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If it helps to mentally place the BluRay Bilbo minifig into the movie. The vest and scarf on the minifig match what Bilbo is wearing right at the very beginning of the movie, when he firsts meets Gandalf while he is sitting in front of Bag End. There is probably a deleted scene somewhere that has him wearing a blue coat over that initial outfit.

He wears it in a market scene, it appears near the beginning of trailer 1.

Edit: 30 seconds in:

Edited by Seaber

some of us hope that the Bilbo exclusive comes in the Extended Edition :classic:

It wouldn't be exclusive then, would it? :wink:

How bout your closest Walmart?

I thought the minifig was a Target exclusive? Can't hurt to take a look though.

^ It is a Target exclusive. Walmart's exclusive is the digibook.

Long time lurker, first time poster. I've loved checking this thread often to check for news and speculation about the 2013 LOTR and Hobbit Lego sets. These sets combined my favorite childhood toy and my favorite books, so it turned out enough to bring me out of my dark ages. I now have the complete set.

A few thoughts about this year's line and future ones after re-watching the Hobbit movie tonight:

I sure wish that the Attack of the Wargs set included an eagle like the Black Gate set. It would have been appropriate, and just one would have been fine.

I think that the Three Trolls set is do-able in the second or third Hobbit wave. Because of the figures, it would have to include very few brick-built elements, but it could be three Moria troll or Goblin King size minifigures built from the same body with different head molds. It would also have to include Bilbo and some dwarves and horses. For this reason, the only other features might be the cooking pot and the horse stable, consisting of a small fence. I hope that they try to make this a reality as this was a good scene. Otherwise, I feel like all of the first movie's critical scenes are covered, save Radagast's house and the meeting at Rivendale. I'll be interested to see, because of the extension of the third movie after the sets were already decided for wave one, whether they ever reach back to the first movie for set pieces, or if they expand their plans and just produce more sets from the second and third movie.

I think that Smaug will have to be brick-built and not molded because of his size in the movies. He appears blue, and would be big enough to be an entire brick-built set all his own. Would be nice to have the gold horde along with him with some columns, but i'm not sure how they will do this. Regardless, the Smaug set should be coming with wave two at Christmas. To make him a molded size using the pre-existing Castle series dragons would be too small and disappointing, but they may try it in order to make a set with more pieces in the gold horde chamber or when the village is attacked.

I'm interested in determining what minifigs are needed to recreate each scene (fully) from the LOTR and Hobbit Lego sets. Obviously, the Rivendale scene coming out in May would need the entire Fellowship, and the Mines of Moria and Weathertop could use some more hobbits and fellowship characters. How many Black Riders actually appear at Weathertop in the Fellowship movie? The Goblin King set would need all of the dwarves along with a host of goblins. I've already modded Helms Deep to include many more armored orcs and Rohan soldiers. Anyone interested in coming up with a comprehensive list?

I can't speak with regard to future wishes on Hobbit sets as they are still following along with the movies. With regard to LOTR, I'd like to see one or two more Rivendale sets to attach to the coming model, such as the shards of Isildur's sword and perhaps the meeting from the first Hobbit movie. I do think that they will do the Ents, maybe just Treebeard, next summer in a LOTR wave. Of course Minas Tirith, although that will be a huge set and might depend upon the sales of Orthanc this year. I'd love to see a set of Tom Bombadil's house, but that would be purely book-based. Also the tavern at Bree, the Golden Hall, and Mount Doom.

I sure wish that the Attack of the Wargs set included an eagle like the Black Gate set. It would have been appropriate, and just one would have been fine.

Unfortunately, the Eagle was not yet designed at this point, as the Hobbit sets were developed long in advance (well before the 2-to-3 movies split, in fact).

