January 5, 201312 yr Author the 4 "normal" lotr sets have always had july release date, it said so directly on the pictures of the sets we got. ...I was referring to the Orthanc Tower set, but nice to know. 1000th post on the thread. :P -Sci Edited January 5, 201312 yr by CM4S
January 5, 201312 yr ...I was referring to the Orthanc Tower set, but nice to know. -Sci Oh, where did you find the orthanc release date?
January 5, 201312 yr When the first LOTR wave was released, it was scheduled for a June release, but I was ale to get the sets a few weeks early. So, given the July 2013 date, the sets will likely be available a few weeks early in a few stores.
January 5, 201312 yr When the first LOTR wave was released, it was scheduled for a June release, but I was ale to get the sets a few weeks early. So, given the July 2013 date, the sets will likely be available a few weeks early in a few stores. yeah, that happens with just about every theme though.
January 5, 201312 yr Well thanks for the confirmation. We all had a feeling it was true based on the factors discussed pages back. I still hope Elrond gets a circlet because then Lego could change it blonde and give it to Galadriel. The female version works okay too if Arwen gets a wavier and hair in front of the ears. Not ideal but passable. I just loved Elrond's hair mold in the video game, it was perfect! Thranduil better get a new hair mold because DOS won't have many new hair molds considering all the dwarves are taken care of in wave 1. Also how can Lego make a Thranduil, (if they make one) minifig without his iconic crown?
January 6, 201312 yr I still hope Elrond gets a circlet because then Lego could change it blonde and give it to Galadriel. I just loved Elrond's hair mold in the video game, it was perfect!Thranduil better get a new hair mold because DOS won't have many new hair molds considering all the dwarves are taken care of in wave 1. Also how can Lego make a Thranduil, (if they make one) minifig without his iconic crown? Elrdonds circlet hair in the game does not work for Galadirel cause of the huge braid in the back and the several decorative knots in his hair in front. If they do make a Thranduil ( ) they will most likely make a new hairpiece for him, uless they pick some scene where he's not wearing it. it will/would be made of the rubbery material and I'm guessing the pointy parts of his crown would be no thinner than the thinest part on blackbeard's beard I really hope we get a Thranduil figure this year, But we might have to wait till 5 armies, cause the interesting scene with the elves is already covered in a lego set. I also hope we get Radagast in the future with a new hat mold obviously. Beorn might need a new hair aswell ( who knows!) Bard should be using Fili/Thorin hair (it looks like it was made for Bard) Master of laketown could use the Dastan hair but I'd like to see lego do a sleezy slick hair like his. It would work for Grima aswell. Bolg could use soemthing new if hes featured. Edited January 6, 201312 yr by deskp
January 6, 201312 yr And now that we have confirmation, I am glad the funds are starting to be put away. I want that Orthac! Also, it will finally allow for a play for all of my Uruk-Hai and Mordor Orcs to congregate.
January 6, 201312 yr Good to hear Orthanc is for real. I just wish there were some truth behind the rumoured Witch-King set.
January 6, 201312 yr I also hope we get Radagast in the future with a new hat mold obviously. I think Bofur's hat mold with some new printing would do well for Radagast? We just need a matching printed head, beard and torso.
January 6, 201312 yr I think Bofur's hat mold with some new printing would do well for Radagast? We just need a matching printed head, beard and torso. No not at all, Radagast does not have 3 braids. That short of things only sortof works with costom minifigs.
January 6, 201312 yr Good to hear Orthanc is for real. I just wish there were some truth behind the rumoured Witch-King set. Indeed, I really want to see the Witch-King and a fell beast before this line has had it's run. I wish we had some indication of how well the sets are selling for LEGO. Edited January 6, 201312 yr by reptiman
January 6, 201312 yr Indeed, I really want to see the Witch-King and a fell beast before this line has had it's run. I wish we had some indication of how well the sets are selling for LEGO. lego does some financial report every year? quarter? half year? In the last report LOTR was doing very well. I'm not sure when the next is.there should be a 2012 annula report showing up this month, not sure exactly what they say in those, but alteast youll know if lego had a gd year or not:P Edited January 6, 201312 yr by deskp
January 6, 201312 yr lego does some financial report every year? quarter? half year? In the last report LOTR was doing very well. I'm not sure when the next is. there should be a 2012 annula report showing up this month, not sure exactly what they say in those, but alteast youll know if lego had a gd year or not:P Well, I hope it's still doing well. LOTR is by far my favorite line right now. Even though it's very unlikely, I hope we somehow get sauron in his physical form in a set. I always enjoyed seeing him in the movie.
January 6, 201312 yr I'm not sure Lego would release reports on how well a given line is doing. They would list reports on how Lego is doing overall, but I think there would be some concern over people mis-using information if they knew a given line was failing. Given how many people spin Lego for profit, reports on failing lines would be a dead give-away. Plus, Lego is still a business and I don't expect them to present all their cards every time. In my own experience in this area, I see LOTR/Hobbit Lego selling about as well as any other Lego line. The Hobbit movie is obviously helping this, so a better gauge might be a month or so from now.
January 6, 201312 yr Oh great, another ~£100 needed for this year. Hopefully we'll get some nice figures in Orthanc - uruks, orcs, Wormtongue. Al the sets look great and are definite buys, although now that I think of it, if we get Saruman in Orthanc there won't be much need for me to buy the wizard dual.
January 6, 201312 yr It's actually pretty smart for LEGO to put Saruman in (likely) two sets this wave. People who will spend the money on Orthanc won't really need to get the Wizard Battle set, and those who don't care about the tower and just want the fig can get him for cheap. And then there are those strange completionists who have to get every set, like me.
January 6, 201312 yr It's actually pretty smart for LEGO to put Saruman in (likely) two sets this wave. People who will spend the money on Orthanc won't really need to get the Wizard Battle set, and those who don't care about the tower and just want the fig can get him for cheap. Exactly, great way to put it!
January 6, 201312 yr It's actually pretty smart for LEGO to put Saruman in (likely) two sets this wave. People who will spend the money on Orthanc won't really need to get the Wizard Battle set, and those who don't care about the tower and just want the fig can get him for cheap. And then there are those strange completionists who have to get every set, like me. Do you have any ideas on what to use a second Saruman for? Only I wil likely get 2 as well.
January 6, 201312 yr Do you have any ideas on what to use a second Saruman for? Only I wil likely get 2 as well. When I get multiples of a fig, I usually just keep the extras somewhere in case I ever need to use them. I rarely take them apart or anything (except for all the Harry Potter and Indy figs).
January 6, 201312 yr Great Orthanc! I wonder if there is going to be some superrare fig with it. It might sound heretic, but maybe I'll just buy the instructions and build a replica in a different color. Black seems so hmmm... dark.
January 6, 201312 yr Wizard Battle is still needed if Orthanc is lacking in the interior. Those pillars and the Palantir may be of use but having yet another Gandalf we could all do without.
January 6, 201312 yr Great Orthanc! I wonder if there is going to be some superrare fig with it. That's a great point, it could be a similar situation to some of the Star Wars D2C sets that include exclusive minifigs (e.g., Dengar and IG-88 in 10221). I think Wormtongue would be a great choice a potential 'exclusive' minifigure for Orthanc.
January 6, 201312 yr I don't really get why people are so concerned about getting an additional Saruman. I mean, what about the gazillion Frodo, Bilbo, Gandalf, Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli figures you probably already have? If you can find use for those, I'm sure an additional Saruman won't be much of an issue either. Be creative, mix and match minifig parts to create new characters. Isn't that what LEGO is all about?
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