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Great to see some quality pictures! I've been trying to wait for them and not speculate about whatever might come.

Seeing these I'm most pleased with the smallest one, Dol Guldur Ambush. It has an abundance of good and useful pieces, dark grey slopes is always useful. :thumbup: The new orcs looks very good and that they come with hairpieces in this set is a huge plus. Last but not least, we have Beorn, and as a swede I can't pass on getting Mikael Persbrandt as a minifig, totally awesome! :laugh:

Mirkwood Elf Army is good too, but I honestly hoped for something more in terms of minifigs. Some armour and helmets would've been very welcome even though I really like the dark green hoods. Only 2 shields is a bit disappointing too, and the tree needs a lot more leaves I think. Overall, not the same standard as DGA or Lake-town Chase, but I'll probably still end up with it. :grin:

Dol Guldur Battle is just a bigger version of DGA and while I did like the smaller set, I think the bigger one should stand out a bit more. The fact that the orcs lack hair or helmets is a big let down in this set, and I'm not a fan of Azog either (neither as a minifig or as a character in the movie). Radagast looks like he could be a nice minifig, but I'd like to see him from more angles first. The Necromancer looks quite good, could be useful for many different "scary" characters. Best minifig in my opinion is the statue, it looks superb with great detail. :thumbup:

I would say the DGB disappoints in minifigs but is a really good parts pack for normal dark grey pieces, but overall I can't find any big selling point in it for me.

I think the two smalllest sets look pretty good for parts and minifigs.

If the prices on the Swedish site matches danish kroners im gonna get a few of each for sure.

Now we just need to await reviews for the sets to see all that we miss from the boxart.

Keep in mind that this website normally has prices a bit under retail price, about 10-33% less.

I think these sets look pretty good, will probably get all.

Radagast and Thranduil are great, and I really like the statue. The necromancer doesn't look so hot though...

Only complaint really is that the sets are a bit similar.

Finally some quality pics :wub: The minifigs are all top-notch as usual (especially Radagast, Azog, Thranduil and Beorn) and I really like the structures, those remind me a lot of the ghastly designs we see in the films. The new orcs look great too and so does the dark brown warg :thumbup: The latter is a bit too dark to be used as TT wargs, but since we don't know whether we'll get more LOTR sets, these should do the job just fine :sweet: The only things that bother me are the lack of armored elves and the absence of Bolg, but maybe we'll get to see them next year :grin: Bolg may disappear completely though, since the actor who portrays him (Conan Stevens) doesn't appear in the new WB press release and the action figure allegedly won't be released, so his design will either change or he'll be replaced by Azog. I think the latter makes more sense because with the setup in AUJ, I can't see Azog dying before the Bo5A and Bolg replacing him as the leader. Too bad though, as I really liked Bolg's design... :sceptic:

Thanks so much for the image links, l really like this wave, infact this whole wave looks like an instant buy unlike the last one and the minifigures are amazing, not forgetting the structures themselves, l can't wait to buy them, and the designer videos shouldve good should there be any :classic:

I love all of the Hobbit sets this year, they are all first day must buys for me, and I cant believe how good Radagast looks! Its just a shame we couldn't get the same staff for Radagast as we got in the game, but that doesn't even really matter. :classic:

It looks like there is only one dwarf in this wave. Am I the only one who finds it weird? Oh well, you can' put them everywhere, there are too many of them, need space for the other characters.

And the 150 cm high "wall" in the mirkwood army set is a little short for my taste as well. But the figs are awesome - except for the naked ghost who should be the necromancer.

Am I negative? :laugh:

Wow! Those orcs are incredible! On the back of the box here you can see that DGB and DGA are modular! The MEA also has pins, so the walls can be connected! :wub:

EDIT: One of the play features in DGB shows Gandalf opening the statue and finding the ring... What?! :laugh: . Kinda disappointed in the Necromancer.

Edited by Infernum

@Infernum: That's probably not the One Ring, but rather one of the rings the Nazgul received from Sauron. I think the one included here belongs to the Witch-king :sweet:

Edited by Lego-Freak

Do we know the prices for these beauties in euros? I need to know how many I need to save, before I spend it all on lose parts.

First post updated with the pictures. I think these sets are okay, Good selection of figures again, but mostly play sets and not really iconic buildings (unlike Bagend or Helm's Deep). I'll probably get them all anyway, even if I am only lukewarm on them.

^ yeah I feel the same way the figs are good and like that 2 of the sets go together at least making something a bit bigger

Have we seen any images of what the necromancer will look like in the film? (Other than the hazy scene from AUJ) For all we know we know Lego's version could be spot on and the disappointment factor could be how he appears in the film.

Big set looks AWESOME, I get Radagast and Azog in the same set! I feel real sorry for the guy who bought him for what was it? $1000, $1000000?

Big set looks AWESOME, I get Radagast and Azog in the same set! I feel real sorry for the guy who bought him for what was it? $1000, $1000000?

I think he payed around $1,500. I kinda feel bad for him. Oh well. :classic:

After taking a look at the pictures, I'm interested to see how Dol Goldur sets can move and hinge. The two side walls appear to hinge and I wonder what the structure looks like when you fold it together...if it has any resemblance to the fortress in the film.

We also don't get to see the backside of the playset, although I'm not expecting anything dramatic there if they don't even display it on the box. But it seems like the back of the playset would be the "front" of the building. This leads me to believe the set is designed to represent the courtyard only and not the entire fortress.

