February 11, 201312 yr I was hoping the Wizard Duel would only be $9.99 like Riddles for the Ring, but I guess it looks to have a fair more amount of pieces. While I wish there were more army builders this time around, and more sets in general, this wave does seem like it's great for getting new characters. We get Arwen, Gandalf the White, Mouth of Sauron, the Undead King and a few soldiers (all with different printing!), a Corsair, and of course Saruman. Saruman is probably my most wanted of the low as we now finally have one of the main two evils from the films. We also seem to get quite a few new molds and prints this wave with the exception of the orcs, who really could use some new armor or at the very least an alternate chest print. As those hoping for an Anduril mold, are you serious? Look at Anduril compared to the current sword... It looks EXTREMELY close to the current sword. All they could do is change the color a little, make the size a little bigger, and add some details to the ends of the hilt. I'm sorry but Lego isn't going to make a new mold for such minor difference.
February 11, 201312 yr I think people want a mold like in the game: But I think the long sword is just fine. But I do think LEGO should use that old sword that's really long and shiny. The Harry Potter one. Looking closer at FBTB's pics, I noticed a few things: Frodo has a new face indeed! One side is worried, the other angry. Aragorn's cloak is double sided! Brown and red! I haven't seen this since the 2003 Lando fig! Gandalf looks like he has a new face in the Wizard Battle. The Palantir spins....... And Sharky can be booted off his chair! Gondor map in Corsair ship!
February 11, 201312 yr It looks EXTREMELY close to the current sword. All they could do is change the color a little, make the size a little bigger, and add some details to the ends of the hilt. I'm sorry but Lego isn't going to make a new mold for such minor difference. I think the biggest reason most of us, including myself, would like a new mold is to make Anduril stand out/on its own as it did in the movies as Aragorn's signature weapon. Manufacturing- and physically-wise I totally agree with you.
February 12, 201312 yr could be Saruman's face on one side Gandalf's on the other? I believe one side has Gandalf's old face while the other has the new angry expression. Saruman has the new Count Dooku head which is also dual sided.
February 12, 201312 yr It's brilliantly clever for LEGO to use the Dooku face for Saruman as well. I mean, in the end, it's Christopher Lee.
February 12, 201312 yr I think the biggest reason most of us, including myself, would like a new mold is to make Anduril stand out/on its own as it did in the movies as Aragorn's signature weapon. Manufacturing- and physically-wise I totally agree with you. Fair enough, but maybe Lego should just make the current longsword in a different color then? Perhaps the chrome color? I just don't see them investing money in a brand new mold when it only has a couple minor differences at the end of the hilt. They are so miniscule, especially in shrunken down Lego form.
February 12, 201312 yr It's brilliantly clever for LEGO to use the Dooku face for Saruman as well. I mean, in the end, it's Christopher Lee. That is Sarumans face used on dooku far as this thread should be concerned... well it comes down to who designed it.
February 12, 201312 yr Aragorn's cloak is double sided! Brown and red! I haven't seen this since the 2003 Lando fig! Is Elrond's like that too? (I'm not sure but I think it is) Either way it's nice to see them be doing double colored capes again.
February 12, 201312 yr Is Elrond's like that too? (I'm not sure but I think it is) Either way it's nice to see them be doing double colored capes again. Yeah Elrond's is red on the outside and orange on the inside. I'd like to see Theoden get his green/dark red cape someday.
February 12, 201312 yr Those dual-side capes are fantastic! I'm glad Lego paid attention to the details like that. I agree with with previous commentst that the eagle is too small; if it were 25-30% larger with improved claws, it would be perfect. As it stands right now, though, it's still pretty good. I would have loved to have seen a few in the Warg Attack set.
February 12, 201312 yr A chrome Long sword for Anduril would have been an improvement over a generic dark grey sword which is identical to that of one used by a dark servant. As it stands I don't see how the Mouth of Sauron should be wielding Anglachel and Anguriel.
February 12, 201312 yr While the eagles cannot pick up minifigures, they CAN grab wargs by the studs on the wargs' backs. Minifigures can still "ride" on the eagles' back.
