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I'm trying to decide what Lego Pirate set to get for Christmas. I have two choices:

1. Soldier's Fort

2. Brickbeard's Bounty

Which one is better?

P.S. I know both these sets have been reviewed, but I still can't make up my mind.

I'm standing for the same choice, but we in the Netherlands won't get presents with Christmas but today! But there aren't any Lego pirate sets revealed in Europe yet...

Allright then, I would pick the Imperial Fort because it's easy to customize and it has great minifigs in it, the Governor is only revealed in this set, an unique minifig in the Pirate's 2009 line. Brickbeard himself is in this set as well.

The fort is build with different sections, so you can 'change' the fort so you'll get more scènes, a ship has only one.

The fort is easily to expand because there aren't much rare colour bricks in it, to expand a ship you'll need at least 2 sets of it.

It is true the ship has playability as well and unique coloured bricks but that makes it hard to customize and that's an important thing in my choice because I always customize sets.

They are both great sets and I'm going to buy both, but I prefer the fort. :pir-blush:

Soldiers fort, BB is more overpriced than the fort. So get BB on sale and get the fort now +you could get some smaller sets with it because it is 50$ cheaper.

I agree with that :pir-sweet:

i agree with your agreement! :pir-sweet: bb is overpriced! :pir_wacko:

Hello,good people of EB,I need your help to solve something of a dilemma:

I can't find the 09 Pirates in stores yet,but want to have a good chunk of money ready for when I do.

By New Years(Wich is about the same time I'll go out looking again)I'll have $80.I need YOUR advice on wich combination of Pirates sets to get(And Yes,I know they've ALL been reviewed,but I still can't figure out wich ones I should get).

I live in Canada(Wich makes the money Canadian),so the Prices are a bit different then the ones in other countries.

Help is GREATLY appreciated.

The only '09 pirates sets that I have bought are multiples of Cannon Battle and Soldier's Arsenal (both are great sets, well worth the money froma an army building/collector standpoint). I plan on getting one Soldier's Fort. I am a huge fan of the new soldiers so I am buying as many as I can afford. If you are more into the pirate side of things I would recommend buying the Pirate Survival, Kraken Attackin' and Treasure Island. But I cannot vouch for those sets as I have not bought any of them.

If you are more into the pirate side of things I would recommend buying the Pirate Survival, Kraken Attackin' and Treasure Island. But I cannot vouch for those sets as I have not bought any of them.
Hmm.Well I want a relatively equal amount of both Imperials AND pirates,but those are definitely going on my list :pir-sweet: .(Thanks for the help :pir-classic: .)

For equal numbers you can get a few of each impulse set plus a few Cannon Battles. That will give you equal numbers and if you have the money you might pick up Soldier's Fort too... that would give you two more soldiers than pirates, but it is close to an even number, plus you get the awesome Admiral.

I'm not sure what the USD-CAD conversion is here is what it would cost:

2x Soldier impulse: 6.98 USD

2x Pirate impulse: 6.98 USD

2x Cannon Battle: 11.98 USD

1x Soldier's Fort: 49.99 USD

TOTAL: 75.93 USD

If you can get some more money together those sets would definitely be within your price range, maybe even an extra pirate impulse or two to even things out for the pirates.

*Whistles*.Unfortunately,in CAD,all those together are $100(Give or take a few bucks).I think I'm going to get(At LEAST)Kraken Attackin,Cannon Battle,Pirate Survival and Loot island,wich adds up to about $50 CAD.But I still need ideas for the other $30. . . . .

EDIT:Kay,I've decided what to get(I got a bit more Money).I've decided to get:

#8397,Pirate Survival.

#6239,Cannon Battle.

#6240,Kraken Attackin'.

#6241,Loot Island.


#6242,Soldiers Fort/#6253,Shipwreck Hideout.(Depending on whether I get #6243,Brickbeards Bounty for X-mas(If I don't,I get SH,if I do,I get SF)

So a MOD can come and close this now :pir-classic: .

Edited by Da Death Star!

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I have 175$ to spend on Lego. I decided to spend it on Lego pirates. But the old kind. And I have a few choices but I have no idea wich one.

Should I buy a lot of ship pieces and build a big ship OR should I buy a heap of imperial soldiers (44) for just 150$. OR any type of outpost, hideout, fort, island, ETC.

OR any Ship that has to do with pirates. So you tell me wich one of these should I get? (If you have something else in mind that I should get feel free to

tell me.

Thanks! :pir_laugh2:

First of all, you should buy what you want most :pir_laugh2: I know, sometimes it's hard to chose..

You could buy 44 Imperial soldiers (what would be a great investment if they're in good condition), because I think these are going to be worth a lot of money in the future!

One disadvantage, you can't build something only with minifigs :imperialguard_commander1:

So if you'd buy ship pieces and other bulk bricks, you could build whatever you want..

I'd recommand you to split it.. Buy 20/25 soldiers, and with the money that is left you could buy loose pieces.

But,, it's up to you do decide of course! :pir-tongue:


I know you said old pirate sets but if you bought 44 new pirate soldiers arsenal you could have the same amount of soldiers plus weapons for less than $150. With the rest you could order some heads to add variety to the soldiers.

If you really want to stick to the old ones than i would go with the ship parts and bulk bricks. The possibilities are end less with pieces and you can buy a few soldiers to man your ships! I'm a ship man 100%, I personally think buying a lot of minifigures is a waste of money but that is me. Go with what YOU want because you will be the one using what you buy.

I know who you feel,Just yesterday i had a hundred bucks to spend.I like Pirates,Indy and Starwars so it was a very hard choice,but i did decide to buy Solders Fort :classic: I Would suggest to buy the men but ONLY IF THEY ARE IN GOOD SHAPE :pir_mad:

The reason i am so firm is because i have bought men on Ebay and recieved them with cracked arms and its hard to pose them when they are drooping there weapons and falling apart.

And second ship parts are rather cheap and tend not to sell very fast,you can buy those any time,buy the men :thumbup:

Remember Imperial Soldiers aren't going to be happy unless they have someplace to sleep, a ship to move around on, and a dangerous island to explore. The same for Pirates!

I know you didn't list these, but I would go for a Lego set that is complete with everything but figures, instructions, and the box. You don't need to box, instructions can be found online, and you can buy figures. You could probably find a large ship or fort for around $100 dollars like that, and then the other $75 could go towards minifigures.

  • 8 months later...

You are a superhero in a precarious spot. The villain has tied up a MISB Black Seas Barracuda on one end of a football field and a MISB Skull's Eye Schooner at the other. A bomb with a short fuse is under each. You can only save one. Which?


Well If I was a super hero.. wouldnt I be able to either fly or run very fast to get both in lightning fast speed? :pir-blush:

Kind of boils down to this poll, eh?

But definitely BSB for me, because in comparison to SES it has an upper deck, neutral sails, so it can be converted into any faction by swapping flags, a much better stern design, and no silly rotating canons. SES is of course a proper three-master and the big sail on the second mast makes it look a lot larger and more menacing. If I'd have both the SES would be my pirate ship, whereas the BSB would be converted into an imperial ship.

Luckily I just managed to buy a 6285 BSB :pir-classic:

  • Governor

Actually, I think we have a Black Seas Barracuda vs Skulls Eye Schooner Poll somewhere...

But I must say this thread is certainly a more interesting way of asking the question. :thumbup:

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