February 5, 20223 yr 1 hour ago, zephyr1934 said: Excellent and thank you! I'm not sure if this thread was ever pinned but it was definitely missing and missed. That might be the case of course, but at least there was another topic that got unpinned recently. Might also have been human error.
February 7, 20223 yr Welcome @Stranky and @Flaming Bricks! Looking forward to seeing your builds. Welcome @verybricks! I've been a fan of the Airport Shuttle ever since I discovered it in high school (2005-ish). Luckily got my hands on one a year or two later. Welcome @BananaBrick01. 6990 is a classic! Love that one!
March 22, 20222 yr Hi! Like many I got back into Lego during the pandemic. I have been looking at the forums for the past 2 years or so and decided it time to introduce myself I had (and still have 7730) since I was young. I have been building my 12v collection up for the past 2 years (spending more than I should :)) and have particularly enjoyed looking at the 12v train post on here. Recently I have been building from 7777 and have a couple of MOCs in the works... 12v+!
March 23, 20222 yr Welcome @pfo353. We would love to see your 12v collection and MOCs. Many on this forum enjoy the classic lines of the era.
May 9, 20222 yr Hi everyone, I'm Matt, from Worcestershire, UK. I've been a reader of the trains section of the forum for about a year, but finally decided to sign up. I always loved Lego as a kid, and particularly loved it when I got Lego trains for Christmas. I started with the classic 12V passenger train 7745, and then the 12V Cargo train 7735, also adding level crossing, extra points and track, signals, and car transporter depot. All of this was around the time of Lego changing to 9V system, so I combined the above with the Metro station 4554, Metroliner Clubcar, and two of the 9V crocodile locomotives which I converted to 12V operation by purchasing some additional motors from Lego spares. Also some additional wagons from the early 9V era such as the container double stack. I now wish I'd bought more of the club car and container double stack to make longer trains of each. Until recently I haven't used my Lego for years, but now with a young daughter who is getting interested in Lego I have been inspired to not only get the old Lego back out again, but also to purchase new trains for the first time for around 25 years. I have bought 4 of 60197 to make into 2 train sets, with a few mods such as converting two of the buffet cars into seating cars to have just one buffet per train. Now looking at how to effectively combine the newer trains with the older 12V stuff that I have. Of course the new can run on the 12V track as it's battery powered, but the old can't run on the new track, so it will need a bit of thinking about, but I am already inspired by some of what I have seen here to have a go at creating some of my own designs of trains and freight wagons
May 9, 20222 yr HI to all! I`m Kostiantyn (Constantin) from Ukraine. I`ve been for a long time fascinating by Lego and trains(but can`t afford some) Fist trains that I saw were 4559 - Cargo Railway(still want even for this time and for me one of the coolest ones) and 4560 (that was in lego magazine and called as "blue arrow") and hobby/factory train Lego 10183 Hobby (we need to make a comeback for this) Dye to low wages (and war) got not some well with cash and mostly looked for trains and buy cheaper Chinese bootlegs(coz favourite Trainz form creator expert cost a hella-a-lot) so Maersk (Dham so gorgeous diesel-electric hood unit), TGV(or in lego city/world Horizon Express), emerald night (i hope lego will do great with new DTC Hogwarts express(but 2018 one is good one)) and 2020 Crocodile 10277 (by a bootleg and fix the gaps in it coz they are too obvious) Mostly make some MOCs with Stud.Io and post on BrickLink My stuff on BrickLink
May 11, 20222 yr Hi Train Tech! I'm Tom from Ireland. I'm new to eurobricks, I've lurked very occasionally for years but I'm more active in my local lugs and on flickr. Never had Lego trains as a kid but I always wanted them. I took the plunge in the summer of 2020 when Argos had a sale on 60197, just to get started with a few parts. I'm not really into collecting sets for the most part, just MOC-building. Now I've got two train MOCs and a third one in the works which I hope to complete in the next couple of weeks. I'm also getting started building a city in the spare bedroom, but it'll be a long time before I get a chance to lay any track as the plan is for it all to be elevated which obviously is quite part-intensive.
