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This is now the place to discuss TMNT since it has been confirmed. I'll get the pics and stuff up here soonish.

Warning all pictures link to HR versions which can be up to +6000.pxl

all pictures posted from GRogall

79100 Kraang Lab Escape S@H

90 pcs. US$ $12.99, $17.99 CDN, DE 14,99 €,UK £9.99

Spring Michelangelo out of The Kraang's Lab!

Give the villains the slip with a hot slice of turtle power! The Kraang has Michelangelo locked

tight in a laser-shield prison inside his lab. Use Michelangelo's leftover pizza to turn a sticky

situation into a slick escape! Slide the pizza through the prison bars to make the Foot Soldier

slip and fall! Then activate the explosion function on Michelangelo's cage to escape! Once he's

free, battle The Kraang in his awesome mech walker with dual laser flick missiles. Be ready for

a wild ride through the city sewers when The Kraang detaches the mech walker's legs to create

a flying escape pod! Don't let him get away!


b_79000_box_side_200.jpg c_79100_detail_1_200.jpg d_79100_detail_2_200.jpg e_79100_detail_3_200.jpg f_79100_detail_4_200.jpg

m_79100_michelangelo_200.jpg n_79100_michelangelo_2_200.jpg o_79100_michelangelo_3_200.jpg p_79100_foot_soldier_200.jpg q_79100_foot_soldier_2_200.jpg

r_79100_foot_soldier_3_200.jpg s_79100_the_kraang_200.jpg

79101 Shredders Dragon Bike S@H

198 pcs. US$ $24.99, $29.99 CDN, DE 29,99 €,UK £24.99

Chase after Shredder and get the map back!

Kick up the turtle-powered action to take on Shredder! When Shredder speeds by on his

Dragon Bike with dual flame exhausts and real rubber tires, Donatello spots a map to the

Turtles' lair in his claws! Crank up Donatello's motorized skateboard to stop him before he

finds the secret lair. Battle the Foot Soldier with Donatello's bo staff and chase the

metal-faced menace through the city streets to get that map back!


b_79101_box_side_200.jpg c_79101_detail_1_200.jpg d_79101_detail_2_200.jpg e_79101_detail_3_200.jpg m_79101_donatello_200.jpg

n_79101_donatello_2_200.jpg o_79101_schredder_200.jpg p_79101_schredder_2_200.jpg q_79101_foot_soldier_200.jpgr_79101_foot_soldier_2_200.jpg


9102 Stealth Shell in Pursuit S@H

162 pcs. US$ $19.99, $24.99 CDN, DE 26,99 €,UK £19.99

Stop Fishface in a Stealth Shell sewer chase!

Fishface is out looking for trouble on his ooze-launching sewer skimmer. Chase him through

the city sewers in Raphael's Stealth Shell! Outmaneuver his reverse flick missiles with the

Stealth Shell's tri-wheel design and dual flame exhaust. Then fire the dual flick missiles at

that menacing mutant before he launches ooze all over the city!


b_79102_box_side_200.jpg c_79102_detail_1_200.jpg d_79102_detail_2_200.jpg e_79102_detail_3_200.jpg f_79102_detail_4_200.jpg

m_79102_rafael_200.jpg n_79102_rafael_2_200.jpg o_79102_fishface_200.jpg p_79102_fishface_2_200.jpg q_79102_foot_soldier_200.jpg


79103 Turtle Lair Attack S@H

488 pcs. US$ $49.99, $59.99 CDN, DE 49,99 €,UK £49.99

Defend the Turtles' Lair in a Dark Ninja ambush!

