Posted September 2, 201212 yr Hey all. I just wanted to show off my first attempts with LDD. (Please be kind). I'm in the process of designing a three story corner modular. This si the first floor so far, tentatively called "Liberty Comics and Games". This is the bulk of the first floor. More or less. I am still having issues getting LDD to mount decorative pieces on the walls, and I can't find the 2x2 tile with clip anywhere in the library that I will need to make the spinner rack. I'm still working on how to do the signage. Ideally the one wall will have "COMICS" the other "GAMES" with a modified Statue of Liberty CMF sitting in an alcove above the door. The comic bins will have a few 2x2 tiles with comic cover decals on them, etc. The second floor (or first floor for our European friends ) will be a Dentists office. The third will be a Karate School. This is my first time attempting anything quite this ambitious. So I am open to any and all advice. I am hoping to build it once I work out a full parts list.
September 2, 201212 yr Not bad work so far 'Faefrost'.....don't forget your very own Comic Book Guy. Planning to brick build this in the end ? LDD On 'Faefrost' !
September 3, 201212 yr Author Thank you all. I'm starting to get a better feel for the program, so the second floor is a little better. Here is it so far. This is a Dental Office, loosely modeled on my wife's. I'm sort of going for that fairly common US 1960's-70's light commercial building found in so many main streets throughout America. (basically cinder block buildings with some moderate concessions to architecture. Lacking in the more elaborate trimmings found in their earlier US and contemporary European cousins. In most cases form followed function and the architect was apparently colorblind.) I'm kind of pleased with how the signs came out. I'm not sure on the colors for the Comic Shop signs? And yes, the plan is to build this in the brick and populate it with appropriate minifigs .
September 3, 201212 yr That dental office is fantastic - I love the tooth signs. The color scheme is engaging and I can't wait to see what you have in mind for the third floor and roof. Definitely looking forward to seeing this complete. A minifigure likeness of your wife might make a nice tribute in the office.. perhaps removing a plastic cavity from some poor child minifig.
September 3, 201212 yr Author And here is the tentative third floor. "Mojo's Dojo school of Karate". The interior is a bit sparse obviously. The training mat laid over a hardwood floor. Wood benches. Some display weapons and scrolls of teachings on the walls. A shelf for trophy's. I'm not quite satisfied with the corner windows yet. I'm open to suggestions. Now if only I could figure out how to combine them in one file to render? Anyway the tricky part of the roof is for tomorrow. Please let me know what you think. PS I still haven't decided on a form of signage for the Dojo? Something subtle in the window? A big sign on the roof? Edited September 3, 201212 yr by Faefrost
September 3, 201212 yr I really like this idea! Maybe you should think ninjago for the sign. Good luck!
September 3, 201212 yr Good work :thumbup: But, are you sure that when people do karate, any man fall down the stairs?? :laugh: I think that something subtle in the window is a good idea but I think a big sign on the roof isn't a bad idea Edited September 3, 201212 yr by Wedge09
September 3, 201212 yr Author On 9/3/2012 at 3:07 PM, Wedge09 said: Good work :thumbup: But, are you sure that when people do karate, any man fall down the stairs?? :laugh: I think that something subtle in the window is a good idea but I think a big sign on the roof isn't a bad idea Thanks, and yeah, I realize the fall hazard of the stairs. It was sort of a trade off, in part to cover a miscalculation. I want the Dojo to feel more open, with a lot of outer wall space. But I didn't have enough room to put the door right at the top of the stairs. I would need to hallway off the stairwell. I may yet do it. I'm still playing with all of these. As far as Ninjago. I probably will not be quite so blatant with the naming. Although a few figs are already destined to be included. I think a short legged green Ninja would go well down in the comic shop.
September 3, 201212 yr Those are great little builds. It'd be really neat to see it in real bricks all together. But I can settle for the a single file rendering (if possible). Keep up the great work.
