April 2, 201311 yr Aye, it would be a shame if they stopped doing LoTR sets without doing doing any set from the Siege of Minas Tirith or when the rangers shoot the Haradrim! And that's a good idea. I'll probably do that. But not many of them really seem that suitable to me... They should definitely give us a few battle packs before the line dies (Rohan, Gondor and Elves would be nice). Yeah, I realized there are less possibilities than I thought. Still thought about 4 possible candidates though... #1 #2 #3 #4
April 3, 201311 yr Me and my brother were talking about the future LoTR sets just a couple of days ago and agreed that with the final part of the Hobbit being pushed back til winter 2014 this may give us at least another wave of sets. Here's hoping anyway
April 4, 201311 yr would like to think that there is another 18 months worth of sets in both trilogies.
April 4, 201311 yr If we keep being vocal and throwing our full support (and $$$) behind the theme, I'm sure we'll see it continue another couple of years. At the very least, I want to see the LotR theme continue long enough to cover all of the major bases (*ahem* Gondor *ahem*).
April 4, 201311 yr I would be extremely surprised if a third wave wasn't planned. I mean right now we are missing so much from the line. It would be like the Star Wars theme not having a Millennium Falcon or X-Wing set (Gondor), or if it were missing Princess Leia (Eomer) or Emperor Palpatine (Witch King). They have just missed too many sets NOT to have a third wave planned. If the second wave had more major scenes covered, I might not be so optimistic, but it appears Lego is intentionally staying away from Gondor-related material, possibly for a big third wave (and it may have add on sets like the Uruk-hai Army that they want to release along side a big set so they are withholding ALL the material for a single wave).
April 4, 201311 yr I think they have hit all the big scenes except Gondor. I would expect Eowyn and the Witch King to be in one big set, and while they are big characters, I do not feel they are as integral as the fellowship. I am very happy to be getting Saruman and Elrond in the next wave, as I feel they are more important, but I would still like to see Eowyn, Faramir and the Witch King. Then I would be satisfied.
April 4, 201311 yr I think Deathleech makes a great point. I think Lego is making something of a statement by releasing a large, more obscure set as the flagship for Wave 2 (the Corsair ship). It's as if they're saying: "Don't worry, guys. The theme is doing just fine, so we can afford to release an obscure set like this." That's my hope at least.
April 4, 201311 yr Yes I also think that death leech makes a great point too. In the first wave lego touched up on the Rohan and Uruk Hai factions aswell as the fotr, in wave 2 lego are touching up on Mordor related sets (black gate), aswell as the Umbar/mordor corsair set and then they are also doing a set which is related to the Uruk Hai (palantir throne room with the uruks leader saruman). I could also imagine that lego will most definitely release a Gondor wave in the hopefully third wave which should coincide with the desolation of smaug sets (hobbit), I also hope that they will do some other Rohan sets. And lets not forget that theirs the rumoured tower of orthanc which should hopefully be released later this year. Who knows there could even be a fourth/fifth wave with the third hobbit movie release.
April 4, 201311 yr This may have been touched on before, but do we know for certain that there won't be a retailer exclusive set with this summer's wave?
April 4, 201311 yr We really don't know anything for certain aside from the four sets. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
April 4, 201311 yr This may have been touched on before, but do we know for certain that there won't be a retailer exclusive set with this summer's wave? Not for certain, but I don't think there will be one with the D2C set coming out. I'm guessing 79009 will be an exclusive for the Hobbit wave this year, if anything.
April 4, 201311 yr I think Deathleech makes a great point. I think Lego is making something of a statement by releasing a large, more obscure set as the flagship for Wave 2 (the Corsair ship). It's as if they're saying: "Don't worry, guys. The theme is doing just fine, so we can afford to release an obscure set like this." That's my hope at least. I believe that the Corsair ship was included so that the Pirates fans will have something to buy this year. I welcome them and perhaps many of the exclusive minifigs will be more available on Bricklink.
April 5, 201311 yr I didn't really care much for the idea of the Corsair ship at first but after seeing the images I'm more than impressed seeing as it is a fairly obscure model to include. But on the other hand TLG love their vehicles so I guess it's not a surprise they included something like this.
April 5, 201311 yr I have been checking this site daily for hope an news of Orthanc. I have been dissapointed most days. As I am not knowledgeable on the subject. When is the next convention or fair that it could be revealed? Also with regards to the current topic. If Gondor/Pelennor battle sets are not released i will most certainly consider this line a failure. How do you not touch upon the greatest battle of the middle earth in the third age, and no i do not count the corsair ship as part of it. The obsurdity of this gives me hope that TLG would not drop the ball on something so obvious.
April 5, 201311 yr I do agree with Death Leech that it looks like they are setting up for a big Gondor set in the third wave, I'm just hoping there is a third wave. The Corsair is a bad sign in my mind, because it may show that TLG does not feel that LotR sets will sell well enough on their own merit, so they have to appeal to Pirates fans.
April 5, 201311 yr Don't LotR sets already appeal to Castle fans? I see your point rogueang, but I'm not sure how much sense it makes for Lego to use LotR as an amalgamation of multiple themes.