I agree that the sets are just OK but the minifigures are fantastic. The sets seem to indicate the main climax/action of the second film will center around Dol Goldur, and I think because it falls outside of the book material it's hard to get as excited about the locations.

I also hope there is some kind of UCS set coming as the wave doesn't feel as complete as the first one. Of course, Lego is probably considering Barrel Escape and Mirkwood Spiders as kind of a part of this wave. If not, I hope there is some huge Smaug set on the horizon, though we will probably have to wait until Dec. 2014. Hopefully they will send the theme off with a bang next year.

With regard to the Necromancer, Lego's representation are rarely off by much if you look at the detail they put into the minifigs on LOTR and The Hobbit. I think the Necromancer will just be a kind of ghostly black outline who floats and flies around, without much definition or personality. Of course, the Nazgul have black minifig heads that are blank but in the movie they show some ghostly faces in some scenes (Weathertop I think?). So there could be more to the character when it hits the screen.

Big set looks AWESOME, I get Radagast and Azog in the same set! I feel real sorry for the guy who bought him for what was it? $1000, $1000000?

Big set looks AWESOME, I get Radagast and Azog in the same set! I feel real sorry for the guy who bought him for what was it? $1000, $1000000?

Well I want to feel bad for him, but who would buy an Azog for that much money? He required a new mold and I think we all know TLG wouldn't make a new mold for an SDCC exclusive, in fact I think that Azog at SDCC was a clear sign we'd get him later, with his new mold and all. Oh well, hiss loss is not mine.

The sets look fantastic!!! I'll definitely be buying multiples of each one (except the Laketown Chase set). :laugh:

I'm pleased with these sets. Lots of orcs and elves and cool castle structures. Dol Goldur has some great detail. For instance, I LOVE the statue. Good work, TLG. Hopefully it won't be another year before we get to see Smaug.

As a whole, I like the Dol Guldur sets as they are, but there is a very minor thing that bothers me: the colors in the sticker sheet don't match the colors used for certain elements.

You can see it in the image below. In the set there are light brown spikes (iron work) above each gate. However, in the sticker sheet the iron work is brown (like the stuff next to the Necromancer). Also on the sticker sheet the vines are either very, very dark brown or black (look next to the spider). Yet the vine elements, like the one next to the statue, are brown.

Not a big deal. Just a little modding work to be done.


So good. Easily the second best wave of the Tolkien line, if not the best. I take back any slander, the Gundabad Orcs are CHOICE. Couldn't appreciate in low res. Gonna be happy to armybuild them, they are way more hardcore than the normal looking orcs.

Minifigures look fantastic but the set themselves look too plain for me..

Have we seen any images of what the necromancer will look like in the film? (Other than the hazy scene from AUJ) For all we know we know Lego's version could be spot on and the disappointment factor could be how he appears in the film.

Legos version is spot on for hom he

I find it a bit weird they printed Radagast's mustache instead of molding it.

Thranduils hairpiece looks very nice, The molding of the hair seems very genuine. Wish they could have made him another color than green though but the printing looks intricate. And they seem to have cut off his crown on the front of the box image :blush: .

Regarding the elves, I also agree that a new helmet mold would be a great addition, since it would also allow MF to use quivers. The problem with hair and pointed ears molds is that the elf can't turn it's head left or right. Therefore, it's hard to make poses shooting arrows. Besides, minifigures with hair mold can't fit quivers. A big problem for elf archers.

Haldir here s always shooting arrows with one arm. That's a bit annoying.

After taking a look at the pictures, I'm interested to see how Dol Goldur sets can move and hinge. The two side walls appear to hinge and I wonder what the structure looks like when you fold it together...if it has any resemblance to the fortress in the film.

We also don't get to see the backside of the playset, although I'm not expecting anything dramatic there if they don't even display it on the box. But it seems like the back of the playset would be the "front" of the building. This leads me to believe the set is designed to represent the courtyard only and not the entire fortress.

I agree that the sets are just OK but the minifigures are fantastic. The sets seem to indicate the main climax/action of the second film will center around Dol Goldur, and I think because it falls outside of the book material it's hard to get as excited about the locations.

I also hope there is some kind of UCS set coming as the wave doesn't feel as complete as the first one. Of course, Lego is probably considering Barrel Escape and Mirkwood Spiders as kind of a part of this wave. If not, I hope there is some huge Smaug set on the horizon, though we will probably have to wait until Dec. 2014. Hopefully they will send the theme off with a bang next year.

With regard to the Necromancer, Lego's representation are rarely off by much if you look at the detail they put into the minifigs on LOTR and The Hobbit. I think the Necromancer will just be a kind of ghostly black outline who floats and flies around, without much definition or personality. Of course, the Nazgul have black minifig heads that are blank but in the movie they show some ghostly faces in some scenes (Weathertop I think?). So there could be more to the character when it hits the screen.

The necromancer will probably talk as Benedict Cumberbatch is doing the voice as well as with smaug. So the necromancer will have some personality. I think the necromancer will be very accurate to what is in the film, it can't be said lego isn't accurate in their character designs for the hobbit.

it can't be said lego isn't accurate in their character designs for the hobbit.

On that note I guess it's time for me to share this gallery I've been making, showing all the Current and potential future hobbit minifigures compared with the movie. Click the image to view the gallery.

Obviously I intent to update as we get better images.


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