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  1. 1. How do you rate Mantax?

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  2. 2. How do you rate the Squid Ammo?

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Today I am bringing you a full fleged photo review of Barraki Mantax, who is, IMO, the best of the Barraki.

The Box

The the most superficial part of any LEGO product, but the one that often determines whether or not the set is a success or failure.

The Barraki canisters are easily the most unique designs I have ever seen for a Bioncle set. Besides being slanted and having a coral like lid, the canister is covered with bubbles and cracks, adding to the underwater feel of 2007.


The front has all the usual info, and has Mantax in a cool pose. The background is especially cool.


The back, although cool, is misleading, due to the fact that you can not fit Mantax into the canister without some disassembly, contrary to the image below Mantax.

What�s in the Box?

So you've bought it and taken it home (or at least made it to the car), punched the perforated tabs and dump out the contents. What do you get for your money?


Well, 59 pieces (it includes an extra red Viking horn), which are sorted by color in this image.


And, an instruction manual, with the set image sideways like the Inika manuals.


The instructions are laid out very well, and the underwater background makes them even more appealing.

The Bricks

Here's where we start to cut to the heart of the matter. You didn't buy this box for all the glossy booklets & creative artwork. You want to know about the LEGO bricks & bits that are included, and what (if any) new & interesting parts you'll find inside. Here's also where I'll talk about any new and/or interesting pieces that you will encounter.

Mantax contains 6 new major molds, all which are very unique.


Clockwise from the top left, we have the standard Barraki pinchers, pieces that I see many uses for (put them sideways and they could make great rahi claws). Next, there is Mantax�s hooks, my favorite new piece. They kind of look like an upgraded version of Gali�s hooks, but at the same time, they are new and refreshing. Next, the squid launcher. I won�t be discussing this until later, although I can say that I dislike that it is made of flimsy rubber.

Next, the new foot piece (note that there is 2 included). It kind of reminds me of the Toa Metru foot, only bulkier and with fins. Cool? Very, but I really don�t see that many MOC�ing uses for it other than as plain feet. Next, the shoulder armor, which also happens to be body armor for Carapar. (again note that there is 2 included) I can�t say I really like this piece, as the unusual shape will probably pose problems for MOCer�s, as well as the fact that due to the 2 color plastic, it will only be useable in totally black and silver Moc�s. Maybe if it was completely black or silver I would have given it the thumbs up.

Finally, the head piece. This is my second favorite Barraki head, and the cool rubber bits make it feel all the more organic. BUT, aside for this kit, I can�t see any other uses for this piece, PERIOD. I know no piece is truly useless, but this piece still comes very close to that.


Moving on, Mantax includes many old and useful pieces in black, including an Inika back, Rahkshi body and leg, Vahki legs and waist, Toa metro arm, and Piraka leg armor.


You also get 4 Visorak double joints and 5 regular joints in dark grey, as well as a Toa Hordika head joint.


Finally, here�s the other pieces included. Besides the standard Technic fare, a small amount of system pieces are included, including 2 minifig Piraka spines and Doc-Ock claws, a couple dino tail pieces, and 5 red Viking horns. Finally, red Barraki eyes and two of the �illustrious� squid finish off the piece count. Note that I don�t count the squid or eyes as major new molds, as the eyes are very small, and the squid are not really even a Lego piece, just a organic bit of rubber (more on that later)

Building experience

What can you expect while putting this model together?

First the main body...

...Then you add the legs.

The jaws are next,,,

...Followed by the arms.

Then the shoulder armor and head are added.

Then the weapons, and you�re done!


Mantax was a very enjoyable canister set build. Because the Barraki are all very unique, they will no doubt become the most interesting canister sets to assemble, even more than the Toa Olda of 2001!

Also, Mantax definitely resembles a manta ray, and he is very solid and cool. He really is an armored tank, with heavy armor and sleek weapons, and he is also very menacing and sinister.

Playing Experience

So you've got the model together, but is it more like playing with a block of wood or an interactive toy?

"Go over there, and we will fight."

"Look, I can do ballerina!"

"I'm the king of the hill!"

"Movin' on...."

"Drat. That's the third Kratta I've stepped on this week!"

Boasting 17 points of articulation (including his jaws and tail), Mantax is capable of a variety of poses. His head is restricted some (due to his shoulder armor), but not as much as the Piraka of this year.



Unfortunately, his squid ammo is very pathetic. Besides having a tendency to dislodge from the mount or to get caught in it, the squid can barely fly 1 � feet, thus they are almost useless as projectiles.


