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You can atleast give a credit for the 2013 sneak peek because I posted it,no offence.About the sets I cant be sure,I have high hopes for the Balrog set,cant say much for the treebeard set and I kinda suspicious about the Isengard set,the minifigures are so simple no key characters only saruman and gandalf.

I've got a bit of a strange feeling about this list now, though.

5 orcs in Isengard with Saruman and ANOTHER Gandalf the Grey figure? They could've easily made the sets far more desirable by adding

Grima Wormtongue, Gandalf the WHITE, Théoden with hair, Legolas with a cape, an Uruk-hai commander and some orcs, rather than Gandalf the Grey and 5 generic figures,

giving us less of a chance of seeing Gandalf the White as a figure in this wave.. Why do we only know about 3 sets?

Edited by General Magma

  On 11/2/2012 at 3:32 PM, General Magma said:

I'll try to predict the full list...

I tried to have sets with the same price ranges as the first LOTR wave, with one extra set.

The Betrayal of Isengard - $100

The Black Gate - $80

Treebeard Encounter - $60

Bridge of Khazad-Dûm - $40

The Battle of Osgiliath - $40

The Witch-King Attacks - $30

Amon-hen Skirmish - $20

Battle Against The Wargs - $10

Let me know what you think of the list.

Minas Tirith seems unlikely with Isengard as the largest set this wave,

so I hope we'll get to see that later on still... we need figures of Gandalf the White and Denethor - Gothmog would be nice to have, too.

I wonder if we'll get any more LOTR sets in 2014, otherwise I fear that there might be some potential stuff that won't see the light...

Very curious about the rest of the list - I hope part of my predictions are true but there could be better options for some other sets, just tried to use likely-for-release sets.

Also, at least we know there will be one new orc, which is Grishnakh in the Treebeard Encounter set.

Now, I really hope that the 5 orcs in the Isengard set won't be duplicates... it would be great to have some properly varied figures, really.

Hmmm is the list official or just rumors?Well I like the sound of the sets especially the Warg set.Looking foward for more news,and is it official that the sets wil be realesed at march?
  On 11/2/2012 at 8:13 PM, LOTR343 said:

Hmmm is the list official or just rumors?Well I like the sound of the sets especially the Warg set.Looking foward for more news,and is it official that the sets wil be realesed at march?

Just predictions of mine, as stated above.

But who knows, might become true..

As much as I want Minas Tirith and other Gondorian sets, I'd like some more sets to be added to the Rohan line.

Edoras, the Warg attack and even the throne room from Helms Deep could be released as an add on set to further flesh out the Rohan characters and armies, as well as more Uruks and hopefully Elves.

Fingers crossed for battle packs too! Rohan/Isengard this wave, Gondor/Mordor the next perhaps?

So LotR sets have been confirmed for March 2013? If so that's pretty cool.

  On 11/2/2012 at 9:32 PM, Neoriceisgood said:

So LotR sets have been confirmed for March 2013? If so that's pretty cool.

Yep, eight of them.

At least, eight of them have been rumored - but there will be new sets.

My bad, forgot some details here.

Edited by General Magma

  On 11/2/2012 at 9:51 PM, General Magma said:
Yep, eight of them.

Err... has there been any other source for the release date and amount of sets than BenX's rumour? If not, that's not exactly a confirmation. Afaik the only thing we know for sure is that there will be new Lego LotR sets released in 2013, as is revealed in the catalogue ad that LOTR343 linked?

  On 11/2/2012 at 9:22 PM, Seaber said:

As much as I want Minas Tirith and other Gondorian sets, I'd like some more sets to be added to the Rohan line.

Fingers crossed for battle packs too! Rohan/Isengard this wave, Gondor/Mordor the next perhaps?

Very doubtful. The first LotR wave already had 2 Rohan sets and 0 Gondor ones. I don't see them making 2 more Rohan inspired sets in the next wave and leaving Gondor totally left out again. If anything the next wave should have a mix from the three films and lean more towards RotK material since the first wave was mostly FotR and TTT. I'm expecting Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, etc. I am sure they will pepper in some iconic scenes from all movies that they couldn't fit in the first wave though, like the Balrog, Saruman, and maybe Treebeard somewhere.

