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Nestled deep in the forests of Avalonia lies an Elven grove of great history and power. There has always been an Elven Protector who has watched over the Sacred Grove since the shrine to the White Hart was built there and the first saplings were planted by Dalaenus. The current protector is Lord Varis of the Rustling Leaves Clan. The Elves say that the White Harts grants gifts to it's followers in the sacred soil. This is where the saplings grew that became the trees of the Sacred Grove.


With the onslaught of Victor Revolword's Elementals, the inhabitants of Brullum Harbor and the Crossroads have sought refuge in the Sacred Grove. Lord Varis has granted access to the grove, and rude walls have been erected for protection, and a crude shelter has been built to house the refugees. The Elves of the Rustling Leaves Clan have also taken up residence in the Grove to assist their neighbors.


The Shrine to the White Hart lies nestled amongst the trees of the Grove which have grown up around it.


The statues at the top of the shrines stair depict Veldanaline the Elven Sorceress and Adravus the Elvish Champion, heroes of the ancient Elves. The White Hart has caused saplings to sprout in the sacred soil of the shrine when the Elves have had need. Elven druids have been known to inhabit the shrine and worship in the Grove.


The tower at the rear of the shrine serves as a vantage point of the surrounding lands and has rooms sufficient to house a very small garrision.


The first thing built once the refugees started flooding in was a stout wooden palisade supported behind by earthen berms.


Bowmen are stationed on the walls, and the space behind is crammed with weapons, foodstuffs and other supplies.


Many of the villagers brought their livestock with them and these beasts have been cordoned off to protect the supplies and maintain some order within the walls of the compound.


The villagers of Brullum Harbor and the Crossroads have made their residence on the north side of the shrine in a log shelter built into the ground for added protection.


The villagers remain mostly in the shelter while the Avalonian soldiers maintains guard of the walls. The soldiers' common area is located on the roof of the shelter, and is built into a portion of the wooden palisade.


A great fire is kept lit in the shelter to ward off the chills of Autumn and the cooler earthen walls. The shelter is quite crowded with villagers, and many are in low spirits in the close quarters.


Grodvek has brought his wife and son with him from the crossroads. Luckily, most of their crops had already been harvested, but he still worries about looters or pests as his stores at home will need to last them through the winter ahead.


Cecil B. Prosperous has found the current situation to be quite fortuitous as he had just been recently evicted from the mansion he had been squatting in. The captive audience should also give him a wealth of opportunities for conniving and perhaps even some petty larceny. Currently, he is trying to determine who he might pawn off his rotten fish on - although the odor is becoming quite overwhelming.


Barl the pig farmer (although he only owns the one pig) is quite protective of his prize hog "Hog" and he keeps him close at hand for security and comfort - a pig makes a good pillow, as he is known to say.


Up above, some of the soldiers have just finished their shift, and are sitting down to a hearty dinner. The Avalonian regiment has brought it own supplies wagons, and the soliders are accustomed to life on the move, so they are enjoying the relative quiet and permanence of their current plight.

Lord Varis and the Elves of the Rustling Leaves Clan have made their encampment on the south side of the shrine, and have erected canopied tents beneath one of the great Oaks of the Grove. The Elves are more accustomed to a transient life, and are well prepared for a long engagement if necessary.


Madame Sarveya, the ruler of Brullum Harbor, is currently discussing the general state of the camp's supplies with Lord Varis, as well as the preparations that are being made in case they must weather the winter here.


Commander Aderian, Varis' Master of Blades, has just returned from a scouting mission, but there has been no sign of elemntals since their initial assault on the grove, which proved futile due to the magics of the shrine.


One of the villagers has pilfered a haunch of meat from the soldiers and a bottle of mead from the Elves... perhaps not the wisest of thieves....

While the magics of the shrine have staved off the attacks by Victor's elementals, there's no telling what other insidious creatures he may summon or recruit. Both the Elves and the soliders feel that is better to fortify their position and sit tight for the time being.


Wonderful trees and shrine! It's very recognizable that you built it :thumbup:

The palisade with earth behind it is a great idea and the underground area is excellent.

Keep up the good work :classic:


Great stuff Rouge! You can definitely see your elven style showing through. Lots of nice details and I really like the great fire and the tower is wonderful in itself.

good luck


A lovely build with lots of details to marvel at :wub: It's obvious at first glance that this is an elven site and the non-rectangular shpae of the base makes it stand out all the more. The white tower is among the most beautifully designed I've seen around here, its white colour really does make it unique.

All in all, a truly great entry and best of luck in the voting :classic:


Great job! Nice touch with the statues at the top of the stairs. The tent design is really cool and your palisade is unique and well done as well. And a nice story to go along with it.


The trees are excellent! I like the white tower look as well my Elfy friend.

Lots of good details on here too. I must say, you usually have the most unique ideas in Avalonia.

Looks like your photos need a little more light, but that is a minor complaint.

Avalonia is kicking some tail this round!


I really like the giant tree, and the shrine is really well done. Beautiful curves and the fact that its all white really makes it stand out. Well done!


Thanks for all the comments!

I picked up the white wizard hat off Bricklink.

I am indeed from Wisconsin - the Milwaukee area.

The curves on the bottom of the shrine were done with the ski slopes that I used for the roof of my tower in my signature. Those things sure have come in handy!

Lighting is definitely one of my biggest issues. I finally photographed with a white background, but my builds are always too fragile to move outside, where I would get better light.

I am very happy with the fir tree and the large oak. Definite improvement over the Embassy tree in it's shape and that it is less geometrical. I was also very pleased with how the shrine turned out. I had thought of the main tower idea for a round tower, and the base of the building (with the ski slopes) just fell into place as I was working with it.

I should have time tomorrow night to finally take a look at all the other entries for this challenge. I'm very impressed with what I've seen so far!


Great stuff! I really like the enormous tree and the curves of the base of the tower. Also the fire place is neat, I'm going to remember that one!

That was one of the most frustrating parts of the build. I had to brace it with one of these and I had to place the bars in just the right places or they would slide off and knock the other bars down. Total pain, and it took me about 10 times to get them all in place for the picture, but I really like the look.


I really like the cramped feeling you made in the camp, its packed with so many details, but doesn't seem overwhelming.

The overgrown trees and the shrine are fantastic too. Very LOTR feeling- love it! :thumbup:


This is really great! The first thing that my eyes are drawn to are the two trees on the left! They look outstanding and fits very well with the rest of the moc! Love the fact that they are so big!

The second thing is the contrast between the pure, smooth and tiled white part and the camp with all the roughness, soldiers and so on!

This is surely a great and solid entry!

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