Hinckley Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Players only please!! It is the wee hours of the morning. Everyone was awake all night blowing off steam, drinking and playing games. Bristol Bunny can't sleep. Her mind is racing from all the goings-on, so she sits at the fountain in the Village Square and considers a frog who is sitting on the edge of the marble basin. Bristol doesn't say anything. As a matter of fact, you might not even know she was there unless you were looking for her...and someone is... ...and that someone is so quiet she doesn't even hear it approaching, and she's so engrossed with the pretty frog she doesn't even notice the blade of the axe cleaving her brain in two. Bristol Bunny (Bob) dies almost instantly. But, in those last few seconds of life she opens her mouth and...says nothing. The killer watches her for a moment as her blood begins to stain the pure water of the fountain, but quickly dashes off into the night. Just then, Petey Panda's river-bloated corpse washes up on the river bank. For a brief moment, the spirit of Felix Fox appears in the Village Square. He considers the bodies of Petey and Bristol for a moment. He quickly disappears in a flash of phantom flames. Next in line is Wallace Walrus (Masked Builder). He is asleep outside Gibson's Tavern. He wonders why nobody woke him when the bar was closing. Perhaps it's because they didn't notice he was there. He has a tendency to be kind of quiet. Wallace notices immediately how very hungry he is from all the drinking. How he wishes he had a nice juicy fish to gobble down. Fortunately for him, somebody has left a nice juicy fish in the middle of the road! They even went to the trouble of dressing it out on a huge spiky ... plate ... thingy, what the hell is that? I built it and I don't even know. "Yum, yum, yum, how fortunate for me," Wallace exclaims. "I was just wishing I had a nice juicy fish to eat!" "Hands are over-rated," Wallace says, revving up an expert diver approach, "I'm just going to shove my face directly into that thing!" Unfortunately for Wallace Walrus, the spiky plate thing is supposed to be a bear trap and it clamps down on his skull, squeezing his brain onto the cobblestone...which incidentally kills him. In the morning, there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Villagers as they discover the biblical carnage in their Village Square. "Our friends are dying!" someone cries. "How will we know if they were good or bad?" another asks, arms outstretched to the heavens. "What the hell is that thing that killed Wallace?" yet another person asks. Firuz Fox and Marcellus the Monk are there too. They are quickly intervening to help calm the panicked Villagers. "How will we know if the dead were Cultists or not?" Firuz asks Marcellus. "Most of my magic came from The Baker and his wife," Marcellus explains. "After they died, I lost most of it, but I do retain a bit of magic in my staff. I can wave this over the bodies of the dead. If the gem turns green, they were pure of heart, innocent Villagers. But, if the gem turns red, they had evil intentions and were, therefore, Cultists." "Can't you wave it over the living?" Firuz asks. "It would save us a helluva lot of trouble and death." "No," Marcellus admits. "It only works on the dead." "That's unfortunate," Firuz complains. "Why wouldn't it work on the living?" "Shut up, that's why," Marcellus answers. Marcellus brings his staff to the fountain. Bristol Bunny (Bob) was a Villager. Marcellus brings his staff to the river. Petey Panda (darkdragon) was a Villager. Marcellus brings his staff to the weird bear trap thingy or whatever. Wallace Walrus (Masked Builder) was a Cultist. "We got one," Marcellus says. The people of Winter Haven cheer!...although some of them are faking it. Day Two has begun. You may not vote during the first 24 hours. Please note the new rule. Objective: The Cultists win when they have outnumbered the Villagers, including any third-parties and the Villagers win when all of the Cultists are dead. The Rules: Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Villagers or the Cultists. To win the game, the Villagers must kill off all of the Cultists, while the Cultists must outnumber the Villagers. Any third party player will have win conditions that are detailed in their role PM... Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. You may also proxy your vote to another player, using this format; proxy: Character (Player). Naturally, unproxying a vote is also possible. The player with the most votes is lynched. In the case of a tie, there will be no lynch. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will not end when a majority vote has been reached. If there is time left, a majority vote can be over-turned. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage, or they will not be accepted, no exceptions. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day, barring any interference. