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Peter Jackson’s Smaug the dragon from dwarf mountain “Erebor” will come up next December and LEGO creates a new fantasy line (?) with a set named “Dragon Mountian”??

That’s much stranger than LotR without battle packs.

Ok, to be serious: Why fantasy when we already have the Hobbit and LotR? I mean now LEGO has the opportunity to release a historic theme without fantasy.

Could you please explain to me that kind of marketing strategy? That beats me. :wacko:

am i horribly wrong or is there actually less cavalry in it than in the initial kingdoms wave?

if yes, why does tlg save on horses in the theme the introduce new horse armour (barding AND headpeace)

other than that, i share the disappoitment, especially since i dont like licensed sets due to the price and the specific characters (well at least lotr has good sets and generic enough minifigs)

i am curious about the figs itself, if the do well next to kingdoms/fantasy era figs... the sets themself are mere parts packs

AND WHY IS THERE NO JOUST SET AGAIN (...as a cavalry army builder, you know?)

When everybody was thinking there was going to be a return of the Forest Men, the Falcon Knights and maybe even the Black Knights, we get something completely different... :sceptic:

A new castle line will not be too different to what's come before. Lego still has LOTR, so it will not put out a spectacular new castle line that would dent its LOTR sets.

Expect another Kingdoms type theme with the same old usual set types and new factions.

Lego could create a fantastic new line, but that could result in being more popular and killing off LOTR before its run its course. So expect more of the same basic castle theme.

Personally I think it's about time they bring back a new forestmen theme, it's been too long!

I can certainly agree with marketing decisions that point to a specific demographic (ie age), and gearIng a castle line to the core 10-yr old boy group is actually very smart when you consider how many parents may not allow their younger boys to watch/play with LotR. Some of it's a little dark for your kids, so a less harmful take might be the best of both worlds.

What I cannot agree with is this ridiculous theory that TLG would purposely and knowingly create inferior product to not hurt other lines. "Sorry Erik, your design is just too beautiful and awesome. We were looking for something much crappier than this." Seriously?

I think everything goes through focus group testing, and I'm sure the decisions made at that stage are where the AFOL market is conceded.

As far as the new sets, everything's on hold until we see the new figs. But I do like the new castle.

i get the point of splitting the demographics and i think it would be ridiculous to assume that sets are purposefully designed bad.

BUT a theme that is designed for younger audience can be brighter without beeing that bland or recycling old ideas over and over (2 of only five set look like copies from kingdoms sets).

Given that there is market research, does anyone know if kids in the age range 6-12 prefer these kind of sets/simple building style over more sophisticated builds? ( the sets from the 80s early 90s were much more challanging, given what was possible 20 years ago)

ANd yes, i am repeating myself: a proper castle theme needs (more) knights on horseback.

Well, it's not all bad I guess... on closer examination, it looks like the "bad guys" will be sporting my favourite LEGO color, dark red.

TO be looking at the bright side, we are getting a new Castle theme. TLG could have just made a new Pirates theme (which you castle fans would probably dislike, but as for me, I would love a new Pirates theme :hmpf_bad:). My point is that you are lucky you aren't Pirate fans, because I believe they aren't getting a new theme for 2013. :sadnew:

They look very basic, but I can see some potential. I hope I will be able to get the Dragon moutain. I'm sure it will have new colored dragon!

Ok, to be serious: Why fantasy when we already have the Hobbit and LotR? I mean now LEGO has the opportunity to release a historic theme without fantasy.

Could you please explain to me that kind of marketing strategy? That beats me. :wacko:

Because the target audience is small male children. They don't necessarily want "historical" themes. They want a bit of Fantasy in their play. They want the knight vs dragon paradigm if you will. This does not mean we have returned to Fantasy Era. No orcs trolls evil skeletons or similar. It's just a very classic knights vs dragon encounter. Something from the old castle tapestries.

I am not sure where all the sudden hate is coming from? This looks like exactly what we have been asking for? Kings Castle looks like an updated classic castle. I can't tell through the fuzzy pics, but it almost looks like it might be substantially brick built. As far as comparisons to Kingdoms? These look quite a bit like most of the Kingdoms sets. The only thing missing, and I will concede disappointment over this, is the more civilianized sets like Mill Village Raid and Joust. But you never know, there may be a more civilianized exclusive in the pipes somewhere.

As far as factions, it looks like we are getting some new heraldry. It's too fuzzy to tell what. Maybe a new interpretation of Crown vs something in red? This isn't bad. New heraldry is almost always good. (Ok excepting the KKII stuff, but this looks much better than that.)

I really think we are getting worked up over nothing? This looks like a decent branch of the classic Castle line. It has a good fullcastle. Some interesting little scenario sets, and lots of cool new barding. I don't understand the outrage?

TO be looking at the bright side, we are getting a new Castle theme. TLG could have just made a new Pirates theme (which you castle fans would probably dislike, but as for me, I would love a new Pirates theme :hmpf_bad:). My point is that you are lucky you aren't Pirate fans, because I believe they aren't getting a new theme for 2013. :sadnew:

I'm certainly counting my blessings. I feel for you Pirate Fans.

And Faefrost, you got it I think. At first I thought releasing a new Fantasy-based castle line next to LOTR and The Hobbit was odd, but they really are for 2 different age groups. The children too young for Middle Earth will most likely still want 'their own version' - something similar but more appropriate. (In Mom and Dad's eyes, anyway.) And also, for those of us that grew up on Classic Castle, the recommended age group was 6-12 then as well. As far as the 'simplicity' of the pieces, I think today's lines are still far more complex. As a CC fan myself, I certainly don't feel I can complain too much at all.

Besides, we could be 'in the boat' with the Pirates fans. (See above, and sorry for the nautical pun - I couldn't resist.)