  On 11/2/2012 at 10:38 PM, Haltiamieli said:

Err... has there been any other source for the release date and amount of sets than BenX's rumour? If not, that's not exactly a confirmation.

Exactly what I was talking about. Now people are claiming those rumored sets are confirmed :ugh:

Edited by Deathleech

$100 for Isengard is cheaper than a flagship set. So I'm still hoping for a Gondor flagship set in 2013.


Perhaps the Isengard set is the Palantir room where the wizards battle. I'd like that, especially if it includes the very top of the tower where Gandalf is held captive. It could be added to another set to complete the tower, like the scene where Saruman is questioned by Gandalf the White. That might be a neat way to do Orthanc.

I'm really excited to get an Ent set. Treebeard has a lot of potential, and I'm sure there will be a small forest scene to go with the set.

Same goes for the Balrog, although I expect it will be a little less terrifying than I would like it to be. I predict this set will come with four extra flame pieces. :)

What I would like to see from this wave most of all is a Bree set in the same style as Medieval Market Village. This could be the high priced set and include the Prancing Pony, a building across the street and perhaps the gate at the town entrance. As for figures, it could have the four hobbits, a cloaked Strider, Barliman Butterbur and a couple Wraiths. A couple townsfolk would be a bonus. This could actually be a really great set if they pull it off right.

  On 11/2/2012 at 3:32 PM, General Magma said:

Minas Tirith seems unlikely with Isengard as the largest set this wave,

I would expect that Minus Tirith will be a very large exclusive set if and when it does come out. I would also expect it to be similar in scope and price as the Super Star Destroyer or the Death Star set for Star Wars. Minus Tirith is definitly one I'm hoping and waiting for.

  On 11/3/2012 at 1:17 AM, SheepEater said:

$100 for Isengard is cheaper than a flagship set. So I'm still hoping for a Gondor flagship set in 2013.

Ehh, the "flagship" set for the Hobbit is the goblin King Battle, which is suppose to only be $100. I can't really see them making 2 sets in a single wave that are both over 100 bucks. That's really expensive, especially for kids who the line is aimed at.

  On 11/3/2012 at 2:43 AM, a-star said:
What I would like to see from this wave most of all is a Bree set in the same style as Medieval Market Village. This could be the high priced set and include the Prancing Pony, a building across the street and perhaps the gate at the town entrance. As for figures, it could have the four hobbits, a cloaked Strider, Barliman Butterbur and a couple Wraiths. A couple townsfolk would be a bonus. This could actually be a really great set if they pull it off right.

That doesn't seem like a very likely set until much further down the line. Not when we still haven't seen so many other iconic scenes and creatures from the LotR trilogy.

Deathleech, I think it IS possible with 2 over 100 $. The idea is not that the kids shall have (rule) them all, they think "oh that set is great! And it's so big! I want that!". But they want the minifigures from all sets. How many kids buys lego as a afol? But I understand what you mean.

I think the set list(s) are just rumors, but the ideas are good, so maybe lego think the same? I think everyone here think that at least one or two sets are real.

I can see them doing 2 sets over 100 bucks in a single wave if it's a D2C kind of deal. Other than that though I don't really see it happening. I mean how many times do we see a single wave released with multiple sets over $100? Not many.

  On 11/3/2012 at 6:29 AM, Deathleech said:

I can see them doing 2 sets over 100 bucks in a single wave if it's a D2C kind of deal. Other than that though I don't really see it happening. I mean how many times do we see a single wave released with multiple sets over $100? Not many.

For the past coulple of years there have been at least two sets in the Star Wars summer wave, and here in Canada, the price of the Mines of Moria was $100 and Helm's Deep was $180, so it is very possible to have one set at $100 and then a larger, more expensive flagship like Minas Tirith.

