November 13, 201212 yr I think they can rework the Black Falcons back into blue-and-black... could be the Falcon revival was a last-minute thing where they swapped Falcon & Dragon shields, considering everything but the armor is identical to the Dragon faction. I'd rather it returned to (dark) blue and black, if they bring it back. Lordofdragonss, I like your ideas! Elves vs Vikings with griffins & dragons as mounts... would be nice to see the Buckbeak hippogriff mold return or get improved, and would give us a way of getting the Tolkien elf hairpiece in yellow-ear colors, and more color varieties for the CMF elf hair, too. And maybe a new Viking helmet without horn-holes? Maybe it's too odd to want a more historically-accurate Viking helmet in a theme where they fight mythical elves, though Probably too similar to LOTR/Hobbit for a 2013 theme, but I'd really love more yellow elves in the future. Forestmen and/or Wolfpack would be great! Perhaps it could work with Kingdoms, but somewhat standalone, with the Forestmen as the 'good' bandits and the Wolfpack as the 'bad' ones? Like, the Forestmen steal from the Dragons to give to the poor, proper Robin Hood style, but the Wolfpack preys on the Lion faction and everyone else. Maybe throw in a couple new civilian-types like rich merchants and new peasants? And in a couple sets maybe some Kingdoms soldiers as guards for the merchants or just foes for the bandits.
November 14, 201212 yr On 11/13/2012 at 6:10 PM, ZCerberus said: Okay, so if it WERE truly a remake of a classic theme, which theme would you want? I say forest men and wolfpack. That would rule. Yeah, absolutely. They're my favourite old factions too. With new colours such as dark brown, dark and olive green, the new forestman's set could be very cool. However I suppose that new faction will be black falcons.
November 14, 201212 yr On 11/14/2012 at 3:50 PM, october said: Come on German and Danish friends, give us some more info on this! Us Danes are always the last to be told about anything new with LEGO... and the Germans, where do they come into the picture?
November 14, 201212 yr our member PsyKater from Germany was the most convincing for me so this is the picture: quote his post: I spoke to a LEGO store manager yesterday and he told me that there are coming very great castle themed set next year. He had already seen them on an internal exhibition and was very excited. I asked him if they were more classic but he hesitated to confirm that. But he told me that this would not be a fantasy theme like some years ago. So no orcs etc.
November 14, 201212 yr This is an exciting rumor, especially as I didn't expect to see any more classic castle stuff until after LOTR/Hobbit had run its course. Can't wait to hear more.
November 14, 201212 yr The themes I would love see make a come back are (in order) Black Falcons, Wolfpack and Fright Knights. I like the theories that I've read so far and would not be disappointed if some of them ended up being correct. But here is another theory (if someone already mentioned this and I missed it sorry): What if this "Legends" line is going to be a remake of the Knights Kingdoms using a team of Heros and a team of Villians themed from the previous Castle lines instead of Rainbow Knights? This would also allow Lego to make Hero Factory styled figures to tie in and a game. If this is going to be a small wave wedged inbetween the Hobbit and LotR then a team verses team idea would work better than two armies to build up. Just an idea.
November 14, 201212 yr On 11/13/2012 at 6:10 PM, ZCerberus said: Okay, so if it WERE truly a remake of a classic theme, which theme would you want? I say forest men and wolfpack. That would rule. Those and the Black Falcons definitely.
November 15, 201212 yr On 11/14/2012 at 8:24 PM, omegabob said: The themes I would love see make a come back are (in order) Black Falcons, Wolfpack and Fright Knights. I like the theories that I've read so far and would not be disappointed if some of them ended up being correct. But here is another theory (if someone already mentioned this and I missed it sorry): What if this "Legends" line is going to be a remake of the Knights Kingdoms using a team of Heros and a team of Villians themed from the previous Castle lines instead of Rainbow Knights? This would also allow Lego to make Hero Factory styled figures to tie in and a game. If this is going to be a small wave wedged inbetween the Hobbit and LotR then a team verses team idea would work better than two armies to build up. Just an idea. I love the idea of uniting all past Castle Lego heroes. The continuity! The story like: The new very bad evil monsters appeared, so kingdoms sent their best warriors- Sons (and one daughter of course :P) to defeat them. We could get a Spellcasting Majisto son, the daughter of Basil the Bat Lord, clumsy but very brave Wolfpack leather son.... Ahh that would be such amazing theme as remake of time travelers....
November 15, 201212 yr I wonder why everyone thinks that "Legends" is a name for a remake or even a re-release?! Perhaps it's just a new name like "Kingdoms". Legendary Knights. Or the fact that the whole castle theme is a "Legend".
