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So is Disney going to end out owning all the movies eventually? Next they'll have LOTR as well, won't they?

Don't they have rights to Avatar? If they don't, then that is next. :grin:

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I think this has a little of both, good and bad:

The good: no more ridiculous stories and pointless details from lucas inspiration and more high cuality production

The bad: posible restructuring of the entire story after the current episodes and the creation of new ridiculous kiddie stories


This is just going to have to be a MASSIVE question mark for now. On one hand, Lucas leaving the series can only be a good thing at this point. His influence has driven this franchise into the ground. On the other hand, I'm not sure that I have much more faith in Disney. The Marvel thing turned out okay, but that could easily just be a fluke. Their animated movies have been pretty lackluster. Of course, there's also the question of whether or not we even need any more Star Wars.

Very unexpected news. I'm interested to see how this turns out.


Ummmmmmmmmmmm...OK? It's funny how nobody has said: FAKE! or WHY ISN'T THIS ALL OVER THE INTERNET YET?

I personally see this as a good thing as LucasFilm would never had made no movies...let's just hope that Disney do them right!


I'm not sure what to think.

Star Wars the original trilogy are my absolute favorite movies. However like many I've not liked the prequels. I see them as average movies not obtaining the legendary status of the originals.

I tried for years to like the prequels but I just can't.

The same thing happened to Indiana Jones. I really did not like 4.

Lucas is probably motivated because he got sad from the responses to his newer movies. Can't blame him. That's a lot of money and it will probably ensure his family lives very well (more well than they have been). I'd thank him for the original trilogy and indiana jones (first 3).

I do NOT see Disney able to recreate the quality and legendary status of the original Trilogy. I can't think of anyone who is up to the task. Yes, the prequels and Clone Wars are popular enough to keep business going but the original Trilogy is much bigger.

I'd be interested to see where people like JJ Abrams (and his team of writers) or Wedon or Nolan would take this but even their best stuff isn't near Star Wars.

I don't see this new movie coming out in 2015 either. They just got the rights recently. I"m thinking it'll take them an extra year or two to really get settled in and make sure it doesn't suck.

I don't know on that. Keep in mind Lucas has a long relationship with 20th Century Fox, and through them relationships with MGM and UA. Hence the extremely large Star Wars and Indiana Jones presence in the Disney owned "Hollywood Studios" park. So given that there are a great deal of fairly unknown back end relationships (one of the benefits of Lucas being wholly private) there may have been a lot going on regarding both this merger and any new movies behind the scenes for quite a long time. I can tell you I was in Hollywood Studios about two weeks ago. One of the things I noticed was just how wholly a ton of the merchandising was blending Star Wars and Indiana Jones with existing Disney properties. The shear amount and prominence of Mickey Mouse and Muppet themed Star Wars toys and action figures was actually kind of shocking. So much so that I was actually wondering if a Lucasfilm deal was in the works.

As far as Disney making a Star Wars movie? Let's be honest with ourselves. Star Wars at it's best is the ultimate "popcorn movie" series. Not deep filmaking. And honestly Disney has some of the best people for this sort of thing in it's stable right now. John Lassiter? Jerry Bruckheimer and his crew? Joss Wheedon? The entire Marvel comics creative team? Right now this is possibly the best place for SW to be.

And as collectors of licensed merchandised product from these movies (yes this is where the TLDR post spins back to Lego related :blush: ), Disney has one particular habit that should be making us very very happy. Disney does not have a habit of "reboot'ing" things. Almost their entire empire is built on nostalgia,a nd from building off of and growing existing properties. Not recreating them. They leverage the nostalgia. They blend the old with the new. They may move a property forward in time, or into another generation (ie Tron), but they don't normally simply remake. (well unless moving it to a non conflicting medium, animation to live action such as 101 Dalmations. But even then they tend to keep the core characters very intact). This si very very good for we Lego collectors. How many people here want a "new! Taylor Lautner as Luke Skywalker!" minifig? Or a "Glenn Close as Obi Wan Kenobi" one? Disney is the least likely studio to do this sort of thing. In making new they tend to dislike invalidating that which has gone before. Compare this with what Paramount did with Star Trek and the 2009 JJ Abrahms reboot. They put out a highly successful movie. A true blockbuster. But in doing so they literally destroyed 30 years worth of steady merchandising. So much so that even discount houses wouldn't touch the stuff. ("JJ'Prise toys ended up bulk landfilled. Syndication on all shows died in North America, etc.) So hopefully given their history Disney will give us lots of new Lego stuff that goes with the old, instead of retooling and rebooting everything.


