August 20, 201212 yr Sarick Lanse (Xarrzan) 27 Male Naga Mage Lucky Hastened Level 13 1/2 Power: 20(Lvl 13 + WP 6 + Permanent Boost 1) Defense: 0 Health: 18/18 (Base 5 + Lvl 12 + 1) Ether: 18/18 (Base 5 + Lvl 12 + 1) Gold: 4 Equipment: Dragon's Wrath (Staff WP: 6), Gaudy Cloak (Max. Health +1, Max. Ether +1; bodywear) Inventory: Healing Staff (WP:5, healing effect), Dragon's Heart - (WP: 15, Wind & Fire), Aqua Gear (adds water-element to physical attacks and protects from water-elemental damage, accessory), Opal Gem (Ice), Sapphire Gem (Wind), Loaded Die Accessory, (Lucky effect), Tonic, Nostrum, Bone, Bomb XX, Water Bomb, Bedroll. Arena - W: 1 L: 1 Edited October 11, 201311 yr by Xarrzan
August 24, 201212 yr Cryov Flamdmir (Cryos) 26 year old Male Human Mage Level 1 Power: 4 (Level 1 + WP:3) Health: 5/5 (Basic Health: 5) Ether: 5/5 (Basic Ether: 5) Gold: 10 Equipment: Ice half staff (WP:3) Inventory: Opal Gem (Picture up soon. If someone could make a one that would be awesome! (Also some problem with signature says I can use 0 URL's. If someone could fix that too.) Edited August 24, 201212 yr by Cryos
September 2, 201212 yr Sir Christopher Daggerfall Level 15 Paladin (immune to weakness) 27 year-old Human male. Power:25(14+8+2+1) Health:24\24(11+13) Gold:55 Defense:8(4+4) Ether:3/3(1+2) Equipped: Graive (WP:11, inflicts weakened-effect; halberd), Mockthril Shield (SP:4), Pugilist's Gloves (Power +2, protects from weakened-effect), Paladin's Armor(SP:4,Ether:2) Inventory:Great Sword (WP:8), Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Smoke bomb, 2 Fire bomb, 2 Rums, Remedy, Grand Potion, 3 Potion, Health core,Healthy Apple(eaten permanent + 1 power), Tricorne (SP:3), Winged Sandals (Protects from bound- and slowed-effects) Edited November 17, 201212 yr by Fred Fred Burger
September 2, 201212 yr Sgt. Jon McEncy (Pyrovisionary) 54 year old male human Black Knight Level 25 1/3 *Immune to Blinded and Stunned* *Poisonous Defense* *Permanently Hastened* Power: 50 (25+21+2+2) Defense: 29 (16+4+[9*party members]) Health: 49/49 (7+24+9+3+3+3) Gold: 1039 (438 to Boomingham, 444 of his own.) Equipment: Demonic Greatsword (WP:21, dual strike, has 1/2 chance each to cause sealed and blinded with each hit, Light and Darkness elemental greatsword, Hollow [Potion]), Serpenthead Shield (SP:16, causes poisoned by 2-effect to anyone physically attacking the user, shield), Pegleg of Hastening (Permanent hastened effect to the user; Immune to Blinded, suitable to Sarge only; footwear), Black Knight's Armour (SP:4, protects from stunned-effect; suitable for black knights; bodywear), Cloak of the Grand Vizier (SP:9 multiplied by the number of party members; backwear.) Inventory: Weapons: Staff of the Serpent God (WP:31, spells have 1/6 chance to cause petrify to the target; staff; suitable to archmages and prophets), Epidemic Halberd (WP:8, causes all negative effects that the user has to the target when attacking; halberd), Lilliput Knife (WP:1, wielder’s power is not reduced when under minimized-effect, dagger.) Artifacts: Venomari Helmet (SP:2, absorb poison as health; helmet), Prayer Beads (Makes the wearer permanently blessed; accessory.) , Monkey Armor (SP:4, immune to earth and bound; suitable to knights, beast warriors, dragoons, skirmishers and winged warriors; bodywear), Sterope’s Headdress (Grants the ability to spend a turn to fly out of a battle and return to it later if it is still going; the wearer cannot affect the battle in any way when they are away from it; suitable to winged warriors only; headwear), Spell Items: “True Love Serenade” (restores 50 health to the rest of the party per round; costs 10 ether; Battle Song) Consumables: Potions x5, Remedies x5, Meads x4, Nostrums x4, Grand Potions, 4, Phoenix Essences x3, Danab's Apple (Revives all fallen party members, restores full health and ether to the whole party and removes all negative effects from them; consumable), Hero's Cocktail (Grants encouraged, hastened, lucky,blessed, reinforced, inspired and transcended -effects for one battle; consumable), Tiger Balm, 5 Venoms, Deadly Venom, 2 Smoke Bombs, 2 Bones, Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy.), Mythril Shard Tools etc.: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, Business Card, Tyrant Statue (Increases the holder’s gold by 50% at the end of each quest), Vindicator's Seal (Grants access to the Vindicator expert job class; cannot be given away) Edited January 22, 20169 yr by Pyrovisionary