Here's where it all boils down to whether the model is worth your money and time or not.

I love Mantax. A lot. To me, he is the absolute best of the Barraki, as his articulation, wealth of parts, and very cool build make it beat out all the rest. He�s as cool as the Inika, and he will be valuable to MOC�ers, so I suggest you pick him up as soon as possible.

Note though that this does not stay consistent with all of the Barraki. Pridak, Carapar, and Taxadox are a whole different story.

* * * * *

As a bonus, I�m also giving you a review of everyone�s �favorite� collectible stand-in, 8934 Squid Ammo.

The Box

The most superficial part of any LEGO product, but the one that often determines whether or not the set is a success or failure.


The box, admittedly, is very cool. The squid look a whole lot better on the front than they do in real life, and again, the background and effects are very cool.


But, as with Mantax, the back of the box is misleading. Contrary to what it says, this �set� does not come with a squid launcher. (although that wouldn�t have made me much happier, anyway)

What�s in the Box?

So you've bought it and taken it home (or at least made it to the car), punched the perforated tabs and dump out the contents. What do you get for your money?


7 squid. Nothin� more, and �nuff said.

The Bricks

Here's where we start to cut to the heart of the matter. You didn't buy this box for all the glossy booklets & creative artwork. You want to know about the LEGO bricks & bits that are included, and what (if any) new & interesting parts you'll find inside. Here's also where I'll talk about any new and/or interesting pieces that you will encounter.

Again, 7 squid. Squid that are useless for MOC�ing, and useless overall. They are made in soft rubber, thus they won�t stay on anything well, and they look plain ridiculous in real life. One more unimportant fact: They come in several shades of blue, as the box says.

Building Experience

What can you expect while putting this model together?

Nothing. There is no building experience, period.

Playing Experience

So you've got the model together, but is it more like playing with a block of wood or an interactive toy?

Unless you get a Barraki and squid launcher, there is virtually no playing experience. These are little pieces of rubber, for crying outloud, and without a launcher, all you can really do is roll them on the floor!

Even with a squid launcher, though, the squid barely shoot 1 � feet, and more often than not, they launch sideways, backwards, or in any direction but straight ahead.


Here's where it all boils down to whether the model is worth your money and time or not.

Honestly, I bought this set only for a sense of completion and so I could give all possible buyers a warning. This �set� is nothing more than a few pieces of flexible rubber, and unless you really, really, like rubber or squid, avoid this set at all costs.

On another sad note, I honestly think that this is the absolute worst collectable stand in we have ever had. (when I mean stand in, I mean something that took the place of Kanohi and Krana because kids are not interested in collecting masks. Kanoka, Rotuka, Zamor, and Squid Ammo are all those) These squid things are POINTLESS. Without a doubt.

Now, I don�t blame Greg F, the story team, or even TLC for this. Greg said �kids don�t want masks, they want bigger and better weapons,� and thus I put the blame solely on the majority of the Bionicle fan base, aka. 9-10 year old kids. Kids will be kids, I suppose, but it doesn�t make me any more happy. The sets this year are in fact mostly great. But this isn�t a set. It�s a rip-off.


I agree, there should be masks next year!!!!

Good review.Looks like a great set - but i'll take off the squid launcher and ammo and add a custom weapon.


You have no idea how jealous I am. :-P

Actually, I can't find the Barraki anywhere, so now seeing that you have my third favorite one makes me wonder......................................where did you get it.

Anyways, great review, with good pics too.

where did you get it.

To tell you the truth, I was pretty lucky myself! My mantax was the VERY last one, and I still can't believe that he was there and not one of the other 5. Let's just say I am VERY happy. ;-)


Yes, but what store? TRU, Target, Wal Mart? Or did you order from LEGO.com?

Nope, not LEGO.com. They have plenty in stock.

P.S. Are the Barraki shorter than the Inika? Taller? Could you maybe take a few comparison pics? Thx. ;-)


Good review. I see your using the BZPower model... :-P

Well... I'm not a big fan of the Barraki. Mainly because of their skinny arms and legs, and, off course, the squids.


I've previously said that I'm not impressed by the direction Bionicle is going... simplified uninspired construction methods, nothing but more custom parts each year...

Though I will say that this particular guy... Mantax... the custom parts look like they *might* possibly be used to make a minifig scale Sentinal (from The Matrix)


Well, today I got four of the Barraki at my local TRU. I got Ehlek, Kalmah, Carapar, and Mantax. I'll post a review for all of them except Mantax since you already got him.

  • 7 years later...

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