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If on the harbor why not some docks or something and some orcs that actually resemble their movie counterparts?

Docks and such were probably out because of the price tag, besides there was not much of a dock structure shown in the movie - non that one would remember. I had to look it up and even then it was totally unremarkable. Siege equipment offers more playability than a quay-wall or stairs leading into the water (and there was not more).

And why would you think you'd get real Mordor orcs when there are non in the Black Gate neither? ...nor any other set for that matter. Rest assured I do not like it anymore than you do.

I think one goes best by considering Lego-Peter Jackson just that: a Peter Jackson minifig added as a goodie for the fans. I like that gesture, but it is nothing more to me. Sure I would have liked the corsairs more than the orcs (especially the generic orcs), but the Arrival at Harlond is a more important scene. And it is no small scene: it is the damn turning point of the damn biggest battle of whole triology!

..and as an aside, Dany won't be getting back home until book 7.

We'll see. In any case, the Corsair ship makes a good ASOIAF-galley with little modification, I think.

My hope is that there is a Corsair polybag with different face and hair released in June. They have been releasing two each wave, one is a main character and the other is an enemy. Aragorn in his Gondor armor would be a good second polybag.

My hope is that there is a Corsair polybag with different face and hair released in June. They have been releasing two each wave, one is a main character and the other is an enemy. Aragorn in his Gondor armor would be a good second polybag.

We haven't gotten a regular Aragorn polybag yet, so I doubt they would put one of the main selling points of a large set in a cheap polybag.

I think it's time for a new orc polybag at the very least. That way Lego can introduce a new orc print and have an excuse to reproduce it ad naseum like with the old orc mold. Hopefully they can include a new helmet or hair piece.

...and as an aside, Dany won't be getting back home until book 7.

Please don't post Game of Thrones spoilers on here. Many people have not read the books yet and it is getting popular with the HBO series.

I think it's time for a new orc polybag at the very least. That way Lego can introduce a new orc print and have an excuse to reproduce it ad naseum like with the old orc mold. Hopefully they can include a new helmet or hair piece.

If there was a new orc mold made, wouldn't it be in one of the sets with orcs in them?

I agree on more Corsairs and less Gimlis. :hmpf_bad: And can I just have one new orc print? Please, I just want one! :cry_sad:

Edited by Tolkien

Please don't post Game of Thrones spoilers on here. Many people have not read the books yet and it is getting popular with the HBO series.

Relax, Book 6 has not even been published, much less Book 7. It is speculation on his/her part.

Edited by Flieger

I don't think they would release a brand new Orc print in a polybag unless it was released alongside a set that also had the new print. That, or they could mix and match existing pieces already released to create a "new" orc polybag similar to what they did with the Mirkwood Elf poly. I wouldn't mind some of the goblin pieces from the Goblin King Battle set being used and mixed with Mordor Orc pieces to give us a seemingly new orc minifig. Slobey did a great job demonstrating the different possibilities you can get just by mixing and matching the Mordor Orc and Goblin pieces several pages back.

The problem is the Mordor Orcs currently only have one face print (not double sided), one hair mold, one torso, and one pai of legs if you don't include the loin cloth print from the Warg Attack set. That's a total of... 2 different options! That's very, VERY little variation considering how varied the orcs look in the film (almost every one is different). Then to make matters worse we get the Uruk-hai armor pieces in the upcoming sets for the Mordor Orcs. Talk about lame. Meanwhile with the Hobbit sets we got about 10 different possibilities just from the two sets they are included in.

Also I am not saying the orcs don't make sense in the Corsair Ship set because they totally do. It just sucks they look nothing like the orcs in the film, and it also sucks the Corsairs could of been the second most interesting minifigures in this set and really help boost sales yet we only get 1 of them and instead get more Gimli, Aragorn, and Orcs with the same old printing that we already have plenty of.

Relax, Book 6 has not even been published, much less Book 7. It is speculation on his/her part.

I'm aware that this is pure speculation as I have read all of the books. I don't want people to start discussing the contents of the published books as the TV series is just starting the 3rd book, and they would not expect to find spoilers on a Lego thread.

I'm aware that this is pure speculation as I have read all of the books. I don't want people to start discussing the contents of the published books as the TV series is just starting the 3rd book, and they would not expect to find spoilers on a Lego thread.

