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vote tally

Carly Cow (Tamamono): 17 votes (Rufus, Professor Flitwick, JimButcher, CorneliusMurdock, Shadows, CallMePie, Sandy, Dragonator, Scubacarrot, Rick, WhiteFang, badboytje88, Cecilie, Quarryman, Pandora, iamded, TinyPiesRUs)

Casey Cat (Scouty): 1 vote (Tamamono)

*Pant pant pant pant* It's astonishing, the amount of taxidermy that goes on it this village nowadays. I've got three new bodies to stuff! Stuffing stiffs is hard, messy work, but someone's gotta do 'em, and I'm your man... well, furry Sheepdog hybrid thing... of the male veriety.

Speaking of bodies, I've noticed that my wovewy wife's haunches have gone un-gnawed today. I must learn to ballance work and play. :sadnew:

So, Carly Cow, if that is your real name, I think that I will vote for you. Now I haven't been around to say so, but at the end of yesterday I was growing very suspicious of Portia Poodle because of that voting thing she did and didn't do. It seemed to me like she was posturing for Day 2 and intentionally avoiding a bandwagon. Today however, she's been logical and she's not on my suspicions list that I don't have yet, anymore. Carly however is. I feel that those of you who made the case against her made some pretty good points, and I feel that her lynch is the most likely to provide us with a scummy result, and a lynch in general. Franky, my vote doesn't matter at the moment, but you can have it anyways. :sweet:

Vote: Carly Cow (Tamamono)

  On 8/27/2012 at 5:43 AM, Scubacarrot said:

OOh, ooh!

My love, may I ask why you think that?

Usually when scum is targeted with votes, the team of bad guys will do whatever they can to stop the votes from coming in. But now it seems everyone and their mother is voting for Carly. The list that Horace compiled shows that there really is a strong case against Carly, but it's still nothing concrete. I really hope we got this one right, because if we do, it leads us straight on the tracks of...

  On 8/27/2012 at 8:31 AM, Quarryman said:
Personally I feel Ralphy is more than just a little fishy, and I think he could do with some scrutiny.

... the third bunny! BOING! Ralphy was the only one to vote for Casey with Carly today, and when the votes didn't seem to swing that way, he switched. Added to that were the bogus accusations against Portia that Horace (again) pointed out.

Horace is now officially my favorite horse! Hey Horace, wanna BOING BOING BOING with me across the fields and meadows? :grin:

It's clear that today's lynch is going to be Carly Cow and I support it. Nothing I can say that hasn't been said already. purrrrrrrr :purrr:

Anyway, since there's already so many votes for Carly, I don't feel a need to place my valuable vote on her. Instead, I shall place it on Ralphy. His actions yesterday and today are pretty dodgy. Let's review what Ralphy has done so far.

I'll go ahead and skip all the jovial comments from the beginning of the day. First we go to this comment...and folks said I was on the fence/diverting attention away :sceptic: . Next is his list. Obvious thing to point out, but his reasoning to making the list is hardly an explanation for making it. Then he sort of drops off the map until voting has started and when there's quite some momentum against me, he places her vote, based off of gut feeling despite everything that has been said about me previously in the day. That's it for day 1. Pretty discreet overall.

Now on to today. He begins with a very gentle nod on me, seemingly hoping somebody else would go in and start having at me and doing the dirty work. He wants the town to look into my behavior, but never bothers to bring a case against me himself. When voting starts, he doesn't hesitate to vote for me, again, just based on my behavior. His implications that Portia's previous votes both died last night is a statement that doesn't mean a whole lot, so why point it out? When things are going Carly's way, he gives up his vote on me and switches to Carly.

What does all this mean? He's either a culty cultist or a very lackadaisical villager. If it's the latter, then I hope he steps his game up. I'm going to place a vote for Ralphy because I think he would be a good candidate for tomorrow's lynch, based off of today's lynch and in case nothing else happens tonight. Meow meow Vote: Ralphy Rabbit (badboytje88) . If anything, it's motivation to try harder for our sake :wink: Now, I may be a bit biased because he's only been voting for me, so a second opinion on this would be good, either today or tomorrow, there's plenty of time to dig down on this.