It's an intense day of training in the Turtles' Lair. Instruct Leonardo in the ninja arts with

Master Splinter and the rotating training dummy. Then experiment in Donnie's lab. When

the explosion function is triggered by the Dark Ninja and his Foot Soldier minion, it's time

for a turtle-powered ninja battle! Fight in all 3 stories of the Turtles' Lair with 10 weapons

and a pizza shooting oven! Make those villains pay for trespassing into Turtle territory! When

the battle's over, fire up the pizza oven and hang in the video game station with its flat screen

TV. Or climb up to the street with a skateboard and shred the mini ramp!


b_79103_box_side_200.jpg c_79103_detail_1_200.jpgd_79103_detail_2_200.jpg e_79103_detail_3_200.jpg f_79103_detail_4_200.jpg

g_79103_detail_5_200.jpg h_79103_detail_6_200.jpg m_79103_splinter_200.jpg n_79103_splinter_2_200.jpg o_79103_splinter_3_200.jpg

p_79103_rafael_200.jpg q_79103_leonardo_200.jpg r_79103_dark_ninja_200.jpg s_79103_foot_soldier_200.jpgt_79103_foot_soldier_2_200.jpg

79104 The Shellraiser Street Chase S@H

657 pcs. US$ $59.99, $74.99 CDN, DE 69,99 €,UK £59.99

Deliver turtle-powered justice to Dogpound with the Shellraiser!

Dogpound is speeding through the city, making special deliveries of toxic ooze in his

pizza delivery van. Hit the road with Leonardo and Michelangelo in the teched-out

Shellraiser to stop that angry mutt! Turn the powerful LEGO® Technic shooting cannon

360 degrees and open fire! Unfold the Shellraiser’s side panels to reveal the computer

workstation, weapons rack and skateboard! Take the pursuit off the streets and onto the

railroad tracks by raising the rubber tires up to reveal track wheels! Once you’ve stopped

Dogpound, battle on the rooftop against his minions: The Kraang and a Foot Soldier.


b_79104_box_side_200.jpg c_79104_detail_1_200.jpg d_79104_detail_2_200.jpg e_79104_detail_3_200.jpg m_79104_leonardo_200.jpg

n_79104_michelangelo_200.jpg o_79104_michelangelo_2_200.jpg p_79104_michelangelo_3_200.jpg q_79104_dogpound_200.jpg r_79104_foot_soldier_200.jpg

s_79104_foot_soldier_2_200.jpg t_79104_foot_soldier_3_200.jpgu_79104_the_kraang_200.jpg v_79104_the_kraang_2_200.jpg w_79104_the_kraang_3_200.jpg

Baxter Robot Rampage S@H

397 pcs. US$ $39.99, $49.99 CDN, DE 49,99 €,UK £39.99

Attack with twice the turtle power to save April!

When Baxter attacks the city with his massive mech suit, it's time to take the turtle power

to the sky…and the street! Fend off that heavy-metal menace with Donatello in the glider

and Raphael in the go-kart! Stop him before he can snatch April with the mech's shooting

claw and reeling function. Dodge his 3 laser flick missiles and fire 2 of your own! Pull Baxter

out of the opening cockpit to battle him and his mini Mouser robot using 2 sai and a bo staff.

Save the day and skate away!


b_79105_box_side_200.jpg c_79105_detail_1_200.jpg

All pictures are © 2013 The Lego Group!

Edited by GRogall
Updated picture links, HR images and prices!

Wow. This is.... weird. :wacko:

dogpound looks like crash bandicoot.

All the minifig images can be found here.

From brickset.com

79100 Kraang Lab Escape

79101 Shredder's Dragon Bike

79102 Stealth Shell in Pursuit

79103 Turtle Lair Attack

79104 The Shellraiser Street Chase

Do kids today still know who the Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles are?

Do kids today still know who the Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles are?

There's a new cartoon that just debuted, and apparently the ratings were through the roof. It was actually quite entertaining.

This day just gets better and better. I'm extremely excited to get my hands on these sets.

Wow. Off the wall!

Could be a really cool theme. I'm a massive TMNT fan these look pretty good.

Works perfectly with the Eurobricks ninja month :D

One thing I am glad about is I have the original Megablocks sets and they had a proper Bo and nunchucku (though I do understand Mikey has a different weapon altogether).

Would like to see a krang outside the body too. Man I am going army build the crap out if those foot soldiers!

Ugh, those turtles are such an ugly design. Still, I really like the sets.

I think the Turtles are okay. I'm excited. However, I don't think the minifigures are as good as they can be.

For one... I really think they need their own unique individual skin tones... They're not all the same shade of green!

Two... they need arm printing. They are really lacking their arm cover thingies...