September 12, 201212 yr (Picture Coming Soon) Lyubitshka Fortuna (Roast Penguin) 50 year old female Gypsy Level 1 Cleric Power: 4 Health: 9/9 Ether: 5 Gold: 10 Equipment: Ancient Broomstick (WP: 3) Inventory: Potion, Remedy. Edited September 12, 201212 yr by Roast Penguin
September 17, 201212 yr Maurice Ratibor (Etzel) 52 years old male human Paladin *Immune to Stunned, Asleep, Light, Lighting and Fire* Level: 23 Power: 36 ( 23 + 12 + 1) Defense: 16 ( 12 + 4) Health: 47/47 ( 9 + 22 + 11 + 5) Ether: 30/30 ( 5 + 22 + 1 + 2) Gold: 285 Equipment: Manta Tail Staff (WP:12+50% Stun chance), Conductor Shield (SP: 12, immune to lightning and fire), Helm of Haroka (+2 health, +1 Power, Immunity to Stun effect, headwear), White Cloak (Max. Health +3, Immunity to Asleep effect, backwear), Paladin's Armour (SP:4, Max. Ether +2, Immunity to Light, bodywear) Inventory: Glass Greatsword (WP:12, hollow blade (Phoenix Essence stored); greatsword), Emerald Staff (WP:10 wood-elemental), Paladin Shield (SP:9), Diamond, 3 Potions, Tonic, 3 Ether Cores, 2 Nostrums, 2 Venom, Elixir, Floral Bomb, Water Bomb, 4 Fire Bombs, Torch, Bone, Plume, Magic Compass, Sterile Gloves, Grand Potion, Deadly Venom, Remedy, Copy of The Eubric Herald (Gives the target the transcended- and inspired- effects for the duration of one battle)
November 7, 201212 yr Zoltan (LTPro) 22 Year Old Male Human Knight Level 7 Power: 9 Defense: 5 Health: 16/16 Gold: 0 Equipment:Wooden Shield (SP:5 Immunity to Wood), Ball and Chain (WP: 4, suitable for knights and barbarians. Has a 1/2 chance to stun the targeted opponent.) Inventory: Potion, Remedy, Grand Potion, Bedroll Edited May 7, 201311 yr by LTPro
November 12, 201212 yr Last Update: Nov 10, 2013 Stigveladi ("Amma") Kötturin (played by PsyKater) {Ghost Buster} {Krakenwhacker} {Titan Smiter} *Immune to Sealed* 247 years old dwarven Battle Mage [Mage] Level 21 1⁄3 Power Bonus: 0 Defense: 5 (Winged Helmet 2 + Robe of the Archmagi 3) Health: 31/31 (Base 5 + Battle Mage 5 + Lvl-Bonus 20 + Chicken Drumstick 1) Ether: 31/31 (Base 5 + Battle Mage 1 + Lvl-Bonus 20 + Robe of the Archmagi 5) Gold: 38 Equipment: Ġeofon (WP:20), Winged Helmet (+2 SP; headwear), Robe of the Archmagi (+3 SP; +5 Ether; bodywear), Medal of Glory (Mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles; accessory) Inventory: Opal (Ice), Topaz (Lightning), Aquamarine (Water), Amethyst (Darkness), Garnet (Earth) Enchanted Bracelet (Protects from Sealed effect), Crown of the Sea Kings (gives the wearer +20 SP, +20 max. health and +20 max. ether when fighting at a sea, lake or river; headwear), Cat Statuette ("Grettir", +1 HP, accessory), Pointy Hat (Suitable for mages and clerics, +2 max ether, headwear), Lover's Ring (+2 HP; accessory), Spiked Collar (+1 P; accessory) Bedroll, Shovel Scroll of Inspiration, 2x Titan Heart (Grants encouraged- and inspired-effects when consumed), 2x Kraken Fang (grants hastened- and reinforced-effects when consumed), 5x Potion, 4x Tonic, 3x Grand Potion, 2x Grand Tonic, 3x Remedy, 4x Phoenix Incense, 4x Mead, 4x Nostrum, 6x Venom, 3x Dirt Bomb, 8x Water Bomb, Fire Bomb,Skeleton Decoy, 2x Bone, 1x Silver Ore (worth 60 gold),Gold Bar (worth 50 gold) Weapons: Ġeofon (WP:20, 4x damage to enemies weak to Water, axe), Wishing Wand (WP:12; each successful hit has ½ chance of inflicting either asleep-, blinded-, sealed- or confused-effect, according to what the user wishes; wand), Stealth Dagger (WP: 12; dagger), Wand of Poking (WP: 10; double WP for physical attacks; wand), Dwarven Broomstick (WP: 3; broomstick) Records Titles: Ghost Buster (Quest 61), Krakenwhacker (Fields of Glory, Jade Kraken), Titan Smiter (Fields of Glory, Crystal Titan) Reveal hidden contents Power Bonus: 1 (Spiked Collar 1) Maximum Health: 27 (Base 5 + Level Bonus 19 Chicken Drumstick 1 + Lover's Ring 2) Maximum Ether: 29 (Base 5 + Level Bonus 19) Formatting effects and elements (partially borrowed from flipz) Elements: Ice, Darkness, Lightning, Light, Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Wood Effects: Blind, Sealed, Confused, Asleep, Fragile, Jinxed, Poisoned, Badly Poisoned, Lucky, Cursed, *Weakened* Edited November 10, 201311 yr by PsyKater
