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They wouldn't dare, not after replacing the Windu LULS. I was really hoping all the LULS figs would get replaced though :-/ The green alien would've been great...

Which green one? Kit Fisto? Or Luminara Undilli?

LUL figs? Wanna see the guts of one?: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=126936 Pictures 30-36 show a Mace Windu(Who was an extra one I had) LUL figure taken apart the mostly possible, except for the hand.

Here is a final picture:




There all nice looking set however why all the EpI crap???

This is the 30th anniversary...why the poor choices of sets?

Where's the Clone vehicles (Gunships, AT-TE...etc)???? A Death Star plaset?


OK, I don't like LULS either but with us having a LULS Vader, I really think we should have a LULS Luke just for completeness. Then we're set for Vader vs Luke

I'd buy one.


Hello all.

I had been visiting this site for a while and finally decided to register.

I love the MTT but I am wondering how the droid's arms are able to hold a blaster 'upright' because to me the shoulder joints are the same pegs as before...

Correct me if I missed something but that means that either 1) the joints are on the arm or 2) the hand mold was changed so the droids could hold the guns. (Both of which I don't think I would like very much.)

On the LULS, in this photo Kit has a seperate lightsaber but don't forget the changes that could occur between now and the summer (don't forget the early Sailbarge pics). Although while I would not mind a LULS Luke because I have many normal ones, I do not want Lego to make their only Kit a LULS (like they did with Mace at first).

On the Naboo Starfighter, doesn't the area around R2-D2 look a little low and out of place compared to the other two?

Finally I just wanted to say that I can't wait for better quality pics so some of my concerns can be soothed.

About the droids, look at the last droid on the top rack nearest the MTT, one arm looks 'normal' and the other looks twisted 90 degrees (but the shoulder looks the same).

Hello all.

I had been visiting this site for a while and finally decided to register.

I love the MTT but I am wondering how the droid's arms are able to hold a blaster 'upright' because to me the shoulder joints are the same pegs as before...

Correct me if I missed something but that means that either 1) the joints are on the arm or 2) the hand mold was changed so the droids could hold the guns. (Both of which I don't think I would like very much.)

On the LULS, in this photo Kit has a seperate lightsaber but don't forget the changes that could occur between now and the summer (don't forget the early Sailbarge pics). Although while I would not mind a LULS Luke because I have many normal ones, I do not want Lego to make their only Kit a LULS (like they did with Mace at first).

On the Naboo Starfighter, doesn't the area around R2-D2 look a little low and out of place compared to the other two?

Finally I just wanted to say that I can't wait for better quality pics so some of my concerns can be soothed.

About the droids, look at the last droid on the top rack nearest the MTT, one arm looks 'normal' and the other looks twisted 90 degrees (but the shoulder looks the same).

First of all, welcome to Eurobricks! Next, I'd like to tell you about those arms.

If you haven't looked into the 2007 Castle topic yet, there are new arms on the skeletons, which look like Battle Droid arms, but one of the peg holders is turned ninety degrees, making them able to hold weapons upright instead of on the side. I suppose they are using this technique on these Droids.

Is that Plo Kloon in that Hyperspace Ring set? If so... SWEET!


Speaking of which, is the Starfighter cockpit larger than the normal one? I can't really tell, but it seems longer in order to accomidate for Kit Fisto.

Anyhow, excellent showing by LEGO! The Naboo Starfighter is one of my favorite designs and all these sets are amazing! Bravo, LEGO! With those army builders and these sets, LEGO Star Wars feels stronger than ever!


Well, after a long time of think about how sweet the new MTT is, I have scrapped the old MTT. I really think Lego is getting better and better this year.

One small, okay, big gripe is: Why make the droid battle pack without the new blasters and the MTT with them???? *wacko*

I personally never was a big fan of the Naboo Fighter, so I will probably only get one. However, I will hit up bricklink for the new pilot. *y*

Lastly, the Jedi Starfighter will be my number one purchase. Why? Another Jedi and it looks good in blue.


(In the JSF set) I can't tell, but I think the side blasters are different, but the picture is to dark to see. I also don't think the cockpit windscreen is a different one.

I read somewhere that the lad next to young-Ani is called by Ric Olie. I presume he is one of the actual pilots of the Naboo fighters.

It does indeed seem like its Ric Olie, he was in Ep1 and was the pilot of the Queens royal cruiser.

The cockpit is indeed the same as previous JSF's.

(In the JSF set) I can't tell, but I think the side blasters are different, but the picture is to dark to see. I also don't think the cockpit windscreen is a different one.

The side blasters are different (but they may be changed) But the Cockpit is the same *y*


I think you can forget about LULs.

A guy from LEGO said that they would not produce anything anymore that does not have posibility to switch batteries.

And MF's with that posibility would be to dangerous with small parts !!

But of cause with LEGO you should never say never :-|


I'm quite liking the look of all these new sets. I'll probably only get the JSF with hyderdrive ring. I've always loved the ship's design, and Kit Fisto is looking good as well.

:-) IMO the Kit Fisto Darthking623 posted looks better than the official one.

I concur. The official ones not bad, but the unofficial one is definately better.

:-) IMO the Kit Fisto Darthking623 posted looks better than the official one.

i think the official one looks more like the real one than the one Darthking623 posted BUT THEN AGAIN neither look like the real kit fisto



You know i actually own that Kit Fisto, bought it from a customizer a few months ago. Its got a printed n

head by that i mean no decals or paint its the same as lego figs.

For me its the best ive ever seen and i only hope legos version comes close.

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