September 3, 201212 yr This is a very interesting topic to follow, and I'm very keen to see how you'll solve the roof, it's always the part I'm struggling the most with on my modulars. Your design skills are very good, and as you say you've improved as you've gone along. Some of the details are fabulous, like the tooth signs. The colour choices are also good, but you'll get a reality check on a few of them if you try to order the pieces to build this. For example, the doors you've used on the dentist's floor don't exist in green, only in white (rare) and transparent colours. So there's a job to be done. But finish the roof first! :) Oh, and I'd go for a subtle karate sign. In my opinion, it seems nice to have a huge sign on the roof for something that is not the main business in the building. But that's just my view on it.
September 3, 201212 yr Author Thanks all. And yeah I'll have to play with some parts I realize. Some colors will change for expediency. The outer door on the dentist office is fine with trans clear. It's the inner that may give me trouble. ( HiPPA requires that the public areas cannot see the patient care areas ) (dear gods I'm designing Lego to HiPPA standards... On a day off no less. Someone please hit me. ) For the roof, I sort of went with a style and period of building that I won't have to go too overboard with. I'm torn over what sort of Scene to put up there. I don't want to do another billboard like the GE. Hmmm? Edit: Here's the latest evolution. In attempting to digitally join the three floors I discovered that I had miscalculated and the back walls of the 2nd and 3rd floor were 1 stud to far in. So I had to rebuild the back walls and stairwells etc. (And yeah I know I still have a few red bricks showing that I forgot to recolor ) Edited September 3, 201212 yr by Faefrost
September 4, 201212 yr Author And I think I have found a roof design that I like Please tell me what you think? Front facing overview A better view of the details The roof itself where the Sensei has his little place of quiet contemplation in the busy city (not to mention his prize winning azaleas). The zen garden still needs some work. I am not completely satisfied with how the fame came out. But I may have to play with that a bit more "in the brick" rather than fighting with weird connections in LDD. Thanks everyone for your kind words so far. Oh and for those curious. Here are the full size screen shots Edited September 4, 201212 yr by Faefrost
September 4, 201212 yr Looks great Faefrost. I love the roof and the sign on the side of the building. Would love to see this in real bricks. Wonderfull effort.
September 7, 201212 yr Author Getting closer to being build, as I investigate the strange paths if bricklink seeking my prize. But in the meantime I looped it through POV ray just to see what it will look like.
October 20, 201212 yr Have you thought about maybe replacing the statue above the door with a modified Superman or Batman minifig?
October 20, 201212 yr Wow! So many things to look at. Each time I look I see something new. I am likeng the window treatment on the 2nd and 3rd floors, the dojo the roof garden and the lamp attached to the roof. Lookiing forwerd to seeing this in bricks. Andy D
October 23, 201212 yr I'm in awe here. This is just terrific work. I love the whole design and the attention to detail. The tooth signs are great and the dentist chair is scarily familiar ;-) I can't wait to see it in brick (though I shudder to think what it will cost.... that's why I'm thinking microscale for myself).
October 23, 201212 yr It's really great. Though somehow I feel that the ground floor could be a bit higher. Or you add a small Souterrain, two bricks high. But maybe it's just the perspective that fools me.
October 24, 201212 yr Author I'm just starting to place the part orders this week. Hopefully it will be mostly finished excepting certain custom decals by thanksgiving. Thank you all for the kind words and support. Edited October 24, 201212 yr by Faefrost
December 29, 201212 yr Author And construction has begun. As suspected I am having to alter some colors and make a great deal of modifications. And thank you to whoever commented on the height of the ground floor. It absolutely needs to be boosted a level or two, And those blue bottom windows need to go, both for color and height. I think I have worked out a better way to add a splash of window from color there, while not making it look too m uch like the GE windows. (P.S. Willing to trade wife and wife's cat for a better mechanism to validate parts from design to Bricklink wanted list. Will even leave off the cat if its a really good solution.) Edited December 29, 201212 yr by Faefrost
December 29, 201212 yr On 12/29/2012 at 10:33 PM, Faefrost said: (P.S. Willing to trade wife and wife's cat for a better mechanism to validate parts from design to Bricklink wanted list. Will even leave off the cat if its a really good solution.) Provide picture of cat, and I'll be willing to look into it.
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