July 27, 201410 yr Author Well done! I love the Narnia chapter! I like all the little animals, especially the cute hedgehog! Love the little hedgehog fig. He is one of my favorites! Ha, nice! It's cool that you're drawing from all sorts of different fairytales as well as fantasy worlds! Thanks! I am trying to make a shift from Aurora being the main character to little Alice. Her and her fantasy world traveling powers will become a big deal. Wow! Cool chapter! I like how Talmus looks! Thanks!
August 6, 201410 yr Author Chapter 52 Well you all have heard my name. It´s Maleficent. I was not born evil, mankind pushed me towards it. Well enough about that I don´t want you to think I hold any kind of grudge. Grimhilde is what you might call a first order witch. Flying on their brooms, making potions and mixing poisons. I consider myself to be a next generation witch. We are far more modern. No brooms for us, no! I prefer to use the vacuum cleaner. It´s a modern day machine I borrowed from the great Wizard of Oz. It makes a good old broom look inferior! Well since we don´t have to count on the help of the Wicked Witch of the West and her flying monkeys, we need to get some new airborne allies. So I decided to go manbat fishing. The power of the crystals will give me full command over the manbats. But first I need to catch them in order to bring them close enough to the crystals to make them give up their free will… ~ Wish me luck, Malefecent Edited August 6, 201410 yr by badboytje88
August 6, 201410 yr Ha, nice idea with the vacuum! The SNOT background is great, it looks like a stormy sky, which is cool.
August 6, 201410 yr Very nice! Love the vacuum. I didn't even notice the clear pieces at first, just thought they were really flying. Well done landscaping.
August 7, 201410 yr Author Ha, nice idea with the vacuum! The SNOT background is great, it looks like a stormy sky, which is cool. It's actualy meant to represent the inside of the cave. The sand blue representign the stormy sky outside... Very nice! Love the vacuum. I didn't even notice the clear pieces at first, just thought they were really flying. Well done landscaping. Thanks! I stumbled across the vacuum in a yard sale and just knew I had to use it!
August 7, 201410 yr Loving the action shot! It's actualy meant to represent the inside of the cave. The sand blue representign the stormy sky outside... It could have helped if you had built some dark bley rocks inside the cave to connect with the background. It kinda does look like a stormy beach now, which is not a bad effect either.
August 8, 201410 yr Author Loving the action shot! It could have helped if you had built some dark bley rocks inside the cave to connect with the background. It kinda does look like a stormy beach now, which is not a bad effect either. You are absolutely right. Sime large dark bley rocks would have pulled thr floor and the background together. Stormy beach it is =p
August 8, 201410 yr I was gone for a while and I finally was able to catch up. I must say these were really great chapters! Keep up the great work!
August 10, 201410 yr Author I was gone for a while and I finally was able to catch up. I must say these were really great chapters! Keep up the great work! Thanks! Glad to see you are still following my stories :)
August 17, 201410 yr Author This has been a really fun read. I will definitely be checking back for more. Thanks mate!
September 10, 201410 yr Author Chapter 53 You might have seen us before but I do not believe we have been formally introduced to each other. So let’s start with that! See the little kid over there who looks like a younger less dashing version of me? It’s my little brother Jack. Legend foretold us that he will do great things when he grows up and save millions of lives from this gigantic threat that will come to haunt us in the near future. My name is Flynn, but friends call me Rider. However when I was born there was no prophecy foretold telling the great wonders I would do… So that either means I will not be of any importance or that I will decide myself which stories of greatness will be added to my name. Now that I have introduced Jack and myself you’ve met all four of King Florian’s and Queen Snow White’s children. The other two of course being Aurora and little Alice. We too were send out on a mission. We were send out to the local sand caves close to the border between Agrabah and the Magical Forest, our homeland. The sand caves is the home of the notorious Cyclops. And these caves are rid with them. During my travels I came in contact with a few of these creatures and I have to admit they are seriously misunderstood. Most people think Cyclopses are dumb creatures. They are not! They just have difficulties seeing. They only have one eye and their eyesight in that one eye isn’t that good either. So we offered them monocles and literary books to read. They were so pleased with their gifts that they too decided to support our cause in this coming war.