November 21, 201212 yr Hoke Ablesword - Champion of the Northern Kingdoms, Kraken Whacker, Titan Smiter, Serpent Skinner, Matchmaker and Rock Champion of Decamon (UsernameMDM) Human Male Paragon Level 59.6 *Blessed* *Immune to Fragile, Dark, Earth, Fire, Wind* *Absorbs Poison* *Gains Triple Experience* Power Bonus: 11 (+2 Grand Zoot's Cookie, +5 Paragon, +2 Crescent Seal, +2 Green Apples), +3 WP Defense: 58 Health: 122/122 (+10 Knight, +25 Paragon, +59 Level, +3 Chicken Drumsticks, +15 Raw Meats, +10 Helm of Prestige)Gold: 1138 Equipment: Zoot's Order (WP:40; Deals Darkness, Light, Ice, Cursed, Fragile, permanently Poisoned-by-10, hits reduce enemy SP by 1; spear, suitable for Hoke only [Hydra Tongue, Crimson Haze, Amethyst, Diamond, Etherial Opal]), Mythril Buckler (SP:41, Amethyst, Mythril), Hydra Skin (SP: 2, wearer gains HP when poisoned instead of losing it, backwear), Helm of Prestige (SP: 5, +10 Max HP, Wearer is Permanently Blessed, Headwear, suitable for Paragons), Bone Claws (+3 WP, 2 SP, hand wear), Sven's Heavy Armor (SP:6, Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind and Fragile), Guffington's Seal (Proves the Hero is a Friend of Guffington. The hero starts every quest with one "Hero's Cocktail": encouraged, hastened, lucky and inspired), Warrior's Treads (SP:2, Health +1, footwear), Medal of Glory (Wearer gains triple experience, accessory), Crescent Seal (+2 Power, +1 Free item usage during the first round of battle)Inventory:Weapons - Gladiator Trident (WP: 11, causes the Bleeding-by-5 effect; spear), Blue Steel Shield (SP:5, Immune to Blind), Vintul (WP: 16; greatsword), Wasabi Blade (WP: 4, Fire-elemental long-sword), Glistening Halberd WP:10 (1/2; chance to caused stunned effect, lance), Fang Dagger (WP:5, double damage to beasts, dagger), Balanced Main-Gauce (WP: 10, Riposte has a 1/6 chance of instantly killing the/each target, dagger, suitable only for marauders), Blade of Tranquility (WP: 2, deals the Sealed effect, Long-sword)Artifacts - Obsan's "Masterpiece" (SP: 10; suitable for knights, barbarians, beast masters, dragoons, marauders and regulators; Immune to Ice, Wind and Wood; bodywear), Coat Hanger (Allows for a second body wear, Accessory), Sharkskin Gloves (Accessory, provides immunity from water elemental attacks), Samurai Helmet (WP:+4, immune Confused, Sealed suitable to knights, dragoons, regulators, winged warriors), Sterile Gloves (Immune to poisoned and bleeding, handwear, suitable for anyone), Cultist Hat (damage vs undead), Electro Gear (Adds lightning-element to physical attacks and protects from lightning-elemental damage, accessory), Pugilist Gloves (+2 to power, immune Weakened), Shadeaux Cape (SP:1; suitable to those with reputation among the Shadeaux only; if reputation is great, SP is doubled; if reputation is outstanding, SP is tripled; backwear.), Iceborn's Improved Summoning Amulet (Can be used once per quest to revive a fallen enemy to join the party. The enemy has a level equal to their previous level, and health equal to the half the health of the hero reviving them. Their class can be determined by the QM, and they cannot be revived by Phoenix Essences. Accessory), Counerstrike Gloves, Goggles, Shackles of WarGems - Ruby (Fire), Etherial Sapphire (Sealed+Wind), Emerald (Wood), Etherial Aquamarine (Confusion+Water), Topaz (Lightning), Etherial Garnet (Slowed+Earth), Etherial Topaz (Lighting+Stunned), OpalScrolls - Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of SleepTools - Bedroll, Pickaxe, Shovel 3x Smoke Bomb, Lightning Bomb, Water Bomb, Air Bomb, 2x Dirt Bomb, Confuse Bomb, Seal BombConsumables - 7x Grand Potion, Health Core, 2x Grand Tonic, 4x Remedy, 5x Ether Core, Elixir, 3x Ambrosia, Soma, 5x Mead, 2x Smelling Salts, 2x Titan Heart (Grants encouraged- and inspired-effects when consumed), 2x Flame-Distilled Brandy (Encouraged & Immune to Ice), 5x Venom, 2x Deadly Venom, 2x Feather of Flight (Allows the user to flee from the battle when used), Henry Award (Can be sold for 200 Gold or to give +1 HP or +1 Power to a character, Consumable, Soul-bound), Crimson Haze (Causes a weapon to deal the poisoned by 7 and cursed effects permanently), Pickled Mushroom (Unknown effect, Consumable), Bright PolishDecamon Deck - Nixie (Water 7), Reaper (Dark 8), Stone Golem (Rock 8), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Storm Elemental (Electric 8), Tianlong (Ethereal 10) Torc the Adult Brown Dragon (off in Dastan with Vipera) Female Dragon Adult Level 59.6 Health: 89/89 Element: Fire Edited November 21, 20177 yr by UsernameMDM
