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However, why would they release an Orthanc tower set and another set containing a bit of the interior of it in one wave?

For the same reason they released a "Captain's Quarters" set alongside "Queen Anne's Revenge" in the POTC line? This proves nothing. There may or may not be more sets to come in 2013, only time will tell.

My only hope is that the Gandalf the White/Saruman hairpiece will be the same as in the videogame.

If my eyes don't deceive me, I belief that the corsair ship is exactly the same as the videogame design.

With most of my wished sets designed. I do still hope for a 3rd wave including

- 'The Balrog',

- 'Treebeard',

- 'Osgiliath setting' including a Fell Beast and Faramir'

- 'White Tree of Gondor'

- 'Lothlórien'

Since Old Bilbo isn't in the Council set, I have a gut feeling that he will be included in a Lego LotR Dictionary or an exclusive minifig when they plan to release the Lego Hobbit videogame.

I was planning to complete my Hobbit sets but I guess I'll wait for some more discounts. The 2 instant buys for me are the Black gate & the Wizard Duell.

Edited by Cammo

Just had a thought. I wonder if the Mouth will have a double sided face. One side has a closed mouth, and the other has his signature creepy, wide smile. I hope they do this.

I've decided to create a list of all figures included in the sets so far using LEGO LOTR game screenshots,

should be just about right (if not completely) judging by the prelim pics we've seen:

Wizard Battle

Gandalf the Grey (with hairpiece) and Saruman


Council of Elrond

Arwen (blue dress), Elrond (Rivendel clothing), Frodo (no cape in the set) and Gimli


The Black Gate

Aragorn (Gondor outfit), Gandalf the White, Mouth of Sauron and 2 armored orc soldiers (helmet and breastplate)


Corsair Ship

Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, King of the Dead, 2 Dead Men of Dunharrow (both varied), 1 Corsair Pirate and 2 armored orc soldiers (helmet and breastplate)


Yes, I know, the orcs pictured are Moria orcs but it's the closest thing I could find to armored versions of LEGO LOTR orcs with helmets.

Now here's hoping for new helmets on the orcs.

Re-used helmets would be pretty lame since there are some great orcish helmet designs they could make (a) mold(s) of, if not just one that seems generic enough.

Edited by General Magma

I think these 4 sets look excellent so far. The black gate looks amazing! The build really seems to capture the imposing design very well.

I would be surprised if there were only four sets, it doesn't seem to match the TLG business model unless they are splitting with Hobbit sets which I'm not sure of considering they would want most of those to conincide with the Hobbit movie release.

Considering they want to establish the theme well, I would've expected slightly more iconic scenes. They love vehicles so the corsair ship is not a surprise. I still think we might see a Balrog set and possibly a D2C Orthanc.

I wonder why they put the eagle in the set where is no nazgul beast?

It does not make sense :blush:

Pics if the 2013 sets have been leaked. Check out the link under Castle 2013. (can't post the link on my phone)

Pics if the 2013 sets have been leaked. Check out the link under Castle 2013. (can't post the link on my phone)

You're... ahem... late to the party.

Hello guys,I need a little help,How I can upload from my computer in this page some pictures? I wanna show to You my newest desighn od Mordor armor orcs.Please help :)

Hello guys,I need a little help,How I can upload from my computer in this page some pictures? I wanna show to You my newest desighn od Mordor armor orcs.Please help :)

1. Upload your picture onto flickr.com or a similar site.

2. Copy the URL from that picture (i.e. on flickr, right click, "copy image URL").

3. When posting on eurobricks, click the "image" symbol (looks like a tree on blue background) and paste the image URL from flickr into it.

4. Done. :)

I wonder why they put the eagle in the set where is no nazgul beast?

It does not make sense :blush:

the only scene where the eagles and fell beasts appear together is the black gate, if they were to put in a fellbeast aswell it would propably double the price, (besides they are only gonna release one fell beast set and that will be the witch king and Eowyn. several sets with fell beasts are a waste *speculation*)

11 new minifugures isnt bad for a small second wave.

6 new molds:

white wizard hair/beard,

mouth of sauron helm,


orc helmet?

Arwen hair?


Its kindof a shame that they made a mold for the elven loong sword used at last alliance, a normal sized elven sword seems like it would be more usefull.

Edited by deskp

Wow thanks for sharing General Magma!

