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Woo for the pointed visor, but...is that a black jellybean sword I see? :-X Besides that though, absolutely wonderful!

Remeber that these are prototypes, but the first pic (the one with all of the sets) is final, I think.

So I dont think that we'll see many Jellybean swords, but instead we'll see the new swords as seen in the first pic.

BTW the last pic is up now



absolutely love it! thanx christian for these great finds!

(thow the carriage seemed a bit more complicated in the first pic still it looks great!!)


Hm, the more I see those horses and arms, the less I like them. I really hope this doesn't continue too long since I still love the theme...

Quick, someone! Shock me back to how wonderful this theme is!


now that the 5 sets are out, i dont see any weird new swords. perhaps it was the scythe's blade? but i fail to see how a minifig can hold it since it has a hole to plug into the rod.

does this mean plumes are going to be more expensive on BL now? none of the helmets come with plumes...and they just don't look right somehow.

dont get me wrong, i'm a fan of skellies...but somehow the new ones look odd. just look at the black one found on set 7091. the legs are so short and stubby compared to the new arms. it just looks out of proportion...even by lego minifig standards. i thought the proportion is 1:1 for most mf.

edit: actually i just saw the new sword, found in set 7094. it's the same as the scythe's blade. figured out how it attaches to the pole. :-P


Hmmm..I'm not so sure either. I'll probably only get Crossbow Attack[3 minifigs and a horse, plus a nifty launcher] and Skeleton Prison Carriage [brown horse and nice design.] Lots of them look a bit dodgy. I wonder about The Final Joust...


it doesnt seem like the skeleton horses can wear the normal horse's armor/helmet. though you can make them meaner by inserting the viking's horn piece into the eye sockets. *sweet* :'-)

Remeber that these are prototypes, but the first pic (the one with all of the sets) is final, I think.

So I dont think that we'll see many Jellybean swords, but instead we'll see the new swords as seen in the first pic.

I really hope that you

Thank you Christian great find..... godt klaret makker ;-)

I really love theese sets, and one can collect army's...

Jo tak... selvom man kunne nu altid


Thanks a lot for the pictures, Christian! This line is looking really cool!

To be honest, I don't really like the skelly army, but it's still a nice change, and the 'good guys' are looking great. *sweet*


Hi my first post been watching eurobrick for a while now, Love these sets best in a long while.

Anyways what made me join was i noticed on the side of 7090 Crossbow Attack's box confirms the Skeleton won't have a Jellybean sword because it is holding one of the new swords.


Im really liking the look of these sets. I know they're just prototypes and Im hoping the final products look just as good. One thing that I really like is how every set comes with elements for both of the factions. It also looks like lego has finally made a scythe piece. About the Jellybean sword, I dont really think it looks that bad, I think it actually looks good in the skeleton faction because it looks like a fantasy sword. As long as the sets include plenty of classic swords and weapons for the human faction I dont mind a few less popular weapons for the skeletons, I think it adds variety.

I can't wait for these sets!


I dont care too much for the skull castle, however, I see a nice looking scythe. That is an item I have wanted Lego to make from a long long time. *sweet* I really hope they stick with it. Also, the knight is nicer in that set as well.

Does anyone know when these wonderful sets will be released?

Most likely in summer -they usually are when we recieve protos around this time anyway.

My thoughts on the 2007 castle line:


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