November 15, 201212 yr On 11/15/2012 at 7:37 AM, PsyKater said: I wonder why everyone thinks that "Legends" is a name for a remake or even a re-release?! Perhaps it's just a new name like "Kingdoms". Legendary Knights. Or the fact that the whole castle theme is a "Legend". I think the suggestion, from rumours and the website the name and description was found on, is that part of the release is likely to be a re-release of a previous castle set (or possibly an update of an old set), as 'Legends' was also previously a (unsuccessful I think) line of re-released 'classic' sets. There was also an AFOL survey a little while back where TLG asked what set's fans would like to see again... so maybe this is a result of that? I'd find it odd/confusing if 'Legends' is the actual name, seeing as they have Legends Of Chima also being released.
November 15, 201212 yr On 11/15/2012 at 12:01 PM, andhe said: I'd find it odd/confusing if 'Legends' is the actual name, seeing as they have Legends Of Chima also being released. Valid point.
November 15, 201212 yr I hope Lego brings back the Black Falcons, then the Forest Men and then the Wolfpack. Along with the Dragon Knights and the Lion Knights from 2010-11, we woould have the greatest revival ever!
November 15, 201212 yr On 11/14/2012 at 8:24 PM, omegabob said: The themes I would love see make a come back are (in order) Black Falcons, Wolfpack and Fright Knights. I think Fright Knights are mentioned too seldom in in conversations like this. It would be very nice to have a well-designed "dark" gothic Castle theme. That's more or less what the Fright Knights tried to be, but in hindsight the theme wasn't much of a success. In a way it would be nicer to see reimaginations of "failed" or "forgotten" Castle themes rather than the most beloved classics, because even the failed ones usually had good ideas which they just didn't succeed in realising to their fullest potential. If Monster Fighters does well, maybe Lego would like to put something similar but still a bit different to the shelves come next Halloween? I'd love to have an update of that batwing-helmet. Quote What if this "Legends" line is going to be a remake of the Knights Kingdoms using a team of Heros and a team of Villians themed from the previous Castle lines instead of Rainbow Knights? This would also allow Lego to make Hero Factory styled figures to tie in and a game. If this is going to be a small wave wedged inbetween the Hobbit and LotR then a team verses team idea would work better than two armies to build up. While this would be certainly nice for us, I think for a small wave between Tolkien-themed line it is actually easier to use just two or more warring armies, which is kind of self-explanatory, instead of named heroes and such, which might need more explaining i.e. more weight on marketing. But who knows, apparently Galaxy Squad is doing the "group of heroes" thing (even though they are not picked from different previous Space themes) and it's probably a one-wave theme.
November 15, 201212 yr I'm really doubtful about the chances of a Forestmen reboot, for the simple reason that LOTR/Hobbit is rampant with that type of character and setting. You've got your Lothlorien Elves living in trees, two of the upcoming Hobbit sets are based on trees, there may be more Mirkwood action in the next Hobbit wave, and Treebeard is rumoured as a 2013 LOTR set. Just like the upcoming Galaxy Squad sets probably won't feature good guys wearing brown robes and using light-swords, the Castle theme won't feature archers who live in trees. In fact, I bet this isn't a Castle theme at all. My money (all ten cents of it) would be on a Pirates theme. Some reasons why: Less direct competition from LOTR/Hobbit. LOTR is very much a kind of Castle subtheme. Yes, licensed, yes, different flavor, but look, you've got guys in armor beating up other guys in armor in and out of big castles in a pseudo-medieval world, aided by wizards in robes and pointy hats, while fairy-tale creatures skulk around trying to steal magic weapons. Sorry, but that IS Castle. mentions "Pirate Ship" as a 2013 set. Everybody in the LOTR thread is thinking of corsairs from ROTK, but I find that possibility extremely unlikely. TLG have to have had more pirate sets designed from POTC that could be easily adapted to yellow pirates. POTC ended quickly due to poor sales, but I'd bet TLG had been planning on at least one more wave before its demise. Without the cost of licensing, yellow pirates might sell far better than POTC. (If you accept that LOTR is a variety of Castle), then every other theme that most of us would call "legendary" is already coming out next year in some shape. Castle, Space, City, and Trains are all well represented next year. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Lone Ranger is also on the schedule, covering the Western theme. Only Pirates has no direct equivalent scheduled as far as we know. So, if the surprise people are talking about is truly a surprise, it's got to be Pirates.