Three... Mike's weapon... they need BETTER Nunchucks those look really stupid. Don's is kind of stupid too but I can easily replace that with something better looking that exists. There's no good Lego Nunchucks and I can't think of a good way to make them without them appearing equally ridiculous.

Also, besides the Turtles and Shredder I don't care. That Dogpound is no Bebop and Rocksteady replacement. The new generic Kraang are worse than the old awesome one man show Kraang.

Hahaha, I like how all of the AFOLs are having poor reactions to this theme. I guess you chaps are all too old to like TMNT. :tongue:

For me, I think this is fantastic. The TMNT vibe is just right for LEGO, and I'm getting nostalgia looking at that bright-yellow colored vehicle. Lots of potential for cool designs, parts, and figs here. While I agree that the turtles themselves aren't jaw-dropping, LEGO's certainly done worse (clone wars figs anyone?) and it's more about the sets for me anyway.

Can't wait to see the rest!

Shredder is badass. :devil: Also I've fond NYCC exclusives:

-Dark Turtle

NYCC Exclusive - Dark Turtle

-Kraang android

NYCC LEGO Retail Store Exclusive - Krang Android

Darned freakin' exclusives.

If anyone can get their hands on these... I'll buy them... for less than $100. lol all these things seem to go for $100 minimum these days.

Actually, that Kraang is boring. I just want the Dark Turtle. For the love of God. Someone sell me it for $50. :P

I just noticed this on superhero hype and rushed over to see people's reactions to it. While Turtles doesn't interest me these days (I looooved them as a kid though), I still feel it's a great match-up that should satisfy lots and lots of kids. I actually think LEGO and Turtles are a better match than most licensed themes, and I'd be surprised if they don't sell well.

It's so great to see that this theme is finally confirmed! I'm a big Turtles fan (the new show is great!!) and the matchup with LEGO is perfect. I'm all in for this theme.

I really am not interested in these sets, but it is nice to see lego doing something new and different as I personally would have never excepted lego to even glance upon the TMNT.

I completely agree with the comment on that page that the turtles look like they have vaginas. Krang looks like shit and I'm really not a fan of Don's bo staff. I'm VERY sad to see no Casey Jones :(

All my whiney complaints aside, Shredder is badass. I'll buy whatever set he comes in (likely the most expensive) just to get him.

I completely agree with the comment on that page that the turtles look like they have vaginas.

Why would you say that!? CAN'T UNSEE!!! :sick:

From brickset.com

79100 Kraang Lab Escape

79101 Shredder's Dragon Bike

79102 Stealth Shell in Pursuit

79103 Turtle Lair Attack

79104 The Shellraiser Street Chase

The Shellraiser set is supposed to be $59.99 (US), so if these set listings and numbers are accurate, The Shellraiser is going to be the most expensive set in the wave and everything else will be under $60. So maybe I'll actually be able to afford to pick up a few sets from this line! Yay!

Also hoping that if this line does well enough and continues past the first wave, LEGO can throw us older fans a bone or two and release a few sets based on the old cartoons and/or comics or at least a set with Bebop and Rocksteady (I don't think they are in the new cartoon). Fingers crossed!

Also hoping that if this line does well enough and continues past the first wave, LEGO can throw us older fans a bone or two and release a few sets based on the old cartoons and/or comics or at least a set with Bebop and Rocksteady (I don't think they are in the new cartoon). Fingers crossed!

I'm hoping for that as well! A $50-80 S@H exclusive of the original turtle van (w/ all 4 Turtles, Splinter, April, Casey Jones, and Shredder) would be incredible.

Never got into the ninja turtles personally, but that vehicle is pretty neat. I think the kids are going to love this. I take it Ninjago has run its course? Kids gotta get their ninja fix somewhere, right?

I was a huge fan of TMNT as a kid - I had many figures and everything - but it never stuck like LEGO did (perhaps because my mother sold all my figures when she thought I was too old for them). :/

This new line seems to be modelled after the new tv-series, which is nothing unexpected, but I don't think I can feel the same "vibe" from it that I got from the early 90's series. Nothing beats nostalgia, I reckon.

I might buy some of those figs, though - especially Splinter looks very appealing. But where's April O'Neill?!

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