January 5, 200718 yr Life on Mars redux... :-/ Not really what I wanted to see from space this year. I really like the driller, but the rest I could take or leave. I just hope this somehow leads to a classic space esque moon base/colony theme. (Yeah right. X-D )
January 5, 200718 yr I guess you're telling me that LEGO will be adding violent street gangs and drug dealers in every City set for now on because who in their right mind would want to build a peaceful city;)I was hoping that LEGO would come out with the new them title 'SPACE' and made it centered around future moon-like bases and made it more like Future City with cargo transporting and etc. Buddy those are two very diferent themes your talking about #1. Have you EVER seen a peaceful space movie that didnt put the audience to sleep? (space odysee 2002, silent running) #2 have you bothered to look at the batman theme? all of the thugs are packing uzi's and tommy guns #3 if i was going to make a city i would make it urban hey drugs in space not a bad idea havnt u heard of the rastastar aliens? http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=77784 now theres a theme!!
January 5, 200718 yr I feel so sorry for a great Classic Space friend of mine that was hoping A LOT on this new space theme. Let me quote him, *clears my throat* :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X I do hope the kids will love them!
January 5, 200718 yr When I read a comment a few weeks ago about combining the worst elements of UFO and Life on Mars - I honestly thought that they were kidding - but no :(. Anyway - space is probably my lowest priority theme at the moment - and I still need to finish off my classic space/futuron collection - so I'll survive in the meantime. Thankfully the new Castle, Creator, Technic and Town sets are neat :). There are a few good new pieces in these sets which will be good for mocs - but the problem is I won't be buying the sets (except maybe a few years down the line second hand for quarter of their original price).
January 5, 200718 yr I hope that the new aliens will be more articulated than the LoM aliens. ;-) Looks like an awesome theme, i'm loving the spaceships and the MT-101. *sweet* But i'm not too fond of the Zamor launchers and the crappy SV disk launchers :-/ ...It lacks imagination if you ask me :-X .
January 5, 200718 yr I'm realy disapointed but some human sets in this theme are cool. It's a shame that is a re-arsh of the Life on mars theme. But keep in mind that Lego are toys for children, not designed specifically for Afols so I can understand why Lego include more and more projectile launchers and so on. The only thing that matters is that Lego is on the good path, in the sense that they use more normal bricks and less meta pieces. As long as they are a lots of little pieces, it's useful for building mocs and do what YOU like. --> I'm wondering is the small buggy with 6 wheels in the background of 7692 will be included in the set and if there is a sort of mecanism to attach it to the spacecraft ? this can be very cool like in the good old days *y* . NB : the alien crafts are kind of hideous and not interesting at all.
January 5, 200718 yr I think that this will compliment the Exo-Force line well as this is more flight vs ground based. The large flyers and armored drill have been added to my wish list. I am disappointed that this isn'st Classic Space. I have to second this statement though this is NOT meant as a compliment to TLC. They wasted so much potential for something completely "new" to the recent market (anybody seen the friendly I'm-not-Master-Chief-Ripley-Alien-buster-astronaut around the last 10 or 15 years in the toy stores??? I definitively haven't :-( ) but gave them another Exo-Force line. *n* *n* *n* :'-( :'-( :'-(
January 5, 200718 yr The drilling unit looks almost exactly like the drilling unit from Armageddon (except they drill on a meteor). I can't find a picture of the whole unit but maybe this will ring a bell: I sat it's a pretty cool theme. I remember seeing a whole alien Mars city made out of the original theme at a LEGO exposition and I'm pretty sure this is a nice expansion of the line. :)
January 5, 200718 yr well it didn't have to be "a classic space reborn", but I was at least hoping for the same quality as the city/sw sets. I think this is basically an Exo Force expansion pack, nothing more. This line is closer to Exo Force, than anything space of the past. I've never seen such a strong emphasis on "playing" instead of "building" in a space line. really sad... I also don't understand that any ambassador, who is supposed to express the opinions of the AFOLS to lego, thinks that this is a great line. I can't imagine that a large section of the afol community likes these sets. you're not going "to win the hearts and minds" of the community's space fanbase with this line. As a consequence, I do not regard these sets as "spacesets". At best, I 'm hoping for some nice parts here and there, but it seems to me that City and Star wars are top priority for Lego, all the others just have to accept second row. In this case, Space was the very last in line...
January 5, 200718 yr I also don't understand that any ambassador, who is supposed to express the opinions of the AFOLS to lego, thinks that this is a great line. Yeah, I'm thinking about this all the time too. This is less than an average line, but the ambossadors seemed to talk about a line that is the most fantastic and revolutionairy line since decades! 8-| Maybe this is all a huge fake released by TLC to confuse the community and we will see the real sets in summer?!? Erm... okay, I should stop dreaming.... :'-( :'-(
January 5, 200718 yr Maybe this is all a huge fake released by TLC to confuse the community and we will see the real sets in summer?!? Erm... okay, I should stop dreaming.... :'-( :'-( Like I said, at least it's a step in the right direction...but until they make another step I'll choose to believe that, cover my ears, and hum something
January 5, 200718 yr *alien* What I really want to know is what the aliens look like. To me it looks like the LoM legs with a general grievous body, battle droid arms and some sort of new head sculpt. *alien*
January 5, 200718 yr well it didn't have to be "a classic space reborn", but I was at least hoping for the same quality as the city/sw sets. I think this is basically an Exo Force expansion pack, nothing more. It looks nothing like Exo-Force. Give all this Exo-Bashing a rest. It
January 5, 200718 yr Fair enough... I guess you mean all these launcher type of weapons too. I agree. It's getting out of hand.
January 5, 200718 yr Well... Some of the sets doesn't look too bad. But I won't judge these until I see some better pictures... :-P
January 5, 200718 yr Three things i would like to get answered #1. Why are the humans Stealing the aliens? Every human ship/vehickle has a clear orange tube for holding those alein sleds. Are we taking them for research? Is that why the Aliens are so pissed? #2. Are those same tubes the disk launchers from Exoforce? #3 has anybody noticed the little minibike that come with the drilling unit I cant wait to play armegedon, Noww all i need is Bruce willis minifig. Drill on!
January 5, 200718 yr Three things i would like to get answered #1. Why are the humans Stealing the aliens? Every human ship/vehickle has a clear orange tube for holding those alein sleds. Are we taking them for research? Is that why the Aliens are so pissed? Naw, you don't kidnap and 'research' aliens who are clearly intelligent(you'd try talking to them instead). So I'd say it has to be a more sinister reason; maybe aliens taste good or something. Haven't we already seen from Exo-Force that Humans are the bad guys?(keeping robot slaves and quelling the Robot Freedom uprising...) #2. Are those same tubes the disk launchers from Exoforce? *shrug* looks like it to me, too bad they don't really work... #3 has anybody noticed the little minibike that come with the drilling unit Yup, looks like the bike fits into the flyer, which then launches from the main vehicle. Personally, I would have preffered less Matroska dolls gimmiks, and more effort put into giving the main vehicle Steering and Suspension features... all those technic parts and not one of them doing mechanical stuff....
January 6, 200718 yr The Drilling unit and the white hover-dropship-thing get *y* Everything else *n*
January 6, 200718 yr Haven't we already seen from Exo-Force that Humans are the bad guys?(keeping robot slaves and quelling the Robot Freedom uprising...) GASP X-O Thats funny, im not a real fan of Exo anyways. ALien hunting, and mars mining 07 is going to be fun Armegedon on!
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