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details and pictures of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage. You may not quote PMs from other players. Paraphrasing is allowed but no direct quoting. Please refrain from quoting PMs in the game threads and in private. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on. Violation of this rule will result in a multiple game suspension. If you are converted, you must accept your new affiliation. If it's proven that you gave up your new team after conversion, the whole game will be null and you will most likely not to be asked to play one of my games again. You may not edit your posts. You must post in every day thread. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host or co-host via PM. Please please please use only the confirmation PM I sent you to communicate with me. All new conversations regarding the game will be deleted. You must make the sound your animal makes in each of your posts. If your animal doesn't make a common sound (bunny, hippo) make one up and stick to it. Be creative. (You have the first 24 hours to practice. Penalties will not be incurred on posts before voting starts) Violation of the above rules will result in a penalty of one vote per every four living players (1/4 of the active players list) on the first violation and death of your character on the second. Some additional guidelines, although they are not rules that will incur penalties if you don't follow them: Metagaming is allowed. Go ahead. You all know how to identify it and how to ignore completely irrelevant information. The pictures may or may not contain clues. They most likely do not, but look all you want. Wildly speculate. It's fun. Using acronyms, especially tl;dr will cause major trouble for your character, perhaps even instant death. Roleplaying is a good thing and it is encouraged in this game and will be required at some point. So get to know your personality quirks, they've been created for a reason. You have all been sent a role PM in this format: Format: Welcome to The Forest II, a game of wit and strategy. You are playing ___, Springhaven’s ___. (a little back story) (a personality quirk) Alignment: You are aligned with the Villagers/Cultists. Role: You are the ___ which gives you the Nocturnal Ability of ___. Each night you target one player and ___. Or You have no specific Nocturnal Ability. Your power is in your vote and your brain, so use both wisely. Win condition: You win when you have outnumbered the Villagers, including any third-parties Or You win when all of the Cultists are dead. Best of luck and have fun! Any Third Parties may have slightly different role PMs. Non-Playable Characters Marcellus the Monk, played by Hinckley Firuz Fox, the Alchemist, played by Fugazi Active Players (23) Baxter Bulldog, Mechanic, played by Waterbrick Down Becka Bulldog, Beautician, married to Booker Bear, played by Rick Booker Bear, Garbage Man, married to Becka Bulldog, played by Dragonator Brigit Bunny, Florist, First Lady of Winter Haven, married to Lazlo Lion, played by Sandy Cameron Crocodile, Carpenter, married to Gilda Goat, played by Rufus Carly Cow, Ice Cream Shoppe Owner, played by Tamamono Casey Cat, Painter, married to Maurice Mouse, played by Scouty Edgar Elephant, Fisherman, married to Portia Poodle, played by WhiteFang Ernie Elephant, Dock Worker, married to Ralphy Rabbit, played by JimButcher Gibson Goat, Bartender, brother of Gilda Goat, played by Pandora Gilda Goat, Doctor, married to Cameron Crocodile, sister of Gibson Goat, played by Quarryman Gordon Gorilla, Lawman, played by Scubacarrot Heidi Hippo, Farmer, played by CallMePie Horace Horse, Blacksmith, played by iamded Lazlo Lion, Mayor of Winter Haven, married to Brigit Bunny, played by TinyPiesRUs Maurice Mouse, Dock Worker, married to Casey Cat, played by Cecilie Mindy Mouse, Accountant, married to Pancho Parrot, played by Professor Flitwick Pancho Parrot, Postman, married to Mindy Mouse, played by Zepher Pennie Pig, Schoolteacher, played by Eskallon Portia Poodle, Grocer, married to Edgar Elephant, played by CorneliusMurdock Ralphy Rabbit, Farmer, married to Ernie Elephant, played by badboytje88 Seamus Sheepdog, Taxidermist, married to Shawna Sheep, played by Dannylonglegs Shawna Sheep, Lawman, married to Seamus Sheepdog, played by Shadows The Deceased (3) Petey Panda, Fisherman, played by darkdragon, lynched on Day One - Villager Bristol Bunny, Seamstress, played by Bob, murdered with an axe on Night One - Villager Wallace Walrus, Lawman, played by Masked Builder, murdered by a bear trap on Night One - Cultist
Zepher Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 BAWK! Thank the gods for that bear-trap... thingy... good work whoever set that up! Alright, so, all you people who promised that after a night we'd most certainly have some clue where to go, let's hear that clue! If you want to send it to everyone in the town by mail, that might be cool. If you need a parrot to deliver the mail, I can do that!
