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I was quite skeptical about this theme when we got the first picture, but after seeing these, I'm seriously amazed. LoC looks like it's going to become one of LEGO's biggest themes. Overall, impressive, and it looks like a theme to look forward to. This looks like a worthy successor of Ninjago so far. :)

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Posted (edited)

Finally pictures. Thank you!

I was intrigued when I first saw that Lion figure. Now after seeing many of the sets, I am not interested, which is a good thing. I was worried about money for 2013, but it seems to be falling into place so far. The figures do look neat and I think the speedorz will be a fun game for people. I may pick up some of the smaller sets to sample the series and give them to my daughter since she liked the spinners, but I'm not dying to "have them all." I actually do really like the hawks/eagles factions, mostly because of the wings, but I love that big bird vehicle. And the lion big tank looks neat, I love the lion head on that. The colors are great and the box art is beautiful.

I'm sure it will be or has already be(en) explained about why pretty much all of the figures have the weird shoulder pad piece with the blue light chest tile. Other than that, I like the figures and I can't wait to see the torsos underneath those shoulder/chest pieces.

Edit: I guess you do see the torsos on some of the figures. Maybe I'll just wait until larger more Hi-Res photos surface.

Edited by TheLegoDr

I love love love those minifigs. I'll definitely buy the smallest set, it's cheap, looks good, has the new wing elements and includes a great minifig. My favourite factions are the eagles and the ravens since I'm a big fan of birds in general- but really, the minifigs all look beautiful.

Sadly my favourite set, as it often happens, is the biggest one, the crocodile boat. But I really like the eagle vehicle too.


When this theme was announced I had little to no interest. But as most things Lego after coming out of my dark ages this theme does actually have some cool stuff. I agree on the fresh color palette. Hopefully the second wave will have more structures.

I think 70013 could be modded into a new ADU vehicle for my Alien Conquest stuff.

70006 reminds me of something from G.I. Joe. Very cool set IMO. I'm sure there will be a lot of MOCs incorporating this set. Green dingys and what looks like a possible flying rig in the back but that may just be the means of propulsion for this beast.


The Eagle plane has sort of sparked my interest. It reminds me a bit of the classic "Hawk ship" from the old Buck Rogers tv series. I'm normally not a huge fan of the stylized animal vehicle themes. The Fangpyre and Skeleton vehicles really did nothing for me.


I'm loving the figs, and I think we're going to see more variety of "animal tribes" in the future, if this theme continues. Out of these five tribes, only the lions look a bit wonky to me. All the others are great. Of course, with so many figures I'd like to see a few females thrown in there as well. I'm unsure of it, but Eris the Eagle seems to be a girl - the name certainly points to that, and the fig's eyes look different from the other eagles' eyes.

It's disappointing to see that all the sets only contain vehicles and no buildings (except the odd constructions that come with the Speedorz). But maybe this will change in the future, as well.


Now that I have some time, here's how I look at these sets:

70000 Razcals Raven glider - Although I do like the birds in general, this one really doesn't strike me as anything that great. It's just doesn't look that much like a Raven and more like a helicopter coc-pit. At least to me.

70001 Crawleys Reptile grabber - What happened with the middle on this one? Did LEGO forget some pieces? Thick treads, huge back weals, and this skinny middle with almost noting in it! I'm not going for this one either really.

70002 Lennoxs Lion-Buggy - Not as nice of a lion head as some of the others, but I like the new (relatively new) color. (I still probably won't be getting this one).

70003 Eris Eagle Jet - Except for the legs, awesome! But right above the claws looks way too boxy. . . gives me the impression that it was designed so that a minifig could be heald captive inside (maybe it was?).

70004 Wakz Wolf tracker - I like this one too, but not enough. Especially that one wolf, I really think they could have done a uch better job on that one.

70005 Lavals Lion-Quad - :wub: :wub_drool: :wub_drool: Lovely! Awesome mane and it really looks lie a crouching lion! Thumbsup on this one! :thumbup: :thumbup:

70006 Craggers Croc-Boat Center - *huh*A bit too fat of a Crocodile for my taste. It's a nice color if you're in to army vehicles, but I'm not. Which is good, I can pass this one up.