Also, the reason that the Goblintown set is only $100 yet is still the flagship set is because it is the winter wave. Winter waves never usually have flagship sets over $100-$120.

Those ents are perfect! They needs only some prints for the eyes, maybe beards and branches.

(LEGO could really make creator ents, like a kind of battle pack, with some small different variations...)

Do you know what or who confirms those sets? :sweet:

-790xx The Betrayal of Isengard

-790xx Treebeard Encounter

-790xx Bridge of Khazad Dum

  On 11/3/2012 at 10:20 AM, Elander said:

Do you know what or who confirms those sets? :sweet:

It was discussed by a member. It is NOT confirmed!

  On 11/2/2012 at 3:51 PM, Haltiamieli said:

I seriously doubt most movie-goers even remember what Osgiliath is, and the scenes in there include only rubble and ruins as scenery. Not very good material for a flagship set. Orthanc on the other hand is a unique memorable building featured in a lot of scenes, and can be miniaturised into Lego-scale better than most things in LotR (I'm looking at you, Minas Tirith). What's more, Saruman is arguably the de facto main villain of the first two films, while Sauron stays on the background. I agree with Narbilu though, it would be nice to see Gríma in this set in case there isn't a Meduseld set in the works too.

I don't mean to say that Osgiliath would be a great choice for a flagship. For my money, the obvious choice would be Minas Tirith or Pellenor Fields. But any of these things would be a more likely flagship set than Orthanc. I'm trying to think as the Lego team would when they're planning a wave. In every wave, the flagship set needs to be something that has a large cast of characters (including a few fan favorites or "special" characters/creatures). It has to have an impressive central structure. And it has to have possibilities for conflict and play features. No kid wants to get a massive Lego set that looks beautiful but you can't play with it. AFOLs may buy Tower Bridge and modulars all the time, but LOTR is not in that category. It's a mainstream theme competing for space on Wal-Mart shelves.

Orthanc does hit a few of those requirements. It's a gorgeous building, as long as you like black. And it does have two really hot characters in it. The problem with it is that there is no conflict there and not enough characters to bother with, unless you combine it with an Ent battle scene and maybe Pippin and Merry. The supposed "set list" being talked about here says Treebeard is already a $60 set including Pip and Merry, so there is no way those three are going to appear in another expensive set. This tells me that TLG is not planning to combine the Betrayal (Gandalf vs. Saruman) with the Ent attack. What you're left with is a beautiful solid black building... no play features... and only two characters. I'm not counting the supposed orcs because orcs never go anywhere near the top of Orthanc and play no part in the Betrayal. (You'll remember that Saruman was keeping his orcs a very deep secret at that time, since he was still pretending to be one of the good guys).

I also think you're underestimating Osgiliath's appeal. Think of all the characters you could put in that set: Frodo, Sam, Gollum, Faramir, Gothmog and a Nazgul on Fell Beast. Throw in an invasion boat, a couple of orcs and Faramir's soldiers, an exploding wall or two, and you've got the makings of a dynamite set. Again, I'm not trying to argue that this is what the flagship will be. But it could be one, and a better one than Orthanc.

As far as I can remember, Isengard is one of only three locations that appear in every film. The others being Rivendell and Mordor.

In FotR, Isengard had Gandalf the Grey fighting Saruman, the eagle rescue, the orcs cutting down trees and the birth of the first Uruk-Hai.

In TTT, Isengard had Wormtongue working with Saruman, the wildmen, the Uruk-Hai army and the last march of the Ents.

In RotK, Isengard had the 'negotiations' between Saruman with Wormtongue against Gandalf the White, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Theoden, Eomer, Merry, Pippin and the Ents, and the death of the antagonists.

All of these would make very good sets I think. If the list is genuine, I wouldn't mind the FotR set as it looks like we will get Ents elsewhere, but I think the eagle is needed to make up for another Gandalf the Grey.

