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In this time of crisis, Rurik (Rick) had relapsed, returning to his old ways.


No longer satisfied with just mushrooms, Rurik had turned to harder drugs. Because you can't spell "Hero in Valhalla" without "heroin".


Rurik wandered over to a bush, where he sought to relieve himself...


But unfortunately he missed and hit Hervi's ugly grave instead.


Having done this, Rurik slumped onto a tree for the night.


He gazed up at the stars, in awe of their beuty...


Suddenly, Rurik found himself looking up at an angry swordsman...


... Who stabbed poor Rurik in the chest.


Meanwhile, Canute Greybeard (CallMePie) was on a mission.


He took a peep inside someone's quarters...


But unfortunately, he didn't receive a warm welcome.


Later that night, Cranebeinn (Chromeknight) came across Canute's body.


Not heeding the warning signs, he too entered the quarters...


In a rage, the figure lunged at the young warrior...


Poor Cranebeinn was no more.


Morning came, and the few remaining warriors entered the hall. Ragnar began to address the crowd.


"Rurik was found dead outside our walls. He was a Loyal Einherjar.


"We also found Canute and Cranebeinn dead in the hallway. They were both Loyal Einherjar.


"... And Petrus Fire-Starter (Pandora) was a Loyal Einherjar."


Non-Playable Characters


Ragnar the Great



Living Players (7):


Dragmall (Dragonator)


Sveinn the Uninspired (Scouty)


Wary the Black (Waterbrick Down)


Patrekr the Red (Palathadric)


Wilhalm Bloodaxe (WhiteFang)


Snotra Carrotface (Scubacarrot)


Carl Poem-Piece (Capt. Redblade)

The Dead (again):


Magnus (Masked Builder) - Einherjar - mod-killed, Day One


Danr the Dragon-Slayer (Dannylonglegs) - Einherjar - convicted, Day One


Steinvoir Meat-Shield (Shadows) - Einherjar - murdered, Night One


Jormund (JimButcher) - Servant of Loki - murdered, Night One


Gerrid (Captain Genaro) - Servant of Loki - convicted, Day Two


Gofraid the Foog (Fugazi) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Two


Chief Mursi (CorneliusMurdock) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Two


Hervi Pudding-Head (Hinckley) - Servant of Loki - convicted, Day Three


Bergulf (badboytje88) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Three


Sigmund (Sisco) - Servant of Loki - murdered, Night Three


Stemid the Pale (Sandy) - Einherjar - convicted, Day Four


Finn the Squinter (fhomess) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Four


Erik the Boneless (Etzel) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Four


Beorn Ale-Lover (Bob) - Servant of Loki - convicted, Day Five


Dagrun (Darkdragon) - Servant of Loki - murdered, Night Five


Petrus Fire-Starter (Pandora) - Einherjar - convicted, Day Six


Rurik the Bastard (Rick) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Six


Canute Grey-Bush (CallMePie) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Six


Cranebeinn (Chromeknight) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Six


1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Einherjar (Town) or the Servants of Loki. To win the game, the Einherjar must kill off all the Servants of Loki, while the Servants of Loki must outnumber the Einherjar. Neutralcharacters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player.

3. A game day will last for 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 72 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 48 hours of the night stage.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread; you must always play the role given to you. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts. Editing your post on three separate occasions will result in a mod-kill.

9. You must post in every day thread. Failure to do so will result in a mod-kill.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM.

What the balls.

Well! Certainly not the result I was hoping for considering the stupid arguments that were made yesterday. Ah well.

However, I do believe we can be certain of one thing; we can be certain of who killed Canute. Canute was tracking Patrekr last night. I think that makes it obvious who did the killing.

I also find it hilarious that Patrekr came running to me last night shouting about my bomb idea from yesterday and how I must be lying. Seems I was right about that at least. :laugh:

Our other suspects are Snorta and Wilhalm. Snotra was blocked last night, so it probably wasn't him. Wilhalm was seen doing nothing the night before by Canute, so I also doubt it was him.

Well, the role is out. I'm the paranoid axe owner and I suppose I slew Canute and Cranebeinn last night. What interests me though is that unless Wary is scum, there was no scum kill. Snotra was blocked so it has to be him if it's not Wary.