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vote tally

Carly Cow (Tamamono): 18 votes (Rufus, Professor Flitwick, JimButcher, CorneliusMurdock, Shadows, CallMePie, Sandy, Dragonator, Scubacarrot, Rick, WhiteFang, badboytje88, Cecilie, Quarryman, Pandora, iamded, TinyPiesRUs, Dannylonglegs)

Casey Cat (Scouty): 1 vote (Tamamono)

Ralphy Rabbit (badboytje88): 1 vote (Scouty)

Alright, well after a lot of reading and even though I can't figure out why Carly was so focused on Portia's voting method the other day, her back and forth behavior of when she was and wasn't paying attention is enough to convince me that she is either a scum that's been backed into a corner, or a townie that has shown they're not willing to put forth the effort to equally analyze everything that has been said.

Vote: Carly Cow (Tamamono)


Ne-he-heigh, prbrbrb! Those are some good points you make Casey. Ralphy has seemed kind of... off, at times. Though that could just be the public masturbation. :sceptic:

  On 8/27/2012 at 3:18 PM, Sandy said:
Horace is now officially my favorite horse! Hey Horace, wanna BOING BOING BOING with me across the fields and meadows? :grin:

Why, thank you Brigit! I'd love to boing boing boing with you. :grin: I've got all night.

Yeah, you've still got it Horace! :grin: Suck it Cameron! :tongue:

Casey, you BAWK! outline a case that I find much more convincing than the one against Carly. Carly seems to be confused and quiet, but with no sinister motives. If they exist, they are too subtle for me to pick up. She is quiet, but her few comments are only confusing, they don't seem to be gaining her anything. Ralphy on the other hand DOES seem to BAWK! be getting at something while still hanging back in the background. He's quiet, and doesn't draw much attention, but still gently nudges for specific things. I feel more comfortable in this vote than in the one for Carly. Vote: Ralphy Rabbit (badboytje88). It doesn't do much BAWK! today, but it will get people to focus on our suspect tomorrow.

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vote tally

Carly Cow (Tamamono): 19 votes (Rufus, Professor Flitwick, JimButcher, CorneliusMurdock, Shadows, CallMePie, Sandy, Dragonator, Scubacarrot, Rick, WhiteFang, badboytje88, Cecilie, Quarryman, Pandora, iamded, TinyPiesRUs, Dannylonglegs, Waterbrick Down)

Casey Cat (Scouty): 1 vote (Tamamono)

Ralphy Rabbit (badboytje88): 2 votes (Scouty, Zepher)

  On 8/27/2012 at 8:53 AM, Pandora said:

You spoke a total of 11 times yesterday. I reviewed them all. The first few occasions were idle, fluffy, chitter-chatter speeches, but your later orations were a mix of strongly defending Petey (and we've already covered how amazing it is that you were able to get such a town read on him) and arguing with Portia over her vote for Wallace. References are here, here, and here. So, to me, you were either focusing not only on Petey but also what other people were doing, such as Portia and her voting habits (and thus actually paying attention to more than just Petey), or you considered Portia and her voting habits to be part of the whole debate about Petey. If that's the case then, as those were pretty much the only two discussions, that implies you were paying attention to the whole debate in its entirety.

Either way, you were paying attention. And now you say you were not. Which is lying, and I'm sure you'd be the first to tell us that there's no need for a townie to lie.

Without further ado, I Vote: Carly Cow (Tamamono)

I agree of everything you've said and what's been said by others. Gonna jump on the bandwagon today since I was such a twat yesterday and deserve no better than to have been voted off today. :sadnew: Oh well, lets hope day 2 turns out to have been better!

Vote: Carly Cow (Tamamono)

Oink Oink

  On 8/27/2012 at 6:42 PM, Hinckley said:

vote tally

Marcellus, shouldn't you be chattering, screeching, oohing or something? :look: It's the rule! :sweet:


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  On 8/27/2012 at 9:29 PM, Fugazi said:

Marcellus, shouldn't you be chattering, screeching, oohing or something? :look: It's the rule! :sweet:


Eee! Eeeee! EEEE!! Oooh ooh ooh. Thanks for pointing that out, smartass megablocking fox jerk. OK, so we have our first penalty vote and it's for me. :blush:



Carly Cow bursts out of the door of the Ice Cream Shoppe, excitedly, when she sees through her window that customers have arrived!