That's a good idea, having a section of Isengard for each movie, as posted above. 2013 we get the bottom third of Isengard with Gandalf, Saruman, some orcs and trees, 2014 we get middle section with wormtongue, some ents and things similar to Orc forge for them to destroy, 2015 we get the top third with maybe some broken infrastructure. There could also be add on sets like the damn, or an ent and an Uruk watch tower army builder. This would be good as if you don't have that much money you could just buy the bottom or just buy the bottom and top and still have a nice tower.

Edit: when saying Isengard, I do mean Orthanc.

Edited by Zilcho

  On 11/3/2012 at 12:32 PM, Gryphon Ink said:
I don't mean to say that Osgiliath would be a great choice for a flagship. For my money, the obvious choice would be Minas Tirith or Pellenor Fields.

Minas Tirith is a problematic setting I think, in that as a flagship it would look, in my opinion, awkwardly puny even in a $200 set. It's a sort of lose-lose situation - you can't do Lego LotR without Minas Tirith, but on the other hand it can not be nicely Lego-scaled into a set. Maybe they are using a couple of slightly smaller sets to make parts of the scene. It's not that hard to imagine a $80 Gates of Minas Tirith set, for example.

What you're left with is a beautiful solid black building... no play features... and only two characters. I'm not counting the supposed orcs because orcs never go anywhere near the top of Orthanc and play no part in the Betrayal. (You'll remember that Saruman was keeping his orcs a very deep secret at that time, since he was still pretending to be one of the good guys).

I admit that Gandalf, Saruman and 5 orcs sounds like a bit stale selection of minifigures, but I disagree with absolutely no possibilities for play features - maybe the orcs can cut down a tree or two, maybe the palantír could have some feature, maybe there could be some throwing feature in the throne room to simulate the wizard battle etc. And the orcs did interact with Saruman a few times in the tower too, not that it matters much. Also as Seaber said, Orthanc is one of the few features that are shown in all the films (though Saruman's demise is only in the extended cut). There's a lot of playing opportunities there, related and unrelated to the films. That, imo, is the makings of a real classic.

I also think you're underestimating Osgiliath's appeal. Think of all the characters you could put in that set: Frodo, Sam, Gollum, Faramir, Gothmog and a Nazgul on Fell Beast. Throw in an invasion boat, a couple of orcs and Faramir's soldiers, an exploding wall or two, and you've got the makings of a dynamite set.

Apparently I am. Still sounds like a humongous battlepack with pretty little interesting building elements to me. At least compared to Orthanc. :tongue:

  On 11/3/2012 at 7:11 AM, Fives said:

For the past coulple of years there have been at least two sets in the Star Wars summer wave, and here in Canada, the price of the Mines of Moria was $100 and Helm's Deep was $180, so it is very possible to have one set at $100 and then a larger, more expensive flagship like Minas Tirith.

Well Mines of Moria was only 80 here in the U.S. If you are talking other countries everything goes out the door because prices get really out of whack. You really could say some waves had three or more sets for over $100 cause countries like Australia have ridiculous prices on Lego. Also Star Wars is a rare case.. other than Star Wars which themes have had a single wave with at least two or more sets that cost over 100 bucks this year? Friends didn't, City didn't, LotR didn't, Ninjago didn't, Dino didn't... the list goes on. Monster Fighters is the only one I can think of, and even that is iffy since the Haunted House set came out almost 4 months after the initial line was released and I wouldn't consider it part of the same wave.

  On 11/3/2012 at 2:13 PM, Haltiamieli said:

Minas Tirith is a problematic setting I think, in that as a flagship it would look, in my opinion, awkwardly puny even in a $200 set. It's a sort of lose-lose situation - you can't do Lego LotR without Minas Tirith, but on the other hand it can not be nicely Lego-scaled into a set. Maybe they are using a couple of slightly smaller sets to make parts of the scene. It's not that hard to imagine a $80 Gates of Minas Tirith set, for example.