Fair point.

The problem is the Mordor Orcs currently only have one face print (not double sided), one hair mold, one torso, and one pai of legs if you don't include the loin cloth print from the Warg Attack set. That's a total of... 2 different options!

Well, to be fair the variation in Uruk Hai was also limited: most variation came from different degrees of armour (though we also had Lurtz and the Berserker). In essence we have three orcs: moria orc, mordor orc and Yezneg (impossible to mix though) and you can mix them with goblins if you want. While I would love some more variation, I appreciate the army building (you need lots of orcs to make it accurate). I would have loved the hairpiece though. I find the bald orc far too plain.

I can understand why they didn't do more Corsairs. The one we got was essentially an Easter egg Peter Jackson fig. For play value they really needed the key three ARagorn, Gimli and Legolas more. They probably blew the newe minifig/ set budget with the dead. Plus the Corsairs really only appear in the extended version / deleted scenes. Finally if you want a full Corsair crew an acceptable version can be cobbled together using PoP Hassasim and PotC figs.

Hi everybody! I'm agree with you. They have a lot of characters to make, snd msybe, more corsairs in the ships would be better. About the polybags, do you think Faramir could be one of the character included? I have a question too, what happens with the sets people said like Treebeard, the Balrog... ?

Well, to be fair the variation in Uruk Hai was also limited: most variation came from different degrees of armour (though we also had Lurtz and the Berserker). In essence we have three orcs: moria orc, mordor orc and Yezneg (impossible to mix though) and you can mix them with goblins if you want. While I would love some more variation, I appreciate the army building (you need lots of orcs to make it accurate). I would have loved the hairpiece though. I find the bald orc far too plain.

The Uruk-hai has 2 faces, two cap options with the helmet or hair, one torso, one armor, and one set of legs. That gives a possible 8 different configurations compared to the 2 current Mordor Orc ones. Uruk-hai were also in only 2 sets, not the 3 we will have seen the Mordor Orcs after the second LotR wave is release (not including the Warg Attack set). Sure you can use the Uruk-hai armor and the Goblins to come up with a lot of other Mordor Orc options, but it's kind of lame the Mordor Orc were given Uruk-hai armor in upcoming sets when they are never seen wearing that kind of armor to my knowledge. I mean we obviously will be seeing a lot of the Mordor Orcs, so why not give them one brand new helm, another face print and another torso and leg print and then just use those and the current ones already released for dozens of different options for future sets?

Hi everybody! I'm agree with you. They have a lot of characters to make, snd msybe, more corsairs in the ships would be better. About the polybags, do you think Faramir could be one of the character included? I have a question too, what happens with the sets people said like Treebeard, the Balrog... ?

The polybags have only been of existing characters in the past. The only variant I have seen is the MIlkwood Elf Guard where they replaced the hair with a hood. I believe it would be unrealistic to expect a new character. Also the polybags can be very hard to find, even in countries where they are available.

The Avengers polybag had a Thor minifig. You would have to buy a very expensive set for him otherwise.

Lord of the Rings (Wave 1)

Frodo (Shire outfit)

Uruk Hai

Hobbit (Wave 1)


Mikwood Elf Guard

Edited by Blakstone

The Balrog and treebeard were rumored sets , because of a picture of the Lego design office.

Time for Lego to do a brand new Morranon Orc minifig perhaps?!

Though I doubt it, since it would have made sense to release it in the Black Gate set. :wall:

Time for Lego to do a brand new Morranon Orc minifig perhaps?!

Though I doubt it, since it would have made sense to release it in the Black Gate set. :wall:

Well, of course I share the general disappointment about the generic orcs, but let's face it: orcs are a somewhat generic evil, and the good guys always got more attention from Lego I feel.

I mean there are more important things than new orcs, which only could be told apart by some 'nerds' (like me): the Gondorians or Southrons would be far more distinctive and thus more recognisable by even casual fans (and parents/friends looking for presents). I must admit, if I had the choice of a new orc print with new armour molds, or a Gondorian soldier including all his new molded stuff, I would choose the latter any day. And I think most of us would. I don't think we will ever see a new orc, unless in The Hobbit-sets.