"I didn't think I'd be having any customers today after I had announced my milk had turned sour," she exclaims.


However, she's horrified when she sees who the customers are.

"Seamus, what are you doing?" Carly Cow cries. "You've stuffed our dead friends and sat them at my patio table!"

"I'm a taxidermist," Seamus states. "That's what I do."


"But why at my Ice Cream Shoppe?" Carly asks. "And why would you bring Wallace? He's responsible for the murder of our friends!"

"I put a wiener in his hand and a clown hat on him," Seamus explains. "So it should be OK."

"Clowns are creepy," Carly shudders.

"I know someone who can't get sexually aroused unless there's a clown present," Seamus states.

"That's disgusting!" Carly cries.

"That's my wife," Seamus tells her.


Carly clears her throat to absorb the awkward moment.

"Listen, you weird beaver," Carly grits her teeth, "Get out of here and take the stuffed porpoise, koala and mastodon with you! I don't know why you think they should be stuffed at my Ice Cream Shoppe!"

"Well, I just figured..." Seamus stammers, "Since you're probably...since...they're closer...and the votes..."

Now it's Seamus's turn to feel awkward.


Carly turns to leave, but stops.

"Seamus, did you make stinkums in my flowers?" She cries.

"I'm a dog," Seamus explains. "That's what I do."

vote tally

Carly Cow (Tamamono): 20 votes (Rufus, Professor Flitwick, JimButcher, CorneliusMurdock, Shadows, CallMePie, Sandy, Dragonator, Scubacarrot, Rick, WhiteFang, badboytje88, Cecilie, Quarryman, Pandora, iamded, TinyPiesRUs, Dannylonglegs, Waterbrick Down, Eskallon)

Casey Cat (Scouty): 1 vote (Tamamono)

Ralphy Rabbit (badboytje88): 2 votes (Scouty, Zepher)

Almost all votes have been cast. Barring any major changes, a conviction has been reached. Please start thinking about your Night Action if you have one. If you are set with your vote and know your target, please send me your Night Action now so Day Three can start sooner. If any changes need to be made, you will be allowed to do so up until the official deadline of 24 hours past the close of Day Two. Thank you. :thumbup:


  On 8/27/2012 at 8:19 AM, Cecilie said:

*sqeak* Actually, the fact that the votes are piling up fast could be a sign that Carly really is a Cultist, because her teammates would want to jump early on her bandwagon so as not to arouse suspicion when we all learn her allegiance and start looking at voting patterns. It's different than yesterday, where the Cultists could try to appear Villagey by defending the Villagers on the chopping block.

I don't think that the votes piling up signifies whether Carly is cultist or not. Obviously, there are scum on the voting list, but she could just as easily be a villager if voting patterns are all we're going on. Which they're not, I'm just saying that this won't tell us much at the moment.

  On 8/27/2012 at 8:47 AM, Cecilie said:

No, I don't, I'm hypothesizing. If everyone being accused are Villagers, the Cultists can happily flip flop around and appear Villagey, but still get a Villager lynched. If one of the persons accused is a Cultist, I assume (I clearly need to emphasize this, since everyone thinks I'm speaking as if I know everything :wacko:) they would be scared to be seen defending said person in any way, should the lynch go through and the allegiance revealed to us. And this is what I'm hoping is happening now.

Obviously the Cultists are going along with everyone else on this one. Would they be doing anything differently? What point are you trying to make here?

Dogs :hmpf:

Meow purrrr :purrr:

Oh, and I would just like to say that I am suspicious of my dear husband, Ralphy, as well. Even though he's not following the bandwagon on this one he's not being of much help and is still attacking Casey... although I think we can all agree that he is significantly less suspicious after the events of yesterday and finding out that Petey was innocent.