JimBee Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Well, mixed results all around. I wonder how Wally died, but good riddance. Now as for the kill on Bristol, I am not sure if it was a scum or vigilante kill. We only had one "murder" tonight, so if we do have a vigilante maybe they are responsible for it. Bristol was "flying under the radar" yesterday, so maybe they got the wrong message and killed her. And I have a feeling that because Wallace was a Cultist, and there was only one kill last night, he tried to kill someone last night that was a Paranoid Bear Trap Owner. That is my theory.
Cecilie Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 *squeak* I had a feeling we were on the wrong track yesterday, poor Petey . Good thing someone put up a bear trap thingy in such a good place though, maybe peace can soon return to Winter Haven Now as for the kill on Bristol, I am not sure if it was a scum or vigilante kill. We only had one "murder" tonight, so if we do have a vigilante maybe they are responsible for it. Bristol was "flying under the radar" yesterday, so maybe they got the wrong message and killed her. And I have a feeling that because Wallace was a Cultist, and there was only one kill last night, he tried to kill someone last night that was a Paranoid Bear Trap Owner. That is my theory. Interesting theory. I would have thought the kill on Bristol was the Cultist kill, and that we had a bear hunter with a nose for sniffing out Cultists among us. You know, the most simple explanation . I heard bear hunters really have a knack for this sort of thing. Have you heard the legend of the ultimate bear hunter who could smell evil a mile away? Many times before? Ok, I'll just go and ponder this whole thing a bit in a quiet corner somewhere... *squeak*
Sandy Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 How convenient. In before the other bunny did it! I made a snide comment about wanting to be the only fawn bunny in the village, and lo and behold, the Cultists kill my sister (?) Bristol. I never truly wanted to see her dead (unless she would've turned out to be a Cultist), I was just always so jealous of her. Am I going to get blamed for my roleplaying sinful thoughts? Anyway, if someone thinks Bristol's death has anything to do with me, let it be known I was framed. Ooh, it would make an excellent movie! "Who Framed Brigit Bunny?" In the movie I'd have a gorgeous redheaded girlfriend who was a lounge singer. And then some nasty weasels would chase me! Someone write this down, quick! But there are no weasels in the Fabuland theme Winterhaven... No zebras either. Too bad. Oh, I almost forgot... Boing boing!
Professor Flitwick Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Hmpf. Told you the fish were sentient. I'm giving this guy the funeral he deserves. Shame about Petey, bit surprising after some of his reactions the other day. Not surprised about Bristol, though I don't think I ever met her before. Pretty sure she was agoraphobic. I found Wallace odd, but I just thought it was because he wanted to eat me...
Shadows Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Wow, we got lucky amidst a combination of our own failure and bad luck. I'm not sure what to make of all of it, nor am I sure why things keep coming back to fish. Fish seem very unlucky around here. he tried to kill someone last night that was a Paranoid Bear Trap Owner. That is my theory. Paranoid Bear Trap Owner... That's quite a large leap to make and doesn't match the style of death at all, but I guess it's possible that god is being intentionally weird in his method of presenting it. Interesting theory. I would have thought the kill on Bristol was the Cultist kill, and that we had a bear hunter with a nose for sniffing out Cultists among us. You know, the most simple explanation . That's kind of what I thought too, seems to make more sense, and if it's true, we clearly owe a great deal of thanks to that bear hunter, or whatever they're actually called. How convenient. In before the other bunny did it! I made a snide comment about wanting to be the only fawn bunny in the village, and lo and behold, the Cultists kill my sister (?) Bristol. I never truly wanted to see her dead (unless she would've turned out to be a Cultist), I was just always so jealous of her. Am I going to get blamed for my roleplaying sinful thoughts? Anyway, if someone thinks Bristol's death has anything to do with me, let it be known I was framed. Ooh, it would make an excellent movie! "Who Framed Brigit Bunny?" In the movie I'd have a gorgeous redheaded girlfriend who was a lounge singer. And then some nasty weasels would chase me! Someone write this down, quick! But there are no weasels in the Fabuland theme Winterhaven... No zebras either. Too bad. Oh, I almost forgot... Boing boing! I'm not sure about a paranoid bear trap owner, but there definitely seems to be some paranoia around here.
CMP Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Insert cow-esque mooing sound here. Shame about Petey and Bristol, but at least we know we have a vig (or at worst, a serial killer). Day Two and we've already got the filthy, tainted blood of a Cultist splattering the pavement of our town.