September 10, 201410 yr Ha, nice reference to Tangled, and great build. The posing of the cyclops's is perfect, and giving them books and magnifying glasses is hilarious!
September 10, 201410 yr Why I didn't know about this before?! I love the whole concept! It reminds me of ABC's Once Upon a Time. I like that you included Gaston, he has always been an underestimated villain. The Neverland pic is my favorite so far. Loved the perspective. Captain Hook's ship was amazingly done. And the Captain Hook minifigure has been my favorite of them all. The S12 Fairytale Princess, Wizard and Jester are going to be very useful to you. I'll be waiting for next chapter!
September 15, 201410 yr Author Cyclops library, witches on vacuum cleaners. Love it! Hot the vacuum at a garage sale. Actually reshot the photo to include it. Ha, nice reference to Tangled, and great build. The posing of the cyclops's is perfect, and giving them books and magnifying glasses is hilarious! Whaha thanks. I wanted to portray the cyclopses as intelligent beings other than big dumb loafs. Why I didn't know about this before?! I love the whole concept! It reminds me of ABC's Once Upon a Time. I like that you included Gaston, he has always been an underestimated villain. The Neverland pic is my favorite so far. Loved the perspective. Captain Hook's ship was amazingly done. And the Captain Hook minifigure has been my favorite of them all. The S12 Fairytale Princess, Wizard and Jester are going to be very useful to you. I'll be waiting for next chapter! I can hardly wait for the new collectable figs. Although I have at least 20 more characters ready to introduce... Once upon a time definately was an inspiration for me. Glad to see you enjoyed my stories! Wow, this is getting more interesting! Keep up the great work! Thanks! Edited September 15, 201410 yr by badboytje88
September 25, 201410 yr Author Chapter 54 So far I can say I am quite proud of myself. I managed to make contact with the ghosts in the attic. I went through the looking glass to go fetch my friend Dorothy and her business associates. I entered the land of Narnia through a wardrobe to pick up Lucy and Talmus. And the last thing I did today was transform my bedroom window into a portal to Neverland. I hadn't seen my dear friend Wendy and her two brothers in quite some time, but when I told her my story she didn't hesitate for a moment. She and her brothers followed me and the March Hare back to the castle that same night. She left a message for Peter and the Lost Boys to join us as soon as possible. I did all of these thing without breaking my promise of not leaving the castle. Well sort of.
September 28, 201410 yr Ha, great minifigures, they look perfect, and they're instantly recognizable!
September 29, 201410 yr This story is awesome, I can't believe I hadnt seen it till now! Fantastic Mocs and great story, keep up the good work!
October 6, 201410 yr Glad to see another chapter! The Darlings minifigures are great! Especially John Waiting for the next one!
October 6, 201410 yr Just read the last two chapters, awesome! The cyclops reading is now my favorite. I love all the different poses with the books, they really do look very happy!
October 16, 201410 yr Author Another great part to your story! Keep up the good work! Why thank you! Ha, great minifigures, they look perfect, and they're instantly recognizable! Whaha thanks. In most of the cases the minifigs inspire the rest of the MOC and the story. This story is awesome, I can't believe I hadnt seen it till now! Fantastic Mocs and great story, keep up the good work! Thanks, will do! Glad to see another chapter! The Darlings minifigures are great! Especially John Waiting for the next one! Had to make the Darlings when I saw the Maggie fig, which is excellent for the kid brother. Just read the last two chapters, awesome! The cyclops reading is now my favorite. I love all the different poses with the books, they really do look very happy! Got to love the cyclops minifigure!