November 24, 201212 yr Drake Flamerobe 25 year old male human *Immune to Fire* Level 11 1/2 Knight Power: 18 Defense: 5 Health: 12/22 Ether: 0/0 Gold: 115 Equipment: Mace(WP:7), Impervious Shield(SP:5)(Grants immunity to Fire), Helmet Inventory: Torch(WP:3), Shield(SP:2), Potion x2, Phoenix Essence, Tonic, Greatsword(WP:5), Bedroll, Helmet, Smoke Bomb, Remedy, Fire Bomb, Bone, Amethyst, Oil of Newtism (+4 to SP vs. Aquatic Vermin (usable by ex-Amphibians only)), Tasteful Newt (Grants Blessed Effect), Mead, 20 gold worth of cloth, Mulled Wine, Writ of Service, Phoenix Essence, Mead, Shovel, Floral Bomb, Venom, Pumpkin Bomb (X3) Edited November 26, 201311 yr by xxlrocka
November 28, 201212 yr Horizon Sevant Age 26 Gender Male Race Human Class Rogue Level 1 Power: 4 Defense: 0 Health: 7/7 Gold: 10 Equipment: Small Sharpened Dagger Inventory: Venom, Potion Edited November 28, 201212 yr by Un1ted2
December 3, 201212 yr Nessa Anárion 59 years old female elven Ranger Level 13 Base Power: 21 (Lvl. 13 + WP: 8) Power Bonus: 1 WP, + 3 to Werewolf, +4 to Aquatic Vermin Defense: 2 Health: 19 Gold: 10 Equipment: Darkness Silver Crossbow with Raven-Slayer Bolts and Newty Mag (WP: 8 darkness elemental (WP: +3 vs. werefolk (removable)) (WP: +4 vs. Aquatic vermin (removable) (usable by ex-Amphibians only)), Ranger's Quiver (WP: +1), Ranger's Cowl (SP: 2, usable by Rangers only (Headwear)) Inventory: Bedroll, Magic Compass, Venom (3), Nostrum (2), Mead, Smelling Salts, Phoenix Essence, Potion (8) Edited May 27, 201311 yr by herrJJ
December 8, 201212 yr Janek of Salmanda (HeinzWilhelm) 72 year old Travelling mage Level: 1 Power: 4 Health: 5/5 Ether: 5/5 Gold: 5 Equipment: Magic stick (Wp3) Inventory: Potion, Sapphire (Wind), Bedroll Edited December 15, 201212 yr by HeinzWilhelm
December 19, 201212 yr Keliim (Mencot) "Demon sworn" (from quest 133), Wolfgang Rep. (quest140) 37ish, male human HunterLevel 19 *Half Damage from Demon and Dark* *Absorb Ice* *Intimidation*Power Bonus: 3Health: 32/32 (*)SP: 7Gold: 170Equipment: Vampire´s Court Sword (WP:12 1/3 chance to cause bleeding; always causes bleeding to humanoids; great sword.), Lethauros Mail (SP: 4. Prismatic armor bright enough to banish darkness. You can feel the dragon watching you as your continue on your journey, aiding you in your hunt. The wearer takes half damage from Demon and Dark type enemies. Suitable for anyone, body wear.), Cloak of the Winterlands (Absorb Ice, SP 3, Backwear)Weapons and Shields: Woodchopper's Axe (WP:8; Deals Double Damage to Plant-types; Axe), ,Scarab Shield: (SP: 3, Bearer takes half damage from vermin), Dwarven Orichalcum one handed battleaxe (WP: 5, Axe)Artifacts: Sylvania's Cowl (Grants "Animal Talk", Headwear),, Королева's Blessing (When equipped the player gains the ability to Animal Speak to Spiders only, and all spiders are Enamored with him for the first three rounds of battle, accessory), Trickster's Mask of the Gender-Swap (swaps the wearer's gender when worn, suitable for anyone, accessory), Wolfish Fedora (+5 WP for each standing hero with Wolfgang reputation and Wolfgang NPC in the party, headwear, suitable for heroes with Wolfgang reputation), Peasant’s Hood (Max. Health +1; headwear), Gauntlets of Recklessness (Hits become Mortal Hits, adding lost health to attack power; handwear), Heroic Helm (SP: 2, Helm's SP doubles on free hits, Headwear), Sterile GlovesConsumables: 5x Potion, Grand Potion, 3x Smelling salts, 4x Mead, Chocolate Bar (Gives the *Nimble* and *Poisoned* Effect when consumed), Venom, Dirt Bomb, 4x Holy Bombs, 2x Smoke Bomb, Double Rainbow (Gives the user the encouraged, lucky,poisoned by 1, and confused effects), 2x Obsidian Shard (may be affixed to a blunt weapon to give the Bleeding 2 effect for one battle), 2x Charion beetle horn, Bone, Deadly Venom, Dirt BombTreasures: Black Pearl (Worth 75 Gold), 3 Mythril Shard, Silver OreTools: Wolf King's Seal (+3 Power, Intimidation) in her inventory, and it doesn't take up an item slot.) *Big Apple Quest 145 +1 *Raw Meat Fields of Glory +5 Reveal hidden contents Keliim (Mencot) "Demon sworn" (from quest 133), Wolfgang Rep. (quest140) OTHER, old images of Keliim: Edited January 27, 20178 yr by Mencot