More castle is more castle. And that is a very good thing. :grin:

It's tough to tell what's going on there with that low resolution, but first impression isn't too good. I'll reserve judgement for better pics, but my initial optimism is waning.

My thoughts Exactly.

Edited by Nicker

This new Castle theme is for kids. As someone mentioned, yellow boxes, kiddish colors (primary & secondary colors as opposed to LotR & Hobbit). I consider sets design crap, but may still buy the a castle or two for my son.

More castle is more castle. And that is a very good thing. :grin:

HUZZAH! I could not have said it better myself.

Some observations on the photos:

- I see a witch fig at the top of the dragon castle (pointy hat, probably dress "legs", likely female)

- Each box has a graphic at the top right of a pile of treasure. Gold pieces, gold sword, crown.

- I see horse barding in the castle set, and horse helmet in the "gold getaway". Mid sized "gatehouse raid" has a horse with both and it's rider is an elite knight, I think.

- Kings Castle is using many wall panels so that it can be large with a manageable piece count.

Hard to make out much else of note. I wonder if that's the dragon that will be used in the final product. Didn't they have one like that with the viking line a few years back?

I also want to say, I felt that the fuzzy preliminary images of Monster Fighters was disappointing, but I ended up getting them all and rather enjoyed them. I think the same will happen here.

One last note: I'm a castle and a pirate fan, both! Helps me be less disappointed on a year-to-year basis. ;)

Like I said, the standard basic rehash. Large good guy castle..check.


Small bad guy tower/hideout..etc etc.

Same old sets rehashed.

I didn't think they would do anything super special. The Hobbit sets are a lot better IMO.

Still, we can't complain, more castle parts to build mocs is never a bad thing!

I'm pleased to see more castle sets, just wish they would try something a little different like a huge bad guy castle for a change.

Maybe they can't make a Bad Guys' Castle because parents wouldn't want to buy toys that would turn their children into villains? xD

This looks terrible... I mean, these are Lego rip-off quality design. Perhaps this is meant to be like 4Juniors?

I was hoping for the return of Forestmen with this theme, so I am a tad disappointed. The sets don't look bad to me from what can be seen in these low-res images, they're just not what I was hoping for. Oh well, maybe next time. I'll probably wind up getting the Forest Ambush set regardless.

Hard to make out much else of note. I wonder if that's the dragon that will be used in the final product. Didn't they have one like that with the viking line a few years back?

No, the dragon is from the Fantasy Era. It's only a placeholder probably but as this is a rather small wave with only one dragon I wouldn't be surprised if they reused the FE dragon molds in the final product as well instead of creating new ones.


I'll also join the long line of disappointed posters. These sets have too much of the KK feel. The wheels of the siege engines, boring colour choice for the good guys yet again, etc. The crest seems to be closest to the awful Royal Knights one. And the whole stuff has a targeted at 6-8 year olds feel.

Edited by Nagyzee

Some observations on the photos:

- I see a witch fig at the top of the dragon castle (pointy hat, probably dress "legs", likely female)

Hard to make out much else of note. I wonder if that's the dragon that will be used in the final product. Didn't they have one like that with the viking line a few years back?

I think the dragon's closer to Skeleton Tower 7093 from 2007... which also sports a wizard in red & black with a black hat. This wizard or witch here seems to have inverted colors (black clothes, red cape), and the dragon seems to have a very different head from the Fantasy-type dragons.

I want to be optimistic about these, and I am about the sets... not so much about the factions. A return of King Leo's "Knight's Kingdom I" faction is NOT welcome; not a fan of that logo at all. If they were gonna tackle an older 'lion'-based faction again instead of continuing Kingdoms' Lions, I'd much rather have had the Crusaders return, tho perhaps with a brand-new stylized lion to help it stand out from Kingdoms. So the 'good guys' aren't so encouraging right now (though there were some interesting torsos in that faction, and in the Bulls).

Can't make out much about the enemy faction, tho it bears some resemblance to Cedric the Bull's team (with the red 'head' mounted on the catapult attacking the King's Castle). The shield with the catapult guy doesn't smack of Cedric's faction, however. So at least I can be optimistic about the villains.

I'd have much preferred Forestmen vs Black Falcons, especially if the Falcons weren't ALL thuggish soldiers & knights ala Kingdoms' Dragons but were overall more neutral/good, especially the king, but including some scheming nobles who're giving the kingdom a bad name, thus requiring the Forestmen to harry them (Prince John/Sheriff of Nottingham kinda thing, working against the true king)

Hmm. As I think about, this bodes very well for Lord of the Rings. One line for younger fans, one line for AFOLs (generally). It's a decent way to keep both historic lines going at once and still be successful. I'm fine with that, personally.

They remind me of something from Mega-Blocks.

Just curious: What's so bad about King Leo's logo? (I just got back into LEGO, thus I do not really know the backstory). It seems that historically, some monarchies have used a lion as their logo so it doesn't seem too strange to me.

The sets may yet turn out to be pretty good, it's just that there is nothing that really stands out that's different to what we have been getting for the past 10 years. I enjoyed Kingdoms as it brought back civilian sets and had some great color schemes and pieces.

I think TLG need to change things now though. Every wave always has the good guys with a king and a big castle, why not have the good guys as forestmen with a large forest\castle ruin hideout??? The black falcons were awesome and a lot of that comes down to the fact that they worked so well as both good guys and bad. Some new updated Black Falcons in dark blue would be epic!

I understand that kids naturally think of Kings and castles when it comes to medieval themes, so I can see why TLG keeps doing it, but I'm sure that most kids also know and can get their head roun the idea of Robin Hood/freedom fighters. Why not give it a go?

Maybe one day TLG will finally release a Water Mill forestmen hideout with some civilian figs!

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