I think that the Three Trolls set is do-able in the second or third Hobbit wave. Because of the figures, it would have to include very few brick-built elements, but it could be three Moria troll or Goblin King size minifigures built from the same body with different head molds. It would also have to include Bilbo and some dwarves and horses. For this reason, the only other features might be the cooking pot and the horse stable, consisting of a small fence. I hope that they try to make this a reality as this was a good scene. Otherwise, I feel like all of the first movie's critical scenes are covered, save Radagast's house and the meeting at Rivendale. I'll be interested to see, because of the extension of the third movie after the sets were already decided for wave one, whether they ever reach back to the first movie for set pieces, or if they expand their plans and just produce more sets from the second and third movie.

Extremely unlikely. Wave 2 is a TDOS wave, and Wave 3 is a TABA wave - those movies will be 3 hrs long as well, and have more than enough content for a full wave of sets without any room to go back to the first film. At this point, the first, and perhaps only, logical opportunity for a "mixed wave" is Summer 2015, after the TABA wave comes out. Also, 3 custom molded trolls are not worth the expensive costs for a one-scene-specific set. Shame to miss it, but not everything is practical.

I think that Smaug will have to be brick-built and not molded because of his size in the movies. He appears blue, and would be big enough to be an entire brick-built set all his own. Would be nice to have the gold horde along with him with some columns, but i'm not sure how they will do this. Regardless, the Smaug set should be coming with wave two at Christmas. To make him a molded size using the pre-existing Castle series dragons would be too small and disappointing, but they may try it in order to make a set with more pieces in the gold horde chamber or when the village is attacked.

Not sure where you're seeing blue, pretty sure he's a black dragon. Semantics, though. A gold hoard would be tricky to depict, so I see no reason why he would not be in the flagship set of the TDOS wave - a laketown attack. Every kid's going to want that big scene. Molded would indeed be pathetic and stupid.

I'm interested in determining what minifigs are needed to recreate each scene (fully) from the LOTR and Hobbit Lego sets. Obviously, the Rivendale scene coming out in May would need the entire Fellowship, and the Mines of Moria and Weathertop could use some more hobbits and fellowship characters. How many Black Riders actually appear at Weathertop in the Fellowship movie? The Goblin King set would need all of the dwarves along with a host of goblins. I've already modded Helms Deep to include many more armored orcs and Rohan soldiers. Anyone interested in coming up with a comprehensive list?

I'm not one for recreating scenes, especially since Lego's depictions of most of the environments are quite divorced from their actual appearances in the films. For instance, I have some dwarves scattered throughout the Goblin Battle, and others clinging to a couple copies of the Mirkwood spider trees, with still more milling about Bag End. As for your specific questions...Rivendell as a set is too small for the full Fellowship. I despise the "Mines of Moria" set for its pathetic lack of substance, but that would also require the full Fellowship as well. Weathertop needs the Hobbits, Strider, and five Dismounted Nazgul. The only Goblintown Goblins are hard to get, since they come exclusively in the $100 Goblin King set, so amassing them means a big payout. I'd advise waiting before you armybuild any one expensive minion piece, and collect what you can (e.g. Uruk Hai polybags at Five Below, Mirkwoood Elf Guard polybags at Toys R Us, Helms Deep wall sections). No set to date has a cheap way to amass Orcs or Goblintown Goblins or Moria Goblins, but if you wait until the future waves, they'll probably be easier to get. There won't be many orcs in the Dec 2013 TDOS wave, but the Dec 2014 TABA wave, since it's centered on the Battle of Five Armies, should have Orcs and might have Goblintown Goblins aplenty. As for other Orcs or Moria Goblins, the Summer 2014 LOTR wave - assuming there is one - could help out on that front. Lego's biggest misstep with the LOTR line is thinking that AFOLs only want to recreate scenes and environments, when a colossal portion of the fandom wants to build what makes the LOTR and Hobbit movies distinct: giant, epic armies. A battlepack of Gondorians and Orcs is probably the most yearned-for set around here (apart from an affordable Fellbeast and/or Eowyn set).