  On 8/28/2012 at 12:26 AM, JimButcher said:

Oh, and I would just like to say that I am suspicious of my dear husband, Ralphy, as well. Even though he's not following the bandwagon on this one he's not being of much help and is still attacking Casey... although I think we can all agree that he is significantly less suspicious after the events of yesterday and finding out that Petey was innocent.


Mewwww. Ralphy actually switched his vote to Carly later on, thus joining the bandwagon.



I was reminiscing about the day and heard this:

  On 8/26/2012 at 8:12 AM, badboytje88 said:

Humng only two kills, I'd expected there to be three... Lets see what this day brings us.

Wait, wait, wait. You expected there would be three kills? I think we all expected a scum kill but there aren't always both a vigilante and a serial killer in these types of situations. What made you suspect there would be, Ralphy?

CLOWN! Oh Seamus, you animal! *oh2*

Bring the whip, I've been a baaaaaaa-d girl! :wub_drool:

  On 8/28/2012 at 3:07 AM, Shadows said:

CLOWN! Oh Seamus, you animal! *oh2*

Bring the whip, I've been a baaaaaaa-d girl! :wub_drool:

Grrrrrr! Bark! Bark! Yiff! :pir-wub:

  On 8/28/2012 at 12:24 AM, JimButcher said:

Obviously the Cultists are going along with everyone else on this one. Would they be doing anything differently? What point are you trying to make here?

*squeak* I'm only trying to look for signs that we are right about Carly. The fact that she hasn't shown up to defend herself anymore, and that there has been no opposition could be seen as signs. Or there's nothing to get from it. I'm just trying to recall patterns I have observed before, in the many stories I hear down at the docks. But maybe I'm just on a completely different wavelength than everyone else here... Is it because I'm such a tiny mouse? :cry_sad:*squeak*

Rrrroof! Hello Maurice!

*Smells the mouse's hindquarters*

I'm interested in the comment made by the bunny as well and would prefer something much more substantial than an argument based on when someone was paying attention (even though I still think its scummy or at least not very helpful to this town). Thus in hopes to get Mr. Rabbit talking I will for the moment,

Unvote: Carly Cow (Tamamono)

Vote: Ralphy Rabbit (badboytje88)

  On 8/28/2012 at 7:38 AM, Cecilie said:

But maybe I'm just on a completely different wavelength than everyone else here... Is it because I'm such a tiny mouse? :cry_sad:*squeak*

Of course you're not, my turtledove :wub: . Nobody will ever... :drool: ...eat you.... :drool: ... up :wub_drool: ! Purrrrrr :purrr: Wh o said anything about eating? :look:nervouslaughter1.gif . With the day nearly gone, Carly's absence is a bit worrying, though possibly an admission of guilt. Well, we'll find out in the morning. The same can be said about Ralphy, except the finding out in the morning bit.


  On 8/28/2012 at 2:17 PM, Scouty said:

Of course you're not, my turtledove :wub: . Nobody will ever... :drool: ...eat you.... :drool: ... up :wub_drool: ! Purrrrrr :purrr: Wh o said anything about eating? :look:nervouslaughter1.gif . With the day nearly gone, Carly's absence is a bit worrying, though possibly an admission of guilt. Well, we'll find out in the morning. The same can be said about Ralphy, except the finding out in the morning bit.


*squeak* That's good to hear, my dear nervouslaughter1.gif

Carly has clearly given up, but I do find it odd that Ralphy hasn't shown up to say anything for himself... Maybe he hopes we'll forget about him if he goes quiet? :look:


  On 8/28/2012 at 5:39 PM, Cecilie said:

*squeak* That's good to hear, my dear nervouslaughter1.gif

Carly has clearly given up, but I do find it odd that Ralphy hasn't shown up to say anything for himself... Maybe he hopes we'll forget about him if he goes quiet? :look:


That is exactly what I've been wondering, perhaps we've caught two of those nasty scum and both have decided to clam up.

  On 8/28/2012 at 5:47 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

That is exactly what I've been wondering, perhaps we've caught two of those nasty scum and both have decided to clam up.

:angry: Ooh, ooh!

The least Carly can do is work with us here, she is not doing that, so that's more reason to assume this is the right thing. :sweet:

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