January 22, 201312 yr Jeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554) Automaton male, Evoker Level 22.66 *Blessed* *Transcended* *Immune to Bleeding, and Confused* Power Bonus: 0 Defense: 5 Health: 33/33 Ether: 21/21 Gold: 1085 Equipment: Divine Cannonade (WP:13; gives blessed- and transcended-effects to user; Poison 7 and Cursed; hollow; handcannon), Spellbound Gloves (Spellpower +5), Automaton Armor (SP:2, immune to bleeding and confused; suitable to automata only; bodywear), Golden Helmet (HP +3, SP +3) Inventory: Longbow (WP:7), Quick bow (WP: 6, bow, provides hastened effect for one round each battle), Machine's Heart (The hollowed out heart of Monolith, after being defeated, halves all damage from Earth, Electrical, and Mechanical type enemies; bodywear, suitable for anyone), Enchanted Bracelet (protects from sealing; accessory), Handy Suitcase (SP-2, use 2 items per round; accessory), Professor's Kit (successful attacks on Mechanical enemies have a 1/3 of turning them to the hero’s side for the next three rounds as a tamed monsters, accessory), Crescent Shield (SP: 5, halved damage from elemental attacks, shield), Topaz, Diamond, Amethyst x2, Soma, Mead x2, Tonic, Grand Tonic x5, Ether Core x3, Grand Potion x2, Potion, Elixer, Phoenix Essence x2, Remedy x2, Oculoid Miasma, Volatile Venom x4, Jinxy Juice, Water Bomb, Oculoid Fireworks x3, Oculoid Miasma, Ectoplasm, Bedroll, Bone x6, Experienced Turdwing (Deals the confused and poisoned by 1 effects on an opponent when used, fly familiar) Summons: Nilrem (Paladin Armor, Lightning Armor, Demon Armor) Edited February 23, 201510 yr by joeshmoe554
January 25, 201312 yr Sir Brickington, KRT (Brickington) 19 year old human male knight Level 12.5 Power: 20 (Level 12 + WP: 8) Defense: 7 Health: 21/21 Gold: 208 Equipment: Pirate Cutlass (WP:8, steals five gold every critical hit, has hollow blade that has remedy installed), Great Sword Mk. II (WP: 4), Duplovian Helmet of the Guard: - SP:2 Immunity to Magic, Shield (WP: 5) Inventory: Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Soma, Water Bomb, Mead, Smelling Salts, 3x Potion, Grating Stone, Triangle Shield (SP: 2), Winged Helmet (SP:2) Edited June 22, 201311 yr by Brickington
January 30, 201312 yr Mortimer "Em" Mahzan (Emjajoas) Unknown age human male Warden *Immune to Electricity, Fire, Water, and Ice* *Half damage from elemental attacks* Level 26 Power Bonus: 6 Defense: 29 Health: 47/47 Gold: 339 Equipment: Tritech Handcannon (WP:16, permanent poisoned 17, cursed), Vigilant (SP 12, halved damage from elemental attacks, immune to Electricity, Fire, and Water; shield), Iron Knuckle Armour (Body, foot, and hand wear. Counts as one artefact. Usable by knights and dragoons. SP: 10. Cannot be removed by enemies), Anniversary Medal (Artefact/Accessory, Power +4, SP +4, Max. Health +4, Max. Ether +4. The values will increase by 1 with each passing year), Frost Helm (SP: 3, immune to ice, suitable for anyone, headwear) Inventory: Weapons: Blazing Bow (WP: 14, Fire-elemental), Doppelganger (WP:10, Retribution: The user inflicts any negative effects he or she has on the target enemy on successful hits; longsword), Crescent Shield (SP: 5, halved damage from elemental attacks, shield), Carpenter's Gloves (Enhancement is automatically successful, traps deal double damage, handwear, suitable for artisans), Flash Cannon (WP: 10, has a 1/2 chance of dealing the blinded-effect, light-elemental handcannon), Warden's Eyepatch (Wearer's health is tripled rather than doubled by Aura; suitable to wardens; headwear.), Great Axpeord (WP:40, cannot be wielded with a shield; greatsword/axe/spear) Consumables: Health Core x2, Remedy, Mead, Venom, Ambrosia (3), Mulled Wine, Feather of Flight (Allows the user to flee from the battle when used.), Nostrum, Smelling Salts, Elixir, Bone, Smoke Bomb (5), Floral Bomb (2), Ice Bomb (2), Lightning Bomb, Fire Bomb, Water Bomb (2), Holy Bomb (2), Dirt Bomb (2), Air Bomb (2), Chaotic Bomb (100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Misc: Bedroll (2), Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope, Reaper's Heart, Mythril Shard (2), Amethyst, 5 Silver Ore (Worth 60 gold), Oath of Renewal (When the targeted enemy is killed, the Vindicator regains full health. Oath, suitable for vindicators), Lover's Lyrics (Minstrel's Battle Song; deal the enamored-effect to all enemies at the cost of 1 ether per affected enemy.) Buffs: Permanent + 3 HP, +2 Power, and +1 Ether from Crystal Sovereign. Edited June 2, 20168 yr by Emjajoas