Wow, Just wow.

I really don't know how to take this. I love Star Wars, but I just don't know.

Sigh, looks like this is the kind of thing you just need to take in and see how it plays out, since we can't change it.

Time to buy every episode of anything Star Wars you like, before Disney somehow ruins them.


I see several advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is Lego Star wars for a lot longer. If it is better than the prequal trilogy I will be happy, though I am not expecting OT standard. I hope though do it a long time after the events of episode 6 so there is no EU to muck up but that is hoping too much. I am 50-50 on this, it could be great or he could be crap

Posted (edited)

Wow, Just wow.

I really don't know how to take this. I love Star Wars, but I just don't know.

Sigh, looks like this is the kind of thing you just need to take in and see how it plays out, since we can't change it.

Time to buy every episode of anything Star Wars you like, before Disney somehow ruins them.

Or Disney may actually release a new "special anniversary edition" of the movies that includes the long gone original theatrical release versions. It's way to early to tell.

as far as any new movies? If we can get something of the quality of Avengers or the first PotC movie we will be in nerd heaven. If we get something on par with Prince of Persia or Thor or Captain America we will be at the least satisfied and more content than we were with the PT. If we get something like the later PotC movies or John Carter, we will burn the studio to the ground and nail the mouse to a tree as a warning to others.

Edited by Faefrost

From what I read Disney are being smart, people in charge at Lucasfilms before the takeover will be in charge of this new division of Disney so it might be that only who writes out the pay checks will change......lets all hope.

May The Mickey Be With Us ! :roflmao:


I think the Mickey jokes are a little silly. Is Mickey in the PotC movies? I don't recall. No? Is Mickey a staple of Monday night football? ESPN is owned by Disney too is it not... and Marvel as well... No Mickey in those films? Oh, okay then. I know a lot of it is sarcasm, but really, come on peeps, try harder!

It's NOT like the original trilogy or prequels WEREN'T marketed to kids!

To me, I like the general idea of the script writing being released from George's grasp. That is ultimately a good thing. I think George made a lot of mistakes in Episode 1 (didn't make the Sith something to really fear which could have been done with some background/flashback type work and really could have helped the whole franchise out) Episode II was totally forgetable (what happened in that one again?) and Episode III removes all the drama and mystery from Episodes V and VI surrounding Luke and Leia's origins. I think having another voice to say will be good. Plus, now Lego needs to maintain fewer partners for the theme sets.

Maybe this means those sets will drop a buck or two in price. Probably not, but who knows.


For comparison purposes, since Disney acquired Marvel:

Movies: the Avengers came out. And I really liked it. +1

Comics: the AvsX maxiseries came out. And I really liked it. +1

Animation: Ultimate Spider-Man came out. And I don't care for the character development or humor. But I like the character selection, and really like the Legos! So, +0.5 because they recognize that cartoons as well as movies can be used for Legos.

I don't know if any of that has to do with Dinsey buying them, or that they've kept their hands off. But, 2.5 out of 3 is a win for Disney/Marvel in my book.

So, as long the people who have final say over Lucasfilm things at Disney follow that same pattern, I'll be okay.


I think the Mickey jokes are a little silly. Is Mickey in the PotC movies? I don't recall. No? Is Mickey a staple of Monday night football? ESPN is owned by Disney too is it not... and Marvel as well... No Mickey in those films? Oh, okay then. I know a lot of it is sarcasm, but really, come on peeps, try harder!

It's NOT like the original trilogy or prequels WEREN'T marketed to kids!

Sorry for the tongue-in-check re-quoting of the famous Force be with you line, too easy a target Disney is for that.....say Disney and you think straight away that famous mouse.