JimBee Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 So what sound does an elephant make? Neigh! Interesting theory. I would have thought the kill on Bristol was the Cultist kill, and that we had a bear hunter with a nose for sniffing out Cultists among us. You know, the most simple explanation . I heard bear hunters really have a knack for this sort of thing. Have you heard the legend of the ultimate bear hunter who could smell evil a mile away? Many times before? Ok, I'll just go and ponder this whole thing a bit in a quiet corner somewhere... *squeak* Paranoid Bear Trap Owner... That's quite a large leap to make and doesn't match the style of death at all, but I guess it's possible that god is being intentionally weird in his method of presenting it. Well what are the chances that our vigilante caught a Cultist on the first try? And a bear trap doesn't seem like an MO of any killer, otherwise we would've seen someone attack Wallace in the pictures security tapes, no? Or am I missing something here? I'm not going to assume that killing is the only action that the Cultists have, but if we assume that's what Wallace was doing, then that's the only explanation that I can think of that doesn't deal with strange acts of god convoluted plans.
Rufus Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 *snap!* That's the sound of my jaws closing. Anyhoo, I'm disappointed (and a little surprised) that Petey wasn't Culty, but hoorah for whoever caught Wallace, however unorthodox the method. Bristol seems an odd choice for a Culty kill. More like a vigilante or serial killer target. But then the Cultists wouldn't kill their own. This implies there wasn't a scum kill, and one of the usual target protected/scum killer blocked/conversion situations. If Wallace were the scum killer, I'd have thought he would have killed before taking the fishy bait, if Winter Haven follows the usual rules of these types of affair. Something to think about. *snap*
CorneliusMurdock Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Woof! (why not?) Of course, the axe killer could be the scum killer. But the only reason to kill someone barely participating would be if they thought that person wouldn't be protected. That sounds more like what the serial killer did in Harriet Slutter and the Deadly Baritones 2, though. I would think the scum would have tried to take out a potential leader before a town core was formed. If Bristol was killed by an axe-weilding serial killer, there are still several possibilities as far as scum kill. As Ernie said, the trap could have been a defensive thing to kill the scum killer. That would be a great scenario for us. Their killer might have been blocked or their target protected. Also good for us. We should also leave open the possibility of a delayed poison type kill or a conversion. Those would not be so good for us. Unfortunately only time will tell what went on last night.
Shadows Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Well what are the chances that our vigilante caught a Cultist on the first try? I don't know, everyone always insists on a lynch the first day despite that rarely going well and having the same horrible odds, but maybe a vig could get luckier than we did. otherwise we would've seen someone attack Wallace in the pictures security tapes, no? Or am I missing something here? That's the same reason I don't think it's a PGO, I think a PGO would be shown in black, being creeped up on, then turning the tables and killing the scum without ever being revealed. Maybe that's being represented by making the trap black, which seems like a weird colour for one, so you could be right (and god is crazy, so...). I'm not going to assume that killing is the only action that the Cultists have, but if we assume that's what Wallace was doing, then that's the only explanation that I can think of that doesn't deal with strange acts of god convoluted plans. The lack of a killing is the best justification for your theory, I'll give it that. Let's hope we really did get that lucky and the scum have lost their killer.
Tamamono Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 Mooo! What a splendid job done! Now, I'm going to go right ahead here and say I told yoooooou so on Petey Polar Bear, but to whoever killed the manatee, a job well done to yoooooou! And yes, Ernie Rhinoceros has a point - it might have actually been a paranoid bear trap owner... Although, it looks like it was specifically baited for him. I'd say that it was a SK/vig kill. Either way, it's definitely a plus. As for Bristol, I think that was probably the cultist kill, as the orange husky appeared in flames next to her and Petey - this leads me to believe that it's his doing almost. Now, let's not waste any time, dearies! It's time to focus on today's lynch! In my opinion, we should definitely look at Pennie and Casey (Casey especially). Does anyone have any information regarding them?
JimBee Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 The lack of a killing is the best justification for your theory, I'll give it that. Let's hope we really did get that lucky and the scum have lost their killer. Well they would just have someone else do their dirty work, but yes, I am hoping that we didn't lose another innocent soul due to a killing on Wallace's part. Neigh.
