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Once, a very long time ago in ancient times, there lived a man who was a druid and a wizard... But many people says thats just a myth. In the legend, a temple was built for him. But no one knows where. Until now. The temple was found, and because some people said "the temple has magical force", Styrbjorn decided to make a war camp there.


The idea with the tall pillar with the ruby was a solar calendar.


I had no more dark tan or tan pieces so I say the sun is on one side of the roof, and shadow on the other.


The inspiration to the temple was some temples in legend of zelda games and roman architecture.



The great oak grows on the temple, maybe magic forces makes it to grow?


Styrbjorn in a new hat is planning. The minimicrofigures is meaned to was a figure for a army.


The soldiers are training.


More soldier training, and a wizard (with bandit's head) is trying toopen the gate with a carrot and a ancient axe. (People says he is mad... Maybe he is, maybe not)


The baddest pic of them all... The house! It shall be more houses like this behind but the moc is too small.


Sorry for bad pics I must buy a camera. And sorry for my english (i am sure everything is wrong)

C&C is welcome.

Edit: maybe I should have womens in this moc... No one is to few... Too late now!

Edit again: My younger brother said that if this was a lego set he would buy it. That's good, because he Says often "thats really bad" or something like that. *happy*

Edited by Styrbjorn

The LEGO brick work looks very good. I like your details and the temple is very cool.

Looks like you still need to improve on your photos skills though. I think the MOC would really benefit from better lighting, and the photos could be cropped.


Great work! how old's your little bro? I have a 12 year old he does that for jsu t about every creation I make, occasionally I get an OK. I also have a 5 year old one but he's cool.

great entry! Keep it up!



Guess I'm fortunate to have two fairly positive brothers... Nice work on your entry, the build itself looks great from what I can see, especially the temple. However, I'll have to agree with others that you could use some better photos. From the way you said it, I take it you took these with a phone? If you are using a camera, I would highly recomend using flash! :wink:


Thank you! And I will take new pics maybe in saturday... The sun is gone at 15 and it's dark 15:30 so I can't do it in week. And they maybe becomes better but I can't promise anything.


You have outdone yourself Styrbjorn! This is one good looking MOC! The facade is brilliant and I´m really impressed how fast you have improved your building skills! Well done and I hope you will post this on Swebrick aswell!

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