February 12, 201312 yr While the eagles cannot pick up minifigures, they CAN grab wargs by the studs on the wargs' backs. Minifigures can still "ride" on the eagles' back. So then can't eagles pick up minifigs by their hands? Wouldn't be the same I know, but it's something.
February 12, 201312 yr So then can't eagles pick up minifigs by their hands? Wouldn't be the same I know, but it's something. You sir, are a genius!
February 12, 201312 yr Or you could put one of these neck brackets (http://img.bricklink.com/P/6/42446.gif) on a non-bearded minifig and attach the eagle's claws to it. Of course it would look mighty silly, but it's better than nothing
February 12, 201312 yr Just found on brickipedia: So Gandalf is finally getting a new facial expression could be Saruman's face on one side Gandalf's on the other? I doubt it saruman has back eyebrows and gandalf has light grey.
February 12, 201312 yr These Summer sets look very good. I like all of them and will almost certainly purchase all of them except the Corsair Ship, which is still nice but has the least appeal IMO. For its price range the Wizard Battle is an excellent set. The model is good and so are the minifigures (Gandalf the Grey is good to me for now as I still have yet to get him in another set). Saruman is exceptionally accurate and looks exactly as I imagined he would do. I had my doubts about the use of a minifigure head for the Palantir, but now that I have seen it I think it is a very good-looking concept. The Council of Elrond is a brilliant set in every way, The model captures the taste of Rivendell well despite its small price and the play feature is well executed. The highlight of this set IMO is the new elves, Elrond and Arwen. Both of them are excellent and very accurate, and I like the way that Elrond's cape has been done in two different colours, which is not something we see very often. Gimli and Frodo are very similar to their usual incarnations, and I do not mind seeing them here as I also haven't got my hands on a Gimli minifigure as of yet. Then, there is my personal favourite of this wave, the Black Gate. The model itself is impressive and it comes at a very reasonable price. The eagle is pretty good, but, as others have already said, it's unfortunate that it is unable to pick up minifigures as this is the main thing that the eagles do in the movies. Then I come onto the minifigures, which are the highlight of this set (ignoring the disappointing Mordor Orcs). For starters, the Aragorn minifigure is an excellent variant and our first taste of Gondor in LEGO minifigure form. Plus, his cape has two colours as well, which is a very nice feature. Then there's Gandalf the White, who looks precisely as he should do and is a prime example of the improvements in LEGO's ability to make more detailed and intricate minifigures. The we get onto the Mouth of Sauron, who is one of my favourite ever minifigures. The helmet is a wonderful and accurate mould and the face resembles that of the character as he appears in the extended edition of the Return of the King. Bring on Summer 2013!
February 12, 201312 yr While the eagles cannot pick up minifigures, they CAN grab wargs by the studs on the wargs' backs. Minifigures can still "ride" on the eagles' back. First: I'm not happy with the plate instead of real claws. Lynx is right with the grab of wargs. The Battle of the Five Armies can played with eagles grabbing wargs. Hope we get a set with both of them It's also possible to grab horses but you need another 1x2plate. It is possible for the eagle to "grab" a minifigure in two ways: 1.Yaznek (an some other orcs) have no hairpieces, so the eagle can "grab" by clicking the head stud under the feet. Looks strange, but in childrens fantasy the eagle grabs the head. 2.The eagle grab only one hand of the minifigures. Just tried to show it with the picture by using the next dwarf and a 2x2plate I could grab - that's why Gollums boat grabs Bifur. Maybe it is not so realistic as it is with real claws (like the 31004 Fierce Flyer) and maybe nothing to play scenes (the figures can fall very fast) but for some short foto scenes its enought ;-) And for all who wants to get more orcs: We have to start a cuusoo project like this one http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/2674 I prefer 25 Mordor Orcs, 25 Gondorian, 20 Rohan riders, 9 eagles and one Sauron.
February 12, 201312 yr I was hoping the Wizard Duel would only be $9.99 like Riddles for the Ring, but I guess it looks to have a fair more amount of pieces. It only has 8 more pieces than Riddles for the Ring. Unless it costs $12.99 due to the new minifigure and the printed PalantÃr piece, I fail to see why that constitutes a price raise.