Waterbrick Down Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 *Sniffs Horace's Tail in greeting* Roof! I might not have a ton of experience in these more complicated situations. But from a simplist perspective I'd say that Bristol seems like the most probable cultist kill. I know the comment has come up about them trying to take out town leadership, but those evil beasties probably want to do away with any 'special' individuals in our midst as well. Those individuals are probably trying to lay low to not attract any attention to themselves from either killers or blockers, just like Bristol was. Furthermore, I agree that the bear trap seemed rigged specifically for a walrus or some other fish eating individual and thus was a premeditated act probably by a vigilante or a serial killer. I mean Look at all the fish guts everywhere. Until further evidence presents itself I think we should stick to the simplist solution instead of jumping to a lot of conclusions. Consider the conclusions, yes, but don't be controlled by them.
iamded Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 So what sound does an elephant make? Neigh! Nay, neigh is what horses say! Neigh! Well look at this, we caught a scum! Great going, little fish guy! Maybe we shouldn't be eating them if they're so adept at catching crooks... <chomps on a mushroom> Unfortunately, it seems everything comes at a cost. Poor Petey Panda was one of us after all, which means perhaps we should take a look back at certain people... And poor Bristol! No one deserves a splitting headache like that. But who killed who... The bear trap thing I find most confusing. Not just because it looks bizarre, but because I'm not sure how it would work. If it were a 'paranoid bear trap owner', then wouldn't it be next to said paranoid person's bed, or outside their door or something? Having it placed randomly on the ground for someone to wander in to doesn't scream 'paranoid trap owner' to me. Besides, there was no indication Wallace was going after anyone (except that fish), so it seems more like he was targeted rather than he stumbled into a trap. Even though he literally stumbled into a trap. What I'm saying is it seems this was done offensively rather than defensively, because there must be an attack in order to defend, and Wallace wasn't attacking. Does that make sense? Now the axe kill. I'm kind of hoping it wasn't a vigilante who did it, because if it was a vigilante then it wasn't the scummy Cultists. Which leads me to think they went and converted someone instead of killing... This is stressing me out, man... <scoffs down hoof-fulls of shrooms> *Sniffs Horace's Tail in greeting* Oh. Hello there, Baxter. Care for a mushroom? Roof! Ceiling! Wall! Window! Uh, uh... door! What game is this? I know the comment has come up about them trying to take out town leadership, but those evil beasties probably want to do away with any 'special' individuals in our midst as well. Those individuals are probably trying to lay low to not attract any attention to themselves from either killers or blockers, just like Bristol was. That's a good point. Although I'm hoping Bristol was laying low because she was a vanilla bunny and was just taking it easy, not because she had a night action and was avoiding the scum's sights...
Hinckley Posted August 26, 2012 Author Posted August 26, 2012 The morning is interrupted by a loud "ROOOOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRR!" as Lazlo Lion returns to Winter Haven. His loving wife, Brigit Bunny is waiting on the river bank to greet him. "Oh Shnuggle-dumplings!" Brigit cries as Lazlo hugs her bodily. "I'm so happy you've returned safely. Were all the residents of Summer Brook safe and sound?" She excitedly kisses him on the cheek. "I couldn't get there," Lazlo admits, darkly. "The river was blocked by a very large tree. I couldn't navigate around it." "I hope everyone there is all right," Brigit says, worriedly. "And where will we go if we need to escape? The river towards Autumn Falls is too treacherous to navigate this time of year. We'll have to form parties to travel to Summer Brook and Autumn Falls on foot through the Forest." "No," Lazlo says, "The spirit of Felix Fox is active in these woods. I've seen him. Nobody should be traveling into the Dark Forest until we've found all of these Cultists. They've blocked our way to Summer Brook. They're killing our friends. We must get them before they get us..."
MagPiesRUs Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 ROOOOAAARRRR! It's good to be back. Hello Brigit! How many times do I have to tell you guys? Just because the mayor's away for a day, doesn't mean that murder is ok. At least someone managed to kill a cultist. I'm not sure who killed who or how, but I'm going to assume that since the frog Bristol was looking at remained green, the cultists didn't convert anyone last night. Which means that their killer must have either killed Bristol, or failed to kill last night. It looks like you've all been quite busy while I've been away, I'll have to catch up on my mayoral archives for more information. Rooaar!