Anyway, stating that the original series wasn't marketed towards kids is false.....merchandise was aimed directly at children and the ideas in the film were inspired by Lucas's own childhood film watching of cowboy and sci-fi serials plus the odd pirate/adventure films he loved watching.

Perhaps the Disney deal is still this passion he has for his youth and just now wants to see his work continue on past his own time.

  • Eurobricks Emperor

I think this is great news!

Clearly Lucas had lost the magic he had in his youth. Proof are Indian Jones 4 and Star Wars 1,2,3 which where not even close to his earlier work.

Let's see what Disney can do. They are a big professional company. And they can start pretty much from scratch with these new SW movies. The good ones won in SW6, so all options for a fresh story are open now. No restrictions like Lucus was facing in the boring SW prequels.


Anyway, stating that the original series wasn't marketed towards kids is false.....merchandise was aimed directly at children and the ideas in the film were inspired by Lucas's own childhood film watching of cowboy and sci-fi serials plus the odd pirate/adventure films he loved watching.

Maybe you need to re-read what I wrote. I was saying the OT WAS market to kids, so I don't think this will be some sea change for the franchise.

Posted (edited)

Note how big this is, On the BBC news website it is already number 2 read and number 1 shared, and considering how much is going on in the news at the moment this deal is massive. Also I do agree with others that it is time for Lucas to step down. And as long this means more Lego star wars this can only be good. There is also a chance future TCW episodes move to one of the Disney channels so I suppose that is good if you live in the Uk as the episode may be broadcast over here again. I do think the lucasfilm will operate like Pixar, in the way that they still produce the films but Disney do all the merchandise and stuff.

Edited by Jedi master Brick

Am I the only person who is happy about the news? I think it is about time that Lucas stopped controlling Star Wars franchise. After all, all he has done in the last decade is hinder the logical progress of the franchise by being reluctant to release more SW films. All he has released is the animated series which was has failed to quench the thirst of the fans for more movies and at the same time managed to alienate some of the EU authors by completely going against the established story lines in the books.

I don't think Disney will make the mistake of alienating the fans by going against the EU considering that it has invested $4b. The advancements in CGI in recent years have opened the doors for future SW films to have superb scenery and bring entire worlds to life.

I will make sure to stay away from any SW boards for a good few months because I'm sure they will be full of OT hardcore fans grumbling about how the world has come to an end. :cry2::grin:


We were all focused SW... But there are other Lucasfilm properties as some have mentioned. Indiana Jones... Willow... I don't know if those go in the deal, but a new Willow franchise would be cool.


As long as George isn't in charge of LucasFilm anymore, it's fine by me. He's not the "creative genius" everyone thinks he is, but nevertheless he did come up with the idea. I'm looking forward to Episode 7 (as long as it's not animated), hopefully they'll be able to restore the greatness of Star Wars that was messed up during the prequels.

Posted (edited)

Am I the only person who is happy about the news? I think it is about time that Lucas stopped controlling Star Wars franchise. After all, all he has done in the last decade is hinder the logical progress of the franchise by being reluctant to release more SW films. All he has released is the animated series which was has failed to quench the thirst of the fans for more movies and at the same time managed to alienate some of the EU authors by completely going against the established story lines in the books.

I don't think Disney will make the mistake of alienating the fans by going against the EU considering that it has invested $4b. The advancements in CGI in recent years have opened the doors for future SW films to have superb scenery and bring entire worlds to life.

I will make sure to stay away from any SW boards for a good few months because I'm sure they will be full of OT hardcore fans grumbling about how the world has come to an end. :cry2::grin:

Actually, I prefer a good TV series to a movie every time. The reason is that stories can be told differently, better, since the authors have more time for developing the characters and the stories. Good examples are Battlestar Galactica, Dexter, Breaking Bad, The Boardwalk Empire, or Game of Thrones, and I think the same is true for TCW.

To me, the major shortcomming of the PT was a lack of time: characters weren't developed thoroughly, and many questions were left open. So the logical step was to make a TV series, not another movie.

Edited by Brickadeer

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