I can't speak with regard to future wishes on Hobbit sets as they are still following along with the movies. With regard to LOTR, I'd like to see one or two more Rivendale sets to attach to the coming model, such as the shards of Isildur's sword and perhaps the meeting from the first Hobbit movie. I do think that they will do the Ents, maybe just Treebeard, next summer in a LOTR wave. Of course Minas Tirith, although that will be a huge set and might depend upon the sales of Orthanc this year. I'd love to see a set of Tom Bombadil's house, but that would be purely book-based. Also the tavern at Bree, the Golden Hall, and Mount Doom.

We'll never see Tom Bombadil or his house, as that's too based in the books. Minas Tirith is clamored for, but its pricetag would be a hefty one indeed. Personally, I think future LOTR sets should avoid any peaceful or Hobbit-heavy scenes, since we have an abudance of those already. Gondor is sorely, sorely neglected, and ironically the only Return of the King scenes we are getting in the Summer 2013 wave are from the extended editions! I love the EE, and consider them the true version of the films, but the Free Peoples of Middle-Earth are really getting screwed over. Gondorian Soldiers, Gondorian Knights, Gondorian Rangers... and don't forget Faramir. Honestly, Lego should seize one of the most obvious, easy army-builder pack opportunities: a 12.99-19.99 White Tree of Gondor - simple brickbuilt construction with two Gondorian Soldiers and two Gondorian Citadel Guards.

Shards of Narsil is a cool concept. We'd get a cheaper shot at Boromir, and a peace-garb Aragorn. Wastes a small-slot set though on a scene with characters who have already been produced - and honestly wouldn't be too hard to custom-build. Shards of a Lego Sword is a tricky idea to depict as well. Although I'm incredibly glad we're getting the sets that we are, I'm disappointed with Lego's choices for what I consider the most important slot in any wave: the small set, which is the most bought for gifts, by casual shoppers, for a kid begging their parent, or bought in multiples. We've gotten the incredibly lame Gandalf's cart, with a dull version of Frodo and Gandalf the Grey who shows up ad nauseam; the even more pathetic Riddles for the Ring, which is literally a lump of gray fecal matter accompanied by an infinitesimally different Gollum and a Bilbo identical to superior Barrel set; and the Wizard Duel, which has a hatless, but still unimpressive, Gandalf the Grey, and a palantir and Saruman which will be redundant if they appear in the Orthanc tower (as they should).

Welcome aboard! I'm glad you're stepping out of the shadows. LOTR is what yanked me out of my Dark Ages as well.

I tend to agree that the important scenes from the first movie have been covered and think that TLG will not reach backward for material. I doubt they would do the meeting with the trolls because it doesn't really work with just one troll and I can't see them putting three in a set. Radagast's house would be wonderful but I'm quite certain he'll be in the second movie anyway. I expect a set to include him this winter as I doubt he'll play a large part in the third movie but with so many new characters being introduced in this next movie, it's possible he gets skipped over.

There were five ringwraiths that attacked Frodo for the ring on Weathertop as Gandalf drew four of them off a few days before. The Council at Rivendale would need a whole lot more than the just entire fellowship (I think there were 20+ people at the meeting) but most are minor or even nameless characters. Gloin was there though and Bilbo was in Rivendale but not at the council I believe.

Regarding the release of Orthanc, is it likely that it would be released around the same time as the summer wave or are these kind of things usually released separately?

I'm thinking that a late summer release for Orthanc is likely; but again, that's just my guess. I really hope we hear some more official confirmation soon.

After just watching the sneak peak of DOS, I want a WitchKing tomb set, it would be the best chance to get a Radagast minifig!

so there's still only 1 or 2 Orthanc pictures: the blurry one and the one inside a LEGO place?

so there's still only 1 or 2 Orthanc pictures: the blurry one and the one inside a LEGO place?

Yup. Like I said before, I'm guessing a June reveal date with an October release, but it was rumored somewhere that it would be a July release.

After just watching the sneak peak of DOS, I want a WitchKing tomb set, it would be the best chance to get a Radagast minifig!