February 3, 201312 yr Name: Arnulf Bishop, a Hero Who Is Actually Worth Something(Shoker86) 30 yrs old male Human Rogue immune to Magic and Healing Level: 15 Power:25 (9+15+1from Big Apple) Defense: 3 Health: 22/22 (7+12) Ether: 0 Gold: 198 Equipment: Chromoid Drill (Dagger, WP: 9, succesful hits drop enemy's SP by 1.), Duplovian Helmet of the Guard (SP:2, Immune to Magic and Healing),Leather Armor(SP:1) Inventory: Potions x2, Venoms x4, Chaotic Bomb x2 (Causes 100 random elemental damage to all opponents), Bedroll, Mead x3, Smelling Salts x2, Remedy , Tricorne (SP:3), Cheesy Dagger (WP:8, Double damage to vermin), Topaz, Seventh Heaven (Causes the hastened- and encouraged-effects, but also the fragile- and poisoned-effects, Grating stone, 2 Nostrums, 1 fine Montresorian Wine Edited August 12, 201311 yr by Shoker86
February 5, 201312 yr Karie Alderflask-Cour, 26 Year Old Human Female Minstrel Level 35 *Permanently Nimble* *1/3 Chance to Weaken targeted enemy on successful hits* Power Bonus: 0 Health: 63/63 (7+8+11+35+2) Defense: 7 (4+3) Ether:41/41 (35+4+2) Gold: 1227 GP: 1 Equipment: Vagrant's Guitar (WP: 5, user is lucky, fire and wind elemental instrument), Catsuit (Wearer becomes nimble and has a 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER, DAMAGE, and FREE HITS, suitable for women only, body wear), Vorpalis Crown (SP: 4, the wearer has a 1/3 chance of dealing Weakened to the targeted enemy on successful hits. Headwear, suitable for anyone.), Fenarian Robes of the Vampire (SP:3, Max. Ether +4, backwear) Encore Plectrum (If the same song is sung for more than one round of combat in a row, the song's ether cost for the consecutive rounds is halved; suitable for minstrels, accessory), Inventory: -Weapons: Angelic Trumpet (WP: 5, user is blessed, instrument), , Nocturne Flute (WP: 6, inflicts the Sleep affect, instrument), Demon's Fiddle (WP: 12, causes Enamoured and Cursed, instrument) Sexy (WP: 11 longsword, ignores SP) Fine-tuned Guitar (WP:15, user is lucky; instrument) *Artefacts: Glittering Dress (The users job traits are replaced by those of a Harlot: Promiscuity, Flee, and Money Maker, suitable for women only), Skull Mask (SP: 1, wearer can pose as undead, headwear), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (changes user's appearance into that of an elf of the same gender, accessory), Snake Eyes Charm (Provides immunity to petrified, accessory, suitable for anyone), Mage's Muffler (Provides immunity to sealed, accessory, suitable for anyone), Medal of Valor (This pendant is awarded by the Bonapartes to those who show their heroism in the battle against piracy. The wearer gains double experience in battle. Accessory), , Immortal Aegis (Bodywear, SP: 6, 1/6 chance of negating all damage on a Free Hit) *Scrolls: Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Newtity *Battle Songs: True Loves Serenade (restores 50 health to the rest of the party, costs 2 ether per healed ally, Battle Song), Murder on the Dancefloor (Has 1/6 chance of instantly knocking out each opponent (unless immune to sudden death) when sung; costs 5 ether per non-immune enemy; Battle Song), Serene Etude (Removes negative effects from the rest of the party instantly. Costs 1 ether per negative effect removed; Battle Song), Hundred-Hero Hymn (Doubles the current and maximum health for the rest of the party for the remainder of the round. Stacks with the inspired effect. Costs 10 ether per ally) *Consumables: Grand Potion x14, Tonic x3, Grand Tonic x18, Remedy x8, Phoenix Essence X2, Nostrum x4, Smelling Salts x2, Mead, Neutralizer x3, Herbal Infusions x3 (Removes Negative Effects and causes Blessed and Transcended effects), Oculoid Miasma (Consumable, reduces level of one enemy by 10.), Elixir x2, Tiger Balm, Health Core, Potion x4, Mead x5, Venoms x16, Deadly Venoms x2, Bone, Smoke Bombs X12 *Tools: Magic Compass, Bedroll, Magnifying Glass, Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope, Decamodifier, Empath Glass (Can read NPC emotions; one time use in each battle, causing one enemy Confused and Fragile for 3 rounds) *Sheep: Baaffy (Pet Sheep; whenever unleashed deals the fast asleep effect to one random opponent once per battle, unlimited use) Reveal hidden contents Weapons No Longer Usable: Blazing Palm (WP: 14, Fire Elemental whip, successful hits lower the target's level by 1), Oculoid Palm (WP: 11, successful hits lower the target's level by 1, whip) Spring Staff(WP: 12, healing someone else through this staff also heals the user by the same amount, water elemental staff), Sexy (WP: 11, disregards SP, longsword), Heirloom Dagger (WP: 3, dagger) Quest/Roleplay Items: Masson's Journal Entry #11, Map of Brendenton, Spider Coin (worth 1 gp), Forest Journal, Blue Syndicate Outfit, Kayla's Mask, Ulric's Letter Edited November 15, 20177 yr by Kintobor Updating character stats