As far as you idiotic PM about going for me, what does that mean? Eh?

You were right about what I wonder. You were telling me that Petrus was likely a bomb, I don't know if that was a scummy, scummy lie or just plain ignorance, because people had already targetted Petrus before then. My apologies to Cranebeinn, he asked me whom to give an invention to last night and I suggested Snotra or Rurik since clearly Draggy's gang are all PRs and don't need it, I didn't think he'd try to give it to me. :look:

Interesting that you decided to keep your role hidden when you knew it was likely townies would be checking on you. Interesting you knew about my concerns regarding a bomb action, and didn't say anything. Interesting indeed that you gave that advice to Cranebeinn and didn't tell him not to target you. Why did you not come forward as a paranoid axe owner so that we wouldn't lose townies? You've set us back a great deal Patrekr, and I have to wonder if it was done with scummy intentions. Either way, not very helpful of you to kill off two townies.

I think things aren't looking too hot for you, but let's have a little discussion about our other possible target for today; Svienn.

Svienn has claimed the role of protector. So far, I haven't seen any reason to doubt this. But, I haven't seen any evidence that he actually is a protector either, which causes me some concern. Svienn claims to have targeted me on nights 2, 4, 5 and 6. On night 3, he apparently targeted Bergulf and was blocked. He was seen targeting me on nights 2 and 5.

Here's my concern. What if he isn't protecting me? What if he has been using the scum decoy action on me? On night 2, Bergulf got a town result on Hervi, which can be explained by a decoy role being targeted to someone else. On night 3, Sveinn claims to have been blocked in trying to protect Bergulf. However, I blocked Finn, and Cranebeinn claims to have been blocked that night too. So who blocked Sveinn? I was almost wondering if I was decoyed to block him, but I didn't get a woozy result, so that can't be right. Nights 4 and 5 he was likely decoying to me as well, although I'm unsre if that had any effect. Last night, he was under the impression that the watcher was on me, so rather than killing he would have used the decoy role again so that he was seen targeting me, which would solidify his position as a trustworthy protector. Instead, the watcher looked at Snotra and saw me block him apparently.

So we have two potential leads there, what are your thoughts everyone? There are only 7 of us left ,we need to be careful about this decision. However, I do feel there are still only one or possibly two scum left, which means we are not at a critical decision point.

I think some suspicion has to be cast on Wary also, for if Petrus was not scum then was he converted by someone else? I am unsure at the moment if that is so, but I figure that he could be the second servant, if there is second servant left. If Sveinn is a servant then I would say that Wary was not converted as Svienn targeted me on night 5. If Patrekr is the servant then Wary could have been converted.

Cranebeinn also said he had a 30% failure rate. It's also likely that there was a jack-of-trades role in the scum team that had an extra block. So, really, I wouldn't be surprised of a third blocker that night. I have much less hold on the other Power Roles than you do, Dragmall. I've only talked to (in actual depth) you and Wary. I'd be in no position, as a scum, to willfully direct my "scummy" actions appropriately. Yes, you tell me what you plan, but, honestly, they hardly go followed, so it'd be pointless for me to put any weight on them. I am the protector, there's nothing else for me to say about it.

There's Carl, Snotra, Wilhalm, Patrekr, Wary, Dragmall, and me.

To my understanding, Wary and Dragmall are certainly not working together. Wilhalm is on his own little tangent. Carl is the claimed watcher, and there doesn't seem to be much doubt about that now, but who knows. Dragmall was opposed to lynching Canute. I'd think a scum would actually go with the plan and not fuss about it like Dragmall did. So I'm not sure there. Snotra fought hard against Dragmall, trying to save Petrus and all. Not sure what to think there either.

Patrekr, Snotra, and Dragmall (less so) are on my list, but now I mostly suspect Patrekr.

Paranoid axe killer?! What? There's been no evidence of your existence so far, and now you turn up and KILL two einherjar? Where'd that come from? I find it most bizarre how both Canute and Cranebein were killed together.

I'd think a responsible townie with a gun action, like you said, would have actually targeted Dragmall, not Canute/Cranebeinn. That double killing is very strange.

Cranebeinn also said that on night three he was told he was unsuccessful, and on night 4 he was told he was successful but with no effect. He was definitely blocked night 3.