So we should be fair to Lego and hope for more RotK-sets with the Witch King, Gondorians, Southrons, armoured Trolls, Easterlings etc... :classic:

I don't get what it is with you guys and the mordor orcs. Would I have liked new prints? Sure. I never thought we would see LotR sets. Getting the Dead Men of Dunharow in the thene's second wave is very lucky, not to mention the fact that Peter Jackson and the Mouth of Sauron only appeared in the extended editions. A few years ago, we would have had to wait for several years for them to show up in a set. As for Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli, while you may have more than one already, a good deal of childern who will be reciving the sets don't. If they don't includ them, kids will be left wondering where the main characters from the scene are.

Sorry if that sounded harsh, some people around here need a reallity check.

Somewhat late to the discussion, but re; polybags: I am one of the unfortunate ones who can never find them, as they are always out of stock. If new polybags are released I'd hope Lego ships sufficinet quantities. As much as I wanted a Mirkwood Elf, I wasn't not going to pay inflated ebay prices.

Well, of course I share the general disappointment about the generic orcs, but let's face it: orcs are a somewhat generic evil, and the good guys always got more attention from Lego I feel.

I mean there are more important things than new orcs, which only could be told apart by some 'nerds' (like me): the Gondorians or Southrons would be far more distinctive and thus more recognisable by even casual fans (and parents/friends looking for presents). I must admit, if I had the choice of a new orc print with new armour molds, or a Gondorian soldier including all his new molded stuff, I would choose the latter any day. And I think most of us would. I don't think we will ever see a new orc, unless in The Hobbit-sets.

So we should be fair to Lego and hope for more RotK-sets with the Witch King, Gondorians, Southrons, armoured Trolls, Easterlings etc... :classic:

Yes, yes and yes. Everyone would love to get all new minifigs in each set but that's just not realistic. I just can't join in the clamoring for new orc prints when there are still so many characters that NEED to be released and specifically over a set that already gives us four exclusive characters. It's already been said that by mixing the different orcs you can make quite a variety (and Yazneg's head still mixes well) but it doesn't stop there. It's LEGO. There are plenty of ways to mix your army up. Mix your weapons, helmets, armor and shields then stick a skull on someone's head and be happy. :laugh:

As an aside, is there really a significant difference in price between licensed and unlicensed themes? I've heard a lot of moaning about licensed themes for this reason but when I've looked at the store, LOTR and non-licensed sets seem to have about the same cost per piece count. Can I just not divide correctly anymore or are some licensed themes worse about this?

Edited by Str0ngbad

But really, Orcs are going to be plenty around the theme. One new print for a soldier would be needed.

Edited by Tolkien

Sorry. Quote button is not the edit button. :blush:

Edited by Str0ngbad

I don't get what it is with you guys and the mordor orcs. Would I have liked new prints? Sure. I never thought we would see LotR sets. Getting the Dead Men of Dunharow in the thene's second wave is very lucky, not to mention the fact that Peter Jackson and the Mouth of Sauron only appeared in the extended editions. A few years ago, we would have had to wait for several years for them to show up in a set. As for Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli, while you may have more than one already, a good deal of childern who will be reciving the sets don't. If they don't includ them, kids will be left wondering where the main characters from the scene are.

Sorry if that sounded harsh, some people around here need a reallity check.

If kids aren't getting the Mines of Moria or the Council of Elrond set, both of which include Gimli and are 20 and 70 dollars less respectively, chances of them getting the $100 pirate ship are gonna be pretty slim.

Also I don't see how it's too much to ask for one or two more Mordor Orc options since we will be seeing them included in a lot of future sets no doubt. I would of actually preferred a brand new Mordor Orc print instead of 2 totally different undead soldiers (the king needs to be unique obviously). I mean we probably won't see the undead in any other set ever so why waste a new print on something that is going to be used ONCE, rather than a new Mordor Orc that can be used countless times. And WE need the reality check...? :wacko:

It just makes sense for Lego to give us some variety for something that is going to be used so much. I am not saying every orc needs to be unique, but a little differentiation would be nice. Instead the only variety we currently have is a hair cap and some Uruk-hai armor the Mordor Orcs were never even seen in.

Edited by Deathleech

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