January 4, 200718 yr Awesome! Well, despite Bionicle 2007 sucking, the System and Technic sets are looking up! It almost looks like those old 1995 Technicers! No more duplo peices - w00t!
January 4, 200718 yr That harvester and the 2006 Tractor make a great duo :'-) DAMN! I'm running out of space! *sing*
January 4, 200718 yr Ooh, I can't wait to get that bulldozer. I mean, four motors and remote control for a vehicle designed for utter destruction? It can hardly getter better than this.
January 4, 200718 yr Awesome! *sweet* I can't wait for more details of the remote dozer a definite purchase. the Harvester looks good aswell Its really good to see Lego come up with some more orignal ideas rather than another digger!
January 4, 200718 yr That bulldozer looks mindstorms-like, I fear it will be rather expensive to buy but ik looks good...
January 4, 200718 yr Interesting. The harvester/combine is pretty typical of what Technic has been doing in the last 1-2 years. Not great. HOwever, the bulldozer is a different story :-) I see some technic beams. Quite a few, actually, in the bulldozer. Yay! They didn't break the molds. :-| It is a very unusual set for Technic with so many electronic functions. Very original compared to recent offerings. I have long wished for some RC functionality in the good technic sets. Until now you had to customize them to achieve this. As pointed out by Simon, lots of NXT type components, and if that set comes in under 200$ I will be surprised. For a bit more you can buy NXT. Speaking of which, do people have the impression that NXT is not doing too great? First, you can get it discounted like crazy on eBay. Second, it rarely ranks highly in sales on S@H - usualy does not rank in top 25. I personally did not buy it because I did not like the new motors, and did not want to waste my investment in Mindstorms. I wonder if they are using this bulldozer to help transition some people to NXT.
January 4, 200718 yr WOW! Thanks for posting. I've been waiting for some new Technic sets to break loose. The bulldozer is fantastic! I can't wait to build it. I love the direction they are going with all the moters and functions. Makes me wonder if they would have held on to the 2006 tow truck another year how much better it could have been. The combine is OK. At least it is something different. Better than the many cranes and firetrucks we seem to get over and over. Speaking of which, do people have the impression that NXT is not doing too great? First, you can get it discounted like crazy on eBay. Second, it rarely ranks highly in sales on S@H - usualy does not rank in top 25. I personally did not buy it because I did not like the new motors, and did not want to waste my investment in Mindstorms. Totally agree. I have the NXT and am not that impressed. It has some nice features but didn't knock me off my feet. Kind of a let down and I haven't wanted to spend a lot of time with it, hence the reason I haven't finished my review of it. I wonder if they are using this bulldozer to help transition some people to NXT. Kind of looks that way at first glance. I'm still surprised they haven't somehow tried to tie NXT in with some Star Wars sets, i.e. R2D2 or something. But I digress...
January 4, 200718 yr I wonder if they are using this bulldozer to help transition some people to NXT. It would not be a good transition to NXT, that new battery box has the old 2x2 connectors which are not compatible with the standard NXT connectors unless you buy the expensive adaptor cables which were targeted at the educational market. The new motors are interesting there appear to be two different sizes but why round this makes building into a model difficult. On your other point surley the only reason that we dont get propper beams in technic any more is that they are used up on star wars and Exoforce sets :-D
January 4, 200718 yr used to really love the old Mindstorms But Havent given the new ones a glance because they made everything studless. If I don't like making models studless... why would I want my robots that way too?? Lack of studs, hard to mount motors... it just doesn't look simple and fun to build stuff with it... not enough room to experiement and play around when you have to put tons of planning and technic pins into getting anything to hold together... thats my 2cents anyway, on why no one's buying it...
January 4, 200718 yr We need some new SW technic. I hardly have any of the original sets and can't afford the cost of them now. Doesn't look like we'll get any in 2007.
January 5, 200718 yr That 8275 dozer is very impressive. Somehow it didn't occur to me that TLC would start integrating NXT style motors into "regular" technic models. Is the RC actual RC or just another derivative of the IR system? It looks IR to me...
January 5, 200718 yr I'm in love with that bulldozer. The scaling is very nice - and will fit nicely next to 8459 (my favourite technic set of all time). The RC electric system is awesome, and I can definately see if being of use in mocs assuming it is still 9V. Being infrared, the range isn't going to be too great, but neither was the range on the 120cm cords that came with my control centre for that matter. It is also nice that they are using the same motors/recievers etc in the creator sets - so it shouldn't be a biggie to build up a collection of the pieces. (I am hoping that multiple sets of infrared recievers will be ok in the same model though). And if the pc game that comes bundled with the bulldozer is any good - all the greater :).
January 5, 200718 yr I keep coming back to these photos. Is that a new tire on the front of the combine? The rear tires look like the typical Technic tires we have seen many times, but I don't recogize the front tires. Thoughts?
January 5, 200718 yr I keep coming back to these photos.Is that a new tire on the front of the combine? The rear tires look like the typical Technic tires we have seen many times, but I don't recogize the front tires. Thoughts? Those tires look like the ones from the older yellow backhoe loader set. They might also be used in the biggest off-road machine. Sorry, the numbers escape me.
January 14, 200718 yr Finnally, a reason for me to start posting again! Love both sets! I knoew after seeing the treads in the snow mobile, that the bulldozer was in the works. And like gylman said, the combine will look great next to the tractor we got in 06! now i need to start building some trailers for all these new rigs!
January 16, 200718 yr And it seems there is a off-road truck 8273 coming as well, looks kinda like an off-road tree lifter truck, with self contained crane, maybe a brick delivery truck style as well.
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