November 8, 201410 yr Author Chapter 55 Noccio and I met up with Alice and the March Hare back at our castle. So glad she listened and stayed inside the castle. I don´t know what I´d do if something were to happen to her. March Hare told us it was time for us to meet the members of the High Supreme Council. He asked for Alice´s help transporting all of us to the Council. When I asked him to elaborate he told us that Alice is a troubadour which means she has the power to create portals between worlds. That means she was speaking the truth about falling through a looking glass and going Wonderland. My parents thought she made the whole story up… We gathered hands and a flash of bright light appeared and as soon as we could see again we found ourselves in a very well lit round room with stained glass windows everywhere. There was little to no furniture in the room except for a judge bench. Behind the bench were a lot of people. March Hare started speaking. At first he introduced Noccio, Alice and I to the people behind the bench. After that he told us the High Supreme Council consists of beings that exist in more than one dimension at the same time. As long as there are people who believe they exist, they exist and are granted with great powers. As soon as people stop believing they cease to exist. After that he started introducing each member of the council. From left to right there was Santa Clause with one of his helper elves, Father Time, Cupid, the Tooth Fairy, Old Man Hallow, Mr. Sandman, The Easter Bunny (we´ve come to know him as the March Hare), Mother Earth, the Grimm Reaper, the Creeper, Jack Frost and last but not least their secretary Miss Pennyworth. The Sandman started approached the bench and started speaking directly towards me. Aurora, you were once under a sleeping spell, a prisoner in my domain of dreams and nightmares. After being freed from that spell by true loves first kiss you did the most unthinkable thing known to magic kind up to day. You cursed the one who freed from the sleeping spell. You cursed your prince. For reasons we do not know and we may never come to understand. Destiny bonded you together, why break that bond? In order for your prince to get his happy ever after, we the High Supreme Council, order you to set him free so he may try to find someone who is able to break his curse through true loves first kiss. Do what is right and you may to find new happiness. After that the Tooth Fairy approached the bench. We´ve met her before, she goes by the name of the White Witch, the Blue Fairy and one of her other aliases is the Tooth Fairy. She spoke to Noccio. Noccio, a long time ago I gave a tiny little puppet made out pine life and promised him he one day could become a real boy as long as he proved himself to be brave, truthful and unselfish. The puppet earned it to become a boy. The boy grew out to a man and the man turned out to be a lying, selfish coward. I regretted granting you life in the first place, let alone turning you into a real boy. That´s why I turned you back into a puppet and if it wasn´t for Aurora and Alice you would have grown into a nice big tree. You stuck with the two girls, guided and protected them during their travels and you did it all out of gratitude, well at first. You truly are proving yourself to be a real man. Keep impressing me and I might just consider turning you back into a man. Last member to approach the bench was the March Hare. He spoke to Alice. Somewhere in your parents castle there is a hidden room. It was previously used to store all the spinning wheels in the kingdom to prevent Aurora pricking her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die. Amongst all the spinning wheels there was one other piece of furniture. A throne made out of a single piece of crystal, called the Crystal Throne. It possesses a great amount of magic. The throne works like a scale. If it is seated by someone pure of heart the scale tips towards the side of the good. If the throne is seated by someone with a dark heart the scale will tip toward the dark side. The throne has to be seated at all time otherwise the balance gets lost. Your father traveled the country far wide to search for someone very special to sit on the throne. Eventually he found someone called Humpty Dumpty. A walking living egg. Because it is undecided whether or not the creature inside an egg is good or bad the scale will sit in balance. Meaning everyone gets to choose their own faith and their own path. Once the scale tips to either sides balance get disrupted and only the dominant side will prevail. While each one of royal family went out looking for alliances to help them with the upcoming battle I took Alice on a quest to find fellow Troubadours. It turns out Alice already met three other Troubadours during her travels when she fell through the rabbit hole. Wendy Darling, Lucy Pevensie and Dorothy Gale. We got a completely different task for the four of you. Edited November 9, 201410 yr by badboytje88
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