January 4, 200718 yr Author Hi The First Pics of the JSF, MTT and the Naboo Figther are now online. Its seems that we will have more then one new minifig this year, and that Anakin is in Family with Harry Potter ;-)
January 4, 200718 yr Wow, thanks for the pics! The Naboo Starfighter is pretty good. It's not amazing but it's alright. The Vulture Droid used battle droid arms so that the wings csn open and close without having to take the pieces off! I wonder if the head will work in a similar way? The JSF & Hyperdrive and the MTT look amazing. The droids can hold guns, and there's at least 19 droids there!
January 4, 200718 yr i am shouting like crazy here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 4, 200718 yr How big can a WOW be? Start saving boys and girls - This is going to be one hell of a LEGO year :-D
January 4, 200718 yr A few observations from the photos: The MTT looks great! From the box, it looks like we are definitely getting 18-20 minifigs. Wow! The Naboo Starfighter is more of the same. Looks good, but I am curious as to why that ship was such a priority since we already had two previous versions of it that were also well done? I really like the JSF and Hyperdrive ring. Very nice. I also like the additional Jedi. A few random questions/thoughts: The droids with the MTT look to be holding new weapons. Why did the battle pack droids have OLD weapons? If they changed the arms on the droids in the MTT, why did the battle pack droids have the old arms? Will there now be problems having a mixed army? Who is with young Anakin? Looks like we get a bronze R2 head. Also, what is that vehicle above and to the left of the MTT?
January 4, 200718 yr wow I love the destroyer driod in the mtt, and the mtt is beautiful, and its about time they relise a lego kit fisto I've been dieing to have one... literally!!! X-D
January 4, 200718 yr Also, what is that vehicle above and to the left of the MTT? I think that might be the little "clean up" vehicle we see after the Naboo battle.
January 4, 200718 yr The JSF is crap. Just another color, and I don't like the Hyperdrive Ring at all. The only reason to get it would be Kit Fisto. Which means I'll likely end up with one in the end. The original MTT is one of the sets I missed, but the new one doesn't look that good to me. Since it'll likely be pricey, I'll probably skip on this one. Like the new Destroyer Droid though. The Naboo Fighter looks really good, and is the only set out of these I really want. Too bad they had to include another Droid Fighter. It'll just cost more and I already have a Droid Fighter and Vulture Droid anyway.
January 4, 200718 yr Hmmm some interesting new sets there, cant say im all that impressed with the Naboo fighter just a bigger version if you ask me. That said the Jedi Starfighter looks good with the booster ring even if it is the same ship as before. Now the MTT is another matter it looks great and will be well recieved for those who didnt get it the first time around. And finally lego has listened and given us a new jedi, from what i can see Kit Fisto looks good. Hopefully more pics will come out soon.
January 4, 200718 yr The MTT has a ton of battledroids, all with new arms to hold real guns. If only they had those for the Battle Packs. All of the sets look amazing. Lego is finally stepping up. I count 20 Battle Droids in the picture. There seems to be 16 regular, 2 security, and 2 pilots. I love the Destroyer Droid. I love the JSF as well, and the Nabbo Fighter is way better that the other one, and the VD is cool as well as the figures.
January 4, 200718 yr Hmm, the MTT looks nice, but I don't need another Naboo Fighter (didn't like the models in the movies already). The idea of a Hyperdrive ring for the JSF is very good, but the construction is not so def (unfortunately :'-( ), hoped it would be better...
January 4, 200718 yr Ehhh, the sets don't really do anything for me. I may snag the starfighter to get the new jedi guy, even though the set isn't that great and the ring is blechy. Though I do like the dark blue. The MTT doesn't do anything for me. I've got enough droids. I may get the Naboo fighter to get the new figures. A different color Harry hair would be nice, if that's what it is. I hope the prices aren't too outrageous, as I need to save for the Castle line... Steve
January 4, 200718 yr Im sure the new sets will all sell well but i expect the MMT will be expensive, around the same as the sandcrawler i would guess.
January 4, 200718 yr Hey nice pics and great sets I really like them!! I love the MTT and I am not going to miss this one :-) JSF is a nice design, too and I like the Kit Fisto they gave us. I don't get why he is in that set but I don't mind :-P Naboo Fighter is just a redesing - nothing new...but it doesn't look bad anyway *y*
January 4, 200718 yr Im sure the new sets will all sell well but i expect the MMT will be expensive, around the same as the sandcrawler i would guess. I think it may be a bit less - around $90-$100. That's an estimate from the European price I saw a while ago.
January 4, 200718 yr I think it may be a bit less - around $90-$100. That's an estimate from the European price I saw a while ago. Hmmm not to bad then, thats good for those that cant afford much.
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