One thing worth noting, as Patrekr pointed out, was that Snotra was blocked last night and there was no apparent scum kill.

We have a lot of confusing choices ahead of us today...

Oh, wait, I understand why there were two kills. Nevermind.

Here's another choice: Wary. Might the rest of us just be einherjar and he's the last scum/sk who may or may not have been converted??

One thing. Canute, you are dumb. megablocking. Dumb.

I think it's obvious we should go for Dragmall today. I'm not even going to argue why. There's no point.

Erm, why is it obvious? :wacko: You'll need to spell it out for me since we were all wrong yesterday it seems.

You are really going to argue that you are innocent after yesterday's shit? Might I state you were a 100% certain you were lynching the final scum and today we would win. Petrus was convinced today was going to be the day we lose because of just that. Obviously we were wrong about that particular part, we are still here, but you lynched a freaking towny yesterday. It was YOU vs Petrus. Petrus was town, you are not!

To even bringing up that it has to be me or someone else is just insulting. Patrekr hiding his role is idiotic, I admit, and not a townie thing to do at all. But think about it this way. My theory still works. No scum kill? Not like the ones we've seen before since that scum team is done for, remember. Face it. My theory still works. Dragmall, you might as well give up now. Yesterday you may have had stupid people following you, but now that it's found out Petrus was innocent, they will see.

About Cranebeinn, he asked me who to give it to as well. I said it probably did not matter, but if it does me or Patrekr, since Rurik would probably be killed. :sceptic:

You were also convinced I was in a third scum faction with Canute, which is clearly wrong. Obviously, we were all wrong yesterday, you included. The way forward is to think logically, not illogically.

Clearly we have two options; Wary framed Petrus, or Dagrun did. If Dagrun did, then that makes sense I admit. If Wary did, it was to force us away from suspecting him. As has been noted, I would be perfectly happy with lynching Wary, but I am uncertain at this stage that it is the right thing to do. I do not believe there are three factions, and Wary has killed several servants so far. However, since Petrus was town, he was either converted that night, or no attempt at conversion was made.

If you honestly think Wary and I are on a scum team Snotra, surely you would be trying to lynch Wary, who has been doing the killing, and not me? I find the fact that you are so focused on me rather odd. If you wish to try and help figure things out then do feel free to chip in, otherwise you can leave it to the rest of us, I don't mind. Your views on Patrekr, Wary and Sveinn would be appreciated however.

Wary is the only killer left in the game, barring paranoid fella here. There has not been a scum kill in two nights. If Dragmall was scum, I don't see how, in his position, he'd allow the scum kill to go unhindered two nights in a row, in fact, letting it happen would probably help incriminate other people! Instead, no scum kill and a blocked Snotra. It'd stand to reason that Wary is the most dangerous person left alive here, right? Maybe it would be best to lynch him?

There's really very few evidence to suggest he's actually the Vig. There was Gofraid who had the spear. How on earth did he get that? Wary has been very cooperative with us, but it's not like he'd care who he killed if he was the SK. Maybe it's another bs moment where if it got down to himself and three others he'd win. Then there's the whole conversion thing.

Wary seemed pretty absent yesterday, comparatively so to the rest of us. Looks a bit like sitting back and letting us kill each other, doesn't it?

I think Wary would be a good way to go.

How Dragmall would allow the scum kill to go hindered for two nights, I mean *

I would agree that I find it very odd that Wary was so quiet yesterday. I still think that conversion is very possible, and Sveinn is right, he is the only killer left by the looks of it. Not to mention he set up Petrus beautifully yesterday, and by extension myself since I was bent on following that lead instead of the third party idea which I knew was wrong.

It does come down to this; Gofraid was clearly the town vig. That makes Wary an SK. While he was working with us up to a point, I do think that conversion is very likely. It is clear his kill action isn't passed around like the scum one was, so if we lynch him, the night kills stop.

That seems like a pretty solid reason for a lynch to me.

My views on Patrekr, Wary and Sveinn? Sure.

Patrekr: Screamed townie at me, you accusing him was very odd to me. But. I did think that Dagrun was townie as well from her interaction with me. I do not see a good reason why Patrekr would withold his role, it seems asking for townies to die. I hope he clarifies that and has a good reason. I think his constant switch yesterday was odd, and the fact that he did an impossible action to make it seem like he was not responsible for the lynching of a townie gives me doubts as well, but I'm leaning townie on him, still.