May 11, 20222 yr Well seemingly I joined the forum about a year ago and did not see this pinned, I tend to not share to much about my personal self online. But I am from Florida the hell state. I've long been a fan of legos, though it is one of my "main hobbies" my interest in it did not start back up till maybe two three years ago? have a small collection of modular buildings, some star wars stuff and a few MOC's of others laying about and of course my current AC-9 Project. I am very un-orthodox with builds and I break a lot of rules as I come from a model making mindset and if i need to modify a piece i probably will or 3d print a custom part, I really like trains and mechanical stuff and when I decided to make my own locomotive I ended up making it a lego instead of jumping into G scale ( and its a bit cheaper to boot, if you know how to source from stuff efficiently like off bricklink or get some black market lego to fill in gaps ). The community has been more then welcoming and I don't think id have made as much progress if not for the collection of ideas and designs through it, Catch ya'll around.
August 6, 20222 yr Hello Everyone! I am X_Builds and I have been playing with LEGO trains for as long as I can remember. I have loved trains ever since I was an infant watching Thomas the Tank Engine, I Love Toy Trains, and IRL train documentaries. However, it was the Christmas of 2008 that would change my life for years to come. A few weeks prior, my parents took me to the local LEGO Store to see if I would be interested in anything. My little legs would eventually take me to something that made my jaw drop. In front of me would be my first ever LEGO train, the 7897 RC Passenger Train. 14 Years later, that first set has grown into a collection that my younger self would gawk at. I have only just started to seriously plan out my MOC designs, and I have some big plans for the future. I have been a lurker on this forum for a while now, but I think I am finally ready to start reaching out and meet new people that enjoy this hobby.
August 6, 20222 yr Welcome aboard! That's a great story about finding your first train set, and indeed, having the collection the younger you would die for. Looking forward to seeing your comments and posts in the forum.
November 26, 20222 yr Hello everyone! I’m Ian, from Spain. Like many other people over here I’ve been lurking around for quite some time, you all inspire me so much! And I think it’s about time I started participating. I’ve been interested in Lego trains pretty much all my life. My first ever Lego train set was 4837 3 in 1 Mini Train which was gifted to me when I was a kid. By now I only have a handful of the original pieces, but the nostalgia I hold for that tiny plastic toy is immeasurable. It was soon followed by 7597, which provided me with my first train-specific Lego bricks, and by the time I acquired 7939 (We’re talking recent history here folks!) I realized Lego trains just hit different. I’ve never really experienced a “Dark Age” (I know you guys like to call it that ). Each passing year I wanted to take my Lego trains to the next level. The city trains wouldn’t cut it anymore, and the proper Lego trains they produce like the Horizon Express or the Crocodile Locomotive take forever to be released, so I took to MOCing to fill that niche. The perfect product to bridge that gap was the “Express Train grey blue” from BlueBrixx (TGV Atlantique), an entire train set (No pitiful half train) with realistic proportions and decent detailing. I modified it to match its cousin, Renfe AVE series 100, the first ever Spanish high-speed rail service (A must have!). Currently I have a MOC in the works, Renfe ALVIA series 130, which I’d love to share with you all as soon as I think it’s ready. Edited November 26, 20222 yr by Ferro-Friki Grammar editing
November 28, 20222 yr @Ferro-Friki Welcome to Eurobricks and the Train forum. Many of us understand the feelings generated by our first LEGO train set. Glad to hear you've stayed with building all these years. Can't wait to see your Renfe ALVIA class 130. Even work in progress do well here as we can help if you get stuck on something.
November 30, 20222 yr Hello, everyone! I don't know much about train products and trains! I was introduced to the train by my creative friends, and I was fascinated by the heavy and magnificent look of the train! I want to share and study various ways to access train information. I want to show you my creations soon! Thank you!
December 28, 20222 yr Hello everyone! Back in the early 80's me and my brother had a 12V train system. First one, 7725, I bought with my own saved birthday money, and since then we bought a lot of stuff together. At most we had three engines (7725, 7750 and 7735), three switches and enough track to make an 8-shaped track and an oval around it + one parking track. Early December I got a new spark into the thing while visiting a local Lego cafe, where I learned that our old 7750 steam locomotive was very rare and expensive. I had had the train parts in my own attic for a few years already (from our parents' place), but hadn't bothered to look them all that closely. As I then told a few people I had taken them out and planned to build a track and test whether they still work after 40 or so years, I had two major donors giving me their 12V lego stuff. In the end I had three engines and enough track to fill a quarter of our living room, and let our almost 5-year old drive the train. (Only one of the engines was in good working order and one of our old engines lost who knows where over the years, so basically only one engine in use before I managed to service one... 7750 engine still waiting for maintenance.) Since then I've bought some carefully considered additions from BrickOwl and eBay, and am looking forward to renovating that upstairs room to have more space to m... krhm, our son's lego train tracks and build a lego city connected to it. Edited December 28, 20222 yr by Ncore
January 1, 20232 yr Hi everyone! I'm Evan and I live in Colorado, USA. I mainly make Pirate and Western MOCs, but my LUG (CoWLUG) participates in multiple train shows every year so I'm getting into trains too! I recently invested in some 9V track and motors, and am working on a Thomas the Tank Engine MOC and layout as well as a Stevenson Rocket MOC. Planning to make the display very detailed so that it's fun to show at the Train Expos. Looking forward to learning more about trains!