I think there is a good chance that we'll get a part of Dol Guldur with Radagast and one or more members of the White Council (hopefully not Gandalf) with DOS or TABA sets, since the attack on the Necromancer will be featured in the movies.

My copy of The Hobbit DOS was orderered online, so i didn't get to see it. But atleast i'll see the shorter verion.

So if they put out 6 set for DOS like they did for AUJ, so you think they'll carry forward the two "trilogy preview" sets and we'll only end up with 4 "new" sets? I'll be bummed if they do that. I can understand them wanting to release them again since their respective scenes will be in DOS, but not at the cost of two of the slots. They could just make them retailer exclusives so people can still get them but not flood the shelves.

Based on the preview event, I'd guess we'll get (assuming 6 new sets)

-Erebor treasure room with Smaug (Largest set)

-Thranduil throne room, maybe just the front gate?

-Bard's boat -mid sized set with Bard and a couple dwarves, this would also provide extra play value with continuing the story after you send out the dwarves in barrels from the Barrel Escape set.

-Witchking Tomb -Gandalf, Radagast and whomever Gandalf is fighting in the original trailer

-Bjorn's house scene -Bjorn and a dwarf or two not featured in another set.

-Mirkwood Elf vs Orc pack -The footage showed quite a bit of fighting between elves and orcs in the woods. I'd LOVE a battle pack!!

There could also be some sort of Lake Town set with the Master of Lake Town, that filming set looked cool and showed some sort of action sequence with Bard being pursued through some of the buildings


What is Bjorn's House? Is it something new Jackson implemented in the movie?

EDIT: Or did you mean Beorn's House?

Edited by Moexy

^ Yes, Sorry I misspelled his name.

I highly doubt they will re-release or continue the 'preview' sets. They will have run their course by then and something new would sell much better. There are so many things in this portion of the story that would make great sets that I can't say what I would expect to see outside of a few characters. I wouldn't even be surprised if we don't get anything from the inside of Erebor in this one as Smaug could just as well be released in his attack on Laketown. Honestly, I find that more likely as it takes care of more characters with one set and has more playability potential than Smaug napping and rolling over on his back... I really am hoping that we get a set with brown-haired elves at a lowish price point though. The new Rivendale set is spectacular but neither of those awesome hairpieces really help with army building.

Might not be the right thread, but has there been any news/hints/rumors of New Line redoing the original LOTR in 3D? A lot of movies are doing it and though I would not want it to happen it could add a little more longevity to this line which i do want.

Edited by jmagaletta

I agree on the brown hair elven head piece, the elves in the polybag having hoods was a major bummer. Hopefully a possible set that involves the orcs fighting the elves will provide more.

I guess the treasure room set would be limited on the minifigs that could be included, only Bilbo, unless they also added the secret back door section that they showed in the sneak peek. A Smaug attacking lake town set could be a great way to offer some LT buildings in something "action oriented".

zylek, I love the idea of Bard's boat. I know Lego likes to have some sort of conflict in their action sets so I wonder if the boat would become a reality since the dwarves aren't really fighting anyone at that time. Perhaps they could toss in the Master of Laketown in the set and Bilbo could have a slap fight with him?

^ lol The joke they did with the Stephen Fry (Master of Lake Town) during the sneak peek was funny. Maybe they can include an orc or two shooting arrows at the boat from the shore.

Might not be the right thread, but has there been any news/hints/rumors of New Line redoing the original LOTR in 3D? A lot of movies are doing it and though I would not want it to happen it could add a little more longevity to this line which i do want.

I haven't heard anything about this...not even rumors. So for the time being I'd definitely say 'no'. But you do have a good point about it possibly reinforcing the LotR theme. I'm all for anything that would keep Lego making sets for longer.

Could anyone please link to this preview please?

Could anyone please link to this preview please?

I thought it was a code entered preview that had 3 views or something similar.

hopefully 6 new Hobbit sets later this year: 4 from "The Desolation of Smaug" and 2 from "There and Back Again" :classic:

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