January 4, 200718 yr Wow! Those sets are awsone, and especially the house :'-) *wub* So many news in few days, my poor heart!
January 4, 200718 yr the house is great. was thinking of getting the jan 2007 new house but this looks even better. :-P
January 4, 200718 yr the house is great. was thinking of getting the jan 2007 new house but this looks even better. :-P Take the two houses, I will do it! :-P
January 4, 200718 yr I guess I have to agree to what's been said about the house. I'm getting the sliiiiiight idea that the new City sets are that big (i.e. 8wide trucks) to fit Creator sets better. The houses sure make great additions. ;-)
January 4, 200718 yr I'm loving that tan house. Its about time we got some houses in a color scheme other than white with red roofs. The ferris wheel is a nice idea, just not my thing. And the dino I will pass on as I don't need any more black pieces. Steve
January 4, 200718 yr WOW! More great sets for the summer that house is great. Ive been thinging of building a Big wheel from technic for a while I might just get this instead. can anyone with the remote trains tell if this is the same remote or a different one
January 4, 200718 yr after seeing those terrible space sets these sets are a piece of heaven *wub* that house is a dream come true!!! *wub* i am so in love!! get me 2 of them NOW!!! *wub* *wub*
January 4, 200718 yr WOW!!!!!! The house is like a work a art, and the Ferris wheel is nice too, especially for parts. MULTIPLES!! I think I am "beasted out" on creator sets, but I will no doubt get at least one copy of that one too
January 4, 200718 yr That house is beautiful!!! TLG is finally learning something from those amazing BS mebers! I was planning on buying the creator house that's out now, but now that I see this baby, forget about it!!! Now, I wonder, this house is in perfect minifig scale, why does TLG love making all these great houses in Creator?!? If this set had the elusive female figure and a man or even a kid (wishfull thinking? That's what I just recently though about a Batman villian HQ, civian city sets, Alien Jedi MF, etc.) this could be (like) the best town/city set, like (like) EVER! This set even has a car in it, it's screaming for minifigs! Why make a car for playability if the set has no figures?!? |-/ Although there probably is no interior. *sad* And I almost forgot, as I said in the town thread, I love all these great realistic details TLG is now including, like gutters and liters! *y*
January 4, 200718 yr well with the elements of that house we can also creat the "wayne manor" !!!! *sweet* (im so happy! can you tell? X-D )
January 4, 200718 yr Hmm.. I can tell you where that Ferris wheel will sell. In a little place formerly known as My Town, now known as Lego City, at the Brick Brothers store. Still, up here in Big Shop we should be able to sell it as the punters go home. Hehe. That looks seriously good fun. Now Lego, how's about making some attraction themed Lego sets for Legoland eh? That house is gorgeous - we're going to need a lot of them I foresee, to fulfil demand. I see parents buying that, "strictly for their children" . The dinosaur, looks alright. We sold quite a few of those lions and vulture packs, but the dinosaur baby's got RC. So, hopefully we'll be able to sell him well too. How exciting indeed...
January 5, 200718 yr Wow I really like the t-rex, I would be cool if they made a Jurassic Park set to go along with it! ;-)
January 5, 200718 yr Primus be blessed.That ring looks beautiful and the MTT looks wonderful, and the naboo SF...meh...Just for the DSF... I also dig that new Droideka! That dinosaur...I must have. *sweet*
January 5, 200718 yr I'd been looking for a set to bolster my collection of tan pieces - and that house is just wicked. I will get a couple. The ferris wheel is nice - but I will wait to see it in person, and the dinosaur is take it or leave it. Definately up for a couple of those houses though - those pieces can be used to make an excellent set of terraced houses.
January 5, 200718 yr The ferry wheel screams "K'nex" to me. Terrible. The house looks good, but isn't something I'd buy. Same for the dinosaur/dragon.
January 5, 200718 yr Finally the other shoe drops on the Creator electricity. The 4895 helicopter had the new battery pack, but still used the older, transparent-cased motor. Maybe the new motor wasn't yet in full production. No one here mentioned the new motors for the ferris wheel and the T-rex. The dinosaur is also showing some additional electric components. Looks like a lamp and maybe that's the IR reciever. So what if you don't like the beast. What can you build using the new electric system?
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