70012 Razars Chi Raider - Something tells me we don't have pictures of this one yet. . . I like Razar, so. . .

70013 Equilas Ultra Striker - :wub_drool::wub_drool: :wub_drool: My favorite! Wings that open in and out, two spring-loaded shooters (why am I feeliing that with all of these in Chima, I'll never be needing another one in my entire life?), and eagles! I really love those wings, black and white, this one is a must by for me! :thumbup:

70100 Speedorz Fire ring - All that trans-orange! And my favorite bad-guy! :thumbup:Hopefully these are just $15, or I'll be broke. . .

70101 Speedorz Disc Shooting - Unless the cards are really great, I think I can skip this one. No irraplacable pieces and I'm not a fan of the eagle head thing here.

70102 Chi-Waterfall - I was really hoping we'd get some nice water pieces in here. . . probably the most disappointing set of the line.

70103 Speedorz Boulder Bowling - Who needs all those boulders? I have one and I hardly ever get to use it. . . But I'm likeing the green and brown - and maybe crashing into a bunch of boulders would be a lot of fun?!

70104 Jungle Gates - For the pieces, this is awesome. But the minifigure. . . in general, I'm less than impressed with the lions. They should be more yellow and less flesh.

70105 Nest Jump - Awesome. Everything about this, the nest (great job! :thumbup: ), the four green leaves ( :wub: ) and of course the eagle! :thumbup:

70106 Speedorz Ice Tower - I wasn't anticipating much for this, so it doesn't beat the waterfall as being more dissapointing. But it really not looking that great to me (because of the Wolf figure, really. The otehr wolf looks much better.)

70113 Starter Set Chi Tournament - No good quality on this one means I can't really say how much I like it or not, but it does seem to me that it includes to figures that aren't in any of the other sets? :sceptic:

70115 Ultimate Tournament - I like the lion head here, and the crocodile is nice, but other than that. . . nothing really stands out to me here.

Overall, it's a pretty nice line-up, I really like the eagles and the crocs are looking good too! The main bonus of Ninjago spinnners over Chima is how easy you could carry enough for one game - whereas here, although I'm sure there will be some function that doesn't need the boulders/fire ring/disc shooters/etc., you can't carry an entire set around in your pocket - or at least, not in one piece! :laugh:


^Both the names Equila and Eris could be processed as either make or female. Only time will tell...

For these figures, it looks like they are male or female in name only. It doesn't look like there's anything printed or molded on to make different sexes.

Posted (edited)

Wakz is bad to the bone :laugh:.

The sword parts are awesome. It seems there will be two kinds of canine warriors: The type in the Wolf Tracker and the type in the Ultra Striker. Also, I love the new wing and teeth pieces. Is it just me, or do the Chi crystals look like upside-down rocket engines?

Crawleys Reptile Grabber looks a lot better now, and the croc fig is amazing. Of the lion vehicles, I prefer Lennox's vehicle over the quad. Incidentally, is that a new wheel in the Wolf Tracker? To me, the black birds from the Eagle Hunter look like evil ducks with metal beaks :rofl:. In the Ultra Striker, the blue bird fig has an interesting three-pronged headpiece.

On the subject of the Croc Boat, I think there's an olive Crystal King plating piece used on of it's "inflatable raft"-arms. I'm assuming Cragger is the Croc with the golden headgear and awesome trans-red axe staff. Incidentally, has anyone noticed that there's a "dangerous to the enviroment"-sticker on the boat? Also, it's method of construction leads me to believe it can split into several smaller boats. I think it was a great idea to make it's eyes into dual cockpits. Another impressive part is that the exhausts are placed right where a crocodile's nose would be.

I'll reserve judgement on the ripcord sets till we see the card-art. Here's hoping it's just as impressive as Ninjago's!

Edited by DraikNova

The eagle jet is really growing on me - at first I didn't like how blocky and fat the legs look, but now I realize it's like that to support the set!

I agree, it's looking better and better.


After seeing the pics, this theme is a lot more attractive to me than ninjago although each subsequent wave of ninjago seemed to get better. I had absolutely no interest in ninjagos first wave, but here most of the sets are potential buys. I really like the eagles and crocs but can't wait to see the sets in person to get a better perspective.


Ooh. The lion stuff is nice (looks a bit Exo-Force-y), but the highlights are definitely the two eagle-themed vehicles.

This looks like it'll fit really well with Ninjago. Some of the sets are similar in design and those reptilian characters are rather like snakemen.


