given that TLG have already said that the exclusives will not be available through other channels. I don't think they would go back on their word and upset a significant portion of hardcore fans that have spent hundreds of dollars on obtaining the minifigures. I think a more fruitful endeavour would be attempting to convince them that as a practice, giving away exclusives at such events alienates many AFOLs that can't attend.

Outside of Batman, I'm not a massive fan of the Superheroes line so maybe it's easy for me to rationalise TLG's approach and not be upset by it. But speaking objectively, I can certainly see both sides of the argument. This hobby draws a diverse range of fans with different motivations - some people couldn't care less about rarity and exclusivity, others pride their collections on those attributes. If people are willing to spend $150 to obtain a minifigure, I understand their resentment to the attitude of "if we can't all have them, nobody should" coming from those who can't/won't spend the money, or can't attend the event. Conversely, I empathise with those who can't obtain the minifigures, and no doubt I'd be more animated about it if the exclusives involved a theme that I had more of a vested interest in. Alas, I think the most healthy thing to do with this hobby (for both mental health and financial health) is to will yourself not to be a completist, and find peace with the fact that you won't own everything.

Why not instead of directly making a petition for the SDCC figures, petition for variations of those figures in real sets?

Honestly though, I think we will see at least half these figures albeit in different clothing, in some newer sets.

Actually, they could... TLG is choosing not to.

No you see, you can't please everyone. You just can't. Every fan has different tastes, wants and needs. A company can never be able to satisfy it's entire fanbase at 100%. This petition is a prime example. The poster would be happy about it, but I wouldn't be. See, I'm not pleased.

If Lego wanted to please every single fan based on their individual wants, it would crumble.


No you see, you can't please everyone. You just can't. Every fan has different tastes, wants and needs. A company can never be able to satisfy it's entire fanbase at 100%. This petition is a prime example. The poster would be happy about it, but I wouldn't be. See, I'm not pleased.

If Lego wanted to please every single fan based on their individual wants, it would crumble.


Well said... :thumbup:

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