November 15, 201212 yr I have to say that I am unsure about any of the rumors I have heard. I do think there will be a Orthanc and Treebeard because of what I saw in that picture of the Lego studio and I wouldn't be surprised about a balroq set either. However, though I am unsure about the rest of what I have heard. It really wouldn't make good marketing sense to come out with another "new" castle theme now with the current LOTR/Hobbit theme if the sets are selling well and they undeniably are so, I wonder if this theme is re-releases or if it is the new Pirates theme. I know some time back on the pirates forums Lego had stated on Twitter that the store shelves would never be completely empty of Lego Pirates sets so, that does make me wonder. And in that same photograph with the orthanc and Treebeard sets are two unidentified pirate ships. I do hope though, that Lego does re-release some of the old castle sets especially from the black knights and dragon masters factions. Wolfpack and the Falcon knights would be welcome too. Edited November 15, 201212 yr by Jack Bricker
November 15, 201212 yr I am a big fan of LEGO historic themes. I like the Castle/Kingdoms... themes. There were allways super themes. But why not now by the way of change a new theme? (Very simple question) What would you think if LEGO would release instead of Castle an epic ancient line? Imagine which culthures were be possible: Romans, Hellenes, Spartans, Trojans, Persians, Hittites, Arabians, Barbarians, Briton, Goths, Celts, Germans, Carthaginians, Byzantines... aaaand the Egyptians! With amazing minifigures like: Ramesses II and Tutankhamun. Vercingetorix or Hannibal Would you like to have Spartacus or Achilles? I would like to have Julius Caesar and Augustus ...aaaaand of course Ben Hur! LEGO could make much more cool buildings as for instance: -ancient theatres for gladiator fights, Ancient Olympic Games , chariot races -civil facilitis like bathhouses or drama theatres are also welcome! -or would you like to see the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World in LEGO style? What do you think? Would the little ones like to build the Trojan Horse, to be in a battle with 300 Spartans , with Odysseus to sail around the World, with Alexander the Great continue to march to the east, with Mose to go across the sea and at Christmas with the Three Kings together visit a little boy in a stable? I can also imagine the Mount Vesuvius at Pompeii with some special features. What do you think? Are the follow buildings realistic? The Colosseum, the Karnak Temple Complex, the Pyramid of Cheops, the Forum Romanum and the Acropolis of Athens? I would like to see the Lighthouse and the Library of Alexandria, a Triumphal arch, a ancient luxury mansion and also a oasis with a luxury tent. I think the Great Sphinx of Giza, Solomon's Temple by Arabian Nights and the Statue of Zeus at Olympia were just epic. What do you think about Hannibal's elephants when they marching across the Alps? That would be a good possibility for battle packs if they meets the cultures from the northerner. I would like to see a Celtic sanctuary with a druid and a small gallic village with some strong warriors . Stonehenge, the Limes and the Hadrian's wall were also good possibilities. I imagine army building sets referring to the Germans and Romans from the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest and the Battle at the Harzhorn. Would you like to have Roman military engineering: -Castras, Hellenistic-era warships, siege engines (Roman ballista, The Onager, Scorpios, battering rams and siege towers) -and hereto the ultimate Roman Rank summary (collectable minifigures ): Consul, Praetor, Legatus legionis, Tribune, Prefect, Primus pilus, Centurion, Decurio, Decanus, Aquilifer, Signifier, Optio, Cornicen, Imaginifer, Munifex and the Tirones (new recruit to the legions, a novice)... And these legionares are just a small part as compared to the armies of the other culthures! Ok, ... I stop counting now. That becomes far to much. Damn LEGO! You could do so much more.... Sorry, this was out of topic but this was just was I needed.
November 16, 201212 yr It seems, according to a post in this thread off Brickset ( that it may be that the LOTOR theme has not been as popular as Lego envisaged resulting in an earlier than expected return to the classic castle theme (although perhaps the Hobbit film/sets will give the LOTOR sets a boost). According to the post the new theme will include two castles - one a modular one that can be added to previous modular efforts and another which is a remake of a classic set. As always, until we have confirmation all of the above is rumour.
November 16, 201212 yr From what I've heard, LOTR is selling pretty well, but not as well as they had hoped. Certainly much better than POTC and PoP, for instance. Also, I wrote this on the board before the crash/restore so it got lost - the castle theme is in no way dependent on the success of LOTR. The new castle theme (if any) was designed and prepared for production before they even had the LOTR sales figures. Edited November 16, 201212 yr by Sammael
November 16, 201212 yr Bump all that, Cedric the Bull and his minions need a return. I hated the dragon knights, stupid chains.
November 16, 201212 yr I would love to see both the Crusaders and the Forestmen back . And I wouldn't be disapointed to see some more real (yellow skin CMF 3) elves hit the scene either.
November 16, 201212 yr On 11/15/2012 at 6:33 PM, Gryphon Ink said: (If you accept that LOTR is a variety of Castle), then every other theme that most of us would call "legendary" is already coming out next year in some shape. Castle, Space, City, and Trains are all well represented next year. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Lone Ranger is also on the schedule, covering the Western theme. Only Pirates has no direct equivalent scheduled as far as we know. So, if the surprise people are talking about is truly a surprise, it's got to be Pirates. It has often happened that STAR WARS is surely a variety of SPACE, but space themes were released all the way too...
November 17, 201212 yr I'm going to make an official prediction. I think we will likely see the Black Falcons return in at least 1 of the new sets. If this theme is similar to Kingdoms in it's design and concept then I think we will see the return of the Black Falcons and maybe even a modern rediesign and remake of the Black Falcons Fortress! Even though I'm a LOTR fan I didn't like the fact that Kingdoms got sidelined for the most part to make way new LOTR theme. If I had to choose I would have much rather had a new wave of 6 or more Kingdoms sets in 2012 instead of the LOTR sets. I think it's great that Castle sets are going to be back!
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