February 28, 201312 yr Sir Hacksaur Of Cornwall 21 year old human male knight Level 1 Power: 4 (Level 1 + WP: 3) Defense: 2 (SP: 2) Health: 10/10 Gold: 10 Equipment: Halberd (WP: 3) and Targe (SP: 2) Inventory: Potion
March 1, 201312 yr John 'Heckz' Brutenhal, the Ghostbuster, the Super Sleuth, the School Inspector and the Matchmaker (Cutcobra) 32 year old male human Weather Mage *Immune to Sealed* *Deals Weakened to Humanoid Enemies and Fragile to Holy Enemies* *Instant Weather Forecasts* Level 31 Power Bonus: +3 (+10 with Spells) Defense: 3 Health: 41/41 (5+ 30+4+2) Ether: 52/52 (5+30+6+5+1+5) Gold: 329 Equipment: Weatherfax Broom (WP:30, makes weather forecasts instant instead of being applied at the end of the round, broomstick), Robe Of The Archmagi (SP:3, Max. Ether + 5, immune to sealed; bodywear) , Magician's Gloves (Spellpower +10; suitable for mages; handwear), Burning Eyes (The wearer may add fire elemental to their attacks. The wearer deals weakened to humanoid enemies and fragile to holy enemies. Headwear), Sungold Medallion (+3 Power, +2 Health) Inventory: Weapons: Solemn Dagger (WP: 12, darkness-elemental dagger, 1/2 chance of causing sealed Artifacts: Cloak of Blood Magic (+5 ether, attacks made with darkness magic cause weakened; suitable for mages, necromancers and chi monks; bodywear), False Lips (Rolling Pleasure House and KISS AND MAKE UP causes poisoned by 5 in addition to other effects, suitable for harlots only, accessory.), Venomari Helmet (SP:2, absorb poison as health; helmet), Bad Luck Charm (Makes the sorcerer’s spells - including Razzmatazz and Sleight of Hand - cause an additional jinxed-effect, increasing their ether cost by 1; suitable for sorcerers; accessory), Watt's Artifact (Makes the user’s attacks and spells three times more effective against demons; accessory), Rich Man's Shirt (suitable for anyone, +5HP, +10 ether; bodywear), Rich man's trousers (suitable for anyone, immune to Jinxed and Bound; footwear), Buffoon's Hat (Prevents anyone from taking the wearer seriously; protects from Free Hits unless the wearer is the last hero standing; headwear). Spell Items: Opal (Ice), Garnet (Earth), Amethyst (Darkness), Aquamarine (Water) Consumables: 2x Remedy, 6x Mead, 7x Nostrum, 8x Smelling Salt, 2x Tonic, 10x Phoenix Essence, Danab's Apple (Revives all fallen party members, restores full health and ether to the whole party and removes all negative effects from them; consumable), Soma, Poison Bomb, Smoke Bomb, 2x Deadly Venom, 7 Bones, Forbidden Apple (has a half chance of causing blinded or transcended to the user), Fire Bomb, x7 Seal Bombs, x2 Venom, Grating StoneTools, etc: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, Magic Compass, Blue Jelly, "Fifty Shades of Bley" (Grants access to Harlot), "Begone With the Winds" (Grants access to Weather Mage), Black Market Insignia (Allows the owner to seek out a black market dealer from any city they visit on a quest, as decided by the QM.), Vindicator's Seal (Grants access to the Vindicator expert job class; cannot be given away) Edited June 25, 20186 yr by Cutcobra
March 12, 201311 yr Kiray Nastayo (KingoftheZempk), A Hero Who Is Actually Worth Something 24 year old Female Human Warden Level 29.67 *Immune to Blinded, Doomed, Blessed, Light, Darkness, Wood**Double damage to Demonic and Holy Foes**Half Damage from Free Hits* *Intimidation*Power Bonus: 6Defense: 29Health: 46/46Stealth: 0Gold: 939Equipment: Never Blessed Armor (SP: 11, Immune to Darkness, Light, and Blessed, Wearer deals double damage to Demons, suitable to Knights, Barbarians, Regulators, and Skirmishers), Spesialian Spiked Pauldrons (Damage from Free Hits is halved, Immune to Wood; accessory), Never Blessed Helmet (SP: 8, Immunity to Blinded, Doomed and Blessed, Wearer deals double damage to Holy Enemies, suitable to Knights, Barbarians, Regulators, and Skirmishers), Orcish Barbed Shield (SP: 12), Mythril Hunter's Crossbow (WP:22, double WP against beasts, fire, ice, wind, and darkness-elemental),Inventory: Reveal hidden contents Weapons and Shields: Sword of Fire and Light (WP: 7, Fire-Light Elemental, Greatsword), Mythralized-Smith’s Katana (WP:20, Darkness elemental, Deals Bleeding +2), Sanctified Rito Longsword (WP:6, doubled against Flying enemies; longsword), Wolfhead Aegis (SP:5, enemies that hit the