I've decided to create a list of all figures included in the sets so far using LEGO LOTR game screenshots,

should be just about right (if not completely) judging by the prelim pics we've seen:

Thanks for putting up those pictures, it helps me to visualise it allot.

Regarding the sets: I think these look good from what I can see, and I am not dissapointed at all. The only thing that I would have liked to see added in the Black Gate set are Gondorian soldiers, trolls, Harradrim and Easterlings. But it's still possible we will see them in future sets (although the Easterlings are not very likely imo) and I will buy this set for sure.

Like stated before the Wizard Duel leaves room for an Orthanc set (perhaps with Ents) and the fact that there are only 4 sets doesn't consern me at all. Maybe there will be a couple more releases during the 'hobbit' releases in December. All the options that have been discussed so often are still a possibility, and I have my hopes high for all those like: Balrog/Khazad-Dum (I don't see how Lego would suddently feel like they have enough Gandalfs :wink: ). Eowyn vs Fell beast, which I think would sell well with kids for the 'dragon' as a smaller set. Treebeard or 'the last march of the Ents' are both possible, have not been covered at all so far so I think we will see some Ents sooner or later. A Mummakil or Amon Din/White tree set are not too far fetched as well imo...

All in all I'm looking forward to new releases in the future!

Its kindof a shame that they made a mold for the elven loong sword used at last alliance, a normal sized elven sword seems like it would be more usefull.

I think they made it more for the Mirkwood Elves section of The Hobbit, which got pushed back to the second movie.

I think they made it more for the Mirkwood Elves section of The Hobbit, which got pushed back to the second movie.

In the designer video the designer spefficaly refrenced the last alliance in regards to the sword. We'll see when we starts getting traiers for DOS


I hope there will be a Osgiliath set "soon" We need Faramir and Gondorian soldiers. They are the last missing MAJOR faction.

Can't wait to see how the new armored orcs looks, orc variety has been severely poor so far.

DOes anyoby know who took the leaked pictures? there certainly exists bigger versions of them, no camera takes pictures that small. And why was ther only pictures of 1 page for each theme, there looked to be more pages with same theme.

Edited by deskp

1. Upload your picture onto flickr.com or a similar site.

2. Copy the URL from that picture (i.e. on flickr, right click, "copy image URL").

3. When posting on eurobricks, click the "image" symbol (looks like a tree on blue background) and paste the image URL from flickr into it.

4. Done. :)

Thank You man :)

2x mordor orcs

What do You think guys about my desighn Mordor orcs in armor? Do You guys want to see them in The Battle at The Black Gate set?

Edited by Lordof theBricks

I love these new sets. Pirate ship with 3 undead and possible Corsair. Black gate, expandable by buying 2 sets (mirror build) and comes with Eagles! Rivendell with Arwen and Elrond. Wizard Battle comes with Saruman, the secondary evil of LotR.

Wow I JUST noticed that there is an eagle in the Black Gate set. I'm an idiot. :P I was pretty bleh on this set at first, but now that I know there is an eagle in it, I think I like it more. Makes it feel like more of an actual battle.

Wouldn't it make more sense if the other short fig in Rivendell were old Bilbo? :)

Since Gimli is so boring already and was in two sets in last wave it would be boring with two new Gimli sets :(

Edited by Sigolf Brimabane

Wouldn't it make more sense if the other short fig in Rivendell were old Bilbo? :)

And old Gloin :/

Disappointed not to have Orthanc, but the small wave has three instant buys for me: Wizards, Black Gate and Rivendell.

The pirate ship is the first set in the Middle Earth line I have zero interest in. Not even the minifigs are interesting enough to purchase this at any time - even at a discounted price.

And old Gloin :/

yeah :/ I think it's bad we don't get Éowyn already. She and Boromir are the coolest

I agree that most people can't buy two or more big sets. But even if people would buy 4-5 battlepacks at 10$ a pop, im sure TLG makes a bigger profit of the sale of just one of the larger sets $100 sets. I mean, im sure there are alot of fans that just want the figs, so if TLG released the best figs in small sets then those fans wouldn't even have to mess with anything high dollar. I have no proof but im sure its cheaper for lego to make normal one colored building bricks than it is for them to make minifigs, especially licensed. Just because certain people buy more cheaper sets doesn't mean it would be more profitable because it would definitely cut inti the amount of big sets being sold.