Wary: I think he is scum with you. I don't know why Sveinn thinks he can't be working with you. If my theory is correct, all kills directly benefit you. I think it's quite obvious Dagrun was alone, and tried to persuade Wary who she thought was the SK, into joining her right then if she'd act like she was with more than one. If Wary framed Petrus, that means my theory is true by default, as Wary killed Dagrun. The more logical however is you are just working with him. I'm going to have to think about the implications some more, but lynching Wary seems like a solid choice. However, it won't clear you at all. I think there must be three scum left, if my theory is correct, and what will happen is either he is really the SK after all, in which case the scum will win because they will outnumber the town (or 3v3, which is a scum win), and that's why you are going for him right now. If that is the case, I'm sure Wary the Serial Killer will say that later in thread, we can deal with that then. The other possibility is that Wary is just scum. Either way, he is not the Vigilante as he claimed, and that's worrying. If he is the serial killer and he wants to win, I suggest for his sake to bring that forward.

Sveinn: Rurik and Petrus seemed pretty sure he was townie. I was not so sure. I think the fact that you gloated at me that he would never change his vote, the fact that he constantly said he had doubts but never did anything to validate it, never brought forth his own arguments why he thought he did, and so forth, it makes it pretty sure to me he knew all along Petrus was going to end up town. I think he's scum with you, if you're scum.

I hope these views are sufficient. To me it boils down to that if Wary is really still the Serial Killer, the town will possibly lose if there are three scum left.

So, you think there are three scum, Svienn, Wary and I? When I just raised why I think we should vote for both of them? :wacko:

If Wary is truly scum, he will naturally claim to be the SK and try to get someone else killed, that is obvious. If he claims that, who do you think the third scum is with myself and Sveinn? I find it very unlikely that there are three scum left, not least because one of them would have to be you, since I know I'm not one.

Personally I think Wary is probably scum, and possibly one other, the person that completed the conversion of him. That one other would probably have to be Sveinn if Patrekr's "paranoid axe killer" claim is to be believed. Fangy didn't target anyone night 5, so we know it wasn't him that did the conversion, if one occurred. I think Wary is probably a better lynch since we know he can kill at night. Leaving him alive gives the possibility for he and the scum to kill two more townies, which in your opinion would make us lose.

I think it's more likely the scum are you, Sveinn and Carl, with Wary being the Serial Killer.

Which, as you can see, would result in a lynch for the scum as well If I am correct.

That must be win for the scum, naturally.

But if there are three scum plus the SK, surely the SK would just side with the three scum and vote off a townie? :wacko: According to that idea, you've already lost, which is nonsense.

But for the scum it does not matter. For them to win. And tell me, what is easier? Voting off a townie, which me, Wilhalm and Patrekr almost certainly are, or voting off someone who is the serial killer and was because of the lynch widely considered suspcious to begin with.

I already said it would be a good idea to vote off the SK...

By your logic though, if there are 3 scum plus an SK, that makes 4 against 3 townies, so they would just vote off a townie and win, right? So you're clearly wrong with that theory, as usual.

  On 11/11/2012 at 12:59 PM, Dragonator said:

I already said it would be a good idea to vote off the SK...

By your logic though, if there are 3 scum plus an SK, that makes 4 against 3 townies, so they would just vote off a townie and win, right? So you're clearly wrong with that theory, as usual.

I must say I had not considered that. I'll need to think for a bit.

Right, maybe try thinking without your huge obsession with killing me. :laugh: It isn't overly helpful.

It's quite simple if you look at it. Wary may or may not have been converted, but killing him will certainly help us figure out which is true. I think it's becoming increasingly clear he doesn't win with the town. Once he is gone, we either win or we need to figure out who the scum is that converted him; Patrekr, you or Sveinn. Easy huh?

And why can't it be Wilhalm or Carl, exactly?

  On 11/11/2012 at 4:19 PM, Scubacarrot said:

And why can't it be Wilhalm or Carl, exactly?

It can't be Carl because Carl is the town watcher. Carl knows all and sees all! :sing:

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