user become afraid, suitable for anyone with Wolfgang reputation; shield.), Glacial Mace (WP: 12; has 1/2 chance to cause *Slowed*; Ice-elemental; Mace), Deadly Crossbow (WP:17, Light elemental, has 1/6 chance of instantly knocking out the target unless it is immune to sudden death; crossbow, deals poisoned by 10), Myrthril Composite Bow (WP:22, ignores SP,light,lightning,water, wood, and earth-elemental; bow), Shield of Invisibility (SP: 0, the user is immune to free hits until they are the last hero standing), Shield of Roses (SP: 10, Immunity to Poison, Hexed, and Enamored)Artifacts: Snug Armor (SP: 5, Cannot be De-Equipped, Suitable to all classes that use shields, body wear), Fishy Scale Mail (SP: 6 , wearer absorbs water-elemental damage as health, immune to Fire; suitable for knights, dragoons, skirmishers, and regulators, body wear), Flameproof Armor (SP:1; no longer flameproof; bodywear, suitable for anyone), Winged Sandals (Protects from bound- and slowed-effects; footwear.), Skull Mask (SP: 1, wearer can pose as undead, headwear),Spell Items:Consumables: 10X Potion, Ambrosia, 2x Mead, Mediocre Pongcanis Brew (Encouraged + Enraged), 3x Smoke Bomb, 9x Bone, Soma, 2x Ambrosia, 3x Mead, Dragon Scale, Fire Bomb, 8x Venom, Tako Sushi (Restores 10 health; consumable), Noxious Venom, Greater Potion (Restores 50 health to the target), 8x Grand Potion, Dirt Bomb, Floral Bomb, Ice Bomb, Confuse Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Venom,Tonic, 2x Remedy, Nostrum, Venom, Chicken Drumstick, Phoenix Incense, Phoenix Essence x3, 2x Grand Potion, 2x Grand Tonics, 6x Fairie Dust, x4 Shattering Arrow (lowers enemy SP by 10 points, suitable for classes that use crossbows and bows), 2x Fire BombsTools: Bedroll, Shovel, Wolf King's Seal (+3 Power, Intimidation, doesn't take up an item slot)
March 12, 201311 yr Amorith Marvelo, the School Inspector 324 year old elven Sage Level 22 *Immune to Stunned, Blinded, Sealed, Blessed and Light* Power: 33 (22+10+1) Defense: 9 (6+3) Health: 32/32 (5+21+6) Ether: 33/33 (5+21+2+5) Gold: 706 Equipment: Staff of Light (WP:10), Crow Cursed Cloak (SP:6), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3 max ether +5, immune to sealed), Unholy Parasol (Grants immunity to light, stunned, blinded, sealed and blessed; accessory) Inventory: Bagpipes (WP:8, wind-elemental instrument), Sage’s Mitre (Power +2, Max. Ether +4, suitable for sages; headwear.), Robe of the Eldritch Archmagi (SP:3, Max Ether +6, Spellpower +3; suitable to archmages; bodywear), Aquamarine (Water), Opal (Ice), Ruby (Fire), Garnet (Earth), Diamond (Light), 2 Amethysts (Darkness), Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Sealing, 4 Potions, 5 Tonics, Ether Core, 4 Remedies, Elixir, Newtralizer (Like a neutralizer but with a 'w' instead of a 'u'), 3 Meads, Smelling Salts, 2 Nostrums, 2 Mulled Wines, Ambrosia, Venom, Ice Bomb, Fire Bomb, Shovel, Bedroll, Banana (Restores full health to the user; consumable) Edited July 18, 201410 yr by legobodgers
March 13, 201311 yr Grimwald Gjinko, a Hero Who's Actually Worth Something 70 year old male gnome Sage Level: 22 Power Bonus: +1 permanent SP: 0 Health: 30/30 Ether: 26/26 Gold: 785 (Owed 38 by Benji) Glory Points: 8 Equipment: Single-Fanged Staff (WP: 20), Magician’s Gloves (Spellpower +10, handwear), Robes of the Disciple of Ennoc (+5 max. health, +5 max. ether, meditation restores 2 ether, bodywear), Spellbound hood (SP: 2, Increases the power of spells by 3, doubled if the enemy is weak to the element, headwear, suitable for Mages, Clerics and Necromancers) Inventory: • Staff of the Order Imperial (WP: 10, Light Elemental), Magical Staff (WP:15; Staff) • Shovel, Pickaxe, Bedroll • Opal, Amethyst, Diamond, Topaz • Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Sleep • Potion x7, Tonic x7, Grand Tonic x3, Sushi (restores 5 HP and 5 Ether) x4, Remedy x2, Elixir x4, Neutralizer, Mead x4, Nostrum x3, Smelling Salts x4, Mulled Wine x2, Ambrosia, Bone x5, Ice Bomb, Root Beer (Restores 10 health, or can be used as a bomb against Undead enemies for 20 damage (Does not affect non-Undead enemies)), Plague Venom, Feather of Lithe, Grating Stone, Potion Edited June 29, 20159 yr by LordoftheNoobs
April 22, 201311 yr Slyver Magis 18 year old male Hellborn Mage Level 1 Power: 4 Health: 5/5 Ether: 5/5 Gold: 10 Equipment: Basic Darkness Stave (WP 3) Inventory: Darkness gem, Potion
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