I gotta agree with Dwarf-brik. I know Lego is a business and wants to make the most money possible, but there also is a breaking point where consumers will just get sick of it and stop purchasing sets. I mean if Lego wanted to make the most money why not offer Frodo and Aragorn in a single $100+ set that people will have to buy if they want the two main characters? Why even offer the lower priced sets? I know we have some fanatic AFOLs, but I don't know of anyone buying more than 2-3 of the huge flagships each wave (at least not at full MSRP). Meanwhile I am sure most people would buy at least 4-5 battle packs on top of the main flagship set, and I am sure those people that buy multiple big sets would buy dozens of BPs (I know I would).

I mean I get what you are saying, but the minifigures shouldn't be the only selling point of the large sets. If they are then Lego is doing a pretty poor job with the CONSTRUCTION part of their construction sets. To me I buy the bigger sets for the main structure they offer AND the minifigures. I would never pass up say the Corsair Ship if they also offered an Undead/Corsair Battle Pack. A battle pack should compliment a bigger set, not compete with it. To this degree Lego could and should keep offering special exclusive characters in the bigger sets to keep the minifigure selection appealing like they did with Theoden, Haldir, the Undead King, etc.

I also think the "we didn't get this or didn't get that" reaction needs to be tempered with the realisation that we will most certainly get more waves of LOTR Lego. It makes no sense for them to release all the iconic scenes/locations in the 1st two waves and then fill in the rest of the line with sideline stuff. I'm pretty sure we will get things like the Balrog and Treebeard eventually.....

Right, and I agree with that 100%... but the problem is this wave doesn't seem to have ANY really iconic scenes. Look at the first LotR wave, it didn't include all iconic important scenes either. You had the Orc Forge and Gandalf Arrives which were a little less important, but you also had Helm's Deep, Mines of Moria, Shelob Attacks, etc which were all really important parts and made for great sets kids would love (castles and awesome creatures). I mean sure Rivendell and the Black Gate are cool, but both see fairly small air time compared to say Minas Tirith or the Ents where whole battles take place and huge chunks of film time are devoted. The Corsairs arn't even on screen 5 minutes and yet it's the flagship set?!? It makes little to no sense from a consumer stand point. Granted it makes more sense from a business stand point, especially since it's one of the few vehicles in the trilogy and Lego loves to do pirate ships, but ya. Why didn't we get a Balrog set, Ents, Osgiliath, or Minas Tirith? These are all things that really stick out to me when I think back to the films.

For the same reason they released a "Captain's Quarters" set alongside "Queen Anne's Revenge" in the POTC line? This proves nothing. There may or may not be more sets to come in 2013, only time will tell.

But that was sort of an army builder with 2 grunt soldiers, was it not? Sure it had Jack.. but buying him with 2 grunts wasn't that bad. In comparisson Orthanc would most likely have Saruman at the very least, and most likely Gandalf. Why offer a smaller section of the tower with the exact same minifigures a larger version would have? I mean the Uruk-Hai Army set is part of Helm's Deep but makes sense to offer both since they go together and both sets have different minifigures, or figs you would want multiples of. Also keep in mind Pirates of the Carribean only has so many scenes you can do, what with all the boat time, Lord of the Rings they havn't even begun to delve into all the possible sets so offering 2 from the same scene/location seems a bit silly this early on with the countless other possibilities.

Of course there might very well be more sets for 2013 we havn't seen, and I sure hope so since we only have seen 4 so far and nothing Gondor. I just don't think we will see Orthanc this year (next year is a definite possibility though). Personally I like that they made the smallest set somewhat appealing this time by offering an exclusive minifigure. Usually the smaller sets are extremely unappealing to me due to their minifigure selection and limited builds, but getting Saruman would make this one a must buy.

After seeing the pictures, I am impressed, and am looking forward to all of them. I am actually very accepting of the fact there will be only 4 sets, as my wallet is crying every so slightly after the first wave of LOTR and the Hobbit. Now that we have all of the essential characters for both films, I am glad to see them exploring other minor characters. While all of them are going to be bought, I have to agree the Black Gate is my probable favorite, with more orcs, and an Eagle, this might be a multiple purchase for me as the Uruk Hai Army was before it.

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