If Lego were to do Minas Tirith I assume the best way they could go about it would be like with Helm's Deep. but slightly larger. Instead of a $130 main set they could have it be in the 160-200 range, and then in the same wave have a wall expander/battle pack that you could buy multiples of to really beef up to look of Minas Tirith.

I admit that Gandalf, Saruman and 5 orcs sounds like a bit stale selection of minifigures, but I disagree with absolutely no possibilities for play features - maybe the orcs can cut down a tree or two, maybe the palantír could have some feature, maybe there could be some throwing feature in the throne room to simulate the wizard battle etc. And the orcs did interact with Saruman a few times in the tower too, not that it matters much. Also as Seaber said, Orthanc is one of the few features that are shown in all the films (though Saruman's demise is only in the extended cut). There's a lot of playing opportunities there, related and unrelated to the films. That, imo, is the makings of a real classic.

Apparently I am. Still sounds like a humongous battlepack with pretty little interesting building elements to me. At least compared to Orthanc. :tongue:

Saruman the White and Wormtongue would be the only "exclusive" figures Lego could do there, unless they were to add a named orc or some of the Wildmen or something. And how can you say Orthanc would be more appealing to kids than Osgiliath? The plays features from Osgiliath alone would be triple that of Orthanc. I don't see how they could do anything really with the palantir other than making it glow maybe? And a throwing feature for the wizards? Really, that's it? Meanwhile with Osgiliath you could have parts of the buildings exploding, a swooping action for the Nazgul on Fel Beast, beats for the orcs to come in on, catapults, etc. I do think Orthanc could be a good set, but the way it's described by the guys rumor makes it sound terrible. It's supposedly the Betrayal at Isengard which is just the wizard fight before the orcs are shown. $100 set for a duel between two figures? At least put an eagle in the set. Really though, they could/should make it so much more and combine it with the Ents Last March. That would be ideal imo.. Orthanc with Saruman the White, Womrtongue, 2 orcs, Merry, Pippin, and then Treebeard. Offer another 20-30 dollar set with a small wall piece or an orc siege structure, 2 orcs and a common Ent you could add on to Orthanc with.

  On 11/3/2012 at 2:12 PM, Zilcho said:

That's a good idea, having a section of Isengard for each movie, as posted above. 2013 we get the bottom third of Isengard with Gandalf, Saruman, some orcs and trees, 2014 we get middle section with wormtongue, some ents and things similar to Orc forge for them to destroy, 2015 we get the top third with maybe some broken infrastructure.

I can't see Lego doing this. It would take three years before you have a "completed" Isengard. Lego isn't going to leave people hanging that long with only bits and pieces of the tower unfinished. If anything they would do the whole tower then add things later like the outer walls, trees, mill, orc forges, etc.

  On 11/3/2012 at 12:55 PM, Seaber said:
All of these would make very good sets I think. If the list is genuine, I wouldn't mind the FotR set as it looks like we will get Ents elsewhere, but I think the eagle is needed to make up for another Gandalf the Grey.

Yes they would make good sets, if they are done right. My issue is their price point and minifigure selection. For instance Orthanc as the guy described it in the rumor sounded pretty lame. If it was done like I suggested I think it could be an amazing set.

  On 11/3/2012 at 2:13 PM, Haltiamieli said:

Minas Tirith is a problematic setting I think, in that as a flagship it would look, in my opinion, awkwardly puny even in a $200 set. It's a sort of lose-lose situation - you can't do Lego LotR without Minas Tirith, but on the other hand it can not be nicely Lego-scaled into a set. Maybe they are using a couple of slightly smaller sets to make parts of the scene. It's not that hard to imagine a $80 Gates of Minas Tirith set, for example.

I'm in complete agreement with you here. I think they will probably end up doing only the gates, but if they want to release more army builders they could do Minas Tirith street/wall sections. It's a tough setting to pull off in minifig scale. To be honest, I think Orthanc has the same problem. I bet Orthanc will end up being a Weathertop-style set that shrinks the tower down to chibi size, contains Gandalf, Saruman, Grima and a couple of orcs, and costs $60-70.

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