February 12, 201312 yr I'm sure I saw Frodo's new head the other day in a shop near me, it was angry and I knew Frodo didn't have one.
February 12, 201312 yr And for all who wants to get more orcs: We have to start a cuusoo project like this one http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/2674 I prefer 25 Mordor Orcs, 25 Gondorian, 20 Rohan riders, 9 eagles and one Sauron. If you read why CUUSOO rejected that Star Wars idea, you will know why LEGO would ever do your idea. But if you work on an army builder or battle back with enough construction work to satisfy their license, I would support it.
February 12, 201312 yr Or you could put one of these neck brackets (http://img.bricklink.com/P/6/42446.gif) on a non-bearded minifig and attach the eagle's claws to it. Of course it would look mighty silly, but it's better than nothing That would help with some of the figures who just have head caps, but unfortunately the neck piece wouldn't work for a number of others still like the elves with their long hair or anyone wearing armor. It looks like the eagles are going to be carrying most minifigs by their hand.... And for all who wants to get more orcs: We have to start a cuusoo project like this one http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/2674I prefer 25 Mordor Orcs, 25 Gondorian, 20 Rohan riders, 9 eagles and one Sauron. Unfortunately they will never release a set like that. Just read Lego's response to the CUUSO page you linked and you will see why, it would be the same response for a LotR version: "This is a (very) fun concept, but since we have the construction toy license and not the action figure license for Star Wars, it will not be possible to release a set consisting solely of minifigures. If the Dark Bucket concept were to go further, it would need to include some significant brick-based model component to be considered a construction toy for licensing purposes." While I would LOVE to be able to buy a bucket of 50 Mordor Orcs in one fell swoop, it's probably not going to happen. The best we can hope for is a battle pack like the Lego Star Wars theme has, or another set that is an add for a building with a good amount of minifigures like with the Uruk-hai Army set. I would prefer this anyways, that way I can better pick and choose what minifigures I want and how many of each. I'm not stuck buying say 20 Rohan Soldiers like in your example if I only want 10 or so. It only has 8 more pieces than Riddles for the Ring. Unless it costs $12.99 due to the new minifigure and the printed PalantÃr piece, I fail to see why that constitutes a price raise. It's still not a terrible price per piece at 11.5 cents. Not as good as Riddles for the Ring's 9.5 PPP, but still not near as bad as the 16 cents per piece you pay for Gandal Arrives. Like you mentioned, I would guess all the translucent pieces and the new molds/prints had a lot to do with the increased price. I mean we don't get Saruman in any other set, where as Riddles for the Ring had the same Bilbo in a few other sets and Gollum was the exact same other than his face printing. Other than that though there were no new pieces in RftR.
February 12, 201312 yr Just a 'bucket' full of Mordor orcs with a siege tower and 2 trolls. Maybe add a Wall or Catapoult from Minas Tirith with some Gondor soldiers. But doesn't my post belong in the speculation topic along with yours? Anyway, I heard rumours that the palantir has a lightbrick? Is this true?
February 12, 201312 yr Anyway, I heard rumours that the palantir has a lightbrick? Is this true? Nah, the knob in the back just makes it spin.
February 12, 201312 yr Unfortunately they will never release a set like that. Just read Lego's response to the CUUSO page you linked and you will see why, it would be the same response for a LotR version: "This is a (very) fun concept, but since we have the construction toy license and not the action figure license for Star Wars, it will not be possible to release a set consisting solely of minifigures. If the Dark Bucket concept were to go further, it would need to include some significant brick-based model component to be considered a construction toy for licensing purposes." While I would LOVE to be able to buy a bucket of 50 Mordor Orcs in one fell swoop, it's probably not going to happen. The best we can hope for is a battle pack like the Lego Star Wars theme has, or another set that is an add for a building with a good amount of minifigures like with the Uruk-hai Army set. I would prefer this anyways, that way I can better pick and choose what minifigures I want and how many of each. I'm not stuck buying say 20 Rohan Soldiers like in your example if I only want 10 or so. You know for a fact that there is a no compete license for LOTR. Just because Hasbro has it with SW doesnt me it is there for LOTR.
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