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Have you seen TCW? He came back using pure hate, lame, I don't think so.

I'm pretty sure what made him lame is that he came back in TCW. This is just my observation of opinions when his appearance in TCW was announced. Personally, dead characters should stay dead and not be revived in canon works purely to bring in viewers and sell merchandise. If any character that dies can be brought back, it kills all tension and hurts the credibility of the series.

I'm pretty sure what made him lame is that he came back in TCW. This is just my observation of opinions when his appearance in TCW was announced. Personally, dead characters should stay dead and not be revived in canon works purely to bring in viewers and sell merchandise. If any character that dies can be brought back, it kills all tension and hurts the credibility of the series.

I thought I was the only one who thinks that way.

Darth Maul's return was the lamest move they could have done.

They totally ruined phantom menace ending for me.

Al least we get a shirtless Darth Maul as a promo figure.

Edited by CaptainCRO

I thought I was the only one who thinks that way.

Far from it, I to think it was a lame move, but anyway I always watched the CW series as a separate branch of SW. As if the movies 3 - 6 didn't exist. It's a lot better and things make more sense. CW is far from bad series, though their time-wise positioning into the saga makes it really difficult for creators and they clash into a lot of inconsistences!

Al least we get a shirtless Darth Maul as a promo figure.

Yes, but where are the CW eyes?! :S

As for the figures part I already post my vote on Jedi, but for the Sith I do agree with the majority that Darth Malgus is an outstanding figure!

I'm pretty sure what made him lame is that he came back in TCW. This is just my observation of opinions when his appearance in TCW was announced. Personally, dead characters should stay dead and not be revived in canon works purely to bring in viewers and sell merchandise. If any character that dies can be brought back, it kills all tension and hurts the credibility of the series.

This wasn't a move by TCW show. In the Star Wars timeline it always has Maul living after falling down the hole. There are books that came out before TCW that tell the stories of how Maul survived. TCW just picked up on those stories since they did occur in that area and people have yet to see them on screen, and many people such as yourself were unaware of Maul's story.

(Sorry for going off topic I am done now)

Pretty sure all his post-Ep I appearances before TCW were non-canon or in the 'Infinities' comics line.

Anyway, staying on target, Kit Fisto is great, even if his printing gets worn a little too easy. I also still think Jedi Bob is really cool. On the dark side, Chrome Vader.

Thank you everyone for your great replies!

By the looks of it, Darth Malgus is the general favourite Sith, and Anakin the favourite Jedi. You gotta love that detail on Malgus!*oh2*

Even though I'm not a fan of the new Palpatine, I wish that his lightsaber would come with another fig (but that will never happen) cos it's awesomes. :sweet:

P.S. The 's' at the end was intentional. :hmpf:

My favorite by far is the classic old Obi-Wan. The face on him is exquisite; simple, yes, but it gets down wise old Obi-Wan just as I see him in the films. Other, newer figures have much better detailing of course, but none capture the feel of the character so perfectly as classic Obi-Wan. (And he came in a $7 set!)

In terms of more recent, highly detailed Jedi, my favorite would have to be Aayla Secura. I love strange-colored figures, and overall she's a beautiful one!

This wasn't a move by TCW show. In the Star Wars timeline it always has Maul living after falling down the hole. There are books that came out before TCW that tell the stories of how Maul survived. TCW just picked up on those stories since they did occur in that area and people have yet to see them on screen, and many people such as yourself were unaware of Maul's story.

(Sorry for going off topic I am done now)

You mean when he fought Vader and died? Or when he fought Obi-Wan on Tatooine and died? Or when he annoyed Luke as a ghost? Yes, I'm aware of other Maul appearances but those weren't in works that have as high level of canon as TCW. They were basically fun "what-if" stories. TCW would be fine as a "what-if" story but it's deemed that these events happened so when the writers feel the need to introduce places, people, and events merely to cure writers block and/or keep the show on the air making money, then it bothers me. I don't want Lucas to over milk the cow killing it in the process.

Now then. My favorite Jedi is Luke as he was left untouched by the prequels. He seems to have normal Jedi abilities instead of the superhuman abilities shown in the PT.

Edited by StoutFiles

Love OG Qui-Gon from Naboo Swamp, he looks nothing like any of the other faces, the clean lines make him stand out. Aaaaand for the Sith, gonna go with Savage Opress, he's still a badass (I don't like the new maul face too much)

Jedi has got to be the Obi Wan from the current Falcon. I have him and Vader set up ala their duel.

Favourite Sith is probably TCW Maul, or perhaps Savage Opress (I have a soft spot for Dathomiri Zabraks!), although Maul wins out, the printing on mine is exquisite.

I'm merging a bunch of similar threads together into this one big thread, so let's keep all the discussion about best/favorite minifigs in this topic. :classic:

I do realize that, originally, this latest thread was created for members to list their favorite Jedi or Sith minifigs only, but, hopefully, a more general subject will encourage more discussion instead of listing. We also didn't want to encourage anyone to start creating separate topics to list their favorite minifigs from all of the other possible groupings of Star Wars minifigs. ("What's the best bounty hunter that LEGO has made?", "What's the best clone trooper that LEGO has made?", etc.) It is, of course, perfectly fine if you use this topic to discuss your favorite Jedi and Sith minifigs. :classic:

Stay on target! stayontarget.gif

I would have to say my favorite Star Wars fig is a tie between two. I really like the Saesee Tiin and Anakin from the new Palpatine's Arrest set :wub:

Both faces work for their character and are SO much better than their CW counterparts! :thumbup:

It's realy hard to pick just one favourite minifig for me.

I really like all of my limited edition (White Boba Fett, Chrome Darth Vader, TC-14) and rare(Jango Fett, original Geonosian with Wings).

And I also love some of the normal ones(new Nute Gunray, new Watto, Wald, new Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar...)

But, if I had to choose, right now I would choose TC-14 or new Nute Gunray.

If it comes down to favorite minifigure, then I have to go with the Tusken Raider. An early example of detailed print, and only available in one set.

My favorites are Kashyyyk Trooper, Shadow Arf Trooper, and Kit Fisto


I'm partial to the new Sandtroopers in Droid Escape, although there are a selection of great figures in the recently releashed Jabba's Palace & Desert Skiff sets (Boush, Olla, Lando, Garmorean Guard, Boba Fett etc).

For older ffigures I love the Emperor from the Death Star complete with Blue Lightning!

Darth Vader, the new ARC Trooper, and the Clone Wars version of Anakin Skywalker.



Every time I see that figure, and the flesh equivalent, all I can think is "Since when were the Imperials that happy?" Still a sweet figure.

Boba Fett (2012)

Chancellor Palpatine (2012)

Arc trooper (2011)

Anakin (2012)

Toy fair darth maul (2012)

older figures though it would have to be between: Cad Bane and mace windu(cw).

I've never been more joyeous over a minifig than when the first Stormtrooper minifig got launched (cost a fortune back then, as it came only in a TIE-fighter set). Ever since, various Star Wars minifigs came out, but it never gve me the same *wow* factor...

Greedo.Easily one of my favorite Star Wars characters of all time and the minifig itself is highly detailed,having arm printing :cry_happy: and a fantastic head sculpt!

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