January 17, 20232 yr Hello! I'm "TeenyTinyBricks", I live in the US. I love all things trains, but especially steam trains. I haven't made a lot yet due to limited time and money but I do have a few 6-wide MOCs.
January 21, 20232 yr Hi guys, I'm Afolomus, a recent returnee to the hobby. My childhood Lego from the late 90's and early 00's is thankfully still there. After building up a few of my favorite models from the pirates and star wars themes I came back to the theme I missed the most. I always wanted but never got 4559. So now with a little bit more spending money I went out and found the extremely impressive MOC scene as well as the brick trains sets from Bluebrixx. After endulging a bit, I wanted to wrap it up in a bigger project. And that's where I am now. Bought lots of used Lego and planning a 7x9 base plate train world at the moment. Greetings from germany
January 28, 20232 yr I took apart my red passenger and white passenger trains and built my version of the London Tube trains. I currently have 2 4-car trains and another 4 cars under construction. I'm planning on rebuilding a new city as soon as I make some space in my spare room. I used to have an L shaped city. This is my YouTube channel but you have to go back a bit to see the progress from the start: Edited January 28, 20232 yr by ElectricianFTT
February 8, 20232 yr Hi! I'm Ionut. I'm not much of a train fan, but i like them and i build a few train moc.
April 3, 20231 yr Hi Everyone. I got into LEGO trains after seeing "Tornado" in the film "Paddington Bear II". After finding out about this new steam train. I decided to make his knock off chinese Emerald Night look like it. Since then I have made several train/coaches/wagons all with genuine LEGO. ALthough I do make my own 3d parts and have made 2 of my MOC's with DIY steam systems and one simulates the drain cocks aswell.
April 3, 20231 yr 12 hours ago, Liam Biggs said: Hi Everyone. I got into LEGO trains after seeing "Tornado" in the film "Paddington Bear II". After finding out about this new steam train. I decided to make his knock off chinese Emerald Night look like it. Since then I have made several train/coaches/wagons all with genuine LEGO. ALthough I do make my own 3d parts and have made 2 of my MOC's with DIY steam systems and one simulates the drain cocks aswell. Welcome to Train Tech! A few people have made smoke generators in their mocs, but I don't think I've ever seen / heard of actual steam systems or drain cocks being made in Lego before. It sounds really cool! On 2/8/2023 at 12:04 PM, Pufarine said: Hi! I'm Ionut. I'm not much of a train fan, but i like them and i build a few train moc. Welcome to you as well!
April 6, 20231 yr Thank you for the welcome On 4/4/2023 at 7:13 AM, Murdoch17 said: Welcome to Train Tech! A few people have made smoke generators in their mocs, but I don't think I've ever seen / heard of actual steam systems or drain cocks being made in Lego before. It sounds really cool! Welcome to you as well! I have posted here the model:-
April 20, 20231 yr Hello y'all! Tom from North Carolina, USA. Originally from Prague, though. As a (not so wealthy) European kid growing up in the 90s, I never had any trains. This was somewhat rectified in my late 30s. I got back into LEGO again in 2019 and have been able to buy most recent trains from eBay and BL, some for top dollar and some for less than that. As of now, I enjoy the standard LEGO-designed trains (6 studs wide) but I suspect that once I have built all the trains I will want to experiment some. Since my space is constrained at the moment, lots of my trains are still in their original boxes waiting to be unboxed and built. We are in the process of moving from a townhouse to a larger single-family house, sot my little single-loop layout shown below will get upgraded to a proper ~3m by ~1.5m layout in the coming months. I am also hopeful that my 2-year-old twins will be into LEGO. One of them likes to push buttons on my Powered Up controller, the other likes to draw instead.
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