April 5, 201311 yr I get the impression some of you guys are too eager to follow every hour of every day. Add the speculating that goes on in circles, resulting on overall dissapointness, untill the actual thing gets released. I mean, the upcoming LotR line is not yet released and there are people who already think It's a failure because It has a "pirate looking ship" and nothing Gondor like. We had Helmsdeep almost a year ago and what's wrong with the Blackgates of Mordor as a "castle battle" set, because It's just a gate?
April 5, 201311 yr I get the impression some of you guys are too eager to follow every hour of every day. Add the speculating that goes on in circles, resulting on overall dissapointness, untill the actual thing gets released. I mean, the upcoming LotR line is not yet released and there are people who already think It's a failure because It has a "pirate looking ship" and nothing Gondor like. We had Helmsdeep almost a year ago and what's wrong with the Blackgates of Mordor as a "castle battle" set, because It's just a gate? I think it is more that of all the core armies shown in the films, not counting haradrim/easterlings. Gondor's is the only one that has not had any representation at all and is probably the largest "good" army in the movies. It is the only army that i can think of in the movies that hasn't been represented yet or in the current wave coming. Moria Orcs, Mordor Orcs, Uruk Hai, Rohan, Elves, Army of Dead, Corsairs. Are there any others we are missing, movies only not counting books. With regards to the current wave though. The Black Gate does look incredible, I wish the would have done something similar to Uruk Hai Army with it, A separate set with the other Tower of the Teeth and some orcs and soldiers. That could sell good especially with the chance to expand the gate. Edited April 5, 201311 yr by jmagaletta
April 5, 201311 yr In regards to the Black Gate, I was surprised at the lack of troll. Ah well, hopefully trolls shall be released later on.
April 5, 201311 yr I get the impression some of you guys are too eager to follow every hour of every day. Add the speculating that goes on in circles, resulting on overall dissapointness, untill the actual thing gets released. I mean, the upcoming LotR line is not yet released and there are people who already think It's a failure because It has a "pirate looking ship" and nothing Gondor like. We had Helmsdeep almost a year ago and what's wrong with the Blackgates of Mordor as a "castle battle" set, because It's just a gate? Ehh, people like to follow this theme closely since it's two beloved properties coming together. With no information whatsoever being released in the past few months it's only natural for people to talk about other things. That usually means speculation on what they want to see, or what they think will happen with this line. Like jmagaletta points out (and I sort of did with my Star Wars comparisons), Gondor is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest good forces in the LotR theme. An entire half of the third movie revolves around the siege of Minas Tirth, and everything leading up to it. It seems odd for Lego to totally pass it up thus far. After the second wave we won't have anything even remotely Gondor related other than Aragorn in his king's attire and Boromir. I don't know if I would consider the line a failure if the first two waves were all we got, but I would be severely disappointed by the huge hole left. I mean how would Star Wars fans feel without a Millenium Falcon set ever being made with Han Solo and Chewbacca, or Harry Potter fans never getting Hogwarts and Dumbledorf and Hermoine? That's basically what it's like with Lego LotR not having ANY Gondor sets. They don't even need Minas Tirith necessarily, but SOMETHING would be nice. Osgiliath, a small battle pack... anything at all. Lastly there is nothing at all wrong with Corsair Pirate Ship and the Black Gate sets, people just feel they aren't near as important as say Minas Tirith so it seems odd we would get them before some of the more important stuff.
April 5, 201311 yr I couldn't have said it better myself. Lord of the Rings was a "most-wanted" theme for many of us, so there's always been this sense of uncertainty regarding how long the theme will last and what it will cover. So when a set like the Corsair ship comes along, there is some cause for alarm -- not because it's a bad set, but out of concern that key sequences/characters from the films won't see the light of day.
April 5, 201311 yr I couldn't have said it better myself. Lord of the Rings was a "most-wanted" theme for many of us, so there's always been this sense of uncertainty regarding how long the theme will last and what it will cover. So when a set like the Corsair ship comes along, there is some cause for alarm -- not because it's a bad set, but out of concern that key sequences/characters from the films won't see the light of day. In my opinion the Corsair ship is one of the best sets in the whole line. At least it's something complete, not like a part of castle of forest which are not even in a scale. Edited April 5, 201311 yr by Basteq
April 5, 201311 yr If LEGO could only produce those sets in scale, this line would not exist at all. Expecting things like Helmsdeep to be complete and to scale is unrealistic. That said the Corsair ship looks great and I don't take it as a bad omen. I and many others have said it before; this doesn't look like the lineup TLG would choose if they were trying to squeeze the last bit from the license. Could someone remind me of the month that LOTR is tentatively scheduled to be released? I know it's in this thread somewhere but I'm not finding it.
April 5, 201311 yr The sets were listed as a June release, the same as last years LotR wave so we should be seeing them pop up in stores around mid May.
April 5, 201311 yr I don't doubt TLG at all. If the second wave was the last wave, there would be Gondor themed sets. And I'm a fan as well. Perhaps a very optimistic one, but a fan.
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