These seem pretty cool to me. I agree that the lions are kind of weird, but everything else I really like, especially the eagles (wings! :wub_drool: ). I may even pick up one or two of those Speedorz sets, because there are some pretty nice pieces included.


Now that I have some time, here's how I look at these sets:

70000 Razcals Raven glider - Although I do like the birds in general, this one really doesn't strike me as anything that great. It's just doesn't look that much like a Raven and more like a helicopter coc-pit. At least to me.

70001 Crawleys Reptile grabber - What happened with the middle on this one? Did LEGO forget some pieces? Thick treads, huge back weals, and this skinny middle with almost noting in it! I'm not going for this one either really.

70002 Lennoxs Lion-Buggy - Not as nice of a lion head as some of the others, but I like the new (relatively new) color. (I still probably won't be getting this one).

70003 Eris Eagle Jet - Except for the legs, awesome! But right above the claws looks way too boxy. . . gives me the impression that it was designed so that a minifig could be heald captive inside (maybe it was?).

70004 Wakz Wolf tracker - I like this one too, but not enough. Especially that one wolf, I really think they could have done a uch better job on that one.

70005 Lavals Lion-Quad - :wub: :wub_drool: :wub_drool: Lovely! Awesome mane and it really looks lie a crouching lion! Thumbsup on this one! :thumbup: :thumbup:

70006 Craggers Croc-Boat Center - *huh*A bit too fat of a Crocodile for my taste. It's a nice color if you're in to army vehicles, but I'm not. Which is good, I can pass this one up.

70012 Razars Chi Raider - Something tells me we don't have pictures of this one yet. . . I like Razar, so. . .

70013 Equilas Ultra Striker - :wub_drool::wub_drool: :wub_drool: My favorite! Wings that open in and out, two spring-loaded shooters (why am I feeliing that with all of these in Chima, I'll never be needing another one in my entire life?), and eagles! I really love those wings, black and white, this one is a must by for me! :thumbup:

70100 Speedorz Fire ring - All that trans-orange! And my favorite bad-guy! :thumbup:Hopefully these are just $15, or I'll be broke. . .

70101 Speedorz Disc Shooting - Unless the cards are really great, I think I can skip this one. No irraplacable pieces and I'm not a fan of the eagle head thing here.

70102 Chi-Waterfall - I was really hoping we'd get some nice water pieces in here. . . probably the most disappointing set of the line.

70103 Speedorz Boulder Bowling - Who needs all those boulders? I have one and I hardly ever get to use it. . . But I'm likeing the green and brown - and maybe crashing into a bunch of boulders would be a lot of fun?!

70104 Jungle Gates - For the pieces, this is awesome. But the minifigure. . . in general, I'm less than impressed with the lions. They should be more yellow and less flesh.

70105 Nest Jump - Awesome. Everything about this, the nest (great job! :thumbup: ), the four green leaves ( :wub: ) and of course the eagle! :thumbup:

70106 Speedorz Ice Tower - I wasn't anticipating much for this, so it doesn't beat the waterfall as being more dissapointing. But it really not looking that great to me (because of the Wolf figure, really. The otehr wolf looks much better.)

70113 Starter Set Chi Tournament - No good quality on this one means I can't really say how much I like it or not, but it does seem to me that it includes to figures that aren't in any of the other sets? :sceptic:

70115 Ultimate Tournament - I like the lion head here, and the crocodile is nice, but other than that. . . nothing really stands out to me here.

Overall, it's a pretty nice line-up, I really like the eagles and the crocs are looking good too! The main bonus of Ninjago spinnners over Chima is how easy you could carry enough for one game - whereas here, although I'm sure there will be some function that doesn't need the boulders/fire ring/disc shooters/etc., you can't carry an entire set around in your pocket - or at least, not in one piece! :laugh:

Dude, Comic Sans?

Posted (edited)

I might get the boat for the pieces (military MOCs, anyone?). The rest... I am almost physically repulsed by them. It's like Thundercats mated with Ninjago and the offspring was developmentally challenged.

Edited by hjmediastudios

Ahh, what refreshingly original theme from Lego! :thumbup: I applaud them and look forward to seeing these in stores! (Hopefully soon)

Lions do look a bit dopey, but the rest of the figures make up for it. Really love the crocodile boss in the large set. (Torn cape and all :wub: )

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