JimBee Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 ROOOOAAARRRR! It's good to be back. Hello Brigit! How many times do I have to tell you guys? Just because the mayor's away for a day, doesn't mean that murder is ok. Well you know what they say, a murder a day keeps the mayor away. Welcome back Lazlo, if you look back on the archives I really did not mean what I said about lynching you.
Shadows Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 They've blocked our way to Summer Brook. They're killing our friends. We must get them before they get us..." I have a baaaaaaaa-d feeling about this.
Hinckley Posted August 26, 2012 Author Posted August 26, 2012 I have a baaaaaaaa-d feeling about this. Mod note: Baaaaaaaaa-d Bad puns do not count as animal sounds.
CorneliusMurdock Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 I might not have a ton of experience in these more complicated situations. But from a simplist perspective I'd say that Bristol seems like the most probable cultist kill. I know the comment has come up about them trying to take out town leadership, but those evil beasties probably want to do away with any 'special' individuals in our midst as well. Those individuals are probably trying to lay low to not attract any attention to themselves from either killers or blockers, just like Bristol was. Roof? We're outside. Oh, you mean WOOF! They wouldn't know who the "special" people were any more than the rest of us. Only "special" one I noticed was Pennie and that was a different kind of special. You really think the scum would kill someone barely contributing to the town on the off chance they had an ability? Doesn't sound like a very well thought out plan to me. Oh and I misspoke before, the book I meant to refer to earlier was Harriet Slutter and the Deadly Baritones 3 Much better than 2. It had more explosions.
Hinckley Posted August 26, 2012 Author Posted August 26, 2012 Mod note: That was a joke, by the way. The punnier your animal sounds the baaaaaaaaa-eeeeter! And let's hope they're baaaa-eeeeter puns than that.
Waterbrick Down Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 Roof? We're outside. Oh, you mean WOOF! They wouldn't know who the "special" people were any more than the rest of us. Only "special" one I noticed was Pennie and that was a different kind of special. You really think the scum would kill someone barely contributing to the town on the off chance they had an ability? Doesn't sound like a very well thought out plan to me. Oh and I misspoke before, the book I meant to refer to earlier was Harriet Slutter and the Deadly Baritones 3 Much better than 2. It had more explosions. Rrrroof! As in Rrrrruffles! I attempted to try and figure out a reason why Bristol was killed making the least amount of assumptions. According to your reasoning, her kill doesn't make sense from a scum's perspective and thus you go on to assume that it was probably a serial killer and that the scum were either blocked or their target was protected.
Shadows Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 Mod note: Baaaaaaaaa-d Bad puns do not count as animal sounds. Booooo, you 3 syllable monkey freak! Your face is a bad pun. And an animal sound. Freak! You really think the scum would kill someone barely contributing to the town on the off chance they had an ability? Doesn't sound like a very well thought out plan to me. I assumed it wasn't a scum kill because it wasn't another sick ritual or a burning, which sounds more like their style. If it was them, you're right, it was an odd choice of targets. That makes me wonder why. Grudge? Something said yesterday? Bunny hate? Why would anyone hate bunnies, they're almost as cute as sheep! Almost. *shakes her baaaaaaaa-ckside* Wait... We know the scummy walrus wasn't killed by the scum. I doubt the bunny was killed by the scum for the above reason (method of kill). Would that confirm a serial killer? And what if the dead walrus wasn't their killer, someone out there could know something like who they protected (a possible indicator of a townie) or who they blocked (a possible indicator of scum)? This could be incredibly important information, if they know who to trust to share it with, and if it actually means what it seems to. Oh and I misspoke before, the book I meant to refer to earlier was Harriet Slutter and the Deadly Baritones 3 Much better than 2. It had more explosions. I've always been partial to 2, personally, the mob really got taken to town, so to speak. Mod note: That was a joke, by the way. The punnier your animal sounds the baaaaaaaaa-eeeeter! And let's hope they're baaaa-eeeeter puns than that. And I felt bad for mine... Now, baaaaa-ck to our regularly scheduled program... Added: Baaaaa-ck for more! As in Rrrrruffles! I attempted to try and figure out a reason why Bristol was killed making the least amount of assumptions. According to your reasoning, her kill doesn't make sense from a scum's perspective and thus you go on to assume that it was probably a serial killer and that the scum were either blocked or their target was protected. EXACTLY! It just took me a lot longer to type up.
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