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Pre-ordered my Elrond edition on the Game website a few days ago, so I'm looking forward to that arriving soon. Here in the UK, Game is the only retailer offering the exclusive figure, all other websites seem to just show the DLC bonus for pre-ordering.

Pre-ordered my Elrond edition on the Game website a few days ago

I ordered that edition from them aswell, 3£ more than just the game is worth it to secure a Elrond figure without chansing on a preorder from somewhere else. Seems this is the only place in europe offering Elrond expect for amazon.DE's ps3 version.

The pre order dlc will be on the marketplace in a month for people who really care x]

Just received an email from GameStop that my Elrond figure has shipped. I placed my order on October 25th. I'm in the US.

So I have managed to get 3 Elrond figures from the local gamestop here in Las Vegas NV... The first one i aquired I gave the girl working there a guilt trip about them lying to me about the release date.. I got the next two yesterday because I called in to get my PS3 Lotr game and they said it was in and ready for pick up.... I got to the store and they said the girl who called me messed up.. she offered me 2 Elrond Minifigures for the mistake.... now im pretty sure I will get a 4th Elrond when my game finally gets in... so happy :) just thought I'd share my little success story...


I picked up my 360 game yesterday and the person behind the counter almost didn't give me the figure. I asked what about the figure and he said oh yeah. Were you not going to do it if you didn't get a figure, and I said yeah I would return it right here.

But in the end I did get a figure and the game, so that is awesome. My question now is do I open it or keep it sealed. I won't resell or anything, but I seem to keep figures in polybags for some reason. I have multiple TC-14s and the Hulk still in polybag and I will be getting Darth Maul soon enough.

As far as multiple Elronds, it isn't possible, at least here. They said they will give them out to anyone who buys the game, not just preorders and they wouldn't sell any individually. He also said they try to give them away to kids (because I guess adults can't like LEGO). And since I don't need two copies of the game, I might as well not worry about it. I don't need 2 anyway.

Edited by TheLegoDr

I got my figure and game for PS3 from my local gamestop in arkansas, USA today. Didnt have any trouble getting the game or figure. I did not try for multiple but just happy to get my game and figure.

I had preordered the Wii version at my local Gamestop. Stopped by yesterday, but the shipment did come in yet. Went back this afternoon. The shipment had come in, so the clerk gave me by Elrond minifig and went back to get the game. Turns out all formats but Wii had arrived. I guess the clerk felt bad, so not only did he let me keep the Elrond minifig, but he gave me 3 more (!!!!) And I still have not bought the game, although I did pay $5 for the pre-order.

All I wanted was the minifg. It's funny how the minifig seems to be meaningless to the gamers at Gamestop, but of course, is the sole reason most of us are ordering the game. Now I have my own Second Age battle pack!

For those of you just now picking up your figures, are they coming with the short cape still or did they ever fix that? Someone on brickset said when he emailed LEGO they said they weren't making any long capes until the 15th or something and the next batch would have the correct cape.

Received one today with the short cape, so I'm hoping they will fix this for the future because right now it looks quite weird.

My 2 had a short cape as well. When I was picking up the game yesterday, the employee made no mention of the Elrond figure, so I guess they ran out. I didn't get the pre-order DLC bonus at first, the guy had to reprint my receipt a couple of times before it showed up.

Short capes. All. Dang.

I can't figure out why Lego went with a short cape on these. It seems like a last-minute change as well, since all of the preliminary and package images show him with the long version.

I received a short cape also. I contacted LEGO and they said the cover art is wrong and they never intended to make long blue capes. They basically said they coudln't help me and that they were sorry. I'm not sure how a taller person would want to wear a tiny cape. I guess I'll either make a custom or find a custom dark blue cape for my Elrond then.

If that is the case, they're lying. I think there was a mistake and they're trying to hide it. The sooner they start producing long capes the better ... I'd be keep on trying since in the exclusive designer video shows the minifig with the long cape as does the "boxart" :D

I received a short cape also. I contacted LEGO and they said the cover art is wrong and they never intended to make long blue capes. They basically said they coudln't help me and that they were sorry. I'm not sure how a taller person would want to wear a tiny cape. I guess I'll either make a custom or find a custom dark blue cape for my Elrond then.

I find that the cape from the Crown Knight King (and also the Fantasy Era Good Wizard and the Vikings chess king) is a very similar color if not the same color as Elrond's tiny cape. Luckily I had an extra one and replaced it. Elrond looks much nobler with his long cape.


Elrond wears a long cape in the Video Game, too. Disappointing to get blatant lies from customer service instead a simple apology. Oh well, I guess the small cape will look good on Thorin.

That must be why "none are available" since that came out long enough ago. I would definitely say it is a dark blue cape depicted on the packaging. The main problem is a tiny cape will look weird and Elrond has dark blue on his torso resembling part of the cape, so you can't just switch to another color that looks okay. I would definitely pick one of those up, but I had no idea they would be over $3 for a used and $4 for new. I guess I'll have to just make my own sometime.

But I agree, they should just apologize instead of saying that it was never intended to have a long cape.

But in the end I did get a figure and the game, so that is awesome. My question now is do I open it or keep it sealed. I won't resell or anything, but I seem to keep figures in polybags for some reason. I have multiple TC-14s and the Hulk still in polybag and I will be getting Darth Maul soon enough.

If you're not going to resell it, just open it. Elrond looks a damn sight better on display out of the bag. :wink:

Elrond looks better without a cape than he does with a short cape. I recomend everyone who got the figure with a short cape to send a complaint to costumer service or similar. If enough people complain soemthing might happen, or they will avoid this kind of stuff in the future.

I guess it can be more of an issue for people who bought the edition that includes Elrond than the people who got him for free with pre order.

I got mine today! My gamestop got in a bunch with the wii games! So happy! :grin:

and Elrond has dark blue on his torso resembling part of the cape

My Elrond actually has dark green printing on the part of the torso that is dark blue on the polybag. So , Eomer's dark green cape from my second 9471 looks better on him that a long dark blue cape would have. And on my 2nd 9471, I switched minifig parts to have a generic Rohan horseman and Archer captain, giving me that extra dark green cape to use. I'll give that short dark blue cape on Thorin like many others suggested.

So, if you have two 9471s and plan to get all Hobbit sets, and have a Dark Green printed Elrond like I have, everything works out even better than if LEGO did give out a dark blue long cape.

Funny how we're arguing like little girls playing with their dolls and their accessories :laugh:

Edited by SheepEater

I checked with EB games this morning, and they advised that they have sold more games than figures, so if i had only just pre ordered in the last week or so i would miss out.

Lucky for me I ordered a few months ago so I should be sweeet!

Release date has been pushed back to December 5 here in Aus.

Wow, I'm really glad I preordered the DS version and got Elrond then! I am sorry for those who didn't though...

I checked with EB games this morning, and they advised that they have sold more games than figures, so if i had only just pre ordered in the last week or so i would miss out.


I did break down and open my Elrond tonight. I was very hesitant, but since I won't be selling him, I thought no reason to be locked in that polybag prison forever (especially being immortal and whatnot). It does look reallly nice. The printing is really terrible on the ears though.

SheepEater - That's weird that your Elrond has dark green printing on the torso. Mine definitely has dark blue near the shoulders and then dark green on the legs. It doesn't necessarily clash, but it seems like a big mish-mash of colors. And the tiny blue cape does look a bit funny on him, but it looks better than no cape at all for some reason. I'll probably end up just making a custom cape for him until LEGO decides to produce dark blue capes again. Any tips on materials for capes? Is it similar to the sail material? I'm sure I've read about it somewhere before, but I can't find it at the moment.

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