November 1, 201311 yr That orange color may be caused just by the camera color settings, the light and/or editing the photo in computer. I like the design of new Gundabad orcs and I´m looking forward to the new Hobbit sets. What I don´t like about the LOTR waves is that they used Uruk-hai shields for Moria orcs and Uruk-hai helmets for Mordor orcs. My dream is to have Moria orcs with helmets and armor from videogame , Mordor/Morannon orcs with their own helmets and shields and Isengard Uruk-hai with more types of helmets for sappers, general, berserkers (not just printed helmet on the head).´s just a dream. Edited November 1, 201311 yr by Mr. Cube
November 1, 201311 yr That would be a great Moria Orc! I'd also love to see the Rohirric and Elven swords from the video game - and Anduril, of course! I've said enough about Gondor. :)
November 1, 201311 yr I agree with both of you, the more variance and the more specialised pieces the better!
November 2, 201311 yr The new collectible mini fig line might provide an opportunity to give Radagast printed legs: (the fig at the front row with dynamite sticks(?)) Unrelated: the LEGO version of Tauriel's daggers are very accurate!
November 3, 201311 yr Unrelated: the LEGO version of Tauriel's daggers are very accurate! Which is kind of strange and iffy, seeing as they are direct models of the Dagger of Time from PoP? Granted I can forgive re using a mold for Tauriel like that. It's the lack of anything appropriate for Orcrist that still honks me off.
November 3, 201311 yr Unrelated: the LEGO version of Tauriel's daggers are very accurate! http://www.noblecoll...NN1213&catid=91 Um, no they are not. A normal lego knife looks way better for her$(KGrHqZ,!lQE1F6J!Mg-BNY!BFMUNQ~~_35.JPG
November 3, 201311 yr Um, no they are not. A normal lego knife looks way better for her A silver dagger with golden handle looks much more accurate to the photo than a completely golden knife, in my opinion.
November 3, 201311 yr Ehh, none of the existing Lego parts really look THAT much like her blades, but then again none of the Lego elven swords look that close to what they look like in the movies so far...
November 3, 201311 yr Which is kind of strange and iffy, seeing as they are direct models of the Dagger of Time from PoP? Granted I can forgive re using a mold for Tauriel like that. It's the lack of anything appropriate for Orcrist that still honks me off. Yes the lack of a proper Orcrist mold is saddening. I wish Lego did a better job at elven weapons.
November 3, 201311 yr Dashrendar2 has found this picture in the German winter s@h catalog: Source: http://www.imperiumd...?t=29264&page=3 So December 1st seems to be the official release date... Funny how Radagast and the Necromancer (who is called a "Hexer" (=sorcerer) although being called "Nekromant" (=necromancer) in AUJ) are both mentioned as being exclusive but Azog isn't I mean, most people don't even know about the SDCC one as that one wasn't officially announced unlike the SH ones, it was just randomly given away, so they could have declared him as exclusive and gotten away with it easily Edited November 5, 201311 yr by ZCerberus While cool, this picture is way outside the site guidelines. Replaced with link
November 3, 201311 yr Dashrendar2 has found this picture in the German winter s@h catalog: {pic} Source: http://www.imperiumd...?t=29264&page=3 So December 1st seems to be the official release date... Funny how Radagast and the Necromancer (who is called a "Hexer" (=sorcerer) although being called "Nekromant" (=necromancer) in AUJ) are both mentioned as being exclusive but Azog isn't I mean, most people don't even know about the SDCC one as that one wasn't officially announced unlike the SH ones, it was just randomly given away, so they could have declared him as exclusive and gotten away with it easily Nice find! Wow, the Laketown Chase background image looks so December-y... beautiful! <3 December 1st is basically this year's November 30th, 2012.
November 4, 201311 yr Dunno if fake or real. Found on Brickapedia. EDIT: Did research. It is a moc. Damn Edited November 4, 201311 yr by Deimos321
November 4, 201311 yr Dunno if fake or real. Found on Brickapedia. EDIT: Did research. It is a moc. Damn I'm actually glad it's a MOC. If we see another UCS LotR set, I hope it's Minas Tirith. It looks great, though!
November 4, 201311 yr Thanks for posting the pictures from the German catalogue, Lego-freak! I'm really hoping to get a neutral second face for Radagast (not just the one with a wide-open mouth and angry look).
November 4, 201311 yr Thanks for the catalog picture Lego-freak! They minifigures are looking very nice, excited for MOCin' 'em.
November 4, 201311 yr This months Lego Club magazine has a full page spread of the Dul Guldur Battle scene, with some nicely detailed pictures of Radaghast and Beorn among other things.
November 4, 201311 yr So it looks like there is no fifth set that is a store exclusive? Usually Lego has the store exclusives listed in their catalogs too ...?
November 4, 201311 yr This months Lego Club magazine has a full page spread of the Dul Guldur Battle scene, with some nicely detailed pictures of Radaghast and Beorn among other things. Could you post a picture or a scan?? No 'H' in Radagast btw.
November 4, 201311 yr I like the sets now that we've seen some better pics, will be interesting to see them in context with the movie.
November 4, 201311 yr Could you post a picture or a scan?? No 'H' in Radagast btw. Just scanned them. I would have pieced the first three together, but I just don't have time at the moment. Mods: If these images are too big, or if I have exceeded the image allotment per post, I apologize - feel free to edit my post. It's been forever since I uploaded any images to threads. Edited November 5, 201311 yr by ZCerberus Super-duper giant images
November 4, 201311 yr So the ring that is under the statue in Dol Guldur IS suppose to be the One Ring! And Bilbo loses his ring in Laketown? I wonder if this stuff is all actually from the movie or just little things Lego made up themselves.
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